Bright Side

Whether you’re into useful tips for self-improvement, psychology, recent discoveries, mysterious stories, or just your day-to-day routine, there’s something for everyone! You can expect all that and more coming at you in five new episodes every day. If you’ve got a thirst for knowledge that never quits, then join our community! We have a good time, so take your shoes off, kick back, and make yourself at home here on the Bright Side of life!

42 Things That Are Always Confused for One Another
There are many things that we think are the same, but they’re actually 2 different things. For example, when someone says, “I’m going to America,” they probably mean the US. Would you like to have a mug of coffee or a cup of coffee? Have you brought a mushroom or a toadstool from the forest? Did you have a macaron or a macaroon with lunch yesterday?
11 min
What If the Sun Was Twice Smaller
You've probably never thought how much the way you live on Earth depends on the size of the Sun! The Sun is a yellow dwarf: a perfect sphere of scorching plasma, generating a magnetic field 24/7. Despite being called a dwarf, its mass is 330,000 times bigger than that of the Earth! And the diameter of this giant is more than 864,000 miles! But what if it became a red dwarf? First of all, red dwarf stars are much colder than yellow dwarfs. So the climate all over the planet would be getting colder and colder, and it would become impossible to live too close to the North and the South poles. And quite soon, half of the planet would turn into an icy desert...
10 min
How to Grow Taller in a Week
If you think you've stopped growing and you're at the pick of your height, I have great news for you! You can grow an inch in height in just five minutes! The recipe is easy and effective: all you'll need is a chin-up bar or somewhere to hang from... Here're 8 lifehacks you can do to improve your body. You'll find out how your ear can help you if your throat starts itching. Also, you'll learn how to impress everyone at the next pool party you’ll attend! And the coolest trick will help your eyes relax if you keep staring at the screen for hours without proper rest.
8 min
Strict Mothers Raise More Successful Daughters
When you’re a teen, you roll your eyes and let out a big sigh every time your parents nag you. But studies show you should be thanking them. It turns out your parents' nagging is good for you. Researchers say that girls whose moms were always on to them that are more likely to succeed in life!
8 min
10 Places Where You Shouldn't Keep Your Phone
Today it’s difficult (if not impossible) to find a person without a phone. We take them with us everywhere, even in the shower and in bed. However, keeping your phone in some places can be really dangerous for your device and, even worse, for your health. Did you know, for example, that keeping a phone in the front pocket can have a really negative effect on men’s health? A study from the University of Exeter has proven that the electromagnetic radiation emitted by phones adversely affects the quality and quantity of sperm. The longer a man keeps his phone in his pants, the higher the risk! As for ladies, they aren’t safe either! Even though there’s still no consensus about whether or not cell phone radiation causes cancer, scientists recommend keeping your phone away from your breasts.
10 min
Where You Should Rest Your Arms on Planes, Flig...
Do you like traveling by plane? Here's a video on how to get certain upgrades when you're flying. You'll learn an algorithm that can help you get upgraded already at the check-in. Also, I'm gonna tell you how to reserve an extra space seat online and get access to airport lounges. And a tip on how to use armrests on a plane is coming your way! All the top secrets allowing you to have a great flight - gathered in one place.
9 min
+10 Body Features May Put You in Rare 1%
Have you ever wondered how rare you are? Here're 12 things that make your body unique. Different rare body traits, strange peculiarities, unusual body parts. Each person is obviously irreplaceable but some of us are extremely unusual. Let's find out if you're part of these rare groups of people... From strange lumps in mouth that turn out to be an anomaly... to an extra pair of ribs some people have - in this video you'll find out everything you wanted to know about unusual body traits. Do you write with your left hand? Or maybe you're a 'supertaster'? What if your eye color makes you unique? Let's find out.
9 min
What Things Can Survive In Space?
What can survive in space? We definitely know that we, people, can. The only thing g we need for sure - is a spacesuit. Can any other living beings survive in space? Space can get as cold as -270.4 degrees Celsius. This is a really harsh temperature to endure. For example, the European Space Agency took water bears to the International Space Station, left them outside for ten days and they survived. Today we're exploring the possibility of different creatures of traveling to space. Let's take a look at some of the most remarkable historical missions and examine what other creatures could be potential space travelers. Would you like to join our space mission?
10 min
Become A Parking King With This Device
8 min
Two People Were Caught in the Ice But They Did ...
Here's a story about one Arctic Expedition that went absolutely wrong. Twelve people, two of them little children, got stranded in the broken ice of the Arctic for over 6 months, with no hope of rescue. Wow! And that's a true story! The survivors almost did the unthinkable: what was it? How did they manage to get out of the desperate situation?
8 min
9 Things No One Can Do When Meeting the Queen
While most of us will probably never get a chance to meet the Queen, it couldn’t hurt to brush up on your court etiquette, just in case. No one wants to wind up being thrown out of Her Majesty’s dinner party, so you should remember the rules if you want to avoid making a royal fool of yourself. By the way, let’s just assume right here that burping or some other release of gas is forbidden, so we’ll stick to the main ones. Did you know, for example, that using French words is considered impolite when speaking with the Queen, or any member of the royal family? Of course, breaking the rules of etiquette probably won’t get you thrown into the Tower of London in chains, or even out on the street, you should be on your best behavior if you want your royal rendezvous to go smoothly.
9 min
A Man Fell Out of the Plane But Pilots Saved Him
When Marine Second Lieutenant Walter Osipoff was boarding a plane on May 15, 1941, he didn't know yet that the flight would almost become his very last. Shortly after the takeoff, an accident that no one could have predicted left the man dangling high in the air, tangled in his parachute and hanging from the aircraft's tail in midflight. It was another regular sunny morning in California, and everything was calm at the North Island Naval airbase. There were no warning signs to the drama that was about to unfold in just a couple of hours. His parachute's ripcord got tangled with the automatic-release cord of the cargo cylinder, and the next thing he knew - his parachute was deploying inside the plane!
8 min
What Will Happen In The Next 5 Billion Years
9 min
What If You Fell Into Jupiter
8 min
What If We Sent All the Waste Off to Burn Up in...
10 min
What If All Water Turned Into Lava + Other Cool...
19 min
What If a Black Hole Entered Our Solar System T...
8 min
The Truth About Electricity That Schools Are Hi...
You use it every day but I bet you have no idea how it works... Electricity! Just think about it: every time you turn on the lights in your room, you use the speed of light. Yup, electricity travels at the speed of light to your home. Let's follow this process step by step: get to know how electrical energy travels, what it's composed of and how it's delivered right to your home. In this video you'll learn how to create an electric current from scratch and why physics teachers lie about electricity. If you're thinking about which source of electrical energy you want to use, I've got news for you. You're already using most of them at the same time. Let's find out, how it's possible...
9 min
57% Of Your Body Isn't Human, Here's Why
Here's some breaking news for you: technically, every human on Earth is a big group of microbes. Bacteria affect our life much more than you think. Each person is only 43% human and 57% microbe. Wow! These creatures are true owners of our Planet! To our 30 trillion human cells, we have on average about 39 trillion microbial cells. If you get on the scales, you can subtract more than a half from the number you see and you'll get your actual weight. Maybe you don't really need that diet, if you think about it. Let's learn more about this hidden half of ourselves...
9 min
Secret Ways to Use 27 Everyday Objects Differently
Do you think you know everything about the objects in your kitchen? In this video I'm gonna show you more than 20 tips to use kitchen items in a much cooler way than before. Open a glass jar with a rubber band and find out how to use a special tool on garlic presses. I'm gonna show you how to make flowers in a vase stay fresh for longer. Also you'll learn an easy way to check if your bed linen has dried completely and what to do next time your razor blade's getting dull. Here're 27 handy tricks with everyday objects.
8 min
Why Nobody Can Survive in the North Pole
9 min
What If You Had to Live Underwater for Years
8 min
She Was 2-Month-Old When She Got on the Titanic...
9 min
We Can Relocate Earth When Sun Becomes Too Hot
10 min
Titanic vs. the Iceberg Which Was Bigger and Why
19 min