Bright Side

Whether you’re into useful tips for self-improvement, psychology, recent discoveries, mysterious stories, or just your day-to-day routine, there’s something for everyone! You can expect all that and more coming at you in five new episodes every day. If you’ve got a thirst for knowledge that never quits, then join our community! We have a good time, so take your shoes off, kick back, and make yourself at home here on the Bright Side of life!

What Would a Trip Through the Past Be Like
12 min
40 Unusual Body Facts Make Humans Seem Unearthly
The human body is one of the most complicated and trickiest living forms on Earth. Even though we have a lot in common, there´re certain unique features that make each human body special. Here are some interesting features that make it special. For example, did you know that around 6% of people can rapidly shake their eyes back and forth? Sounds like a great party trick. Wanna take a look at it?
10 min
A Planet With Rings Like Saturn’s Could Solve T...
When you think about a planet with lots of rings, Saturn comes to mind. But there's another planet out there that has rings 200 times bigger! Astronomers are still investigating it and say it could be a brown dwarf - something between a large planet and a full-fledged star. What makes this planet special and how did those huge rings appear around it?
9 min
Things You Should Avoid Buying And Why
When you're thirsty, you go to the supermarket, grab a bottle of any water and drink it. Wait... there's a huge mistake here: you shouldn't grab ANY water from the shelf. The first thing to look at when you pick a bottle of water is the bottom. Turn it over and look for the recycle symbol with a number inside of it. Those marks might seem meaningless but actually have plenty of information. I'm gonna tell you which marks indicate that the plastic this bottle is made of will most likely already be releasing dangerous chemicals. Those chemicals will penetrate into your drinks or food. You'll also find here 12 other things you shouldn't buy and why...
8 min
10 Facts About Our Planet You Didn't Learn In S...
We seem to think we know pretty much all there is to know about our Earth that nothing can surprise us at this point. You’ll be amazed when you find out how much you have yet to learn about our home planet: let’s start with 10 little-known earthly facts. You might know that it’s called “the blue planet”, but did you know that scientists say Earth was originally a different color? Or that the Moon isn’t Earth’s only satellite? The magnetic field is vital for Earth because it protects the planet from the impact of solar winds. We think of our planet’s magnetic field as something constant and stable, but the truth is that it’s changing. James Ross, an explorer and British naval officer, pinpointed the northern magnetic pole for the first time in 1831. In 1904, Roald Amundsen, a polar regions explorer from Norway, reached the north magnetic pole again and was surprised to find that it had shifted 31 miles since Ross's discovery. Earth, despite common belief, isn't perfectly round. It’s more like a squashed sphere. So its mass is irregular and differs in various places, which causes “wobbles” of gravity in different areas of the planet. A smaller celestial body about 750 miles wide orbited Earth like a second moon. It most likely crashed into our main satellite later on. Scientists also don't rule out the probability that one day Earth will get another satellite. If all the gold found inside the Earth could be extracted, it would be enough to cover the entire surface of the planet in a 2-foot layer of gold. And if we gave everyone an equal piece, each one of Earth’s inhabitants would get 9 pounds of this treasure. Magma lurking below the surface of crater lakes emits carbon dioxide into the waters of the lakes. This carbon dioxide builds up in a thick layer at the bottom of the lakes until pressure gives way, and it’s released in an explosion.
10 min
What If Earth Grew an Inch Every Second for 1 Year
Planet Earth is amazing: we keep investigating it and yet we learn more and more amazing facts about our home each year. Have you ever wondered, what'd happen if Earth grew bigger every year, like any living organism? Would it turn into a giant planet and how big could it get? Let's take a look at some amazing things that could happen in space.
8 min
What to Do When Someone's Following You in a Car
Another long workday. Finally, you get in the car, turn on your favorite song, and start driving home. That’s when you notice something weird in the rear-view mirror. “Is that guy following me?” You slow down – maybe they’ll pass. Nope. You speed up – they stay on you. What to do if you suspect someone is tailing you in a car?
6 min
What Has Made the Earth So Hot
10 min
What Happens to Your Body When a Mosquito Bites...
9 min
What Actually Happened to the Titanic Survivors
8 min
What Actually Happened to the Most Beautiful Woman
10 min
Unlocking Airport Secrets! 20+ Things They Don'...
24 min
An American Millionaire Locked Herself In A Hot...
How long can you stay locked in one room for? A day, a week, a month? How about 25 years? That's how long one American millionaire spent in a hotel room in New York avoiding any contact with people. This story turned into an urban legend with people adding more and more odd details to it. Ida Wood was once one of the wealthiest women in New York. But then something went wrong and she decided to isolate herself from the rest of the world. This is a true story about how money can drive a person crazy...
11 min
You'll Never Buy an Imitation if You Know These...
If you buy some clothes you like not in the original store, you get a chance to get a fake item. Nike turns out to be the most counterfeited brand in the world. While Rayban, Rolex and Louis Vuitton are the most copied brands. Some simple techniques can help you recognize a fake product and tell the difference between a real and a fake item.
9 min
The Planet Similar To Ours Has a Secret
Scientists have long been looking for signs of life outside our planet Earth. A ‘weird’ planet recently discovered has given astronomers new hopes these plans could become a reality. The planet is a temperate sub-Neptune sized body, 8 times closer to its star than the Earth is to the Sun. But its temperature is similar to our home planet because the red dwarf it's orbiting is less potent. Some other fascinating space objects are Super-Earths. If some planet weighs from 2 to 10 Earth masses, is 2 times bigger, and gets energy from a star, it's called Super-Earth. Such planets can consist of gas, rocks, water, ice, fire, acid, glass, or diamonds. Scientists haven't yet found a Super-Earth with ideal conditions for humans... Why so?
9 min
NASA Genius Invented Engine That Travels At 99%...
When it comes to space exploration, there's no limit to the human desire to see all the planets and places there, as fast as possible. Is it possible to travel in space at the speed of light? One NASA engineer claims to have invented a new rocket engine that can reach 99% of the speed of light. A rocket traveling at such speed could reach Mars in less than 13 minutes and Moon - in just over a second!
9 min
Scientists May Have Found The Tip Of A Sunken C...
Scientists make unexpected discoveries every single day: unexplained phenomena, new animal species, submerged continents... There have long been speculations of a "lost continent" underwater, hidden somewhere in the ocean. But it turns out, scientists have found traces of it, even its tip. What could this discovery mean? And could there be more continents underwater?
9 min
If You See a Spot on a Banana
Ah, bananas…They’re delicious, nutritious, and potentially malicious! Wait, what was that last part? How could one little banana do any harm whatsoever?! Well, what if I told you that these days some of them can easily send you to the hospital?
11 min
What Parallel Worlds Might Look Like
But have you ever wondered what parallel worlds might look like? Yes, the existence of parallel universes has not yet been proven, but why we can't have some fun in the meanwhile? Let's imagine that there's a way to travel between universes in the multiverse. Or maybe that a glitch in the matrix happened and traveling to parallel universes became possible. The theory of multiple or parallel universes is one that blurs the line between scientific reality and science fiction. It’s a pretty huge topic of debate in the scientific community, with big names on both sides. This is the idea that everything you thought you ever knew – our planet, the solar system, our galaxy, all the other stars and galaxies out there as far as our fancy telescopes can see – it’s just one itsy bitsy piece of a really giant puzzle!
10 min
10 Psychology Facts Why You're the Way You're
10 amazing psychological facts about human behavior. Over the years, scientists have uncovered many of the human brain’s mysteries and shortcomings that were securely hidden in our psyche. Bright Side invites you on a journey inside your own head to find out what makes your consciousness work.
9 min
Unlocking Airport Secrets! 20+ Things They Don'...
24 min
Unexpected Tips That Could Save Your Life One Day
22 min
Jupiter's Great Red Spot Is 40 Times Deeper Tha...
8 min
There Is An Invisible Shield Around Earth Human...
How many layers does our planet Earth have? If you look down into it, you’ll see the core, the mantle, the lava and the crust. If you look up, you’ll see the atmosphere, the ozone layer and more… Scientists have discovered a strange bubble layer around our planet. And it turns out to protect us. Let’s explore what this layer is and what impact it has on our everyday lives. It was created by accident but keeps on protecting us every single day…
8 min
What Your Job Would Be Like on Different Planets
What did you wanna become when you were a child? How about some professions that're really out of this world? An air taxi driver, an asteroid miner or a space jeweler? What would your job be in space? Each of the planets out there has a different atmosphere and conditions. So there'd be some unique jobs you could pick on each of them. For example, there's a 'Diamond planet' that's twice as big and dense as the Earth and is covered with diamonds. So there'd definitely be need for space jewelers. While a dream job on Mars would be a ski instructor! Winter on the Red Planet lasts around six Earth months. What would you wanna become?
9 min