Mindful Parenting: Raising Kind, Conf...

How do you raise kind, confident kids without losing your cool? How do you manage kids’ behavior, help them regulate their big emotions, AND stay grounded? 

Mindful Parenting is here to help. I’m Hunter Clarke-Fields, former yelling, frustrated mom. Dealing with my anger drove me to find practical, compassionate parenting strategies to regulate emotions as well as mindfulness to bring peace to the chaos at home. 

In each refreshingly honest episode you’ll come away knowing that you have permission to be human, you're not alone, and it won't always be this hard.

If you've looking for conscious, positive parenting strategies and expert advice on issues like tech/screen time, ADHD, tantrums, teens, toddlers, and more, you’re in the right place. Join our community of parents changing generational patterns for a brighter future! https://www.mindfulmamamentor.com/

Kids & Family
Health & Fitness
What Is Mindful Parenting - Hunter Clarke-Field...
What makes Mindful Parenting different? What do you learn inside Mindful Parenting? How is it different from “mindfulness for parents?” In this very special reverse-interview, Hunter answers questions posed by Lynn Weller, the Mindful Parenting...
67 min
Montessori At Home & At School - Simone Davies ...
Montessori is an innovative education modality that puts great emphasis on preparing the environment to help children succeed. They follow children’s sensitive periods for more individualized learning. Montessori has prepared some amazing creative...
54 min
How To Be a Better Dad - Larry Hagner [270]
How can dads step up to the plate and become better dads to their kids? Larry Hagner, the creator of The Dad Edge Podcast, is here to let us know. Find out how dads can become better role models and improve marital relationships too! *New!* Watch...
58 min
Mindful Parenting - Hunter Clarke-Fields on Sag...
Hunter makes a guest appearance on Sage Family Podcast, with Rachel Rainbolt. In this conversation, they talk about what it means to parent mindfully. They discuss topics like what’s happening in our brains and bodies when we feel the stress...
85 min
Birds & Bees: How To Protect Your Child - Amy L...
Birds & Bees. This is a conversation so many of us put off. Perhaps, it’s the uncomfortable memories we have of having an awkward conversation with our parents, or maybe it’s a conversation our parents never even had with us. However, this is...
65 min
The Science of Self Care - Lisa Feldman Barrett...
Why do emotions feel automatic and uncontrollable? Does rational thought really control emotion? How does emotion affect disease? The brain is so amazingly complex and still largely a mystery. My conversation with Dr. Lisa Feldman Barrett, who is...
65 min
How to Handle Screen Time - Anya Kamenetz [266]
During this time of remote learning, there are so many questions that are coming up around screen time. Are our kids getting too much screen time? Is there such a thing as “healthy” screen time? When is time to cut back on screen time? Anya...
56 min
Transforming Your Authoritarian Roots - Leslie ...
Our parenting styles are strongly influenced by both how we were parented and current societal norms. However, what if how we have learned to parent doesn’t feel right? What if we believe our children deserve more? In this conversation, I talk to...
60 min
How to Communicate More Skillfully With Your Ki...
We parents are often unknowingly (and knowingly) making some big communication mistakes with our children. These mistakes can cause resistance, resentment, and damage to your relationship. How can we communicate better? I talk to Jennie Rosier, Ph.D....
54 min
How To Handle Remote Learning - Steven Greene [...
How is it that we are here in February and STILL struggling with remote learning? Sigh. Yes, the pandemic will end one day, but in the meantime, remote learning is not working super-well for a bunch of kids. For help, I talk to author and educator...
57 min
Are You a WEIRD Parent? - David F. Lancy [262]
Do you feel guilty if you don’t like to play with your child - or feel bad because you want a break from your child? Don’t! These are new developments in WEIRD (western, educated, industrialized, rich, democratic) societies—that don’t actually...
62 min
How To Be Less Reactive - Hunter Clarke-Fields ...
When we are in autopilot mode or reactive, we tend to be at our worst at our parenting—missing chances to connect and see what’s going on under the surface for our children. Without a mindfulness practice in our lives, we can become overrun by...
38 min
How To Resolve Family Conflicts - Katherine Win...
How does the way we parent our children relate to the criminal justice system? According to my podcast guest, Katherine Wintery-Sellery, a lot. In this episode, we talk about family conflict and the essential mindset changes we need to move to a more...
58 min
Unconditional Parenting - Alfie Kohn [259]
What do children need most? Unconditional love. Most of us can agree on that, yet we often don’t even realize the ways in which we are conditional with our parenting, which is not only bad for kids, it’s deeply counterproductive! Author and...
37 min
Let Your Fears Make You Fierce - Koya Webb [258]
Everyone experiences fears, and sometimes they can hold us back from living authentically and achieving our full potential. So what do we do with our fears? Author and wellness coach Koya Webb tells us that our fears can be our teachers and make us...
59 min
Best of Mindful Mama 2020 [257]
Top 5 Mindful Mama episodes of 2020.   Learn about: - The best way to respond when your child won't listen - How to handle academics during remote learning - How to break free of perfectionism - How to keep ourselves replenished to handle...
73 min
The Power of Self-Compassion - Kristin Neff [256]
What do you say to yourself when you mess up with your kids? If you are like many of us, you berate yourself. My guest, Kristin Neff, has done research that shows that our harsh self-criticism does NOT work. It doesn’t help us grow and become better...
36 min
How To Declutter for the New Year - Katy Wells ...
Clutter causes stress, costs you money, and eats away your time. Will this new year be the year that you clear away the clutter and create a simpler, more joyful environment? I talk to Katy Wells of The Maximized Minimalist podcast about how we can...
55 min
How to Cope With 2020 - Anna Seewald & Hunter C...
2020 has been an incredibly difficult year with the global pandemic, multiple crises, the election, remote learning, and more. We’ve all had to deal with multiple disappointments and anxieties. Today I talk to Anna Seewald about 10 ways to cope with...
68 min
A Perfectly Imperfect Parent - Lisa Sugarman [253]
We have a lot of stress in our lives and we want to do well for our children. But sometimes, the more we push to get it right, the more off-course we get. My podcast guest this week reminds us that it’s okay to drop some balls sometimes. We don’t...
58 min
Simpler, More Natural Parenting - Rachel Rainbo...
Simpler, more natural living is really appealing to thoughtful parents in our world of more tech and more stuff. It can give us a sense of rest and ease. But how do we get there from our busy lives? My guest, Rachel Rainbolt helps us move from...
58 min
When Your Child Is Trans - Paria Hassouri [251]
What is it like when your child tells you they are trans? This happened to Paria Hassouri when her then son, came out as a girl at 13 years old. Find out what it’s like parenting a transgender teen. If you enjoyed this episode, and it inspired you...
57 min
Raising Free People - Akilah Richards [250]
What messages does our kids' education send? What are the lived results—does it keep their spark of curiosity alive? Like many of us, especially this year, you may be totally frustrated with your kid’s education system. In this episode, I talk to...
56 min
How To Talk To Kids About Diversity - Carolyn H...
Talking about racial and lifestyle differences can be hard and uncomfortable. Yet it’s our job to raise the next generation to respect and learn from people who look or believe differently than we do. Carolyn Helsel and Y. Joy Harris-Smith offer...
60 min
Nurture Shock - Ashley Merryman [248]
Sometimes truths about parenting go against the grain—against what we assume is natural or normal. Ashley Merryman loves to find research that debunks conventionally held truths. Learn about the problem with praise, and what are some of the best...
63 min