Bright Side

Whether you’re into useful tips for self-improvement, psychology, recent discoveries, mysterious stories, or just your day-to-day routine, there’s something for everyone! You can expect all that and more coming at you in five new episodes every day. If you’ve got a thirst for knowledge that never quits, then join our community! We have a good time, so take your shoes off, kick back, and make yourself at home here on the Bright Side of life!

Oumuamua: Visitor from Another Star?
The Universe seems endless and full of unsolvable mysteries. 5 years ago, scientists found something unusual - a red elongated floating space rock called Oumuamua. It was the first interstellar object we saw passing through our Solar system. It means it formed and came outside of it, and no one knows where this weird object came from. Let's take an exciting journey through our Solar System and beyond to see some really awesome and unusual things.
9 min
Stop Leaving Keys in the Door, Here's Why It Wo...
3,300 a day. 2 a minute. 1 every 25 seconds. That’s how often burglaries occur! And only 13% of cases are solved because home intruders are so quick, they leave hardly any evidence, and there are usually no witnesses. So, it goes something like this: you’re back home after an exhausting day at work. You leave the keys in the keyhole and completely forget about it – right, the main thing’s that you actually locked the door. But wait, who’s that in the bushes? It’s a burglar targeting your house and watching you! The first thing they might do is test your handle. “Hmm, it’s definitely locked. But I hear keys jingling on the other side! This will be a piece of cake!” Stop right there! No way the burglar can pick the lock if there are keys in the other side, you think! Actually, they can perfectly fine. So here's what you better know to avoid a burglary.
7 min
Smallest and Largest Animal Populations Comparison
Standing out among almost 8 billion other humans can be a real challenge. Let’s see how our species’ humungous population compares with other animals! Which animal has the lowest population? And which species has the highest population? If you like interesting facts about animals, you might want to know which animal has only ever been seen 4 times since their discovery in 1992. Or which animal is endangered in its native habitat, but has a domestic population of about 6 million individuals. Do you know which species have the largest population of wild birds on our planet? (One colony can have up to 30 million members in it!) Or how many people will inhabit the world in 2050? Or what weighs 10 times more than all of humanity combined? Or which organisms would outweigh ALL the animals and plants inhabiting this Earth? Let's find out!
11 min
Most Incredible Ways Animals Give Birth
Animals have many ways of giving birth. Even mammals all give birth differently, not to mention reptiles or fish. For example, the female anaconda finds the deepest puddle and spends her pregnancy in it. She starves for about seven months while pregnant! Unlike most animals, the Surinam toad carries its future children not inside, but on its back. The Jackson’s chameleon bears the eggs, minus a shell, right inside her body, instead of laying them as many other chameleon species do! So, do you like learning awesome animal facts? Let's find out what is the only male animal in the world that gets pregnant and gives birth, which animal gives birth only once in a lifetime, who can give birth without mating with another animal, what species has the largest litter size of any mammal on Earth, and many other weird facts about birth and reproduction in the animal kingdom.
8 min
16 Little-Known Benefits Video Games Have
They say video games aren’t good for you. They say they’re bad for your eyes, your spine, and your social life. But hey, just show those head shakers this video and prove to them that there are a lot of reasons why they’d be better off playing video games! Some people have serious difficulty reading and focusing, but those who play video games can process information more easily. They develop improvisation skills, and as a result, react much faster to unexpected difficulties. Also, online games help people get acquainted with each other, and make new friends who share their interests! But there is much more!
8 min
Why Trains Are So Expensive (Sometimes More Tha...
Have you noticed, when shopping for travel tickets, you occasionally come across prices that defy logic? All the time! For instance, you can get to your destination in 1 hour by plane or take a train for 7 hours and pay way more money! How are these fares fair? And how would you fair with these fares? And how do these passenger rail companies stay in business if air travel is faster and cheaper?! Well, trains do have their perks. The obvious benefits are catching it right in the city versus having to fight traffic all the way to the airport. You can also take as many liquids with you as you want, and there’s no stress at all if you’re afraid of flying! But the real explanations behind why train tickets cost so much have less to do with comfort and emotions and more about practicality…
9 min
This Place Hides What Could Save the Whole World
Our planet is home to many mysterious places you won't want to visit because it would be too dangerous, or the local population wouldn't welcome you. The Javarri Valley in Brazil is an untouched jungled area of 33 thousand square miles, slightly larger than Austria. It’s illegal for outsiders to enter this area, as contact with outside humans would be volatile to the natives' health. Heard Island is an offshore territory of Australia, 80% of it is covered in ice, and it has the country’s only active volcanoes. Here's your unique chance to see this and other territories around the world where you can't travel without a special permit.
9 min
Turn Off Your Computer Every Night, Here's Why
You probably heard that turning off your computer for the night can be harmful to it. But you must’ve also heard the conflicting point of view: that you actually should turn it off when not using it for long. So what’s the right thing to do then? The belief that your desktop should work all the time comes from the dawn of the computer era — the 1980s. Back then, computers were made of different materials, and frequently turning them off and back on could potentially damage them. But what about now?
7 min
Most Extreme Comparisons You've Ever Seen
Sometimes, with all those clouds and no sun for weeks on end, it may seem to you that your hometown is the rainiest place on Earth. Well, there’s good news! It's unlikely. Unless you live in India, that is. The wettest place in the world by annual rainfall is Mawsynram in India. The place gets on average 39 ft of rainfall every year! The driest place on Earth is in Antarctica! What about all that snow? Not in Dry Valleys! The biggest part of this region hasn't seen any rain for millions of years! That's a place with almost no water whatsoever: no snow, no ice, and no rain. So, yes, everything’s relative.T he world is full of fascinating contrasts and comparisons. Let's compare some other quite extreme things, and figure out the real champions!
10 min
What If a Giant Spider Trapped You in Its Web? ...
If you're afraid of spiders, this video is probably not something you should watch before going to bed. This 3D animation is so realistic, it will make you feel as if you're inside a giant spider's web. You'll feel a whole bunch of emotions as the huge monster will get closer and closer to you. Do you think you can escape the web? Let's see!
2 min
Insane Ships More Expensive Than Mission to Space
If asked to imagine the Titanic, you would probably picture a giant ship carrying several thousands of passengers. And an iceberg. But nowadays, there are vessels that would simply dwarf the famous Ocean Liner. For example, the size of 9 huge whale sharks, the $400-million Dubai is one of the longest yachts in the world. The ship has a 33-ft mosaic swimming pool, helipad, circular staircases, numerous Jacuzzis, and a dining hall for 90 people! Stena Hollandica is one of the world's largest ferries. The ship is as long as 13 megalodons - long-gone, giant sharks! The ship can carry huge loads: for example, 10,600 male African elephants. Oil tankers Esso Atlantic and Esso Pacific, launched in 1977 and broken up now, were two of the world’s only seven ships that could carry more than half-million tons of load. Both tankers were as long as 4 soccer fields and could transport 10 Titanics. Interested? Let's see at the world's largest ships!
9 min
If You See This Snail, Slowly Back Away
When you’re out at sea, you generally know that danger may come from sharks, maybe manta rays, but mostly box jellyfish, which are much more abundant. And let’s admit, it almost never crosses your mind that a pretty shell you’ve found on the seafloor while diving might cause you harm. And yet… it can. Have you ever heard about the cone snail? It’s a small sea creature with a beautiful conic shell. But if you see it, never, ever touch it. Cone snails are some of the most venomous sea creatures in the world! Other most dangerous creatures on Earth are as unlikely as snails. Poison dart frogs, for example, have enough venom under their skin to take care of 8 adult humans. And if you happen to be in South America, you should know to avoid kissing bugs. It’s a species of assassin bugs. Now that’s much more sinister. Another scary creepy crawly is the innocent fire ant. Not so innocent with the number of people they bite: if you so much as step into their territory, fire ants become exceedingly aggressive. So, in today’s video, we’ll share with you some of the most dangerous creatures in the whole world.
8 min
Gravity Simulation Comparison On Different Plan...
Buckle up - we're going on a journey to outer space. Don't worry - you don't need any special preparation as it will all happen inside a simulation room. Your mission today is to experience gravity on different celestial bodies and share your observations. Our first stop will be Mercury. Be careful, it's really hot here. But now it's time to move on to other planets!
2 min
If You See This Person on the Road, Don't Pull ...
Do you often pick up hitchhikers on the highway? While some of them are fun travelers, others might be after you. The scam typically starts with a person posing as a hitchhiker, who flags down a car on the side of the road. They may claim to be stranded or in need of a ride to a nearby town or city. And it's not the only roadside trick you need to be aware of.
8 min
If You Notice This on Your Car, Don_t Touch It ...
If there was an award for Best Actor among swindlers and crooks, they all would have lots of prizes and trophies. Sometimes even the most common situations can be thoroughly planned by scammers so that you will have no idea that it's all fake. For example, someone watching your home can ring the doorbell pretending to be from one of your utility providers. In fact, their goal is to take a look inside and familiarize themselves with the house! Or picture this: you’re in a parking lot. Just as you’re backing up, you hear a loud thud. You get out, and someone’s on the ground, clearly upset. They’ll say you broke their expensive phone or watch, or that you injured them. They’ll tell you they need compensation, or they’ll call the police. What should you do? We gathered tricks that crooks use in big cities and found out how we can protect ourselves to avoid fraud.
8 min
The Biggest Collection of Jaw-Dropping Facts
Sometimes, it may seem that you know all the secrets of the modern world - after all, you CAN and DO use the Internet! But then you accidentally find out that the first photographs took 8 hours to expose or that Mount Everest isn't the closest point to space. That's when you realize the world might not be that simple!
20 min
That's Why Snow Doesn't Melt When You Burn It
If you make a snowball and try to set it on fire, the thing won't melt. The snow will first turn black. Then it'll start to vanish – but you'll get no water. So where's the water gone? Why doesn't snow melt under fire? And why does the snow turn black over the flame? The answer's surprisingly simple! It's another round of cool random facts from Bright Side! Like why some eggs are pointier than others? Or what happens to a star when a black hole eats it? How about this one: how many skyscrapers could you stack in the Mariana Trench?
10 min
Bet You Didn't Know These Strange Football Rules
Football, or soccer, is one of the most popular sports in the whole world, and millions of people are following the World Cup. If you're one of them, you know a player can get a yellow card or a red card. But did you know managers and coaching staff can also be handed the infamous cards? It's even possible to get a red card before a game even starts! And that's not the only unexpected, weird rule the game has.
7 min
What Would Happen If You Weight 1 Kg
Imagine that you weigh just 1 pound. You'd feel very light, but life would become much harder. Tapping “likes” on photos would take much more than just tapping. You’ve been scrolling Instagram feed, but it feels like you’ve run 6 miles on a treadmill. You leave the apartment and take the stairs because the elevator simply won't work if you weigh less than 30 pounds. The weather outside better be warm and without strong wind. Otherwise, it may blow you away. And you better turn off vibration on your phone. With your mass, it will be tantamount to a minor earthquake.
9 min
If a Dog Is Wearing This Bandana, Stay Away
When you see a cute dog in the street, your natural instinct is to pet it. But not dogs are safe to approach, and some are on duty, so you should not bother them. Dog owners came up with the color-coded bandana system to let you know whether you should keep your distance or you can go and say hello. A white bandana, for example, means that the dog either has a hearing or sight problem or is totally deaf or blind. Now, how about we take a look at the colors of the rainbow in a row?
8 min
The Main FIFA Trophy Got Stolen Twice + 14 Worl...
If you're a soccer fan, you probably know that the first FIFA World Cup game in history took place on July 13, 1930, in Uruguay. Only 13 countries decided to take part in the tournament, and they had to travel for days to reach South America. Did you know that Romanian King Karol II was such a huge soccer fan that he made it his first and biggest priority to get his national team to play at the FIFA World Cup? Qatar is set to host the first winter World Cup in history, and it's going to be the most expensive FIFA event ever. All stadiums will be fully air-conditioned, and the prize money for winners will be $42 million.
8 min
How to Fall Asleep Before Midnight and in 2 Min...
Yellowstone has the status of an active volcano. And it turns out that a huge area of the Yellowstone National Park, the size of Chicago, is moving. The caldera isn't just going up - it also moves up and down in a breathing motion. Could it mean another imminent super-eruption? The Volcanic Explosivity Index of Yellowstone is 8 out of 10. This number means that if this volcano erupted, it would turn into apocalypse. Let's see what scientists predict with regards to the possibility of the Yellowstone eruption. Are we in for a disaster or we could cool it down?
7 min
The Biggest Collection of Jaw-Dropping Facts
FIFA trophy was initially named Victory and was a gold-plated sterling silver sculpture of the Greek goddess of victory Nike. The trophy was passed over from winner to winner until 1970. That year, Brazil won the World Cup for the third time and got to keep it. They would have never seen the original trophy but for a black-and-white mongrel named Pickles, who saved it a couple of years before. But that's not the end of the amazing stories that happened to the trophy.
8 min
Don't Leave Your Bedroom Door Open at Night, He...
Just 40 years ago we had around 17 minutes to escape a burning building. Today, we’re down to 3 minutes, and that’s in the best case. Fire has become faster, and we have the furniture in our homes to blame. Nowadays, it’s made of synthetic materials that burn faster, hotter, and give off toxic gases (compared to the natural materials homes used to be filled with). By the way, do you sleep with your bedroom door open or closed? The thing is that about half of home fires happen at night. If it ever happens to you while you’re sound asleep, a closed door could be a matter of survival! A closed door gives you back the precious time you need. It stops fire from spreading into your bedroom as fast, and you stay safe for a while. But still, you need to get out ASAP because the door can’t protect you forever. Let's find out how to stay safe during a house fire.
6 min
Common Space Myths Debunked by Actual Astronauts
Imagine you’re zipping through space, feeling like a futuristic superhero, when a shooting star passes by your side. But wait - is it really a star? Unfortunately, shooting stars are not stars at all. They are small space rocks, known as meteoroids, entering Earth’s atmosphere and creating a stunning light show. Let's debunk some other popular space myths we've all seen in movies.
8 min