Having It A.L.L.

Welcome to Having It A.L.L., the podcast that flips the script on what it means to “have it all” in life. I’m Matthew Bivens, your host and friend, and I’m inviting you to join me in conversations designed to help you radically shift your confidence, self worth, and clarity. In order to create new results in your life - whether that’s in your relationships, your health, your money, your family or your life’s purpose - you must make new decisions and build new habits. This podcast will not only deliver the lessons and action items that will help you move the needle in your life, but also share the vulnerable and honest truth about the challenges of working to improve and ultimately master yourself. Each breakdown can lead to breakthrough, and we cover it all on this podcast. Personal development is not an easy road, but you can create meaningful change that lasts. Let’s do it together one choice at a time. Tune in each week and see that it’s not only possible to have it all, but that you were meant to all along! 

Mental Health
Alternative Health
The Often Overlooked Step Of Goal Setting & Mak...
In today's episode I'm recalling some significant, and almost missed lessons from a recent client call. What I share is applicable to everyone, whether you're working in a corporate setting, a stay-at-home parent (holla!), or grinding away in...
24 min
What You Need Versus What You Want - How To Fee...
In today's episode I'm referencing the well known saying that you are given "what you need, not what you want". I explore this belief and share a story of a recent encounter when this belief was shared with me first hand. 
24 min
How To Stay Focused In Life To Achieve Results
In today's episode I'm sharing tips on how to focus your life to achieve results.  I recently took part in a peak performance, work efficiency challenge that lasted 2 weeks, called Ultraworking Pentathlon. It was a really interesting event and I...
11 min
When Asking For Help Is Hard - A Simple Way To ...
  In this episode I'm sharing with you a few common examples of when the universe places people or things in our path that are there to help us, and yet we refuse the help. For me, asking for help has been a challenge since I was young. I...
11 min
How To Be More Consistent When Building Healthy...
In today's episode I'm sharing an example of consistency that I experience in my life every week. His name is Robert Monroe and he has been on this podcast before. In the episode titled "“You Have To Move Your Feet”: A Story About Seeing the...
9 min
What I Liked About Tim Ferriss's Latest TED Tal...
In today's episode I'm breaking down Tim Ferriss's most recent TED talk titled "Why you should define your fears instead of your goals". In this TED talk, Tim shares a simple exercise he calls "Fear Setting" which helps him break out of...
25 min
Unraveling The Be-Do-Have Paradigm
In this episode I'm breaking down the Be-Do-Have paradigm from the book Beyond Body Beyond Mind by Dr. Sukhi Muker.  Two friends introduced me to this book, and I'm extremely grateful they did, because in it Dr. Muker helps me finally grasp my...
23 min
The Most Powerful Way To Practice Self Love
In today's episode I'm talking about self love, but not in the way you're probably used to. Self love conversations are ubiquitous these days. Everyone's talking about. But beyond "positive self affirmations" and "choosing healthy foods" do we...
10 min
The Secret Behind Delayed Gratification And Suc...
In this episode I'm exploring Delayed Gratification, and how it's linked to success. I discuss the famous Stanford Marshmallow Study, describe my relationship with delayed gratification in key areas of my life (relationships, business,...
25 min
Getting More Out Of Life By Working Smarter, No...
In today's episode I'm sharing with you my tried and tested process for being more productive and feeling more fulfilled, by working smarter and not harder. I have been somewhat obsessed with productivity and work efficiency ever since graduating...
41 min
Learning How to Choose Happiness and Create The...
Today's episode is a rebroadcast of an amazing conversation I had with Heather Gray. The original podcast episode is titled "Learning How to Choose Happiness and Create The Life You Want". There’s a fundamental belief that separates the people who...
60 min
How I'm Moving From Grief To Gratitude
In today's episode I'm sharing a very personal recent experience of having to say goodbye to our family dog, and how I have been able to shift my feelings and emotions from those of grief to gratitude. I missed publishing an episode last week. It's...
17 min
Envying Others' Successes
In today's episode I'm sharing something that I am working on doing less of in my life, and that's envying others successes. It's been something that happens almost automatically at times. I might see someone who has more money than I do, a...
9 min
The 5 W's Of Radical Self Awareness
In this episode I'm giving you the 5 W's of radical self awareness. Each of the 5 W's will give you questions to ponder about your life: the people you surround yourself with, the environments you place yourself in, the path that you're currently on,...
27 min
A New Way To Think About Life Balance
In today's episode I'm introducing a simple and new way to think about life balance. It's called "The Body Vehicle" and in the episode I'm breaking down exactly what the Body Vehicle is, what it reveals about life balance, and how you can apply it to...
15 min
The 8 Habits Of A Humble Badass
On this episode I'm joined by my wife Sarah as she breaks down the 8 habits of a Humble Badass. What is a Humble Badass you ask? Well you'll have to tune in to find out! The premise of this show is looking at how we can create more ABUNDANCE and LOVE...
41 min
A Story of Healing: Using Curiosity and Courage...
Today's episode is a rebroadcast of an episode from the first few weeks of the podcast. In it, I'm having an amazing conversation with Monique Ruffin. Monique Ruffin is a celebration of living. She is one of those people that folks say has...
45 min
The Real Benefit Of Intermittent Fasting
In this episode I’m talking about my experience with intermittent fasting - a pattern of eating and fasting that has become popular in the health and fitness community lately. I have been doing intermittent fasting for the past 4 years, yet my...
24 min
The 3 Mindsets That Have Transformed My Confide...
In today's episode I'm sharing with you three mindsets that have been the biggest catalysts for my personal transformation over the past 4 years. From my self confidence, to the quality of my relationships, to my ability to attract money and...
21 min
How To Stop Making Fear Based Decision
In today's episode I'm sharing with you some steps to help you to stop making fear based decisions in your life, especially around major life decisions, and to start deciding from a place of love. I think we all know what it's like to be at a...
20 min
The Secret Consequences of Being Authentic and ...
This episode is a rebroadcast of a powerful conversation I had with Paul Colaianni -- host of The Overwhelmed Brain Podcast and author of "The Overwhelmed Brain: Personal Growth For Critical Thinkers". Paul Colaianni has not always led an authentic...
66 min
The Consequence Of Breaking Promises To Yourself
In today's episode I'm talking about the importance of keeping the promises you make to yourself. As with many things in life, our ability to keep promises to others is linked to our ability to keep promises to ourselves.    If we break...
21 min
How I'm Fixing My F'd Up Relationship Towards M...
In this episode I'm talking about an aspect of health and wellness that I don't think gets a lot of attention, and that's your relationship towards money. For 18 years I've had an incredibly disempowering relationship with my personal finances. I...
27 min
I'm Feeling Tired Of Working On Myself
I'm coming clean in this episode and am sharing something I've been feeling for a little while now: I'm tired of working on myself. I'm tired of feeling like I need to constantly improve myself, fix things, heal wounds, grow and transform. At the...
15 min
Be Aware Of How Your Thoughts Impact Your Perfo...
In this episode I'm giving two examples of how your thinking impacts your ability to perform. I talk about the consequences on your body of holding loving and empowering thoughts versus fearful and scarce thoughts. And I challenge you to become more...
26 min