Mindful Parenting: Raising Kind, Conf...

How do you raise kind, confident kids without losing your cool? How do you manage kids’ behavior, help them regulate their big emotions, AND stay grounded? 

Mindful Parenting is here to help. I’m Hunter Clarke-Fields, former yelling, frustrated mom. Dealing with my anger drove me to find practical, compassionate parenting strategies to regulate emotions as well as mindfulness to bring peace to the chaos at home. 

In each refreshingly honest episode you’ll come away knowing that you have permission to be human, you're not alone, and it won't always be this hard.

If you've looking for conscious, positive parenting strategies and expert advice on issues like tech/screen time, ADHD, tantrums, teens, toddlers, and more, you’re in the right place. Join our community of parents changing generational patterns for a brighter future! https://www.mindfulmamamentor.com/

Kids & Family
Health & Fitness
Mindful Mama Daily Dose | Day 8
Welcome to day eight of the Mindful Mama Daily Dose—my way of supporting you, a smart, thoughtful parent who is doing your best. This daily dose will include a 5-minute guided meditation followed by a brief invitation for how you can make your day...
7 min
Mindful Mama Daily Dose | Day 7
Practice Pause
7 min
Mindful Mama Daily Dose | Day 6
Detox from News
6 min
The Joy of Missing Out - Tonya Dalton [214]
Get Hunter's book, Raising Good Humans now! When we have kids it can often feel like we’re running around doing a thousand things but we haven’t gotten anything done. Today’s podcast guest, Tonya Dalton, author of The Joy Of Missing Out, breaks...
51 min
Mindful Mama Daily Dose | Day 5
Practice Presence
7 min
Mindful Mama Daily Dose | Day 4
Welcome to day four of the Mindful Mama Daily Dose—my way of supporting you, a smart, thoughtful parent who is doing your best.   This daily dose will include a 5-minute guided meditation followed by a brief invitation for how you can make your...
7 min
Mindful Mama Daily Dose | Day 3
Welcome to day three of the Mindful Mama Daily Dose. This is my way of supporting you, a smart, thoughtful parent who is doing your best. This daily dose will include a 5-minute guided meditation followed by a brief invitation for how you can make...
7 min
Mindful Mama Daily Dose | Day 2
Stay Grounded with Mindful Phone Boundaries
7 min
Mindful Mama Daily Dose | Day 1
Welcome to day one of the Mindful Mama Daily Dose. I’m Hunter Clarke-Fields, and this is my way of supporting you, a smart, thoughtful parent who is doing your best. This daily dose will include a 5-minute guided meditation followed by a brief...
7 min
Become a Stable Center of Peace - Oren Sofer & ...
Get Hunter's book, Raising Good Humans now! These are anxious times with schools closing and communities taking action to slow down the spread of the coronavirus. Is the anxiety getting to you? In this special episode, Hunter talks to two meditation...
68 min
How to Survive Being Quarantined with Your Kids...
Get Hunter's book, Raising Good Humans now! With massive numbers of school closures beginning across the country, it’s important to have a plan. Most kids and their parents are not used to endless hours with our kids. Catherine Pearlman, The Family...
58 min
How to Rekindle Your Sex Life After Kids - Sofi...
Get Hunter's book, Raising Good Humans now! Chances are that your sex life changed drastically after you had a child. But today’s podcast guest, sex coach Sofia Ashley, tells us that it doesn’t have to be a desert out there. We CAN rekindle our...
58 min
How to Make a More Equal Partnership - Katie Rö...
Get Hunter's book, Raising Good Humans now! Many couples fall into old gender-stereotypical patterns after children are born. But that leads to the stay-at-home parent and/or mom to feel burnt out and overwhelmed. In this episode, I talk to Katie...
60 min
Healthy Family Eating (How to) - Liz Weiss [209]
Get Hunter's book, Raising Good Humans now! Do you struggle to get your kids to eat a healthy diet? In this episode, Liz Weiss from Liz’s Healthy Table podcast shows us how to help everyone eat more fruits and vegetables and how to create healthy,...
57 min
Self-Care for Overwhelmed Parents - Elisha Beac...
Get Hunter's book, Raising Good Humans now! A few years ago, Elisha Beach chose to put out the REAL picture of motherhood: she’s sitting on the toilet, nursing her child. A few days later, a news channel was calling her. She used this sudden...
67 min
For the Love of Men - Liz Plank [207]
Get Hunter's book, Raising Good Humans now! Girls and women have had a lot of attention in the past decade as we move toward a more just and equal society, but what about boys? What about men? The “ideal masculinity” box—in which men can have...
55 min
How To Combat Perfectionism - Sharon Martin [206]
Get Hunter's book, Raising Good Humans now! The perfectionism habit can leave us feeling inadequate, never able to relax, overscheduled, and generally not-good-enough-ever. Yet it can be deeply ingrained through childhood and culture. So how do we...
58 min
Simplicity Parenting - Kim Payne [205]
Get Hunter's book, Raising Good Humans now! Did you know that highly stressed western children look just like war refugee children in terms of stress? In this episode, I talk to Kim Payne, author of Simplicity Parenting. We talk about “the...
62 min
Your Child’s Developmental Stages - Karen Kolp ...
Get Hunter's book, Raising Good Humans now! Fellow podcaster Karen Kolp walks us through children’s developmental stages—even the stage that many of us adults are in! Trigger warning—we also discuss her experience of abuse as a child and how...
56 min
Parenting the New Teen - John Duffy [203]
Get Hunter's book, Raising Good Humans now! Kids are growing up with almost unlimited access to social media and everything you can find on the internet. Talking to Dr. John Duffy, a nationally recognized expert in parenting teens, I also came to...
45 min
How To Handle Bedtime [On-Air Coaching] - Hunte...
Get Hunter's book, Raising Good Humans now! Brooke has been struggling with bedtime. As that time rolls around she’s exhausted, her daughter’s exhausted and everyone is struggling. How do you set limits without using threats? How does she get her...
55 min
How To Handle Chores At Every Age - Deana Thaye...
Get Hunter's book, Raising Good Humans now! Who doesn’t wish their child would do more around the house? Deana Thayer and Kira Dorrian, co-hosts of the Raising Adults podcast have come on the Mindful Mama podcast to explain why we have to get over...
54 min
200th Episode! How To Be Happier - Hunter Clark...
Get Hunter's book, Raising Good Humans now! We all want to be happy, and we deserve to experience joy in this life. Despite our negativity bias, despite our circumstances, despite the problems of the world, it’s possible. Takeaways: Our brains are...
43 min
Is Motherhood Broken? - Brandy Ferner [199]
Get Hunter's book, Raising Good Humans now! Do you ever feel like you work all day as a mom, but no one sees what you do? Brandy Ferner took a picture that went viral of a mom separated from the rest of her party at a restaurant, taking care of the...
64 min
Twins & Work-Life Balance - Satya Scainetti [198]
Get Hunter's book, Raising Good Humans now! What would you do if you realized that life was short and we don’t necessarily have much time? That’s what happened to my podcast guest, Satya Scainetti after watching the towers fall in NY on September...
51 min