Having It A.L.L.

Welcome to Having It A.L.L., the podcast that flips the script on what it means to “have it all” in life. I’m Matthew Bivens, your host and friend, and I’m inviting you to join me in conversations designed to help you radically shift your confidence, self worth, and clarity. In order to create new results in your life - whether that’s in your relationships, your health, your money, your family or your life’s purpose - you must make new decisions and build new habits. This podcast will not only deliver the lessons and action items that will help you move the needle in your life, but also share the vulnerable and honest truth about the challenges of working to improve and ultimately master yourself. Each breakdown can lead to breakthrough, and we cover it all on this podcast. Personal development is not an easy road, but you can create meaningful change that lasts. Let’s do it together one choice at a time. Tune in each week and see that it’s not only possible to have it all, but that you were meant to all along! 

Mental Health
Alternative Health
The Magic Of Paying Forward Positivity (Rebroad...
When was the last time you were truly inspired by someones act of kindness and love? For me, it was just a few minutes ago, and this gesture is the reason for today's episode. I'm rebroadcasting an episode from a few months ago called Paying Forward...
14 min
How Daddy-Daughter Dates Can Heal The World
What was the last empowering and loving daddy-daughter experience you witnessed? Hopefully you don't have to think too hard to come up with an example. But unfortunately I think it can be harder to think of examples of loving interactions between...
32 min
New Years Resolutions: Why I'm Not A Fan Of The...
Do you set new years resolutions? If so, how often do you complete them? And more importantly, what is your experience of your new years resolution? As you can tell by the title, I don't like new years resolutions at all. I'm all for people committing...
28 min
My Interview On "Her Brilliant Health Radio" wi...
For today's episode I'm bringing you an interview that I did with Dr. Kyrin Dunston on her podcast "Her Brilliant Health Radio". I had a great time talking with Dr. Kyrin about nurturing relationships, achieving an abundant loving life, finding...
56 min
This Is Why You Don't Have The Life You Want
Do you have the life you want today?   Very few people can honestly say "yes" across the board. And that's totally cool. Many of us are on the journey to creating the experience we want in life.   But there is a large group of people who...
24 min
The Universe's Timing Is Perfect (Even If It Do...
Can you think of a time when you questioned the timing of something? Maybe you've taken a big step in your life recently, and you're judging the fact that it didn't happen earlier. Or you so desperately want something to happen TODAY, and you're...
19 min
Why Men Don't Show Emotion (And How To Help Us ...
Why do some men seem like completely emotionless creatures? Why does it seem like men go out of their way to bury and hide their feelings? Why do men avoid vulnerability so vehemently? In today's episode I'm sharing the truth that all men have...
41 min
Shipped Is Better Than Perfect
What is the cost of your pursuit of perfection? Today I'm bringing you a bonus episode (actually you'll get a few bonus episodes this week!). I'm talking about perfection and the belief that things need to be perfect in our lives before we take...
15 min
It's Time To Kill Work-Life Balance And Replace...
Do you feel you have work-life balance? Or are you one of the millions of people who are feeling out of balance because they've been using this tired context to look at their lives?   If you are, don't stress out. I was too. But I've realized...
45 min
How I'm Using Visualization To Literally Reprog...
Are you familiar with visualization?   It's a technique that world class athletes and high achievers of all types, use to literally put themselves into a higher state of being mentally and emotionally. Visualization helps these individuals live...
34 min
I'm Not Here To Make You Happy
Be completely honest with yourself: are you currently taking on the responsibility for another person's emotions?   If so, you want to listen to this episode several times.   Truth is, I'm sure most of us have done this or are doing this....
36 min
A Quick And Dirty Way To Gauge The Quality Of Y...
What is the quality of your life right now?   Super loaded question, I know. But even the quick second of reflection that you did after reading that question is super beneficial to your overall wellbeing.    A lot of times we can go...
44 min
You Must Choose To Let Go Moment To Moment
Did you know that letting go in life is a choice? Yes, it’s moment-to-moment choice where you decided whether you will release what you’ve been fixating on, or add to your fixation. Many of us can get down with the idea of “letting go”, but we...
7 min
Sexual Healing: The Magic Of Being Proactive An...
Are you practicing sexual healing?   So many different things can come up when we think about sexual healing. From healing past traumas to healing physical conditions to Marvin Gaye (seriously, that was my entire context until a number of years...
52 min
The Key To Living A More Proactive Life
Where do you spend most of your emotional time and energy: in things you can influence or in things you have zero control over? If you're a proactive person who takes response-ability for their lives, then you absolutely focus on the things you can...
23 min
If You Want To Have It All Then You Have To Be ...
What does being proactive mean to you?   I would say "It means taking initiative".    But I have learned that to Be Proactive means so much more. And understanding this meaning is imperative if you want to have it all and lead an...
38 min
When To Come Clean And Apologize -- Say Sorry O...
When do you apologize for something you've done? When is it appropriate to come clean in a situation, versus letting things go and moving on?    Apologizing has rarely come easy for me. My ego is strong when it comes to owning up to...
36 min
It's Time For You To Take A Hard Look At Your E...
If you were to take an audit of the environments you spend most of your time in, would you say that they uplift you, do nothing for you, or drag you down?   My dad used to say "You are the 5 people you hang around most", and for many years I...
26 min
How To Totally Level Up Your Relationship Using...
How do you like to be loved? How does your partner prefer to be loved? Are they loving you in the style in which you like to be loved, and vice versa? The idea of loving your partner in the way in which they want to be loved was completely foreign to...
41 min
Stop Waiting For Your Abundant Loving Life To H...
Be real with yourself: are you waiting for someone or something outside of yourself, to come and give you the life that you desire? At any level?   If you asked me that question last week I'd say "Of course not! I'm all about being proactive and...
44 min
How To Create A Life Of Purpose, Profit and Pri...
What does "having it all" mean to you?   It's a question I have asked so many people on this podcast. And I've received so many unique answers.   Well, today I'm bringing you an interview/conversation with someone who has been an incredible...
69 min
What Is The Goal Of Sex In Your Relationships A...
When you think about sex, what is the goal for you? Is it to have an orgasm, or to make sure your partner has one? Is it to show your partner how much you love them and to validate your relationship? Is it something else?   For most of my life,...
44 min
How Much Life Can You Handle? 7 Ways To Show Up...
As your responsibilities go up (new children, new job, more lovers), is your capacity to handle these new responsibilities going up as well? For most, the answer is something like "I don't even think about my capacity when I take on new life...
36 min
How To Bounce Back Quickly When You're Dealing ...
How do you bounce back when your world gets rocked? When everything seems to be going wrong in your life? When your dreams are shattered and you're feeling extraordinary disappointment? I recently watched three men have their world's get rocked, and...
24 min
The Day I Became A Father: A Story Of Feminine ...
What is a moment or experience that completely transformed who you were as a person? For me the biggest one was experiencing the birth of my daughter, Maya.  Today is Maya's 2nd birthday (September 11, 2018), and on this special day I wanted to...
59 min