Bright Side

Whether you’re into useful tips for self-improvement, psychology, recent discoveries, mysterious stories, or just your day-to-day routine, there’s something for everyone! You can expect all that and more coming at you in five new episodes every day. If you’ve got a thirst for knowledge that never quits, then join our community! We have a good time, so take your shoes off, kick back, and make yourself at home here on the Bright Side of life!

The Astronaut Who Was Left Stranded In Space Fo...
Imagine being stranded in space with no idea how you can go back. Sounds like a real nightmare, right? This is a true story that happened to a real astronaut. He was sent to space on a mission that was supposed to last only 5 months. But in the end he was stuck there for 311 consecutive days. Let's listen to the story of this astronaut and find out what exactly went wrong. How did he manage to return home after spending 10 months on a spaceship all alone? We'll see that an astronaut's job isn't all about excitement, stunning views of the Earth and zero gravity. It can be pretty unpredictable and dangerous...
8 min
16 Facts Proving That Your Dog Has Superpowers
There're so many things about pets you can learn in order to improve both their lives and yours. The understanding of what makes your pooch bark or lick its nose, for example, can help you understand it much better and make your communication easier. Did you know that a dog can tell which nostril is taking in a specific scent, which helps them locate the direction it's coming from. Breathing out the side slits helps release air while being able to hold scents inside the nose. This is why once a dog has picked up a trail, it's very unlikely to lose it...
8 min
Watch How They Use Robot Dogs In Real Life
The future is closer than we might have thought. Self-automated robots are now working in Austria. And not only are they highly advanced and effective but also cute. Boston Dynamics now builds robots that look like dogs. These creatures are designed as effective assistants for humans in the la our force in certain industries. They’re automatically programmed to perform tasks on their own and can work for up to 12 hours. Would you hire a robot like that?
9 min
12 Extremely Useful Knots You Can Learn In 5 Mi...
Knot tying has always been one of those skills many take for granted but it comes super handy if needed. It's a valuable skill when camping, boating, fishing or in a survival situation. It's better to learn one before such a situation happens, right? These 12 knots will make your life easier. A cowboy lasso, a half hitch, a bowline and a monkey fist knot. If these names of popular knots don't sound any familiar to you, it's time to get to know them! Here's a full guide on the top useful knots.
8 min
88+ Proofs Your Body Can Stand Almost Anything
Did you know, for example, that the strongest muscle in your body is your tongue? Or that people with light-colored eyes have a higher pain tolerance? Or that no matter how hard you try, you can’t tickle yourself? (I bet you’ve just checked that 😋). But I'm not gonna tell you everything right now. Just watch the video and have fun! Science rules!
120 min
The Story of the Hope Diamond Which Ruined Its ...
The gemstone, which is now called the Hope Diamond, was formed deep within the Earth more than 1 billion years ago! It was originally used as one of the decorations of an Indian temple idol. But one day a Hindu priest decided it was far too beautiful and valuable to leave there and plucked it out. He was severely punished, of course, but the Hope Diamond was already out of the temple. “The King's jewel,” “The blue of France” - these are some nicknames for the most mysterious and seemingly dangerous gem in history. The selected few who were “lucky” enough to possess the famous Hope Diamond died horrific deaths. But in the beginning, nobody could foresee the trouble...
8 min
What If the Earth Had No Moon
Every night you get an opportunity to see our natural satellite, the Moon. But what if the Moon suddenly disappeared? It's not just the disc in the night sky that would disappear - the consequences would be colossal. It's obvious that life on Earth as we know it wouldn't have evolved without the existence of the Moon. The Moon is controlling the tides and the molecules in the atmosphere and so much more...
10 min
If You See White Dust on Cheese, This Is What I...
9 min
Here's What Life on Different Planets Would Loo...
22 min
Discover 30 Mind-Blowing Solar System Secrets!
22 min
Beautiful Places On Earth You'd Better Stay Awa...
23 min
ASTONISHING Secrets of Human Bones! You Won't B...
20 min
Why You Shouldn't Go to Bed Hungry
We’ve all been there – it’s one in the morning and you’re still hungry. You get out of bed and make your way to the kitchen for a late-night snack. Because who can sleep when they’re hungry? But are there any health consequences to late-night snacking? We probably don’t even think about it, but maybe we should. We shouldn’t go to bed hungry! Eating a huge bowl of cereal at 1 AM isn’t great if you’re trying to lose weight. But we’re more prone to this, though, if we’ve gone to bed hungry. At night we tend to crave foods that are either salty or sweet. So, if you have to get out of bed and curb that hunger, or satisfy that craving, try to choose something healthy to eat. Are there even more consequences of going to bed on an empty stomach?
7 min
Iceberg Wasn't the Only Thing That Sank the Tit...
Here on Bright Side podcasts, two hosts are ready to share the information that didn't make the newspaper headlines in 1912. What if the Titanic didn't sink just because of an iceberg? There is more to the story that you know. Kate and Leo, however famous, aren't as fantastic as the true survivors of the Titanic tragedy who had their stories told. How much do you not know?
12 min
6 Proofs Your Dog Does Behave Like You
Dogs have been with us for around 30,000 years, and today, we just can’t imagine life without these fluffy creatures. But the big, important question remains: just how close are humans and dogs to each other, and what are the key factors in this long and happy relationship?
9 min
30 Strangest Natural Phenomena You Won't Believ...
29 min
18 Facts About Everyday Things You Never Knew A...
23 min
15+ Bizarre Animal Facts That Will Totally Frea...
23 min
15 Foods to Eat Avoid on an Empty Stomach
20 min
7 Creepy Caves You Can Explore (But You Shouldn't)
9 min
Which Is The Best Way To Deliver A Shipping Con...
Every day, thousands of containers arrive at seaports from different countries all around the world. They travel aboard liners, big ships via fixed routes, just like regular train services do. Whether it´s an avocado from Ecuador, or mango from Thailand destined for your local supermarket, all these goods for m part of a specific supply chain. How do goods travel across the ocean? In this video we're gonna learn how different types of shipping works. It all starts with an order and makes a long journey to your local store. Let's follow this route step by step.
26 min
The Mystery Of The First-Ever Interstellar Obje...
We discovered this strange space object in 2017 but still don't know what it is exactly. An asteroid, a comet, a spaceship of some outer space civilization? Scientists gave it a strange name: Oumuamua. But there's something that makes this object similar to Pluto... Let's find out what it is and maybe it can reveal the mysterious origin of that space object.
9 min
26 Things That Have More Than Their Obvious Pur...
8 min
9 Expensive Things Only 1% of Rich People Can Buy
Let’s admit the truth of life: some people always try to impress others. How do they do it? Typically, with the help of things. And while some objects can amaze with their uniqueness or unusual design or outstanding quality, a number of them take first prizes because of their ridiculously high cost. And you will never guess how much money exactly people pay to own something unique! For example, are you willing to pay $50,000 for an umbrella made of black crocodile leather? Or $48 million for a smartphone coated with gold or platinum and inlaid with a pink diamond? If you want to save a bit of money, there are cheaper models for you to choose from. For example, models with an orange diamond will cost 42 and a half million dollars. No comment.
5 min
The Only Way to Survive When You See a Shark
Out of the nearly 500 different species of shark that inhabit the oceans today, only a dozen or so have ever been known to go after humans. And even in those cases, it’s only believed to have happened because the shark was confused or curious. So, despite what movies like Jaws or The Meg have shown us over the years, there aren’t any sharks roaming near the shoreline, looking for people to eat. In fact, sharks tend to prefer smaller fish and invertebrates. When it comes to us, it’s an old cliché but it rings true – they’re more scared of you than you are of them. Of course, everybody should know how to decrease the chances of encountering a shark. And if you happen upon one, here's what you should do.
9 min