Having It A.L.L.

Welcome to Having It A.L.L., the podcast that flips the script on what it means to “have it all” in life. I’m Matthew Bivens, your host and friend, and I’m inviting you to join me in conversations designed to help you radically shift your confidence, self worth, and clarity. In order to create new results in your life - whether that’s in your relationships, your health, your money, your family or your life’s purpose - you must make new decisions and build new habits. This podcast will not only deliver the lessons and action items that will help you move the needle in your life, but also share the vulnerable and honest truth about the challenges of working to improve and ultimately master yourself. Each breakdown can lead to breakthrough, and we cover it all on this podcast. Personal development is not an easy road, but you can create meaningful change that lasts. Let’s do it together one choice at a time. Tune in each week and see that it’s not only possible to have it all, but that you were meant to all along! 

Mental Health
Alternative Health
How To Totally Level Up Your Relationship Using...
How do you like to be loved? How does your partner prefer to be loved? Are they loving you in the style in which you like to be loved, and vice versa? The idea of loving your partner in the way in which they want to be loved was completely foreign to...
41 min
Stop Waiting For Your Abundant Loving Life To H...
Be real with yourself: are you waiting for someone or something outside of yourself, to come and give you the life that you desire? At any level?   If you asked me that question last week I'd say "Of course not! I'm all about being proactive and...
44 min
How To Create A Life Of Purpose, Profit and Pri...
What does "having it all" mean to you?   It's a question I have asked so many people on this podcast. And I've received so many unique answers.   Well, today I'm bringing you an interview/conversation with someone who has been an incredible...
69 min
What Is The Goal Of Sex In Your Relationships A...
When you think about sex, what is the goal for you? Is it to have an orgasm, or to make sure your partner has one? Is it to show your partner how much you love them and to validate your relationship? Is it something else?   For most of my life,...
44 min
How Much Life Can You Handle? 7 Ways To Show Up...
As your responsibilities go up (new children, new job, more lovers), is your capacity to handle these new responsibilities going up as well? For most, the answer is something like "I don't even think about my capacity when I take on new life...
36 min
How To Bounce Back Quickly When You're Dealing ...
How do you bounce back when your world gets rocked? When everything seems to be going wrong in your life? When your dreams are shattered and you're feeling extraordinary disappointment? I recently watched three men have their world's get rocked, and...
24 min
The Day I Became A Father: A Story Of Feminine ...
What is a moment or experience that completely transformed who you were as a person? For me the biggest one was experiencing the birth of my daughter, Maya.  Today is Maya's 2nd birthday (September 11, 2018), and on this special day I wanted to...
59 min
Do Something You've Always Wanted To Do This Fall
What is something that you've always wanted to do, but you know you've let fear and discomfort hold you back? It's the first week of September, and that means Fall is officially here. You've been putting in deposits into your tank for a while now, and...
22 min
What Being Arrested Taught Me About Surrender
What does surrender mean to you?   When I started working with a coach I would hear the word "surrender" a lot.   "Surrender to healthy feedback" "Surrender your ego" "Surrender to what you don't know" "Surrender to the universe"...
32 min
I'm On Vacation (Maybe You Should Be Too)
When was the last time you intentionally created time for you to check out and recharge? Last week I talked about balance and gave you a different way to think about the elusive work-life balance. Well today, I'm putting it into practice! Sarah and I...
13 min
Change The Way You Experience Life
How are you currently experiencing life? I'm not talking about the results you're creating. I'm talking about your EXPERIENCE of it all. In today's episode I'm digging into why your experience of life is truly what matters, and how you can change it...
27 min
How To Balance Out Your Health And Fitness In A...
What does living a balanced life mean to you? Similarly, how do you define health and fitness? And how do your perceptions of these concepts impact your overall wellbeing? I'm all about shifting paradigms and offering you new beliefs on this...
68 min
Codependency and Unhealthy Attachments In Relat...
How healthy would you say your attachment is with your partner? I don't know where I picked it up, but somewhere in my adolescence I adopted the belief that a healthy relationship was one where I could not be happy if my partner was not happy. It's...
43 min
Your Personal Growth Depends On 3 Types Of Feed...
How willing are you to receive and surrender to healthy feedback that comes from a trusted source?    Be honest with yourself.    Feedback is an integral part of the growth and evolution process, whether we're talking personal...
34 min
How Much Do You Really Trust Yourself? (Special...
How full is your personal TRUST account? I'm not talking about a financial trust account. But the account we all have within us that measures how much TRUST we have in ourselves to do the things we say we're going to do. So, what's your balance at...
20 min
Paying Forward Positivity
Today is a bit of a deviation from the normal episode. I was very inspired last night by something I saw on Instagram (it's rare, but when it happens it's potent), and I wanted to share this message with you all.   There are people in your life...
8 min
Releasing the Myths and Stereotypes Around Masc...
What are the myths and stereotypes around masculinity that you’re holding  and giving strength to? Throughout my 31 years I've picked up all sorts of ideas around what it means to be a man. So many of those ideas reinforce dated and unhealthy...
46 min
Learning How To Say No Without Feeling Guilty
How comfortable are you saying "no" in your life? So many of us struggle with saying no when people make requests of our time, space, energy, money, or love. We want to please. We want others to like us. We don't want to be seen as unhelpful or...
43 min
What Does It Look Like To Create Your Ideal Lif...
What does it look like to create your ideal life RIGHT NOW? I want you to seriously ask yourself this question. Because chances are you're reciting some version of this to yourself: "My ideal life is when I have XYZ, or when I accomplish 123, or when...
28 min
3 Beliefs That Have Radically Transformed My Life
What is one belief that you know has radically transformed your life for the better? Beliefs are something I talk about a ton on this show. The beliefs that you choose to wear on impact your actions, your habits, your relationships, your perspective...
22 min
The Success Rituals That Empower My Health, Rel...
Today's episode is part 2 of my series where I share with you the rituals that I've cultivated and use to help me win in my health, relationships, business and spirituality. Today I'm talking about Business and Spirituality.   ---   How are...
47 min
The Success Rituals That Empower My Health, Rel...
How are your rituals impacting your life?   Big question, I know, but the point is to get you to reflect on your rituals and how they are impacting your day-to-day.    Rituals are simply actions you perform in a certain order. You have...
38 min
Creating Thriving Relationships: My interview o...
What does your extraordinary life look like? On today's episode I'm bringing you something different. Normally I'm the one interviewing other people, but today I'm the one being interviewed! This past week I was interviewed by Tiago Buhr, host of The...
68 min
Rejection Therapy and How Seeking Rejection Lea...
When was the last time you intentionally tried to get rejected? The idea of being rejected, being told “no”, or failing can freeze us in our tracks. Personally, the possibility of rejection has intimidated me in inaction countless times in my...
34 min
Being Deeply Introverted And Finding Direction ...
Have you ever felt completely lost in your life? Like you didn't know what you were "supposed" to do, who you should be as a person, and what your true passion was? Geeze, I sure have! I spent years in a state of confusion about all of those things....
54 min