Mindful Parenting: Raising Kind, Conf...

How do you raise kind, confident kids without losing your cool? How do you manage kids’ behavior, help them regulate their big emotions, AND stay grounded? 

Mindful Parenting is here to help. I’m Hunter Clarke-Fields, former yelling, frustrated mom. Dealing with my anger drove me to find practical, compassionate parenting strategies to regulate emotions as well as mindfulness to bring peace to the chaos at home. 

In each refreshingly honest episode you’ll come away knowing that you have permission to be human, you're not alone, and it won't always be this hard.

If you've looking for conscious, positive parenting strategies and expert advice on issues like tech/screen time, ADHD, tantrums, teens, toddlers, and more, you’re in the right place. Join our community of parents changing generational patterns for a brighter future! https://www.mindfulmamamentor.com/

Kids & Family
Health & Fitness
How To Live - Rick Hanson [247]
Parenting can be mentally and physically depleting—especially for moms. The greater the challenges and vulnerabilities we’re experiencing, the greater the resources we need to meet these challenges. Today, I talk to Dr. Rick Hanson about this and...
52 min
How To Recenter & Replenish - Ora Nadrich [246]
How can we connect to ourselves authentically—while parenting? Ora Nadrich talks to us about how to follow a journey of self-awareness while developing more presence for our children. Spoiler alert: it doesn’t have to be difficult. If you enjoyed...
58 min
How Not to Be a Hot Mess - Devon and Craig Hase...
Sometimes it seems like the world is going to hell in a handbasket. Modern life is overwhelming. In this episode, I talk to Devon, meditation teacher, and Craig, meditation coach and therapist, about six guiding life principles, inspired by the wisdom...
65 min
Stop Self-Sabotage - Dr. Judy Ho [244]
Have you ever missed out because of procrastination or that thought, “I can never do _____.” Self-sabotage is a universal behavior, even for those of us who are high achievers in some areas. In this episode, I talk to neuropsychologist Dr. Judy Ho...
60 min
Letter To Myself As A Young Mom [243]
When I was a young mom, I was scared, overwhelmed, and I felt alone. Now, over 13 years after the birth of my first child, I have some messages for that younger self. These are messages that we all need to hear as parents. If you enjoyed this episode,...
25 min
[On-Air Coaching] Pandemic Parenting Problems [...
The global pandemic is creating inordinate amounts of stress for both parents and kids. Kids, unfortunately, show that stress with behavior problems because their fight-flight-or-freeze system is on overdrive and they don’t know how to handle it....
50 min
The Complete Home Learning Guide - Lauren Spige...
We are moving into a school year that looks very different from every year before, with many kids learning completely virtually or even homeschooling. So what’s the best way to learn at home? What do we need to pay attention to and what can we let...
79 min
Coping Skills For Kids - Janine Halloran [240]
We are living in stressful times with this global pandemic (to say the least!) and kids are feeling it too. How do we help kids cope with stress, anxiety - even anger? In this episode, I talk to Janine Halloran, author of the bestselling Coping Skills...
64 min
[On-Air Coaching] Help! I'm Comparing My Kids [...
Mindful Parenting Member Liliana’s oldest child has been difficult and was recently diagnosed with ADHD, while her younger son is relatively easy. Comparisons between them have been popping up in her brain leading to some major guilt. Plus, how to...
53 min
Discipline Explained - Tina Payne Bryson [238]
What is the biggest mistake parents make about discipline? We don’t realize or forget that yelling and threats make kids less able to learn. Tina Payne Bryson helps us hold boundaries with empathy and gives powerful tools to chill ourselves out so...
70 min
Parenting From the Research - Jen Lumanlan [237]
Have you ever wondered if you are parenting the “right” way? Our podcast guest Jen Lumanlan did and decided that she would go to the research to figure out how to parent her child. She discovered what was worth paying attention to and what...
69 min
Healing Generational Trauma - Mark Wolynn [236]
Do you know that you are not to blame for your triggers and harmful reactions? Mark Wolynn, author of It Didn’t Start With You, explains how traumas and harmful patterns pass on from one generation to the next. We also talk about the power of...
60 min
How to Raise Resilient Kids - Chris Willard [235]
Get Hunter's book, Raising Good Humans now! The most important quality I want for my kids during these difficult times is probably what you want: resilience. Our kids need the capacity to overcome hard times because we cannot (and would not want to)...
59 min
How To Practice Self-Compassion - Susan Pollak ...
Get Hunter's book, Raising Good Humans now! None of us knew how hard it was going to be as a parent; we mess up constantly. When we respond to ourselves with harsh criticism and judgment, we leave ourselves feeling helpless and incapable. Even though...
61 min
Pandemic Parenting Into the Fall - Meghan Fitzg...
Get Hunter's book, Raising Good Humans now! So many of us are concerned about what will happen (or not happen) with school this fall. Is it safe? What will the schedule be like? The only thing certain is that it will be different. Perhaps we need to...
58 min
Raising Eco-Conscious Kids - Sheila Morovati [232]
Get Hunter's book, Raising Good Humans now! When our lives are busy, we don’t often see how wasteful our habits can be. But our kids care about the environment and are often passionate about taking steps to protect our planet. Sheila Morovati comes...
58 min
How To Breathe - James Nestor [231]
Get Hunter's book, Raising Good Humans now! Are you breathing well? Is your child? My guest today is James Nestor, author of “Breath,” which explores how the human species has lost the ability to breathe properly over the past several hundred...
62 min
Mindful Divorce - Radhika Lakhani [230]
Get Hunter's book, Raising Good Humans now! 40-50% of couples will get divorced. How can we do it better? Loss of a relationship can be a major trauma, and when you add kids into the mix and co-parenting with your ex… well, there’s just a lot to...
54 min
What To Do This Summer - Katherine Reynolds Lew...
Get Hunter's book, Raising Good Humans now! With the global pandemic, it seems like we are facing a whole summer with no camp, no vacations, and no in-person socializing… AAK! What are we going to do with our kids this summer? I invited Katherine...
59 min
Become the Father You Want To Be - M.J Singleta...
Get Hunter's book, Raising Good Humans now! What are the possibilities of modern fatherhood? For dads who are rising up against the old harmful paradigm of masculinity, what does the new picture look like? M.J. Singletary-Villalobos is a dad asking...
52 min
How To Talk to Kids About Racial Injustice - Ma...
Get Hunter's book, Raising Good Humans now! The protests around the world after the murder of George Floyd have shown parents that we need to be talking to our kids about racial inequality. But how do we do it? Many white parents feel awkward and...
59 min
Meditation For Healing - Bonus Podcast
Talk and meditation for challenging times: this is a recording of the first part of the Mindful Parenting Membership coaching call from June 2, 2020. For more resources on mindfulness go to:  or
17 min
Meditation For Kids - Tejal Patel [226]
Get Hunter's book, Raising Good Humans now! What does it really look like for a child to meditate? Banish from your mind an image of that child sitting still silently for hours. Tejal Patel shares active meditations from the Kundalini yoga tradition...
52 min
Healing Power of Nature - Sandi Schwartz [225]
Get Hunter's book, Raising Good Humans now! With huge parts of the world sheltering-in-place, we can tap into the power of nature to heal and remember our wholeness during this challenging time. Takeaways: We can embrace the power of nature to...
45 min
The Anti-Diet - Evelyn Tribole [224]
Get Hunter's book, Raising Good Humans now! Do you worry about what you eat or what your kids are eating? We may not even realize how our culture has made eating into an “issue” and carbs into the enemy. It reaches down to our kids, hurting their...
57 min