Having It A.L.L.

Welcome to Having It A.L.L., the podcast that flips the script on what it means to “have it all” in life. I’m Matthew Bivens, your host and friend, and I’m inviting you to join me in conversations designed to help you radically shift your confidence, self worth, and clarity. In order to create new results in your life - whether that’s in your relationships, your health, your money, your family or your life’s purpose - you must make new decisions and build new habits. This podcast will not only deliver the lessons and action items that will help you move the needle in your life, but also share the vulnerable and honest truth about the challenges of working to improve and ultimately master yourself. Each breakdown can lead to breakthrough, and we cover it all on this podcast. Personal development is not an easy road, but you can create meaningful change that lasts. Let’s do it together one choice at a time. Tune in each week and see that it’s not only possible to have it all, but that you were meant to all along! 

Mental Health
Alternative Health
How I Clean Up The Mistakes I Make In Relations...
When was the last time you made a mistake in a relationship? Did you clean it up?? In today's episode I share examples of how I apply the "clean it up" idea to relationships (both with others and myself), and I show you how you can take full responsibility in relationships so that you can create more powerful connections.
41 min
All Work And No Play....Who Wants That?!?
Do you approach your life more with a sense of Play or Work? One of these perspectives creates joy and sustainability, the other will wear you out. Which do you think is which? In today's Having It A.L.L. Moment I talk to you about the Play Perspective and invite you to imagine how different areas of your life would look and feel if you approached them from the space of Play.
6 min
How To Become A Better Sleeper
On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your ability fall asleep? How about the quality of your sleep? In today's episode I'm going to share with you what has helped me become one of those people who falls asleep instantly and wakes up feeling rested and energized! I believe it's totally possible for you to change both your relationship to sleep and the quality of sleep you're getting.
32 min
What "Life Of Pi" Taught Me About Having It All
Have you seen the film Life Of Pi? If you. haven't, put it on your list because not only is it a film with an incredibly powerful story and the visual chops to go with it, the movie delivers some invaluable lessons about life.
9 min
How To Coach Yourself Through The Chronic Stres...
When was the last time you were in chronic stress (that’s stress lasting over a long period of time)? In today’s episode I’m teaching you how to coach yourself through the chronic stress of life, and I’m sharing with you a very recent example of how I overcame some incredible chronic stress using the very tips from this episode.
50 min
The Quick Path To Happiness, Growth And Success
Are you looking for a quicker path to growth, happiness and success? Sorry to burst your bubble, there is no shortcut to getting what you want! And if you're seeking out a shortcut in the first place, that's a clue as to why you're stuck and not seeing the results you want in your life. Brands and influencers in all industries have done an excellent job in making you believe that a quick path to getting what you want, feeling better about yourself, being happy and prosperous actually exists. They have you thinking that you can swipe a credit card, get some surgery, take some pills, or wish your way to what you want. But the truth is that THERE IS NO QUICK PATH TO GROWTH, HAPPINESS AND SUCCESS!
7 min
3 Types Hobbies You Want To Have In Your Life
Do you have any hobbies? I'm talking about those things you do during your down time simply because you enjoy doing them. Maybe you're laughing to yourself thinking, "I don't have any leisure time, I'm way too busy" or maybe you have one or two things you enjoy but don't do them frequently enough to consider them hobbies. Well at the end of this episode you're going to feel inspired to intentionally create new hobbies in your life.
28 min
How To Start Your Own Podcast: A Not-So-Short-B...
Have you considered starting a podcast? If yes: Awesome! If no, why the heck not?? This is an amazing time to start a podcast: more and more people are listening each day, the space is not too crowded yet, your voice/story/message need to be heard right now, and you've got the time on your hands😉
78 min
What Station Are You Picking Up?
What kind of conversations and stories are you hearing these days? Just like a car radio, you can tune your awareness to whatever station you want to pick up. Being aware of the station you're picking up and the impact that station is having on you is so important, if you want to remain in your peace, joy and centeredness throughout the whole situation.
22 min
A 15 Minute Meditation For Easing Stress, Fear ...
Are you feeling more stressed out than usual? I get it. The global situation that we all find ourselves in the midst of currently has added a whole new layer of stress, anxiety and fear out into the world. For today's episode I'm bringing you a meditation that was created specifically for coronavirus anxiety.
20 min
Dream Big, Start Small: How To Achieve More, Se...
Do you have little faith in your ability to achieve your big goals? I used to feel pretty low on myself as it related to setting goals and achieving them. Didn't matter if it was a work goal, fitness goal, money goal or just a life goal -- a part of me seemed to always believe that no matter how much I wanted it, I just wouldn't achieve it. In today's podcast I'm tackling the big hairy beast that is GOAL SETTING and ACHIEVING MORE IN YOUR LIFE, in the hopes of helping to ignite a breakthrough within you.
46 min
Stay At Home Date Night Ideas For Singles, Coup...
Give me a virtual hand raise if keeping a "normal" schedule has been tough right now! Keep it up if your date nights were one of the first things to go as you shifted to staying at home. At the time of publishing this episode, much of the US is entering week 3 of the stay-at-home experience because of the Covid-19 situation. Schools are closed, businesses are closed, and daily life has been thrown on its head. For today's episode I'm doing something different, and I'm bringing you a great conversation from the Sex, Money & Real Estate podcast hosted by my friends Nancy and Bill Jamison.
40 min
One Question To Help You Beat The Corona Crisis...
Are you having a hard time staying present, optimistic and focused with the corona virus situation that has gripped the world and seems to be never ending? This as an opportunity for us all, and even if you're not in that headspace just yet, I want to share with you a question that can help you get back into a more grounded frame of mind where you can have a more empowering influence and impact over your unique situation. The question is: If you were to fast forward to when all of this has blown over, and you reflect on how you showed up during the time of crisis, what will have you feeling inspired by how you chose to show up?
32 min
How To Crush It When Working From Home For The ...
Are you now being asked to work-from-home and you're a bit nervous you won't be able to do it successfully? Fear not! I've been successfully working from home for 8 years, and I'm here to give you tips, strategies and ideas that will help make this time productive, enjoyable and easy.
52 min
Special Episode: Choosing Love In A Time Of Fear
19 min
7 Ways To Be More Bold When You’re Afraid Of Ta...
Does the idea of taking risks scare the mess out of you? I know it did for me, and for much of my life I was completely risk averse. But thankfully I grew to realize that everything I wanted -- a fulfilling career, a deep and loving relationship, healthy and vitality -- all could be mine if I was willing to take the necessary risks, and I started pushing my comfort zones. And the beautiful thing is that it's a learned behavior, something that ANYONE can improve at.
39 min
Get Over Yourself Already And Ask For Some Help!
Do you feel like you're in a rut in some area of your life? Chances are there is some person somewhere that knows exactly how to get you unstuck. Well, why aren't you asking that person for some help?
4 min
Identity, Intuition and Deprogramming: My Inter...
83 min
How To Cultivate Faith When It's Low & Dealing ...
How do you find and cultivate faith when you haven't felt it before? And what can you do when your partner uses passive aggressive behavior when faced with conflict? These are things that we all face, life situations that feel unclear, frustrating and unenjoyable. I've been there and I've had to navigate my way through them. In today's episode I'm reading a couple of listener emails, and sharing my thoughts.
36 min
The Secret To Boosting Your Confidence And Keep...
How high is your trust in yourself? You may or may not be able to answer that question easily. But I bet you have an answer for this one - how confident are you? The link between confidence and trust is so incredibly strong, yet we don't usually think of those two things as related. Today I'm shining light on why confidence and trust go hand in hand, and I'm giving you a pathway to experience higher levels of both in your life.
14 min
What Does It Really Mean To Be An "Involved Dad"?
How would you describe what being an "involved dad" is? I believe being an involved dad is the goal of the vast majority of fathers, yet not all fathers are showing up in that way. There are some basic tenants to being an involved dad (and being a powerful man) that aren't taught in schools. In today's episode I'm exploring what it really means to be an "involved dad" and why that label itself carries with it some controversy.
51 min
Change Your Life Series: Creating Change Even W...
How often do you really FEEL like doing something hard? Be honest. If you're being real with yourself you probably never really feel like it. Mustering up the desire to do something uncomfortable or frightening can definitely be tough. But I'm here to tell you there's a way to bypass those feelings and get to the results you're truly wanting!
36 min
Change Your Life Series: How To Change Your Lif...
How often do you talk yourself out of doing something empowering? Probably more than you're comfortable admitting! Today I'm sharing with you a powerful mental hack that can help you shut out those fear voices and get to doing the things you know you should be doing. It's called the 5 Second Rule, and it's inventor Mel Robbins is a tour de force when it comes to personal change.
31 min
Change Your Life Series: Why Is Change So Frust...
So why is change so frustrating? You'd think it wouldn't be so difficult to change something that you REALLY want to change. I know in the past I've been incredibly hard on myself for "not having the willpower" or "not wanting it enough" or "not being disciplined enough", when I failed to make change happen in my life.
35 min
It's Time For A Check-in
January 2020 is in the can, so how did it go? Did you show up the way you wanted to? Do you feel like you've made some meaningful progress on your goals for the year? If you set new years resolutions, are they still in play?
4 min