Bright Side

Whether you’re into useful tips for self-improvement, psychology, recent discoveries, mysterious stories, or just your day-to-day routine, there’s something for everyone! You can expect all that and more coming at you in five new episodes every day. If you’ve got a thirst for knowledge that never quits, then join our community! We have a good time, so take your shoes off, kick back, and make yourself at home here on the Bright Side of life!

Why We Should Worry About Sun Flares + Other Sp...
28 min
Why Pets Can't Have Chocolate And Other Animal ...
22 min
Why Helicopters Can't Fly Over This Place
Nowadays you can get almost anywhere you want by plane. But there are places on Earth over which planes can't fly. They are restricted zones you can’t enter for security or secrecy reasons. Let's explore some of them and find out, why it's forbidden to fly over these places... One of such zones is Disneyland and Disney World. It's forbidden to fly over the theme park without a special waiver and the restriction goes 3,000 feet above sea level. Another place protected from helicopters is a huge hole in Earth's surface. The giant pit is a diamond mine and it messes with the flow of air, creating a vortex that helicopters might get in... How's it possible?
10 min
What the World Would Look Like if All the Ocean...
The ocean covers more than 70 percent of the surface of the Earth. It's hard to imagine our planet without the blue color of the oceans. But what if all the water in the oceans disappeared? Let's see how life would change if the oceans dried up. The landscape would definitely be spectacular. People would have finally found out the secrets of the ocean depths. We'd see that the bottom of the ocean is covered with mud volcanoes, seamounts, canyons and cold seeps. But what'd happen to the oceans creatures?
9 min
The Real Meaning of the Word OK
Why do we say “OK”? It’s hard to believe there was ever a time when some words didn’t exist. Had you been around before 1839, for instance, you wouldn’t have had a clue what OK means because OK wasn’t a thing yet! It's easily one of the most widely-used expressions around the world. It isn’t confined to one region, language, or even purpose! You use it to show that you got the message, like when your boss says, “Hey, I need you to send me a copy of that report” and you reply, “OK!” Yet if you think that something was just mediocre, you say, “Eh, the movie was OK.”
8 min
16 Curious Things You're Probably Too Shy to Go...
There are some things we use or do all the time without knowing the true reason behind them. Instead of taking them for granted, find out what the most curious facts about everyday objects you never had time to Google. Why are plane windows rounded? Why are sneakers called sneakers? What is the right way to peel a banana? You’ll be surprised to find out the answers to these questions. Did you think croissants were from France? If yes, then you’re not alone. Given the French name, it’s obvious that most people would think they originated in France. But that’s not true. Croissants actually hail from Vienna, Austria. Trailers were originally shown at the end of a feature film screening, but the practice didn’t last long because patrons would leave the theater soon after the films ended. Barbie’s full name is Barbara Millicent Roberts. And, she doesn’t come from Malibu, but a fictional place called Willows in Wisconsin instead. No one can imagine any electronics to be associated with water. But the USB logo has a subtle link to water. It is modeled after the trident of Poseidon, the god of the Sea and other waters.
10 min
Why This Tiny Lake Is the Scariest on Earth
There are about 117 million lakes on our planet, and they cover almost 4% of the continental land. Lakes can be small or big, clean or dirty, vital for local infrastructure or...deadly. And if you've been wondering which lake is the most dangerous in the world and why, this podcast will answer your questions.
8 min
Why Bananas Are Banned from Fishing Boats
8 min
What If Columbus Never Reached the Americas
8 min
Unbelievable True Survival Stories That Will Le...
25 min
Tips How to Survive Wild Animal Encounter + Bon...
24 min
This Baboon Operated a Railway and Never Made M...
8 min
11 Sneaky Lies You Were Told About Space
What's the craziest space fact you've heard? How about this one: there exists a space pen that costs $1 million dollars. Or that all of the comets have beautiful 'tails'. And the sun is always on fire. Are these real facts or simple myths? If so, let's get them debunked right now. I'm gonna check which of the space facts are actual myths we believe in...
9 min
Why This Falling Rock Sign Is So Important + 6 ...
When you know the answer to something that none of your friends does, you might feel like a genius. So if you've been looking for some cool facts to impress your friends or teachers with some things that aren’t common knowledge, you’ve come to the right place. This video is full of cool random facts. You’ll never know when you’ll need to pull these facts out, which is part of the fun. You're gonna learn which country had the barista set a world record for the most cappuccinos made in one hour. Also, you'll find out why the Sahara isn't actually the largest desert out there... Also, I'm gonna show you one sign that rules all of the road signs.
9 min
Earth Will Have Rings Like Saturn + Other Terri...
Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun and the one with the biggest rings in our Solar System. But Saturn isn't the only planet to have them - Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune have rings too. Can Earth have rings just like Saturn does? Scientists claim our planet might be on the way to have rings around it. However, very specific ones - human-made rings out of damaged satellites, rockets and other space junk... What else is awaiting us in the future?
8 min
13 Brain-Boosting Tips to Strengthen Your Mind
The way our brain works has always been one of the most fascinating subjects out there. And even though there have been lots of useful and interesting discoveries on this topic, there are also plenty of misconceptions.
10 min
How to Survive a Day Without Money
It seems impossible to survive even one day without money in the modern world. And yet, if you do find yourself in this situation, don’t panic. You don’t have to starve or use credit. Just follow the instruction! Of course, there are things you can’t do without, and if your fridge and your pockets are empty, what can you do? Don't try to get a free ride on public transport. If you get caught, you’ll be fined and will have to pay money you didn’t have in the first place. But you can ride a bicycle! Clothes, as well as furniture, home appliances, and pretty much anything else can be found on social media or in special apps – both free and on barter terms. As for food, you can always become a “freegan”! Of course, if you’re not daunted by the extreme.
8 min
9 Body Parts That Might Change Soon
Each part of your body is important! Still, there are parts that are far less important than others and science tells us that you don't even need some of them. For example, if you look in the mirror, you'll see a little fold of tissue in the inner corner of both of your eyes. It was actually once a third eyelid, or nictitating membrane. Let's take a look at these 9 body parts that soon might change dramatically.
10 min
This Baboon Operated a Railway and Never Made M...
8 min
These Animals Travel Across the World, But Why
9 min
Story of a Frozen Girl's Survival + Other Incre...
26 min
Natural Disasters To Watch Out For In The Future
22 min
Mars Is Planning to Destroy Its Own Moon
8 min
You’re Stranded On Planet Arrakis From Dune. Wi...
You’re trudging up a steep sand dune, one foot in front of the other. Out of breath. Exhausted. You’ve lost too much water and your body is beginning to shut down. You know you can’t go on for much longer. Finally, you reach the top of the dune. And there before you is what you didn’t want to see. It’s so horrible that it takes seconds to sink in. Stretching to the horizon, is a literal sea. Of endless sand dunes. You’re stranded. Alone. Lost. Far from salvation, on the Planet Arrakis..You’re trudging up a steep sand dune, one foot in front of the other. Out of breath. Exhausted. You’ve lost too much water and your body is beginning to shut down. You know you can’t go on for much longer. Finally, you reach the top of the dune. And there before you is what you didn’t want to see. It’s so horrible that it takes seconds to sink in. Stretching to the horizon, is a literal sea. Of endless sand dunes. You’re stranded. Alone. Lost. Far from salvation, on the Planet Arrakis..
9 min
Dogs Have Pockets In Their Ears + 30 Other Fact...
You look at your pooch and notice a sort of a pocket on their ear. You get worried and start googling this feature. But no worries. It actually has a name - Henry's pocket, or, more scientifically, cutaneous marginal pouch. It's nothing dangerous and might be there to help detect high-pitched sounds. Let's explore this hidden feature any pooch has and 30+ incredible true facts. Like why a phone is 10 times dirtier than a toilet handle? Or how can flamingos be actually white in reality?
10 min