Bright Side

Whether you’re into useful tips for self-improvement, psychology, recent discoveries, mysterious stories, or just your day-to-day routine, there’s something for everyone! You can expect all that and more coming at you in five new episodes every day. If you’ve got a thirst for knowledge that never quits, then join our community! We have a good time, so take your shoes off, kick back, and make yourself at home here on the Bright Side of life!

Crazy Cow Parkour in Tornado Vortex (3D Animation)
You're sitting at home watching TV, when suddenly, a tornado warning comes out. You run outside to hide in a bunker and hear a familiar sound. Your cow Betty needs your help, and you can't leave her behind. The next thing you know you're inside the tornado vortex with Betty. This 3D animation is so realistic you'll want to get out of the vortex alive.
2 min
50 Quick Body Facts for Your Next Conversation
We rarely think about how interesting and unique our bodies are. Did you know, for example, that your brain holds about 25 million gigabytes? Or that we do have a 6th sense? Or that by adulthood, you produce about half a teaspoon of tears a day? The longer humankind lives, the more secrets people discover about one of the most mysterious organisms: the human body. We mostly learn facts we never expected. And the more facts we gather about ourselves, the more discoveries we want to make. So let's find out the coolest aspects of the human body.
9 min
Don't Use a Hotel Hair Dryer and 19 Other Secrets
If you often travel for pleasure or business, you spend a good deal of time at hotels. Hotel rooms are supposed to be the epitome of cleanliness! At least you hope so. But in fact, the objects you’d never think could be dirty are the biggest sources of germs. Hotel staff are required to disinfect the obvious stuff in the bathroom like the toilet and sink, but more obscure items get cleaned less often. The hairdryer, the carpet, lamp switches and TV remotes are only some of the objects on the list. Let’s see what else you should try to avoid touching in a hotel room.
9 min
Dogs Have Pockets In Their Ears + 30 Other Fact...
You look at your pooch and notice a sort of a pocket on their ear. You get worried and start googling this feature. But no worries. It actually has a name - Henry's pocket, or, more scientifically, cutaneous marginal pouch. It's nothing dangerous and might be there to help detect high-pitched sounds. Let's explore this hidden feature any pooch has and 30+ incredible true facts. Like why a phone is 10 times dirtier than a toilet handle? Or how can flamingos be actually white in reality?
10 min
15 Unique Places Exist Not Only in Fairy Tales
A lot of amazing places in the world aren't popular tourist destinations because it's difficult to get to them. Or maybe because they are too scary? For example, North Yungas Road in Bolivia is one of the most picturesque — and the most hazardous roads in the world. Over 200 folks tumble to their demise each year on this devious mountain climb, and the absence of any guardrail doesn’t help at all. If you’re more into walking, consider the Hussaini Bridge in Pakistan. It’s officially the most dangerous hanging bridge in the world. It’s a long and nerve-racking traverse over Lake Borit, with many planks of the bridge missing and the whole construction creaking ominously in the wind. So, today, we've prepared a list of the creepies but really beautiful locations in the world. Most tourists have even never heard of them. If you’d like your holiday to come with some thrills, these places are just for you. Otherwise, steer well clear!
8 min
15 Sea Creatures You Should Beware Even on Land...
What are the most dangerous sea creatures? Okay, we talked about it before. But did you know you should avoid some sea creatures which sometimes show up on or near the shore? Let's take orcas, for example. They’re apex predators of the ocean, meaning they’re the biggest and baddest hunters out there that have no natural enemies. And when hungry, they’ll easily jump out of the water to catch birds right in the air, or even go ashore and surprise attack land animals close to the water. Or imagine lying on a beach and seeing a fish climbing out of the water next to you, stretching its fishy limbs, and going about its fishy business without actually returning. That’s a climbing perch for you: these critters can switch from gills to lungs to breathe and can live without returning to water for up to six days. And now, the horror: tiger sharks, which are among the fiercest ocean predators, can hunt land animals too! In short, if you're looking for the most interesting animal facts, you're at the right place! These facts are sure to amaze even the biggest animal lovers.
8 min
12 Underwater Places Scarier Than the Mariana T...
The Mariana Trench is the deepest and probably the most enigmatic place on Earth. Whatever that means. Bizarre creatures, such as deep-sea anglerfish, frilled and goblin sharks, barreleye fish, hatchetfish live in a crescent-shaped trench in the Western Pacific. Just three people have ever descended down the Challenger Deep in the southern end of the Mariana Trench. There, at a depth of almost 11,000 ft, vents are bubbling up carbon dioxide and liquid sulfur. But did you know that there are places no less mysterious and creepy than the Mariana Trench? If bizarre places with a notorious reputation don't frighten you, how about visiting the Bermuda Triangle? This is really one of the weirdest places on Earth and some people even believe the mythical city of Atlantis lies at the bottom of the triangle. They claim its inhabitants use extraterrestrial technologies to sink ships and crash airplanes.
10 min
9 Extremely Rare Things on Earth Not Many See (...
Have you ever seen volcanic lightning, frozen bubbles inside the lake, or burning liquid sulfur? The world is full of miracles and all sorts of mysterious sights. Isn't it exciting to know that we haven't seen all the natural phenomena in the world yet? Our planet always knows how to surprise its inhabitants and nature has a very rich imagination. But we usually don't even think about the incredible things that surround us. For example, imagine you're walking on a desolate plain, nothing but dry cracked ground under your feet. No plants, no animals – just tall mountains off in the distance. As you’re walking in the quiet solitude, you notice a trail. It looks as if someone was dragging a heavy bag for hundreds of feet! It leads you straight, then gently curves to one side of the other, sometimes even makes zig-zags! Finally, you see the source of the trail, but it only adds more mystery...
8 min
5+ Main Signs Someone Is Waiting Your House
How to protect your home from burglary? Every year there are about 2½ million burglaries – that’s one every 13 seconds! Yep, even your own house can't be completely safe and protected from intrusion. But thieves usually tend to examine the properties they want to break into before actually doing it. That way, they can determine if it’s a place that’s worth robbing and if it would be safe to go through with their plans. So if you have that gut feeling your house is a target too, here’s what to look out for to confirm your suspicions, and what you can do about it! Well, before breaking in, burglars try to learn as much as they can: if you have an alarm system, what kind of doors and windows you have, if you have a dog, and so on. If you feel uncomfortable about weird questions some stranger asks you, casually mention that you’ve recently installed a super expensive home security system, your dog is nuts, and your partner is a cop. Oh, and your mother is a deputy sheriff at the local jail. But there are some other tips to prevent a burglary.
8 min
20 Old Things That Are Worth a Fortune Today
It's time to clean the attic again, and it's not one of your favorite things to do? Well, you might find some really valuable vintage things there, and then it's definitely worth the effort. Old-school typewriters from brands like Remington or Hermes can fetch you hundreds of dollars. A vintage Sennheiser mic sold for almost $160, and it wasn’t even working. Video game consoles and games from the 80s can help you big time, especially if they’re unused or rare editions.
9 min
Could You Live in One of the 11 World's Wildest...
Are you thinking of changing your place of residence and looking for cool inspiring ideas? Let's take a look at the most unusual houses in the world. Jule's undersea lodge is a converted underwater research laboratory in Florida. The slide house, located in Japan, was built with the motto: Why walk when you can slide? And they aren't even the most unusual buildings on our list.
9 min
15 Places You're Better Off Not Exploring on Go...
Would you like to travel to the most interesting and least-visited places in the world for free and safely? Then hop on our Google Maps express. If you're fascinated by shipwrecks, you'll be interested to know that one of the largest wrecks you can see on Google Earth is on North Sentinel Island, India. A huge pink bunny appeared seemingly out of nowhere in the Italian Colleto Fava Mountains back in 2005. This weird "portal" was discovered via online maps in New Baltimore, New York. It gave people all sorts of bad dreams!
7 min
What If Number Zero Disappears for a Day
What does zero mean to you? Do you think it's just "nothing"? But have you ever wondered what our world would look like if you took away zero just for a day? Btw, you might be surprised to learn that zero hasn’t been around forever. Yes, we used to live in a world without it! It was invented in India during the 5th century. But why did it take humanity so long to understand something as basic as “zero”? You can see those 3 birds perched on a tree branch or those 2 bees flying around your 1 can of soda. But zero? The absence of something? You never see it, never think about it because it’s not there for you to perceive! Yet zero is so incredibly important…
9 min
Why Cats Can't Eat Dog Food
Most of the fat you lose gets converted into carbon dioxide and leaves your body through your lungs, people walked on the Moon several decades ago, but their footprints are still there, and it rains fish in a small town in Honduras every year. The world keeps on surprising us with insanely weird facts that give us the heebie-jeebies. And there`s still so much more to learn! No matter how many books you read, there is always something that can totally change your perception of even the most ordinary things. Giant ice balls and mushrooms, getting an X-ray to buy a new pair of shoes, quacking dinosaurs, and cats that don't appreciate dog food! Yeah, go figure! Well, get ready for these interesting facts and more to change the way you see the world!
11 min
What Happens to Stars When They Get Old
Just one innocent question about the vastness and awesomeness of the Universe can make dozens more pop-up in your head. Can stars turn into planets? What are stars made of? Can a black hole swallow a star? Thanks to new technology, spacecraft, and probes, scientists accumulate new data about the Universe and the Solar System on a daily basis. Today we know about the Big Bang, black holes, and other galaxies. How about learning more about stars? Do you know, for example, that out of the hundreds of billions of stars in the Milky Way, we won’t see an absurd majority of them? They’re either hidden by something or too dim to be visible. In a clear night sky and without any light to pollute the picture, you’ll be able to see around 3,000 stars. Some other objects you may see are planets, distant galaxies, satellites, or even the International Space Station. Interested? Then here's another compilation of surprising facts about space!
9 min
Why We Never See Smartphones in Our Dreams
You go to bed and travel to the magical world of your dreams. It’s a safe place to live out our deepest and darkest fears. But regardless of what common knowledge says, it’s not where all things are possible. For example, you’ll most likely never dream of your smartphone. And you’ll have a pretty hard time trying to run. Why, though?
8 min
Why the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans Refuse to M...
Our planet is over 70% covered by water. And out of all that H2O, two of the biggest bodies are the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. These massive stretches of salty goodness are home to some of the world's most fascinating creatures, from the tiniest plankton to the largest whales. While we may have given these oceans separate names, they are constantly mixing and mingling with one another, regardless of how we chose to draw our maps. So they meet, but do they actually mix?
8 min
Why Even AI Can't Bring the Dinosaurs Back
Artificial intelligence may be scary in movies, but in real life, scientists are using the power of AI to revolutionize our world. There are many ways to use AI for the better, including in biology. And here comes the idea of de-extinction. We’d have to use things like artificial intelligence, digital memory, and data analysis. Thanks to them, we can bring back the DNA of extinct species.
8 min
Why Ancient Structures Are Always Found Undergr...
Whenever you hear about ancient ruins, you almost never picture them being suspended somewhere, or just randomly hanging on the branch of a tree, right? In fact, for most of the ancient artifacts we have exposed in museums all over the world, archeologists did quite an impressive amount of digging! Ancient cities had a habit of gradually raising their ground level like a kid adding toppings to their ice cream sundae. But how do archaeologists know where exactly to dig?
8 min
What Would Happen If Earth Fell into a Black Hole
Black holes can swallow up entire stars and planets, bending the very fabric of space and time. But what if Earth were to be caught in the grip of a black hole's event horizon? What would we see before the inevitable end? First, we'd reach an event horizon. It’s like a “point of no return,” an invisible boundary that marks the edge of a black hole. So, does our planet have the slightest chance of survival?
9 min
10+ Tips to Learn Things Faster Than the Averag...
You ever walk into a room just to forget where you were going or what you were looking for? How about finding your car keys in the fridge or the dog’s food in your cereal bowl? Sounds like you could use a brain boost. There're some really great ways you can train the old thinker! Did you know, for example, that automated actions stall your brain since it’s not taking an active part in what you’re doing? Or that solving math problems doesn’t even rack your brain as much as learning an unfamiliar tongue? And if you have a sweet tooth, this one’s for you: chocolate contains an important amino acid that helps your brain process things faster and with more efficiency!
7 min
What Happens If Earth Heats Up by 2 Degrees
It turns out that our planet has been through some rough times more than once. Ice ages froze it over, followed by cataclysms that overheated it instead. But still, life clings on, and here we are, at the top of our shape. It all happened over a span of millions of years. The Earth would freeze over, then thaw, and then cover with frost again, only to emerge warm and welcoming once more. So, it seems this process is quite natural: it’s a cycle of life on Earth. But scientists have recently noticed that Earth has been warming up too fast. Measures are already being taken to slow down the warming process. But it can’t be stopped altogether. Is it a bad omen for us? Let’s explore!
8 min
What If All Volcanoes on Earth Start Erupting a...
Approaching the shores of Sicily, you're enjoying the views. The wind brings pleasant coolness, and you anticipate your vacation. But suddenly, the boat shakes, and you lose balance. You look up and see a huge plume of black smoke rising above the Etna volcano... And then … all volcanoes on Earth start erupting at once. Almost immediately they bring disaster to their surrounding areas with hot lava and rockfall. As soon as that stops, smoke rises into the atmosphere, and ash starts falling to the ground. It looks like snow, only black. What will happen next?
9 min
The Lost World's Biggest Log Cabin: What Happen...
The biggest log cabin in the world was known as the Forestry Building and was built in 1905 in Portland, Oregon. The interior of the cabin held 54 giant, unpeeled logs, and some of them were 6 feet across. And then, one night, almost 60 years later, is burnt down in only 15 minutes. Luckily, there are other constructions made of timber around the world that you can still visit today. For example, check out The Great Eastern Temple in Japan from the early 8th century or the world’s tallest wooden building, located in Norway.
8 min
The Toothpick Was a Luxury Item + Weirdly Cool ...
Do you use toothpicks after every meal? Your loyal helpers have been around for ages! Clever researchers have found hints that Neanderthals and early Homo sapiens were hardcore toothpick enthusiasts. During the Medieval period, when life was all castles and chivalry, folks flaunted their upper-class status with gold or silver toothpicks elegantly tucked away in snazzy cases. What is the most modern and safest version of this smart accessory?
8 min