Having It A.L.L.

Welcome to Having It A.L.L., the podcast that flips the script on what it means to “have it all” in life. I’m Matthew Bivens, your host and friend, and I’m inviting you to join me in conversations designed to help you radically shift your confidence, self worth, and clarity. In order to create new results in your life - whether that’s in your relationships, your health, your money, your family or your life’s purpose - you must make new decisions and build new habits. This podcast will not only deliver the lessons and action items that will help you move the needle in your life, but also share the vulnerable and honest truth about the challenges of working to improve and ultimately master yourself. Each breakdown can lead to breakthrough, and we cover it all on this podcast. Personal development is not an easy road, but you can create meaningful change that lasts. Let’s do it together one choice at a time. Tune in each week and see that it’s not only possible to have it all, but that you were meant to all along! 

Mental Health
Alternative Health
What Does It Really Mean To Be An "Involved Dad"?
How would you describe what being an "involved dad" is? I believe being an involved dad is the goal of the vast majority of fathers, yet not all fathers are showing up in that way. There are some basic tenants to being an involved dad (and being a powerful man) that aren't taught in schools. In today's episode I'm exploring what it really means to be an "involved dad" and why that label itself carries with it some controversy.
51 min
Change Your Life Series: Creating Change Even W...
How often do you really FEEL like doing something hard? Be honest. If you're being real with yourself you probably never really feel like it. Mustering up the desire to do something uncomfortable or frightening can definitely be tough. But I'm here to tell you there's a way to bypass those feelings and get to the results you're truly wanting!
36 min
Change Your Life Series: How To Change Your Lif...
How often do you talk yourself out of doing something empowering? Probably more than you're comfortable admitting! Today I'm sharing with you a powerful mental hack that can help you shut out those fear voices and get to doing the things you know you should be doing. It's called the 5 Second Rule, and it's inventor Mel Robbins is a tour de force when it comes to personal change.
31 min
Change Your Life Series: Why Is Change So Frust...
So why is change so frustrating? You'd think it wouldn't be so difficult to change something that you REALLY want to change. I know in the past I've been incredibly hard on myself for "not having the willpower" or "not wanting it enough" or "not being disciplined enough", when I failed to make change happen in my life.
35 min
It's Time For A Check-in
January 2020 is in the can, so how did it go? Did you show up the way you wanted to? Do you feel like you've made some meaningful progress on your goals for the year? If you set new years resolutions, are they still in play?
4 min
Mastering Your Body Vehicle: A Deep Dive In Imp...
What does it mean to be healthy and fit? How healthy and fit are you right now? I've shared a lot of different tools with you over the course of this podcast, and in today's episode I'm going to go deep into one particular tool/concept that I want you to really understand well, because your health depends on it! I'm talking about your Body Vehicle and the 5 wheels that make up your Body Vehicle: Mental, Spiritual, Social, Emotional and Physical.
71 min
Strap In, Because The Only Way Out Of Your Prob...
What problems are you avoiding right now? What challenges are right there in front of you, that you're denying or doing everything in your power to not face?
6 min
Special LIVE Episode: Create Your Word For The ...
Do you have a word for the year yet? If not, what are you waiting for?!? Not to worry, if you still haven't created your word for the year I promise you that you'll want to jump on it after hearing today's episode!
15 min
The People You Admire Are No Different Than You
Who are the people in your life that you admire?
4 min
NOW Is The Time To Start Prioritizing Your Health
Where does your personal health rank on your list of priorities? Probably not at the top. Well, as you can guess from this title of this episode, I'm making a strong case for why you MUST begin to push your health to the top of your list. And I'm talking right now! Not next month, next quarter, over the summer. NOW!
41 min
This Is Precisely Why You Want To Cut The Crapp...
Do you realize just how impactful your words can be? Travis Moawad has an idea. Just check out this idea he shared on the Long Story Short podcast (link below):  “When I say it out loud, it’s 10 times more powerful than when I think it. And...
3 min
My Biggest Pet Peeves and Other Things You Migh...
What do you REALLY know about the Having It A.L.L. podcast host, Matthew Bivens? No, this isn't an expose episode, but this is a fun conversation where the tables are turned a bit.  Join us in the Season 5 opener for Having It A.L.L. as we switch...
47 min
Season 5 Preview!
Are you ready for season 5 of the Having It A.L.L. Podcast!!? Well ready or not, it's coming!  In today's episode I'm sharing with you all the awesome newness coming in Season 5 of the podcast. From new topics to all new types of episodes (and...
8 min
New Year, New Decade, New Beginning...Bring It On!
Are you ready for the New Year!? It's the eve of 2020, and for today's episode I wanted to take a few minutes to reflect on the past year and past decade. I share some of the highs (and lows) from the past 10 years, I give you some things to chew on...
27 min
Stop Doing This One Thing In 2020 And It Will B...
Is there something new or different you'd like to have in 2020?   Maybe it's a more successful career, or a more fulfilling love life, or a greater sense of abundance.    I'm sure there's something.    And perhaps you think...
28 min
Create Your Word For The Year (2020 Edition)
Are you prepared for the next 12 months to be your best year yet?   I want to equip you with the tools to make next year the best it possibly can be, and in today's episode I will help you do just that! For the past 3 years I've been using a word...
30 min
The "Snapback Effect" And Why It Will Make All ...
Have you ever failed at reaching a goal? Or launched a New Years Resolution, only to see it crash days or weeks later?   If you have then I bet you probably beat yourself up a bit too, after not accomplishing what you set out to.   What if I...
50 min
How To Create A Life Of Purpose, Profit and Pri...
What does "having it all" mean to you?   It's a question I have asked so many people on this podcast. And I've received so many unique answers.   Well, today I'm bringing you an interview/conversation with someone who has been an incredible...
57 min
A Deep Dive Into My #1 Tool For Radical Self Gr...
For the past 9 years I've been on a very intentional journey to learn, understand and connect with my inner self more powerfully, for the purpose of healing, growth and transformation. And over that time I've come across a TON of tools and resources...
72 min
2 Harsh Life Truths You Need To Know To Create ...
Ready for a bit of tough love?    There are certain truths in life that are unavoidable, no matter how unpleasant they may be or may sound (on the surface).    I read an article recently which triggered me because it created...
32 min
Two Choices
“You are ready and able to do beautiful things in this world, and as you walk through those doors today, you will only have two choices: love or fear. Choose love, and don’t ever let fear turn you against your playful heart.” - Jim Carrey All...
6 min
How To Totally Level Up Your Relationship Using...
How do you like to be loved? How does your partner prefer to be loved? Are they loving you in the style in which you like to be loved, and vice versa?   The idea of loving your partner in the way in which they want to be loved was completely...
42 min
Healthy Ways To Deal With A Breakup
Breakups are hard. When a significant relationship ends it can send you in a tailspin of emotions that can easily lead to destructive behaviors and thought patterns. But within every breakup are the insights for healing and growth. In this episode I'm...
45 min
What To Do If You Struggle With Consistency
Do you struggle with staying consistent?   You know the feeling. You start something, feel great for a while, then seemingly inevitably you fall off and quit. At that point the self doubt convos enter, the "I knew you couldn't do it!" self talk...
37 min
The 5 Key Principles I Live By
Do you have principles? What are they? How do you use them? Are you confident that you know what living a principally based life means?   Today I'm shining light on this idea of "principles" that so many self help gurus and successful people tout...
51 min