Bright Side

Whether you’re into useful tips for self-improvement, psychology, recent discoveries, mysterious stories, or just your day-to-day routine, there’s something for everyone! You can expect all that and more coming at you in five new episodes every day. If you’ve got a thirst for knowledge that never quits, then join our community! We have a good time, so take your shoes off, kick back, and make yourself at home here on the Bright Side of life!

Creepy Crawlers That Are Actually Cool
16 min
Can You Survive If 99% of Humanity Is Gone
8 min
Can We Raise The Titanic
16 min
50+ Beyond Weird Facts About the Human Body
16 min
41 Common Things with Hidden Purpose Only 1% Know
48 min
25 Things People Throw Away But They Cost a Lot
How to reuse old things. Are you taking this old ice tray to the trash bin? And these old sneakers too? Please, don't - old things can have amazing new uses. Or you can sell this seemingly useless stuff online and earn a fortune! So if you're looking for repurposing ideas, we got something interesting for you. Did you know, for example, that a simple piece of paper you don't usually hesitate to throw away can be sold for thousands of dollars several years later if it's related to some important event, for example, a remarkable baseball match? You can also try to sell empty boxes, pine cones, and even... used toilet paper rolls!
8 min
How the 'Unsinkable' Titanic Ended Up at the Bo...
Did you know the Titanic had two sister ships? Or that events leading up to and the day of its maiden voyage actually sealed the ship’s fate? The Titanic’s story is one that will live on for the ages, so if you’re ready to learn some amazing new facts about the Titanic, its passengers, and its tragic end, then keep on listening!
10 min
40 Most Expensive Oddities Ever Bought
Let's say you have $90,000. Will you buy a car, an apartment, or go on a yacht trip around the world? For this money, an insect enthusiast from Japan bought a huge stag beetle for his collection. Some objects are able to amaze not only by their ingenuity or design but also with their ridiculously high price. Yes, we all understand "expensive" differently. However, there are many amazing things that cost even much more than we can imagine. We're not talking about gold and diamonds here.
11 min
7 Effective Beauty Remedies You Can Make at Home
People all over the world love coffee for its taste and invigorating qualities. But this drink has other more unusual applications. Did you know, for example, that coffee can help you get rid of cellulite and excess oil on your face quickly? So, today Bright Side presents you with a collection of effective recipes for using coffee (and even leftover coffee grounds) as a youth and beauty remedy that can help against a variety of unpleasant conditions!
3 min
10 Mistakes Lots of People Make When Buying a N...
According to statistics, most drivers change their car once every six years, which is a pretty long period of time. To take the best out of your car in those six years, to save money and to avoid constant repairing, you’d better avoid ten mistakes many of us make when buying a car. One day you’ll probably decide to sell your car. That’s why you have to consider some important features. According to Paint supplier PPG Industries, white is the most popular car color in the US with 35 percent of all sold vehicles. It is followed by black with 17 percent, and silver and gray that both got a 12 percent popularity. In case you want to purchase some good old German luxury brands such as BMW or Mercedes-Benz, you have to be prepared to pay around $17,800 and $12,900 for ten years of maintenance accordingly. US popular brand Cadillac comes next with an average $12,500 maintenance cost for the same period of time. Additional airbags, a passenger sensing system that can tell the size of the person in the seat and save smaller children in case of a crash, auto-dimming mirrors to reduce the glare coming from headlights at night, head restraints and ABS are some of the things you don’t want to save money at. Make a check-list of features you need to check and think of where you’ll be driving your new vehicle. Try driving on the highway and park in uncomfortable conditions if that’s what you know you’ll have to do in the future. Examine everything to help yourself make the right decision. Don’t be afraid to miss “the deal of a lifetime.” You must have noticed those come up now and then, so you shouldn’t let them pressure you into making a wrong financial decision that will affect your budget for years.
7 min
What If Thick Fog Blocked the Sun for 1 Year
What looks super scary? Dark streets, shadows and... thick fog. If all of these come together - you get some kind of 'silent hill' right by your house. Oh no! But what if our whole planed got absorbed with a thick fog overnight? The sunlight would be blocked, it'd get damp and cold. Let's imagine what it'd feel like...
8 min
40+ Things About Your Body They Didn't Teach Yo...
18 min
35+ Mysterious Natural Phenomena That Baffle Ev...
44 min
You've Been Brushing Your Teeth Wrong
23 min
Why We Evolved to Have Such Tender Feet
9 min
Why Steve Jobs Didn't Have a License Plate
9 min
The Crazy Reason Why The Queen's Birthday Celeb...
The royal family has plenty of strange traditions and regulations. From the most unusual etiquette rules to the way they dress or how they celebrate holidays. For example, did you know that the Queen celebrates her Birthday twice a year: on April 21st and June 12th? Does she get twice the number of gifts as well? Let's find out!
9 min
Why the Queen Doesn't Have a Driving License Bu...
No one knows royal protocol like Her Majesty. Queen Elizabeth II is England's longest reigning ruler. She enjoys numerous royal privileges and aspects of power. Among her many privileges, Queen Elizabeth doesn’t have to face the stress of having to pass a tricky driving test. She is the only person allowed to sit behind the wheel in Britain without a driver’s license. How's it possible?
8 min
FACT: The Queen's Fashion Means Quite a Lot
I bet you can recognize the Queen's style from dozens of looks. She always has a hat on, a black handbag matching her shoes and an outfit of some bright color. But did you know that the color of the look isn't random at all? When it comes to royal style, everything is intentional. Let's find out what the choice of color for the Queen's 'look of the day' means.
8 min
Why the Captain Always Sits on the Left
Can airplanes safely operate with one engine? What's the fastest commercial airplane ever produced? How do planes detect other aircraft? Everything connected with planes is well-planned and thought out. Perhaps it’s the main reason why a plane is the safest way to travel. Today, we'll answer the most popular questions about airplanes. Do you know, for example, why on airplanes, the captain sits in the left seat, and the co-pilot - in the right? Well, the reasons for that are historical. One theory is related to horses, another one involves trains. These days, though, both seats have full control of the plane. And there are no regulations that would specify which seat the captain and the co-pilot should occupy. (Maybe it’s just rock-paper-scissors?) The world of aviation is fascinating, and we’d like to share with you the most interesting facts about planes and flying.
10 min
What Happens When a Dog or Cat Becomes a Mayor
Elections are one of the most awaited events in a country. And picking the most intelligent and responsible representative is definitely a must. Most of us have our very own expectations, but seeing a cat or a dog on your ballot isn’t one of them. Non-human electoral candidates: this is the term coined for animals who run for a specific office. There are, surprisingly, a lot of amazing cases all over the world. In case you’re wondering why and how this happened, the answer would be either a kind of protest or purely for entertainment purposes. So what would happen if a dog or cat has been elected as a Mayor?
7 min
Why No One Should Use Airport USB Charging Stat...
8 min
Why Helicopters Can't Fly to Everest
8 min
Why Gen Z Harry Potter Translation Exists
8 min
Why Extra Naps Aren't Good for Anyone
10 min