Bright Side

Whether you’re into useful tips for self-improvement, psychology, recent discoveries, mysterious stories, or just your day-to-day routine, there’s something for everyone! You can expect all that and more coming at you in five new episodes every day. If you’ve got a thirst for knowledge that never quits, then join our community! We have a good time, so take your shoes off, kick back, and make yourself at home here on the Bright Side of life!

34 Things People Google the Most
With almost 5 billion people using the Internet these days, it may seem hard to find information that will make you go "Wow!" That's why it's so amazing that there are still some facts that can surprise even the most knowledgeable people on the planet! Do you know, for example, that Earth once had not one but two moons? Or that animals try to stay clear of power lines? Or that there are more than 24 time zones in the world? Many time zones have only a 30- or 45-minute difference from the neighboring ones. So, guys, remember to tell us in the comments below about the time zone you live in!
10 min
20+ Easy Mind Tricks That Make People Like You
Well, if you want to finally get a puppy, go on vacation, and borrow a car from your dad – all you need to hear is one magical word. 'Yes.' No matter how hard it may be to get an approval, you will be prepared for everything after this video. Do you know, for example, that people won't trust you if you hide your eyes from them? Even if you're talking with someone you don't know – make a note on their eye color first. This will give a reason to establish eye contact and also make a compliment!
8 min
What to Do if a Burglar Is in Your House
How to tell if someone is in your house? And what to do when an intruder's in your home? First, let’s make sure there really is someone in the house. But you should be very quiet in case there’s a burglar. Look outside the house to search for traces. Can you see anything suspicious? Is there an unknown vehicle close to your house? Maybe you can spot some footsteps or a broken window? Was the fence gate open? There might also be hints inside the house. But be careful if you’re looking for them: make sure you can’t be seen. Maybe there’re some lights off that are usually on. Or maybe there’s some mud on the floor that wasn’t there before. Listen carefully to the sounds. Maybe you can hear some footsteps or movement, or the creak of a door. If it looks like there really is someone in your house, your next step is to try to get out of the house to be safe. Most break-ins happen when a house is empty, but it's always best to be prepared for the worst case scenario. Here are some safety tips about how to handle this frightening situation.
8 min
Why They Don't Built These Non-Stop Elevators A...
Can you imagine an elevator that has no doors and doesn't stop? Paternoster was a highly questionable invention intended for making it comfortable to reach even the highest floors. This lift would move slowly in a loop, went up and down, and never stopped. For those who like to do things their way, like putting on makeup and doing their hair before taking a shower, there’s a weird vintage invention too. There were many other weird inventions which thankfully stayed in the past.
8 min
You Could Live on a Luxury Yacht All Your Life ...
Can you live on a yacht? And if so, for how long? And what's it like to live on a yacht? Living on a boat might sound romantic at first. Clean ocean breeze, shining sun, peaceful quiet... But be ready to say goodbye to most of your favorite things. Small boats have very little space, and life at sea is not for pack rats or claustrophobes. You’ll probably bump your head a lot at first, especially if you’re tall. Okay, after a few years at sea, you can get your dream yacht! A stroll on that massive deck will give you plenty of exercise and me-time – some can be as long as a football field! But no matter how cool your vessel is, the Internet can be an issue anywhere when sailing. A cell signal and Wi-Fi connection are an option for those who plan to stay within about 5 miles of the shore. But if you want to venture out in the sea, then whatever ship you’re on – no calls, no texts, no social media, none of it!
6 min
Why Traffic Jams Sometimes Form for No Reason
Los Angeles... City of Stars and the world’s longest rush hour. So much so that the average time a driver spends in traffic delays is around 100 hours per year. Blizzards, extreme fog, or accidents are solid reasons for traffic jams, but sometimes there’s no obvious reason. First, traffic slows down, then it stops entirely. Whom should we blame for it, and can we solve the problem of traffic jams?
8 min
If You See This Bug in Water, Swim Away ASAP
Around 80% of all animals on Earth are insects, and it's no wonder there are so many myths about them. Let’s see if you can guess whether these amazing insect facts were made-up or are real. Cockroaches can run on 2 legs just like humans. A full moon makes mosquitos bite 500% more active. Only male mosquitoes bite — does it sound real?
10 min
How High Can You Possibly Build?
Imagine you're having breakfast at home and wave at the passengers of a plane passing by your house. You live on the 739th floor of X-Seed 4000, an entire city contained in one massive skyscraper. It sounds unrealistic right now, but one day it may become a reality. The current record holder when it comes to height is the Burj Khalifa, with 163 floors. The engineers had to drill 192 holes under the 110,000-ton concrete foundation of this massive construction. So, what would it take to finish a project which is way more massive than that?
8 min
Why Smartphones Become Bigger If We Can Make Th...
When cell phones first appeared, they were really bulky and expensive. These early phones consumed lots of power, so they needed really big batteries to run. Plus, electronic components were also pretty large in those days. Besides their brick-like bodies, they also had long external antennas to reach the cell network. But as time passed, electronic parts became smaller, and battery capacity increased enormously. Internal antennas appeared, and phones became thin and light as the overall technology improved. A 3.5-inch screen seemed okay to most people, and we thought it would stay that size forever. But nowadays it’s hard to find a smartphone that has a screen smaller than 5 and a half inches. Modern smartphones just keep getting bigger. So why are we now using smartphones that resemble tablets, if we already know the ways to make them smaller?
8 min
Why Salt on Fruits Is the Best Idea Ever
Have you ever tried putting salt on fruit? You heard me right: it is a common thing in different cuisines across the world. In Mexico, they like to spice up mango and citrus fruits with salt and chili powder. You can try mango with a shrimp taste in the Philippines and salted watermelon in the Southern states. With the first bite, you notice the salty flavor, and the sweet fruity taste is then slightly delayed. Let's discover more unusual tastes and combos from around the world.
7 min
Why Phones and Voice Assistants Always Sound Fe...
Smartphones have long been a part of our everyday lives. But have you ever wondered how much you actually don't know about your phone and its history? Do you know, for example, the name of the most expensive smartphone in the world? Do you know why phones only have female voices? Do you know if a smartphone can really explode? Or how to tell if your phone waterproof? By the way, do you use your phone on a plane? When they had just begun to be sold in stores, lots of experts worried that the radio signal in a phone could disrupt the electronics of an aircraft. No one’s sure if this has ever really happened on a flight, though. So why are there still restrictions on using phones inside airplanes? In short, as mentioned in the title, we are going to talk about some cool facts about smartphones.
7 min
Flies Are Attracted to Us for One Strange Reason
Why do flies sit on humans? Well, like you, they get thirsty? So, they drink your sweat. Why not? Your sweat teams with proteins and salts and you are not using it. Now you think this is weird and gross? But did you know that they also love to eat your flaking skin cells? And you can never catch those pesky critters! They experience time differently. Unlike the 7 dog years to 1 human year formula, scientists haven’t worked out fly-time yet: but suffice it to say that while, for humans — time flies, for flies — humans operate like romantic movies… in slow motion.
8 min
A Person To Live 1000 Years Is Already Born
Scientist have been long promising us they could stop aging altogether. But what if someone you know could live for 1,000 years? Here's why humans keep evolving and what seemed impossible just yesterday could be our life already... Thanx to technological inventions, better nutrition, more available clean water, and a huge progress in medicine, people are already living much longer today than they used to 150 years ago.
11 min
10+ Natural Ways to Get Rid of Dandruff Quickly...
More than 50% of the population in the US are affected by dandruff. Dandruff can appear at any age; however, it's more likely to do so when a person is between 20-30 years old. Such an inconvenient condition can usually lead to a dry scalp, hair loss, and have a negative effect on your self-confidence. Of course, those little white flakes can be embarrassing, but dandruff is more serious than a lot of people think. It can be caused by an underlying issue, be it a dry itchy scalp, a poor diet, or even stress! Yep! In 2007, a group of French scientists studied the connection between stress and seborrheic dermatitis, which is one of the most common causes of dandruff. In the end, they found that these two are, in fact, connected. Stress weakens your immune system, so it can’t fight fungal and bacterial infections as well as it should. There are countless ways to reduce stress levels in your life. Just do more of what makes you happy. And instead of reaching for yet another overpriced shampoo, how about trying some all-natural ways you can be free of the flakes without breaking the bank?
9 min
These Creatures Are the Greatest Survivors of E...
You might have seen these animals, but you've unlikely imagined they could be millions of years old! Tuatara might look like a regular iguana at first, but it’s literally a living fossil since it’s been around for about 250 million years. Jellyfish have been present on our planet for over 500 million years. Chinese Giant Salamander can grow to be bigger than an adult person, and it's been roaming our planet for 170 million years already. The sea lamprey is ancient parasitic fish that lives in the western and northern Atlantic Ocean.
9 min
What Night Life Looked Like Before Electricity
We are so used to power that we forget that it isn’t even a century old. In 1925, only half of all US homes had electricity. Without it, nothing would be possible today. The light in your room, the refrigerator, store signs, and credit cards: they all need electricity to run. So, how did people live without it? Did our cities lie in complete darkness?
8 min
What If We Dig a Hole That Swallows All Earth's...
The great day is finally upon us — the record-breaking hole-boring team is finishing their job today! Spectators have gathered from all parts of the continent just to look at the greatest borehole in the world, and even the Guinness World Records commission is officially dumbfounded. The hole is more than 1,000 miles in diameter and goes almost as deep as the Earth’s core — no one achieved this depth before! But wait, what’s going on? People all around suddenly begin fainting. More and more of the spectators fall unconscious on the ground, their faces white. Did the diggers hit some dangerous gas pocket? Oh no, we’re getting messages from all over the world that people start falling just where they stood! So this is the scenario you get if you dig a hole in the ground deep and wide enough to fit the whole atmosphere inside it. So how deep can you dig a hole? And what's the deepest human-made hole in the world?
8 min
A Man Who Broke the Sound Barrier in a Car
When Opel presents their new car models, journalists always want to know where the sharks are this time. Opel does hide images of those cute sea monsters in their vehicles since 2004. The Zafira minivan came with 3 sharks inside the cockpit. Sharks also got home inside the Adam city car and the Astra hatchback. The exact location of those cuties remains a secret even from Opel's design top management. This is just one of many secrets your new vehicle might be hiding.
8 min
What If People And Fish Changed Their Places
Imagine that people would have to migrate to the ocean. The first thing we need to do is build underwater cities. Famous auto brands create stylish submarines and closed boats with filtration systems. Clothing brands create stylish diving suits. And what about fish? They'd take the place of people!
9 min
Flies Are Attracted to Us for One Strange Reason
Cat lovers, rejoice: this video is dedicated to your favorite creatures on the planet - the glorious felines. Let's find out some rare and interesting facts about cats. Sand cats are unique because they are the only cats living primarily in the desert. Their superpower is that they don’t leave any footprints behind. Did you know that the oldest known pet cat existed 9,500 years ago? Stay tuned for more cool cat facts.
9 min
What If All Water on Earth Was Salty
Let’s get it straight from the get-go: all water is already salty. Salt appears in seas and oceans thanks to rivers, which bring minerals from land with them. Rivers are considered fresh themselves only because their levels of salinity are much lower: movement doesn’t allow the salt to collect, and rains replenish them with fresh water. So technically, what we drink is not exactly fresh — there’s some salt in that water anyway. But if, for some reason, all water in the world became much saltier, we’d be in big trouble. Let's take the Dead Sea, for example. The level of salt here is much higher than in any other reservoir on the planet: there’s so much of it that water would keep you afloat without any effort. But this curious effect is the only positive thing about it because almost no life is possible in such conditions. Only the sturdiest of bacteria can survive here: there’s no fish, no marine mammals, and no sea birds over the lake’s surface. Needless to say, if there was this much salt in every water body in the world, complex life would’ve never appeared in the first place. So what if all water on our planet was salty?
7 min
What If All Clocks in the World Stopped
9 min
No One Should Throw Away a Boarding Pass, Never...
Hey, you know that piece of paper they give you at the airport? It gets scanned, and then you toss it in the trash. Yeah, boarding passes! There are plenty of reasons why you might wanna hang onto that thing for your next trip. Okay, you may not be a celebrity or a billionaire CEO jetting across the world. But what if someone is tracking your movements for some sinister reason? They might be planning to burglarize your home? Or, even worse, they may want to pry into your private life! Btw, all your payment information is in the boarding pass barcode!
10 min
Don't Leave a Charger Plugged in Without a Devi...
How to cut your electricity expense? First of all, if you wanna lower your energy bill, unplug your phone charger when you leave home. Yep, it continues to use energy. And it’s not the only one in your home! Turn down your thermostat. Just one or two degrees won’t make a difference for you but will certainly reflect in your electricity bill next month. You can save up to $50 a year if you simply unplug your TV, laptop, kettle, and anything else that you usually leave on standby. Even when these appliances are turned off, they still use a small amount of energy. And don’t scrimp on energy-efficient appliances. They might be more expensive to start with, but they’ll save you hundreds of bucks on electricity bills during their lifetime. So, guys, if you're looking for foolproof ways to save electricity, check out these tips!
10 min
What If People Had Fur Like Animals
What if you had animal hair? Imagine you wake up one day feeling hot and itchy. Your blanket’s on the floor by the bed, the sheets all crumpled. An itch behind your ear is becoming unbearable. You raise your hand and scratch it. It feels funny. Whatever - you're too sleepy to deal with it at 6:30 in the morning. With a grunt, you get up. You shuffle to the bathroom and bend over the basin to wash your face. As soon as your hands touch it, you freeze. You lift your eyes and look at yourself in the mirror. Your mouth falls open, and you shriek. You're covered in animal fur all over, even your face and palms! The fur isn't as soft as a cat’s - it's more like a dog's coat. Shocked, I get down to my morning routine...
6 min