Having It A.L.L.

Welcome to Having It A.L.L., the podcast that flips the script on what it means to “have it all” in life. I’m Matthew Bivens, your host and friend, and I’m inviting you to join me in conversations designed to help you radically shift your confidence, self worth, and clarity. In order to create new results in your life - whether that’s in your relationships, your health, your money, your family or your life’s purpose - you must make new decisions and build new habits. This podcast will not only deliver the lessons and action items that will help you move the needle in your life, but also share the vulnerable and honest truth about the challenges of working to improve and ultimately master yourself. Each breakdown can lead to breakthrough, and we cover it all on this podcast. Personal development is not an easy road, but you can create meaningful change that lasts. Let’s do it together one choice at a time. Tune in each week and see that it’s not only possible to have it all, but that you were meant to all along! 

Mental Health
Alternative Health
Abundant Love Q&A with Matthew and Sarah
Who wants to talk about Abundant Love again?! Judging from your response to the first abundant love episode, YOU DO! In the episode titled "Being An Abundant Lover: How I Create Healing, Empowering and Joyful Relationships In and Outside My Marriage"...
86 min
Exploring Sexual Energy: What Our Relationship ...
For today's episode I'm sharing with you one a great conversation I had with my friend Kyla Sokol-Ward, all about sexual energy.  This episode made me excited and nervous all at the same time, and the topics we dive into are great because they...
56 min
Here's One Reason You May Be Unfulfilled In You...
Do you hold the expectation that your relationship must check off all of your fulfillment boxes? How about your job, are you telling yourself that your job must be the perfect alignment of your passions, gifts and talents?   I don't know where I...
25 min
How To Be Grateful For Family Emotional Triggers
When was the last time a family member set you off?   Family has this amazing ability to press our buttons like nothing else. They seem to know exactly what to say and how to say it to get behind our defenses, and find those tiny areas where they...
35 min
Why Being Family Centered Leads To Pain
What happens when we derive our sense of security, wisdom, power and guidance from our family? By the title of this episode you can guess that my argument is "Nothing good comes from that!" In my life, I've experienced the consequence of attaching my...
38 min
Using Faith, Trust And Surrender To Expand Your...
What is faith? How does it differ from religion and spirituality? And how can you grow faith in your life?   If you've ever asked yourself these questions then you're going to get some answers in this episode!   I wanted to explore faith...
44 min
What To Do When Your Relationship Feels Forced
What do you do when your relationship feels forced? When you feel like you're at an emotional crossroads and both decisions ahead of you feel scary?   In today's episode I'm answering a listener email from "Kim". I talk about: Self worth...
40 min
Here's How Fasting Has Helped Me Deal With My E...
How aware are you of the connection between your emotions and your ability to keep commitments? Until recently, I really didn't think much about it.  But a few things have come up with me recently that really shines the spotlight on how huge of a...
14 min
5 Lessons Learned From Authentic And Honest Con...
Transparency and authenticity have certainly been theme of this podcast recently! And for great reason. There is no abundant loving life when we're living lives of withhold, fear and attachment. It just doesn't happen. I experienced this lesson first...
35 min
Speaking Your Voice And Showing Up Authentically
How often are you speaking your truth, displaying courage over consideration and sharing the thoughts, feelings and ideas that are really on your heart? How frequently are you being UNAPOLOGETICALLY YOU, without all the things you do, say and wear on...
28 min
Being Abundant Lovers: How We Create Healing, E...
Are your most intimate relationships (sexual and otherwise) creating healing, empowerment and joy within you? For years my paradigm around sex and intimate relationships was fixed. I viewed sex as a way to have fun, make babies, and relieve stress. And all of my sexual encounters pretty much fell into those boxes. Fast forward to today, and everything has changed. In today's episode I share the evolution I've undergone in how I view relationships and my role in them. This episode is incredibly vulnerable for me because I'm talking about something that I've only hinted at before. I share the style of LOVING and the style of LIVING that I've chosen for myself, one that created the biggest opportunities within me for personal growth, healing and transformation.
118 min
How Are You Sacrificing Joy By Killing Possibil...
How are you sacrificing your joy, abundance and greatness by killing possibility? In today's episode I'm sharing an experience I had recently that shined light on how I was completely destroying possibility in my life. This self-destructive habit was...
9 min
What My Weed Habit Taught Me About Fear and Dep...
What can your past habits, attachments, and behaviors tell you about how you relate to life?   For me, taking a look at my past gives me so many insights and tools which I can use in my life today.    One area which has proven to be a...
41 min
Building Greater Trust And Honesty In Your Rela...
If you were to rate from 1-10 the level of trust, honesty and authenticity in your current most important relationships, where would you rate them? You already know that trust is a crucial element for a powerful relationship, and it's probably...
41 min
My Experience, Struggles and Lessons Of Being B...
Can you relate with feeling uncomfortable in your own skin?   I can.   Growing up biracial (white mother and black father), I learned early on that society likes being able to fit you into a nice, neat box with a proper label. Being asked...
42 min
How To Jumpstart Your Life When You’re Feeling ...
How many of us can relate to feeling like we don’t know where we’re going in life? Or the feeling of being lost and confused, even when you’re “supposed” to have it all together?   Maybe you’ve always felt that way, or perhaps...
38 min
How To Deal With A Confidence and Self Worth Br...
When was the last time you had a major breakdown in confidence and self worth?   So often when our confidence is shook and we're questioning our own value, it's a major challenge to recover and get back into a powerful place. I have too many...
46 min
Exploring Sexual Energy: What Our Relationship ...
What is sexual energy? Before a few years ago, I wouldn’t have a clear answer for you. Today I can shed a little more light on the topic, from my experiences and conversations, but I’m still a baby in that area (and that keeps me humbled and...
55 min
How Are Your Fears Preventing The Greatness Of ...
How are the decisions you're making and the person you're being, giving those around you permission to play small and stay in their fears?   It's a heavy question and one with far reaching consequences.    I recently had an experience...
31 min
What's The Point Of Going After Anything That's...
What's the point of going after anything that's reasonable in life? I absolutely love this question because I believe answering it gets to the core of what we are all playing for in life. HAVING IT ALL and experiencing an unreasonable amount of...
35 min
Your Relationships Are Killing You (Rebroadcast)
I'd love to learn more about you and what you like/dislike about the podcast so that I can make the best show possible for you! If you have 3 minutes, please fill out my quick survey at: http://www.matthewbivens.com/survey/ How aware are you of...
34 min
Holding Onto A Lie To Keep The Relationship Goi...
When you discover that your partner has been holding onto a lie, how does that impact your relationship?  Today I have a special episode for you! One of my favorite things about hosting this podcast is the amazing people I've been able to meet....
96 min
A Sneak Peak At The Balance and Motherhood Podcast
When it comes to podcasting, I'm not just a guy behind the mic. I'm also a guy behind the people behind the mics, meaning that I also produce shows for folks! You can learn about that at One of the shows I produce is for my badass wife, Sarah Bivens....
25 min
Who Will You Become In 2018? My Favorite Practi...
Who will you become in 2018? We're all used to setting new years resolutions and goals for what we want to DO in the upcoming year, but rarely do we make time for a much more important exercise -- being clear on who we want to become in the new year....
21 min
The 3 Mindsets That Have Transformed My Confide...
How are you going to make 2018 greater than 2017? You might be thinking of DOING something different -- eating healthier foods, being more intentional with your business, loving on your family more. But there's a great chance that you'll be ending...
22 min