Having It A.L.L.

Welcome to Having It A.L.L., the podcast that flips the script on what it means to “have it all” in life. I’m Matthew Bivens, your host and friend, and I’m inviting you to join me in conversations designed to help you radically shift your confidence, self worth, and clarity. In order to create new results in your life - whether that’s in your relationships, your health, your money, your family or your life’s purpose - you must make new decisions and build new habits. This podcast will not only deliver the lessons and action items that will help you move the needle in your life, but also share the vulnerable and honest truth about the challenges of working to improve and ultimately master yourself. Each breakdown can lead to breakthrough, and we cover it all on this podcast. Personal development is not an easy road, but you can create meaningful change that lasts. Let’s do it together one choice at a time. Tune in each week and see that it’s not only possible to have it all, but that you were meant to all along! 

Mental Health
Alternative Health
Learning How To Say No Without Feeling Guilty (...
How comfortable are you saying "no" in your life? So many of us struggle with saying no when people make requests of our time, space, energy, money, or love. We want to please. We want others to like us. We don't want to be seen as unhelpful or unavailable. In today's episode I talk about the challenge of saying "no", and give you very concrete and actionable tips for strengthening that muscle within you.
45 min
T2B2: A Super Simple Practice I’m Using Fuel My...
How do you relate to feedback? Feedback scares the heck out of most people, but if you run from it then you're handcuffing your potential. In today’s episode I’m sharing with you a very simple, yet effective practice that I’ve been using to improve my life. It’s called T2B2, and it centers around seeking out feedback from trusted people in your life. Tune in and I’ll share with you how it’s done and show you why you want to start implementing this simple practice in your life right now!
25 min
Feeling Stuck In Life? Here’s What You Can Do T...
Are you feeling stuck in life? We all feel stuck at some point in life. How long we stay feeling stuck depends on a few factors. Today's day 7 of the awareness suite, and in this conversation we are applying the lessons from the last 6 days so you can finally get unstuck!
13 min
Where Are You Spending Your Most Precious Resou...
How much of your time each day is spent with the people, places, and activities that you say matter most to you? Today's day 6 of the awareness suite, and in this conversation we are taking a look at exactly where you invest your most precious resource: your time.
9 min
Your Environments Are Keeping You Stuck! (Aware...
How aware are you of the impact that your environment is having on you? From where you spend most of your time, to who you spend most of your time with, your environments shape your health, your attitudes, and your behavior. Today is day 5 of the Awareness suite, and in this episode we’re taking a look at the environments where you invest your time and energy, and shining a light on the fact that your environments very well may be keeping you from having it all.
13 min
It’s Time To Get Real About Your Standards! (Aw...
Do you have clear personal standards in your life? If so, what are they?? Most people understand the concept of a personal standard, but in practice have vague personal standards (at best). Yet, if you knew the impact that not having or holding personal standards was having across all areas of your life, I bet you’d get to work creating some! Today is day 4 of the Awareness suite, and in today’s episode we’re getting real about personal standards, and why not having clear personal standards that you uphold to a high degree is keeping you stuck, sad and unfulfilled.
11 min
Your Emotions Are Messengers, Are You Listening...
What emotions did you experience today and what insights into yourself did you glean from those emotions? Today is day 3 of the Awareness suite, and in today’s episode we’re digging into the layered messages of your emotions, and making the case that your emotions pack so much more insight than you are aware of!
14 min
Don’t Believe Everything You Think! (Awareness ...
Are most of your thoughts in a day empowering thoughts or disempowering thoughts? Today is day 2 of the Awareness suite, and in today’s episode I dive into the world of your inner monologue, and we talk about the importance of being aware of your thoughts and where they’re originating from.
15 min
Your Body Is Talking To You! Are You Paying Att...
What communications is your body giving you right this very moment? In today’s episode I dive into the communications of your body, and we talk about not only what your body is communicating to you but also how you can use those communications to steer your life in a powerful direction.
15 min
Understanding THIS Natural Law Will Save You So...
Have you ever felt like life moves in a never-ending cycle of ups and downs, advances and setbacks, victories and defeats? In this episode, we delve into practical ways to work with the Law of Rhythm rather than against it. Discover how to recognize the subtle shifts in the pendulum's swing and maintain focus on your desired outcomes, even in the face of setbacks.
27 min
This Perspective On Exercise Completely Changed...
What do you feel are the biggest benefits to exercising? Whether or not you’re currently exercising at the level you feel you should, you probably have some thoughts about why exercise is important and what the benefits are. In today’s episode I’m sharing that new perspective on exercise with you, and I’m inviting you to try it out for yourself and see/feel what this perspective can offer you and your life!
18 min
Elevate ANY Relationship In 10 Days With This S...
Are you feeling like your relationships are stuck in a rut? Or are you simply wanting to see and feel your relationships improving? In today’s episode I unveil a simple yet powerful method that has transformed my connections with others. It's not a quick fix or a manipulation tactic, but rather a genuine approach to fostering trust, intimacy, and understanding.
22 min
Are You Living With Passion And Doing What You ...
Are you doing what you love in life? In this episode I’m sharing with you some questions to ask yourself that can help you identify your passions and build a life where you’re practicing and living them regularly. Living life with passion is a key ingredient of “having it all”, and today’s conversation will help you get there!
51 min
I Learned 3 Invaluable Lessons From This Single...
What crossroads moments has your life contained, and what lessons did you learn? In 2013 I faced a major crossroad moment. The job path that I had chosen was making me miserable, and each day that I stuck on it I felt more frustrated, more helpless and more like a victim. I had experienced many crossroads moments in my life up to that point, and in the majority of them I chose to stay safe, remain comfortable, and give into the fear. But not this time.
40 min
How To Become Immune To Rejection
Have you ever wondered how to become immune to rejection? Rejections happen to all of us in life. It’s unavoidable. Yet, not everyone is impacted the same way by rejections. Some people are crushed, while others use the rejection to grow. Which are you?
29 min
This GIANT Mistake Is Making It Impossible To I...
Wondering why your efforts for improvement often fall short? In today’s episode, we uncover a colossal mistake that could be sabotaging your progress when you’re seeking change and improvement in your life, and I’m going to help you spot the mistake and overcome it if you’re doing it yourself!
31 min
Why 2023 Was My Most Difficult Year Yet (And Wh...
Have you ever looked back on an experience in your life and thought, "Yeah, I don't want to go through that again!". 2023 held many of those moments for me. Truth be told, there was a lot that I struggled with in 2023 that had me feeling overwhelmed, stressed and maxed out. But I didn't tell anyone, and so I struggled in silence. In today's episode I'm breaking that silence and letting you in on why 2023 was my most challenging year yet, I'm sharing what contributed to my internal challenges, and I'm talking about what I'm going to do about it so that I have a different experience this year!
51 min
Create Your BEST YEAR YET With A Word For The Y...
What is a simple yet effective tool that can help you create the best year of your life? Answer: a Word For The Year! Each year on the Having It A.L.L. podcast, I guide you to creating a Word For The Year. And it's that time once again!
41 min
The Big Self Help Mistake I Used To Make (Don't...
Do you find yourself being overly self-critical when someone else's advice just doesn't work for you? I've read, listened to and watched thousands of pieces of self help content over the years, and for a long time I thought that there was something wrong with me when I failed to incorporate someone else's advice into my life. In today's episode I'm giving you one huge piece of advice as you prepare to jump into the New Year that will help you to have a more joyful and successful year.
40 min
Do This One Thing BEFORE Planning Next Year's G...
Have you started planning your goals and resolutions for the new year? Whether you have your goals already, or haven't even started, there's one thing you want to make sure you do before you write your goals in stone, and that's take a deep look at how you showed up this past year. In today's episode I'm walking you through a self assessment process (the same one I use with all of my coaching clients) that will help you determine where you are right now, so you can chart the course for where you want to be in the coming year.
47 min
These 3 Skills Will Make Or Break Your Success ...
What are 3 skills that you could develop and hone that would dramatically change your life? In today's episode I share with you the 3 skills that they've all developed which have led to their success, skills that you MUST hone in order to see the results you want in 2024!
32 min
4 Sobering Truths That Will Make You Rethink Yo...
Are you aware that beliefs are not permanent? In today's episode I'm sharing with you 4 sobering truths that will challenge some deep beliefs you have about yourself and your life, and in doing so I'm inviting you to be willing to let go of your limiting beliefs for something more empowering.
21 min
How To Build Your MAGIC MUSCLE So You Can Overc...
How do you handle tough times in life? In today's episode I'm sharing the concept of the "magic muscle" and revealing how you can learn this crucial skill so that you can overcome any adversity and create joy in the face of circumstances.
32 min
A Proven Way To Raise Your Self-Worth In 3 Simp...
How strong is your self-worth? Put a different way: do you believe in your own value and worthiness? Low self-worth is at the heart of many challenges that people struggle with. From difficulties with relationships, procrastination and avoidance, a lack of confidence.....all of these things have low self-worth as the common thread. So what do you do when you know you have low self-worth and you want to raise it? Well, in today's episode I'm sharing with you a proven way to raise your self worth, and it comes down to 3 simple steps.
17 min
How To Navigate The Loneliness That Comes With ...
Have you ever felt the loneliness that comes with personal growth and transformation? As you shed your old life and embrace the new, it's natural to experience strong feelings of loneliness. How you handle those lonely periods can be the difference between growing and achieving your goals, or continuing to struggle. In today's episode I share six essential insights for navigating the lonely chapters that are a part of your personal development journey.
20 min