Having It A.L.L.

Welcome to Having It A.L.L., the podcast that flips the script on what it means to “have it all” in life. I’m Matthew Bivens, your host and friend, and I’m inviting you to join me in conversations designed to help you radically shift your confidence, self worth, and clarity. In order to create new results in your life - whether that’s in your relationships, your health, your money, your family or your life’s purpose - you must make new decisions and build new habits. This podcast will not only deliver the lessons and action items that will help you move the needle in your life, but also share the vulnerable and honest truth about the challenges of working to improve and ultimately master yourself. Each breakdown can lead to breakthrough, and we cover it all on this podcast. Personal development is not an easy road, but you can create meaningful change that lasts. Let’s do it together one choice at a time. Tune in each week and see that it’s not only possible to have it all, but that you were meant to all along! 

Mental Health
Alternative Health
How To Expand The Great Things In Life Through ...
You've probably heard sayings like"What you think you become." (Buddha) and "What you focus on expands." (T. Harv Eker).
32 min
Breaking Your Fear Patterns Once And For All
This episode is about what it really takes to experience a breakthrough in your life. To get unstuck. To start experiencing things in a dramatically different way. It takes action. It takes movement. It takes getting out of your head and getting into your heart and doing something that you know to be the best move for you, but scares you shitless.
33 min
Your Relationships Are Killing You
I truly believe that your relationships are the most important factor to your health (and I'm not talking about relationships in the way you might be thinking). You don't want to miss this one because this episode will get you thinking!
24 min
The One Thing I Use to Get Back on Track to Ach...
This episode was inspired by an article titled “The one sentence that finally inspired me to lose 70 pounds”. I read that and thought to myself, “I want to know that one thing!!!” Not because I feel I need to lose 70 pounds, but because anytime someone claims to know the one thing/secret/habit I really want to hear it. So I checked it out….and liked what I read! But the point of the article made me think about my one thing and about a topic that I address regularly on this show --- personal mission statements.
19 min
Who Will You Become In 2025? My Favorite Practi...
Who will you become in 2018? We're all used to setting new years resolutions and goals for what we want to DO in the upcoming year, but rarely do we make time for a much more important exercise -- being clear on who we want to become in the new year.
21 min
The 6 F's - Having It A.L.L. Framework Part 3
This is part 3 in my series where I'm breaking down the meaning of A.L.L. - Abundant Loving Life, and where I'm sharing my framework for "having it all". In the A.L.L. framework, I've chosen to focus on what I think are 6 key areas of life: Faith, Family, Friends, Fitness, Finance, and Fun.
30 min
What is Your Love Conversation? - Having It A.L...
Continuing our series on the Having It A.L.L. framework, today's episode is all about LOVE. I have a special guest on this episode with me today, one perfectly suited to chat with me about love.
35 min
What is Abundance and How Do I Invite More Into...
In this episode, and for the next several weeks, I’m exploring the framework that I developed thanks to my curiosity, experimentation, mentoring, researching and reflection. Today’s episode is about ABUNDANCE and what that word truly means.
25 min
A Simple Framework for "Having It All" in Your ...
What does "having it all" mean to you? In this episode I dive into that framework, breaking down the meaning behind A.L.L. - Abundant Loving Life. I open up my toolbox for "having it all" and introduce concepts that I will dig into deeper in future episodes.
42 min
What To Do When Someone Challenges Your Beliefs
We have all been in a situation where another person has challenged a belief that we held. Big or small, we know what it feels like to be questioned and to then feel like we need to defend our beliefs. Well, I'm no stranger to this either, and I had an excellent opportunity to experience this very thing during a recent podcast interview! The episode that you're about to listen to was recorded just minutes after I had my belief challenged on air. I decided that I wanted to capture the moment as it was happening, and share my experience with you.
19 min
A Story of Healing: Using Curiosity and Courage...
Monique Ruffin is a celebration of living. She is one of those people that folks say has “A beautiful soul”. Growing up in an area impacted by crack, with parents in and out of jail, many wouldn’t have been surprised if Monique failed to transcend her environment. But she did, and in a big way. Monique is a mother, writer, creator, coach, radio host and group facilitator. But most of all she’s an example of what it looks like to live with heart, authenticity, courage, vulnerability and realness.
46 min
Why You're Failing to Tap Into Your Full Creati...
“We are all creators. Whether or not we create is not up to us. We are human, and creating is what we do.” - Michael Gungor. You are a creator! Yes, you. Whether you not you believe it is irrelevant, because like Michael Gungor said, “We are human and creating is what we do.” Today’s episode is an exercise in creation. I followed the advice of a friend and fellow podcaster, and recorded this episode with no notes and no script. Every part of this episode was created organically, on the spot.
39 min
Why Personal Mission Statements Are the Most Po...
This week I have an incredibly awesome guest with me, live in the studio (first episode with a guest in the flesh with me), and we get down and dirty on everything about Personal Mission Statements.
55 min
Learning How to Be Awesome When Life Hits You W...
I’m a firm believer that life is always going to throw circumstances your way, especially when you say (or think) you’re ready to handle them. Circumstances can look like a fender bender, a letter from the IRS, a pet needing to go to the vet, and pretty much whatever other not-sought-after experience that you can think of. Enter Faydra Koenig, a woman who has been through her fair share of circumstances! I was inspired to connect with Faydra after watching a personal and candid video on the circumstances that she has experienced in her life.
48 min
Moving Through Hell and Rising Above Circumstan...
We’ve all been through situations that, at the time, felt never ending. Time crawls by. Our bodies respond to the tension. Our minds race from present to future to past. Colleen Crain knows that is like. A traumatic event as a child left her physically impaired fora time, and emotionally shaken. But she also know, first hand, that rising above circumstances is what we are designed todo.
48 min
How Do I Make Sure I’m “On Path” To My Greatest...
What is simultaneously the most significant factor and biggest barrier to becoming your greatest self? Without this thing, airplanes would not make it to their final destination, corporate managers would have less work to do, and you would reach a ceiling with your potential. It's something that confronts the ego so directly that many people shy away from it at any cost. Yet, it is a powerful tool for self realization, growth and transformation. Any ideas yet?!?
25 min
A Story of Dreams, Perseverance, and Taking the...
This powerful conversation stemmed from a tip a friend gave me, “Matthew, you have got to interview this guy!” The guy I was being encouraged to speak with was Mike Mills. Mike is an exceptionally unique guy. He has what I call the Small “s” success and Big “S” Success. Mike is the owner and operator of the Buffalo Outdoor Center, a lodging and outfitting resort sitting on the historic Buffalo River in Ponca, Arkansas.
50 min
How Aware Are You of Your Influence on Others?
We are all influencers. Everyday we influence, without fail, we influence three groups: our Selves, Others and Life. However, many of us go through life unaware of just how much we influence these groups, and unconscious of the power of influence we really have. In today’s episode I share a powerful story of influence and ask you to ponder a question that will change how you look at your ability to influence your Self, Others and Life.
14 min
How to JUMP Into the Life You Truly Want to Live
Love and Fear. It's what all decisions in our lives can be boiled down to. I JUMPED out of a plane, and in that choice I connected with so many other choices I had made throughout my life that illuminated the fact that when it boils down to the essence we always have a choice between FEAR and LOVE.
35 min
How to Create the Biggest Shifts in Your Wellbe...
How do you define "wellbeing"? How about breaking down the word into it's two parts -- WELL and BEING -- what do those words mean to you? My guest in today's conversation is clear on what those words mean to her, and is on a mission to spread her message of whole wellbeing.
35 min
The Massive Difference Between Big "S" Success ...
You have been lied to about success. Like most of us, we've been told that success is determined by factors "out there". Achievements, accolades, possessions, titles, certifications, promotions - you know the deal. But you've also been told that success is simply a mindset. You are successful if you feel successful. But I'm introducing a new concept to the mix. The concept of little "s" success and big "S" Success. We may all define success in our own unique ways. But the big "S" and little "s" concepts are universal.
16 min
Igniting Your “Guttural Brushfire”: The Impact ...
What would your life look like if you were fully engaged? If you were living your life to the max? If you were experiencing a "guttural brushfire"? That’s the question that my guest today has been meditating on.
59 min
How to Use Discontent to Create Your Finest Mom...
Have you experienced true discontent in your life? That’s totally a rhetorical question because if you’re alive then that means you’ve been in situations that you haven’t liked. The real question is, how did you handle those situations? My guest in today’s conversation is Dianne Crampton, and she would guess that you did one of three things: blamed someone else, ignored it all together, or asked yourself “What is this here to teach me?”
51 min
The Secret Consequences of Being Authentic and ...
In this episode, Paul Colaianni shares what he’s learned through a life of exploring what living authentically means to him, and he gets personal with me and he talks about his experience of growing up in an alcoholic home, destroying relationships with judgement and fear, and going through life not being his true authentic self.
68 min
How to “Lead From Center” and Create More Power...
What does it mean to “lead from center”? It's a question that many high achievers ask themselves (or are asked of themselves), and it's a question that my guest today is going to help us answer. To Amy Balog, leading from center means being so in-tune with yourself -- knowing who you are, and what makes you tick -- that you're able to create amazing results in your life and the life of others. It's about gaining clarity, calmness and conviction, and being acutely aware of the environment inside of yourself so that you may more powerfully impact the environments around you. Amy’s passion is helping leaders tap into their center to create massive results within their organizations, and within themselves. In this conversation Amy and I dive into what leading from center truly means and looks like, and we examine the impact that understanding your bigger WHY has on your life and the lives of those around you. Amy shares her journey of stepping into this work and the watershed moment that changed her career trajectory forever.
49 min