Having It A.L.L.

Welcome to Having It A.L.L., the podcast that flips the script on what it means to “have it all” in life. I’m Matthew Bivens, your host and friend, and I’m inviting you to join me in conversations designed to help you radically shift your confidence, self worth, and clarity. In order to create new results in your life - whether that’s in your relationships, your health, your money, your family or your life’s purpose - you must make new decisions and build new habits. This podcast will not only deliver the lessons and action items that will help you move the needle in your life, but also share the vulnerable and honest truth about the challenges of working to improve and ultimately master yourself. Each breakdown can lead to breakthrough, and we cover it all on this podcast. Personal development is not an easy road, but you can create meaningful change that lasts. Let’s do it together one choice at a time. Tune in each week and see that it’s not only possible to have it all, but that you were meant to all along! 

Mental Health
Alternative Health
The 6 F's - HIA Framework Part 3
This is part 3 in my series where I'm breaking down the meaning of A.L.L. - Abundant Loving Life, and where I'm sharing my framework for having it all.   In the A.L.L. framework, I've chosen to focus on what I think are 6 key areas of life:...
31 min
"You Have To Move Your Feet": A Story About See...
Today’s guest is a father to three daughters, a husband to a beautiful wife, friend to myself and so many others, and an economist by profession. His name is Robert Monroe, and if you met him in person, the first thing you’d probably notice is his...
77 min
Your Relationships Are Killing You
I truly believe that your relationships are the most important factor to your health (and I'm not talking about relationships in the way you might be thinking). This episode will get you thinking. What you’ll learn in this episode: The types...
25 min
Learning to Love Yourself and Have It All Witho...
There is a theme on this show that comes up in a number of episodes: Breakdowns lead to Breakthroughs. My guest on today’s podcast knows all about this. Ruby Fremon has had her breakdowns in life. She knows what it feels like to hit the proverbial...
45 min
The One Thing I Use to Get Back on Track to Ach...
This episode was inspired by an article titled “The one sentence that finally inspired me to lose 70 pounds”. I read that and thought to myself, “I want to know that one thing!!!” Not because I feel I need to lose 70 pounds, but because...
20 min
Dingle: Being Original and Chucking the Status ...
I’ve met some very cool people through this podcast. Typically, I’m inspired to have them on the show because of their work or the message they are pushing out to the world. I’ll see their TED talk, or read one of their powerful blog posts, or...
60 min
What is Your Love Conversation? - HIA Framework...
Continuing our series on the Having It A.L.L. framework, today's episode is all about LOVE.  I have a special guest on this episode with me today, one perfectly suited to chat with me about love. In this conversation you'll learn: The difference...
35 min
Man With A Mission: How To Have It All While Re...
Yeah, this episode has a pretty bold title. But bold men are deserving of bold titles. I’ve been inspired by Bill Jamison since meeting him over 3 years ago. Today I consider him a friend and trusted part of my inner circle. Bill is a husband,...
39 min
HIA Framework Part 1 - What is Abundance and Ho...
I’ve always been inspired by the genius men and women who were able to take a concept such as love, or effectiveness or even personal finance, and find the patterns within them that can allow ordinary mortals like you and I to tap into and...
25 min
If Your Passions and Dreams Were the Very Reaso...
I have the pleasure of knowing some pretty amazing people where I live in Atlanta, and my guest today is one of them. Her name is Kemi Bennings, and the best way to describe her is as a creative, loving, spiritual being who is always learning and...
32 min
A Simple Framework for "Having It All" in Your ...
What does having it all mean to you? It’s a question that I ask all of the guests I have on the show, and it’s a question to which I’ve never heard the exact same answer twice. I started this podcast partly because of the polarizing nature of...
42 min
Loving Your Otherness and The Myth Of Tomorrow ...
What the heck is “otherness”? I know I had that question swirling in my mind when I was doing my research on my next guest. This concept of “otherness”, described in the way that my guest described it, was not framed in a way I was accustomed....
49 min
What To Do When Someone Challenges Your Beliefs
We have all been in a situation where another person has challenged a belief that we held.  Big or small, we know what it feels like to be questioned and to then feel like we need to defend our beliefs.  Well, I'm no stranger to this either,...
19 min
How to Become the Richest Person On The Planet ...
How do you define “rich”? If you’re like me and most Americans, the first words that come to mind when you hear “rich” are probably about money or something financially related. Makes sense. That’s the context we’re most used to hearing....
60 min
Why You're Failing to Tap Into Your Full Creati...
“We are all creators. Whether or not we create is not up to us. We are human, and creating is what we do.” - Michael Gungor You are a creator! Yes, you. Whether you not you believe it is irrelevant, because like Michael Gungor said, “We are...
40 min
A Story of Healing: Using Curiosity and Courage...
Monique Ruffin is a celebration of living. She is one of those people that folks say has “A beautiful soul”. And I completely understand why. Monique grew up in the neighborhood of Watts in Los Angeles. Yes, that Watts. It's where...
47 min
Why Personal Mission Statements Are the Most Po...
At the end of last week's episode I left you with a cliffhanger. Last week I was talking about FEEDBACK and the power of feedback to ensure you stay on path in life. I introduced the question, "What's the point of being on path if you don't...
55 min
BONUS - John Lee Dumas on How to Create the Lif...
  If a Hall of Fame existed for podcasting, John Lee Dumas would be voted in on the first round. As the creator of the insanely popular business podcast, Entrepreneur On Fire, John has interviewed the most successful entrepreneurs of today....
30 min
Learning How to Be Awesome When Life Hits You W...
I’m a firm believer that life is always going to throw circumstances your way, especially when you say (or think) you’re ready to handle them. Circumstances can look like a fender bender, a letter from the IRS, a pet needing to go to the vet, and...
50 min
How Do I Make Sure I’m “On Path” To My Greatest...
What is simultaneously the most significant factor and biggest barrier to becoming your greatest self? Without this thing, airplanes would not make it to their final destination, corporate managers would have less work to do, and you would reach a...
27 min
A Story of Dreams, Perseverance, and Taking the...
This powerful conversation stemmed from a tip a friend gave me, “Matthew, you have got to interview this guy!” The guy I was being encouraged to speak with was Mike Mills. Mike is an exceptionally unique guy. He has what I call the Small “s”...
52 min
How Aware Are You of Your Influence on Others?
We are all influencers. Everyday we influence, without fail, we influence three groups: our Selves, Others and Life. However, many of us go through life unaware of just how much we influence these groups, and unconscious of the power of influence we...
16 min
Moving Through Hell and Rising Above Circumstan...
We’ve all been throughsituations that, at the time, felt never ending.Time crawls by. Our bodiesrespond to the tension. Our minds race from present to future topast.Going through hell feels likegoing through hell.But if you’re reading this,...
50 min
How to JUMP Into the Life You Truly Want to Live
Love and Fear. It's what all decisions in our lives can be boileddown to. Love vs. Fear. Fear can be one heck of a beast!We all know because we all can recall times when welet fear overpower our ability to make clear decisions.I lived much of my...
37 min
How to Create the Biggest Shifts in Your Wellbe...
How do you define "wellbeing"?How about breaking down the word into it's two parts --WELL and BEING -- what do those words mean to you?My guest in today's conversation is clear on what those wordsmean to her, and is on a mission to spread her...
37 min