Bright Side

Whether you’re into useful tips for self-improvement, psychology, recent discoveries, mysterious stories, or just your day-to-day routine, there’s something for everyone! You can expect all that and more coming at you in five new episodes every day. If you’ve got a thirst for knowledge that never quits, then join our community! We have a good time, so take your shoes off, kick back, and make yourself at home here on the Bright Side of life!

Off-the-Beaten-Path Insights For Adventurous Tr...
15 min
New Satisfying Slimy Hacks You Need To Try
1 min
Monster Stars and Other Awesome Space Discoveri...
9 min
Meet the Immortal Creatures on Earth Tardigrade!
18 min
Is There a City Beneath the Bermuda Triangle
15 min
If You See This Burrow, Don't Come Any Closer
9 min
Harry Potter Spin-Off Everyone Wants to See
2 min
What Dinosaurs Looked Like In Reality, Most Peo...
9 min
[EXPLAINED] Mysterious Blue Light Over Europe P...
We've found Elves and Trolls! And you know what, they appear during thunderstorms. A strange glow in the sky, beautiful color but absolutely frightening - it's a transient luminous event striking in the upper atmosphere. What does it have to do with magical creatures?
8 min
World's Biggest Cave Is Even Bigger Than We Tho...
8 min
See If You Know Which Sleep Facts Are Just Myths
8 min
10 Secrets Hotel Staff Are Hiding From You
7 min
Is There a City Beneath the Bermuda Triangle
15 min
If You See This Burrow, Don't Come Any Closer
9 min
Harry Potter Spin-Off Everyone Wants to See
2 min
Even Scorpions Are Afraid of This Cute Mouse
16 min
Deep Sea Creatures That Look Like From Another ...
17 min
Why Are Rolex Watches So Expensive?
If you asked people what they thought the best watch in the world was, most of them would probably assure you that it's a Rolex. But is there any reason why this brand costs so much? Watch this video to find it out the truth about Rolex and some unexpected facts about the most expensive things in the world.
8 min
Why Queen Elizabeth II Always Carried Her Purse...
We all have our own unique, everyday routines. But it turns out that not only us mere mortals have our little quirks! Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II has habits she sticks to as well! Have you ever wondered why the Queen always carries her purse with her wherever she goes? There’s a practical explanation to this mysterious phenomenon: in her handbag, the Queen always has a pen, a lipstick, a mirror, her reading glasses, and some mints. But wait, there’s more to a simple purse than that! In the Queen's hands, it turns into a sort of social indicator which Her Majesty uses at different events and gatherings. That's how she lets the staff know her intentions!
7 min
Different Past World Hides Under Sand Dunes
I love unusual journeys: to the depth of the ocean, to the core of planet Earth. This time it's gonna be a journey to the world's biggest sand dune! I'd like to explore what's hidden underneath it: maybe there's a secret forest inside or an ancient city. Are those just huge piles of sand or something unique is hidden in those layers? Are you ready to join me?
8 min
Australia Has Blue Bees, And They are So Amazin...
When we think of bees, we imagine a black and yellow colored insect that loves flowers and honey. But what if I tell you that bees can wear other colors too? Some bees located in Australia have blue stripes on their bodies. This insect looks like a flying sapphire! We at Bright Side couldn't believe our own eyes when we first saw these blue-banded bees. Here're 9 tiny amazing creatures that live in the sky, ocean, and sand.
9 min
15 Things You Are Doing Wrong Every Day
8 min
That's What Red Lights on Top of Skyscrapers Ar...
You've definitely looked up in a big city and at least once noticed those red lights on top of the skyscrapers. The lights are visible for miles around the structure. What are they for? Is it some sort of decoration or a signal for the planes? Red light always means 'stop', so let's find out who or what should stop by these lights on tops of the tall buildings. We'll also find out why Europe doesn't have as many skyscrapers as the U.S. or Asia. In Europe, even despite the population growth and city migration, there was still enough room for everyone. Of course, in some European cities, there are several skyscrapers somewhere outside the historic center but they're still very protective of their city skylines.
10 min
NASA To Smash $330 Million Spacecraft Into an A...
3-2-1 a spacecraft in launched and a little later it smashes into an asteroid. What for? Is there a chance to avoid collision? Not, if it's done on purpose! NASA is planning to smash its expensive spacecraft into an asteroid to protect our planet. The collision is meant to change the space rock's trajectory! Let's see the details of this ambitious plan...
8 min
Milky Way VS Andromeda: The Collision Has Alrea...
The Milky Way is the galaxy that includes our Solar System. It's vast and NASA estimates it contains around 100 billion planets. The Andromeda galaxy is our nearest spiral neighbor. But scientists warn that the two galaxies are actually headed towards each other... What if they collide? What if it's happening right now?
8 min