Bright Side

Whether you’re into useful tips for self-improvement, psychology, recent discoveries, mysterious stories, or just your day-to-day routine, there’s something for everyone! You can expect all that and more coming at you in five new episodes every day. If you’ve got a thirst for knowledge that never quits, then join our community! We have a good time, so take your shoes off, kick back, and make yourself at home here on the Bright Side of life!

The World's Only Spacecraft Graveyard!
9 min
The Solar System Is Not Like You Think It Is
7 min
The Most Dangerous Thing in the Whole Universe
9 min
Welcome To The Dangerous Snake Island
8 min
How to Survive a Kangaroo Attack
8 min
19 Secret Features I Wish I Knew Before I Was T...
8 min
Science Proves Anyone Can Fall In Love With You
8 min
A 2-Ingredient Cream Will Reduce Belly Fat In 7...
How to lose weight without diet or exercise? We all know that belly fat is one of the most difficult and challenging fats to remove completely. Working out and eating healthily to get perfect abs is great, but did you know that just one mixture can do the whole job for you? Even better, it's completely affordable for everybody! There are only 2 main ingredients in this recipe, and both of them are 100% natural. Just 7 days of this treatment will give you outstanding results! If you wanna get there even faster, add a couple of abs exercises, and try to stick to a healthier menu!
7 min
The First Ever Black Hole Image Finally Released
10 min
That's What'll Happen to the Earth In 1,000,000...
10 min
Surviving Piranha Encounters and More Safety Tips
17 min
Something Strange Is Glowing in the Milky Way R...
10 min
Solve the Spider Riddle and Prove You're Smarte...
9 min
Do You Have an Eagle Eye? Time to Check!
Different people have different talents: some are great at memorizing information, others can smell the lightest notes in perfume. But some have an eagle eye: they can see the differences that no one else can. Let's check if you're among those people. This set of riddles is a test that'll reveal your attentiveness to detail. It'll train your brain and wake you up. Believe me, it works better than coffee. The more riddles you solve, the quicker you'll learn to search for the right answers in your head. Are you ready to meet this challenge?
12 min
World’s Largest Iceberg Breaks From Antarctica ...
We though that the iceberg that hit the Titanic was big... How about an iceberg larger than New York City? And it's a real thing that has broken off an ice shelf in Antarctica. It's 490 square miles and is floating somewhere out there and it's broken all records for floating glacier sizes... Imagine that you're on vacation, you come out to the shore with a cup of coffee and see... a colossal iceberg heading towards you. It's 300 feet high and stretching away many miles, as far as the eye can see. Wow!
8 min
If You Are Doing This To Your Gadgets, STOP Imm...
Do you always charge your phone when going to bed? Or, maybe, you prefer to charge it while resting it by the window? Well, you should stop doing it once and for all! Why? These are just some of the crucial mistakes that shorten the life of your gadgets. You don't wanna have to buy a new phone every year, do you? Here're 14 things we should avoid doing that harm our electronic devices. If you do any of them, you'd better STOP immediately. You'll learn about everything that gets our gadgets damaged: from charging mistakes to malware apps and things that're stealing your storage.
8 min
6 Ways to Prevent Your Phone from Stealing Your...
As smartphones gain more functions, we become more and more involved with them. Sometimes there’s even your whole life in one small device, and that’s reason enough to care about it a lot! If you think that your phone is your own private zone, you may be very wrong. So far, there is no such device that can’t be hacked. Thieves and scammers invent new schemes almost every day, and protecting your personal data can be hard.
8 min
Scientists Prove Pregnancy Can Be Contagious
Breaking news: Scientists have confirmed that pregnancy is contagious! Well, something must’ve been going around in the US in 2010 because that’s when pregnancy rates reached their highest at 6.2 million expectant mothers! So, what could’ve caused this sudden and unexpected baby boom?
9 min
Where Cricketer Players Make the Most Money
Cricket may not be well known in some countries, but for others it’s a pretty big deal. So big, in fact, that some of the best cricket players have paychecks that would really blow your mind! You may not know them, but you might just consider consulting them before your next career change. Just make sure you move to the right country too.
6 min
Scientists Found Extremely Rare Mummy Portraits...
9 min
Scientists Can"t Explain Unknown Material on th...
10 min
If Your Palms Are Sweating During a Storm, Run!
20 min
How Long Can Astronauts Survive on the ISS
3 min
How Far You Could Go in the Universe
10 min
Why All the Excitement about the James Webb Spa...
Have you ever heard of the James Webb Space Telescope? If you're interested in astronomy and space, you've definitely herd about it and must be really excited about it! It's obviously the most ambitious space telescope or probe ever launched. What's so special about the James Webb Space Telescope? First of all, it's huge! The primary mirror is over 21 feet wide. Just think about it: if you placed the two telescopes side-by-side, it would be like putting a horse next to an elephant. Let's learn more about it!
9 min