Bright Side

Whether you’re into useful tips for self-improvement, psychology, recent discoveries, mysterious stories, or just your day-to-day routine, there’s something for everyone! You can expect all that and more coming at you in five new episodes every day. If you’ve got a thirst for knowledge that never quits, then join our community! We have a good time, so take your shoes off, kick back, and make yourself at home here on the Bright Side of life!

25 Tricks Manufacturers Use But You Won't Fall ...
You buy a chocolate bar in a package that claims the thing is 25% bigger than its previous version. Then you pick a shampoo that has "only natural ingredients" on the bottle and costs surprisingly little. Ooh! Now stop. Do you really get a great bargain or is it just manufacturers fooling you? Think twice — marketing experts are talented manipulators! For example, a bag or a bottle itself may look bigger than others produced by the same brand, but its weight can be absolutely the same! Some manufacturers aren't strangers to using optical illusions to make customers think there is more product than in reality. Empty space inside boxes, inflated plastic bags, labels stuck at the top of glass bottles so that you don't notice they are half empty...
9 min
They Had One Job to Do But Failed Epically
Are you one of those people who always get into the most hilarious stories when you're just going to work or school? Then, you'll definitely relate to these stories. A picture is worth a thousand words in this case. You can just guess how epic these fails must have been in real-time. It's okay to laugh - even the heroes of these stories who had one job must have laughed hard at themselves.
9 min
15 Fascinating Fast Facts for When You're Bored
Have you ever wondered what the button on the top of your baseball cap is for? Or maybe you know the true purpose of the high-heeled shoes? Back in the 10th century, they prevented riders' feet from constantly falling out of the stirrups. And in Ancient Rome, salt was so precious that people even called it white gold. Some things you use, wear, or eat every day, are more interesting than they might seem as they have their own secrets and hidden purposes.
8 min
A Full Journey Through Your Lungs
Flashing lights, electric impulses traveling at mind-boggling speeds, everything around is aglow — no, it’s not a thunderstorm, it’s you. You’ve just yawned, sending a powerful surge of energy through your body. Wanna know how humans breathe, how the lungs work, and how oxygen travels through the body? This is what we're talking about today! Well, first, the air enters the mouth and nostrils. One nostril, in fact, because the other is naturally resting. Are you eating something there? Just don’t try to make another breath while swallowing that pizza — only babies are capable of that and inhaling at the same time. Okay, there's the pharynx, where air and food come together. It’s a kinda sorting stage. Epiglottis makes sure that food goes where it belongs, to the esophagus. Next are the larynx, the trachea, and finally to the two bronchi, one going to each lung.
6 min
A Day in the Life of an Astronaut in Space
Welcome to space! Let's see what a typical day in the life of an astronaut looks like. Every minute and every second of an astronaut’s day in space is planned. From eating and brushing teeth to working and sleeping, every move is based on a schedule. The things they have to do are planned down to five-minute increments by a team in mission control called Ops Planner. The concept of a "day" aboard an orbiting spacecraft is a little bit different than what you might imagine.
8 min
30+ Unusual Life Hacks to Make the World Kinder
Hey guys! Looking for some cool tricks to get things done faster and more easily? Wanna make the world a little bit kinder? You don't need to be born on another planet or get bitten by a mutated spider to be a hero. Just try some simple tips to help others and make life a little easier for everyone, yourself included! For example, if you happen to have a plastic shopping bag with you, put it on the seat of a parked bicycle if it looks like it's gonna rain. The best deeds are anonymous! If you're on the subway, bus, or plane watching a movie on your phone, turn on the subtitles. That way anyone around can enjoy it too! Or if you and your friends decided to hit the beach instead, keep everyone’s valuables in a diaper. Make it look like a used diaper. Nobody will think to open it up and look inside while you’re out there swimming!
8 min
30+ Rare Facts I Had to Check Twice to Believe
We can find anything we want on the internet, read every article out there, watch any video we choose and see the entire universe from our phones. But even after all this, the world still finds ways to amaze us and prove that life is full of interesting discoveries, incredible things, and amazing facts. Polar bears aren't actually white, and their tongues aren't black. Most wasabi you can buy in a supermarket is actually colored horseradish with different flavorings. You can make your body believe you're well-rested. And, you can spell your email in Morse code. Are you ready to have your world turned upside down? Then check out these cool facts that definitely will take you by surprise!
10 min
30 Cool Phone Accessories to Make at Home
Today, people can buy a lot of cool phone accessories, but sometimes you don’t need a fancy product. You just need some household items and little time on your hands. A plastic bottle can serve as the most basic tripod for your phone. You can make a unique pop socket out of a dresser knob and boost your phone speakers with paper cups and a toilet paper roll! So, ready to unleash your creativity with DIY smartphone accessories? Then let's find out what will happen if you pour some water on your phone lens, how you can make a DIY phone case in 10 seconds, and why you should start collecting popsicle sticks right now? Sounds crazy right? But hey, that’s what we do here!
7 min
If You Run Into Your Ex, Here's What to Do
What to do when you see your ex? Imagine you’re walking down the street when all of a sudden you spot the last person you’d want to see! This is your worst nightmare…Your EX. Not many people see their ex and think, “hmm, that was a pleasant encounter”! However, sometimes it’s inevitable. Our exes are out there, and we’re bound to face them. It could be at school, at work, or randomly in the street. But what you need to do in this situation requires some strategy and thought. There are a few different types of break-ups a person will probably experience in their lives. Let’s take the two ends of spectrum. The mature break-up without any hard feelings, and the painful break-up, which ended in the worst possible way. Whatever the case may be, when you come face to face with a person you’ve been close to emotionally, it’s hard to keep your cool. So not only do you have to think about what to do, but you should also think about what NOT to do.
9 min
What Future Airports Will Look Like
Think about this: Robots will replace all airport staff soon. Yes, air travel may soon be devoid of human contact. Socially-aware robots will figure out your native language. They'll guide you through the airport to your gate or a place to eat. Cleaning robots will use built-in mapping technologies and an object-avoidance system. Robots will pick up your luggage when you arrive at the airport. Let’s see what the airport of the future will look like! How can you go duty-free shopping in virtual reality? Will you finally be allowed to keep your phone in your pocket as you go through security checks? What functions will artificial intelligence assume? The airport of today can make you feel really stressed. May the airport of tomorrow change all that?
9 min
100+ Most Unexpected Facts About the World
Are you one of those curious souls, like me, that wonder how much water trees drink per day, whether planets can float on water, and why guinea pigs "popcorn"? Yeah I know it’s weird, but I’m a curious kind of guy! Get ready to find the answers to these and many other burning questions!
23 min
What the First Man on the Moon Hid for All Thes...
It's hard to find a person who has never seen one of the most famous photos in the world of the first man on the Moon. Neil Armstrong had been getting ready for his mission for over three years. To resist microgravity conditions, he had to learn how to walk sideways, by being strapped and suspended at an angle and trying to walk along walls. What other things did he have to learn? And did Neil Armstrong have any secrets?
9 min
16 Amazing Animals with the Strongest Kicks And...
Most animals avoid fighting, but some of them actually enjoy it. Male bighorn sheep arrange real duels, where only the largest, the strongest, and the heaviest can win. They smash their heads together at a speed of about 15 mph. The human body probably wouldn’t survive a blow like this! Another furious fighter is the Bison. Imagine two of these gigantic creatures hitting each other at a speed of 35 mph! Cute fuzzy hares are actually tough fighters, and tiny ocean creatures can knock out opponents in a single punch. Animals often look pretty harmless, but some of them could beat the stuffing out of the most experienced boxers! So what animal has the strongest punch? And how dangerous is a kick of the most famous boxers of the animal world - the kangaroo?
7 min
Why SCP682 Is More Dangerous Than Megalodon
The megalodon was a massive shark that ruled the oceans and scared everyone else alive. But what if I told you there is a creature more dangerous than meg itself? Object SCP-682 is a colossal reptile the size of a bus that can transform its body. It's practically invulnerable, can regenerate, resist any damage, and adapt to any danger. It has intelligence and doesn't like people. The object is extremely dangerous and still unexplored.
8 min
10+ Hidden Android Settings You'll Use Right Away
It’s been calculated that we use our smartphones for more than 4 hours a day on average. But being creatures of habit, we very often use the same functions and don’t even explore the most interesting, useful, and unexpected opportunities on our phones. Meanwhile, the developers of smartphones and different apps have implemented the most amazing ideas many times drawing inspiration from scientific fantasies. So, it's pointless to argue which is better, Android or iPhone. Both have a bunch of cool things you probably don't even know about, but today you'll learn the ones that are hidden in Androids. We found and tried some really cool tricks that our Android smartphones were hiding and that can be useful in different life situations.
7 min
17 Warning Signs Mother Nature Is About to Strike
If your dog keeps scratching the entrance door and wandering around the house, tries to hide in the corner, howling and barking - it might be the right time to evacuate. The pup probably knows an earthquake is approaching. If you see the water retreat from the beach really fast - a tsunami must be on the way. Sometime nature is sending us signals we can't read. Learn to understand them to know when natural disasters are on the way to stay safe and protect your dear ones.
8 min
6 Valuable Wrecks Still Waiting to Be Found
Are you dreaming of finding treasures at the bottom of the sea? Well, you do have a good chance of doing it! According to UNESCO, there are three million undiscovered shipwrecks in Earth’s oceans, lakes, and rivers, but not all of them are treasure ships, of course. One of the oldest wrecks researchers still haven’t found is Flor de la Mar. Estimates put its booty at more than $2 billion in today’s money - sounds like something worth looking for, doesn't it?
8 min
Your Body Would Be Totally Different on Other P...
2 min
What Superpower Would Help You Survive on the T...
The Titanic... probably the most famous ship of all time and the main character in a heartbreaking story. You must have seen the movie at least once, but what if we added a character with superpowers to the story? It would be useful to have someone with time-traveling skills, right? They could go back in time and alert the crew that an iceberg is pretty close, and they should move the ship away from its path as soon as possible.
8 min
You Likely Eat Mold Everyday, It's Hiding in Pl...
Is it ok to eat moldy cheese? 🧀 Mold is often a sign your food has gone bad... except for when it comes to cheese! If possible, just remove the moldy parts so you can eat the rest. If by accident you ended up eating some of that moldy cheese, don’t worry! Most cheese types already contain some kind of mold. The most well-known one being blue cheese! It’s an important part of the cheesemaking process, so it's supposed to be there! And moldy blue cheese doesn't even come close to being the most unusual food eaten regularly. Travel the world with me, and we'll look at the most surprising foods (and things!) people eat all around the world. To name a few: tarantulas, grasshoppers, bird nests, ant eggs, and even cheese with maggots in it!
9 min
13 Habits That Probably Spoil Your Life
Nobody will argue that people tend to divide all habits into good and bad. But what if I tell you that some so-called "good" habits aren't as useful as people like to think? And that drinking too much water can lead to poisoning, and brushing your teeth can damage them? In fact, everything you thought you knew is wrong! For example, sleeping as much as you feel like isn't that great! Yes, it's good to listen to your body but if you start sleeping more than 9 hours a day, you may have depression, put on weight, and have health problems! So, here's the list of habits you might want to reconsider!
8 min
Make Your Brain to Work Faster in Just Seconds,...
Scientists proved that our productivity decreases due to spending time on our gadgets both during work and during our leisure time. Distraction is the biggest enemy of your productivity. But as a test, try to watch this video until the very end without clicking off. The video doesn't last even 10 minutes! Our tips will help you to work more productively, pump up your brain, relieve stress, and make your life better in general. Did you know, for example, that it takes at least 23 minutes to get fully involved in the process of work after you've lost concentration for even a moment? Well, to be precise, it's actually 1,395 seconds. So to start being really productive, make your workplace as non-distracting as possible. Don't try to multitask. Chances are you won't complete anything challenging if you're scrolling your social media feed simultaneously.
7 min
This Man Knew the Titanic Would Sink (26 Years ...
In 1886 – 26 years before the Titanic sank – William Thomas Stead wrote an empowering short story called "How the Mail Steamer Went Down in Mid-Atlantic by a Survivor." The short story William Stead wrote was about Thomas, a British sailor, who got on a passenger liner bound for the US. At one point, he realized there weren't enough lifeboats for everyone on board. A couple of days later, heavy fog covered everything in sight. Could it all be a coincidence, or was the writer psychic? Let's find out!
8 min
What NASA Discovered on Mars Leaves Scientists ...
NASA's Curiosity rover has just stumbled upon the wildest rock formation ever. From objects shaped like fish backbones to ones that resemble traffic lights, Curiosity has given us plenty to marvel at. But now, the internet is exploding with excitement over the jaw-dropping images from Curiosity's mast camera. The current theory is that these unique ripples on the structure were formed after a whole lot of erosion, probably caused by the Martian winds.
8 min
What Happens If a Spaceship Runs Out of Fuel
Spaceships are not like your regular cars running out of fuel on the highway. Space is like a friction-free paradise! Unlike ships in water that need a constant push to keep going, spaceships have got it all figured out. Once those engines are turned off, their momentum takes over and propels them forward at a steady pace. It’s a cosmic roller coaster with no brakes. But does it mean spaceships never run out of gas?
8 min