This EndoLife

From the best surgery to natural therapies, This EndoLife Podcast empowers you to live and thrive with endometriosis and its co-conditions through a holistic, functional medicine approach.

I’m covering all the topics that often aren’t discussed in the doctor’s office, whether that’s how to eat well for endometriosis, how to treat the endo belly or just what exactly is SIBO? Come join myself (and my guests!) as we dive into anti-inflammatory nutrition, gut health, hormones, pain science, mental health, sex, energy and living life well with endo.

Health & Fitness
Alternative Health
How Adhesions from Surgery Can Cause Endo Belly...
So, you’ve had an endometriosis surgery and you’re really hopeful that’s this is it – you’re going to have some relief, for a while at the least. Maybe your periods are better, your chronic pelvis pain is better, things are improving. But...
25 min
Endo Q&A: Will Endo Get Worse or Stay the Same ...
This episode is another endo Q&A and in this live I answer: Will endo get worse or stay the same? My personal experience with mould and how it affected my endo co-conditions. Will endo continue to cause issues even if you’re not having...
52 min
My Small Intestine Fungal Overgrowth Protocol
Okay, so a number of you have reached out to ask me whether I’m going to talk about my next steps for SIFO treatment, which I wasn’t originally going to do as I have an expert in mind to invite onto the show, but as a number of you asked, I hope...
49 min
Endo and Fatigue Q&A Episode
Today is another recording from an Instagram live I did - this time all about endometriosis and chronic fatigue. In this episode, I discuss - Why does it happen? Covering the link between endo/chronic pelvic pain/chronic pain conditions and low...
36 min
Endo and PMS: Low Mood, Low Progesterone, Low GABA
A few weeks ago, I shared an episode on addressing low moods in your luteal phase (that’s your premenstrual phase, which occurs after ovulation and lasts around two weeks), and I started with low blood sugar. In this episode, I want to talk about...
27 min
What You Need to Know About SIBO with Endo 101
For the next few weeks I’m experimenting with something new - two episodes a week! I’ll be releasing my usual podcast episode and a live Q&A recording, so anyone who doesn’t follow me on Instagram can tune in there. I want to see how you...
50 min
How the Brain Increases Endo Pain and How Pelvi...
Okay, this is a bold statement but… this is my most favourite This EndoLife episode ever. You all know I’ve been fascinated with the world of chronic pain science for a long time now. In fact, I did an episode on lowering pain signals through...
66 min
How to Work Out Safely with Endo for Better Pel...
This week’s episode is a good one! Today I am talking to Dr. Brianne Grogan. Dr. Bri is a pelvic floor physiotherapist who helps people to recover from pelvic floor dysfunction, pelvic pain, bladder and bowel dysfunction and pelvic floor injuries...
67 min
Endo and PMS: The Key to Reducing Mood Swings, ...
Okay so a while ago I ran a poll about PMS and endo, and I wanted to know what symptoms you struggle with. Turns out, the majority of you get low moods during your luteal phase. In fact, out of the hundreds of you who entered the poll, 93% of you said...
22 min
My SIBO Treatment: A Negative Test, Hydrogen Su...
Today’s episode is a SIBO update from me… and it’s an exciting one! I FINALLY have a negative test - or is it? Yes, nothing in my treatment journey has been straight forward so far and apparently, that’s not going to change any time soon! In...
102 min
Neisha's Endo Healing Story: Recovering from Ch...
As some of you know, I’ve been a bit sick recently with suspected shingles! As a result, I am just in too much pain to sit and record an episode, so today I am sharing another healing story. This time, I’m chatting to Neisha. I wanted to share...
35 min
Back Next Week!
Just a short announcement to say there isn't an episode today as I am taking a break from the podcast this week, to welcome my new course students and spend time settling them in! I'll be back next week with a new episode. 
0 min
Miriam's Endo Healing Story: From Sick Leave to...
Before I get started I just want to remind you that my course is open for enrolment. In this 8-week course, you will transform the way you manage endometriosis and learn the tools and strategies for reducing your symptoms naturally so you can thrive...
27 min
Rachael's Endo and PMDD Healing Story
Today we’re doing something a little different. For the past few weeks I’ve been recording testimonial videos with people who have taken my course, and I really wanted to share some of these stories because they’re just so incredible. I know a...
30 min
Foundational Steps to Healing HPA Axis Dysfunct...
So, now you’ve learnt all about the link between HPA axis dysfunction and endometriosis, in today’s episode I want to provide you with some of the core foundational strategies for healing HPA axis dysfunction.  Before I dive in, I do want to...
55 min
Three Safe Probiotics for the Endo Belly, Endo ...
Today’s episode is all about probiotics which are suitable for SIBO and endo related IBS. Now of course, this is a huge topic and there are so many different probiotics out there, which can often just get confusing and overwhelming, so with this...
21 min
Tired All The Time? HPA Axis Dysfunction and Endo
Okay so today I’m talking about hypothalamic pituitary adrenal dysfunction. A mouthful, I know and for ease, it’s called HPA axis dysfunction. If you haven’t heard of HPA axis dysfunction, you may be more familiar with the term ‘adrenal...
37 min
Strategies to Alleviate Premenstrual Endo Bloat...
So last week I took you guys through the ways in which inflammation, gut health and hormone levels can increase bloating in the lead up to your period. This week I want to give you some tools to actually alleviate that bloating, now you know why...
55 min
Bloating Before Your Period with Endo: The Oest...
Transcript: Recently I polled my Instagram to find out just how many of you are suffering with PMS on top of your endo symptoms and the results were pretty staggering! Unfortunately, Instagram didn’t keep the number of votes so I don’t know how...
30 min
8 Strategies for Loosening Adhesions and Freein...
As some of you may know, I’m doing a lot of work at present to free up my pelvic area from adhesions and tightness caused by pulled fascia and a tight pelvic floor, which in physio speak is a hypertonic pelvic floor. So I thought  this...
39 min
My Experience of the Elemental Diet for SIBO
If you have bloating or what’s commonly known as the endo belly - SIBO is something to pay attention to. Small intestine bacterial overgrowth is incredibly common within the endometriosis community, in fact, recent research has shown that up to 80%...
65 min
Three Common Causes of Leaky Gut with Endo and ...
As you guys know, endo is a full body disease which causes a host of symptoms throughout the body and also often comes with co-conditions that trigger these symptoms, heighten them or add new ones. IBS issues are a problem for many people with endo...
31 min
Sophie's story: Treating SIBO, Candida and Hist...
Do you have endometriosis and struggle with the ‘endo belly’? Do you have fatigue and brain fog? Maybe you have other unusual symptoms like swelling or puffiness, rashes or skin conditions like eczema or rosacea. If any of these sound familiar,...
24 min
Prioritising Your Health and Celebrating your E...
This week I caught up with the wonderful Jessica Murnane, talking about her new book, Know Your Endo, which is out now. If you didn’t manage to catch the IG Live, you can listen to our interview here, where we talk about: How she found writing a...
56 min
Supplements for Period Pain, Heavy Bleeding, Na...
Excruciating pain, heavy bleeding, nausea and vomiting are all symptoms many of my clients first come to me with. Whilst I first and foremost use nutrition and lifestyle changes to help my clients resolve their endo symptoms, there are also...
26 min