Bright Side

Whether you’re into useful tips for self-improvement, psychology, recent discoveries, mysterious stories, or just your day-to-day routine, there’s something for everyone! You can expect all that and more coming at you in five new episodes every day. If you’ve got a thirst for knowledge that never quits, then join our community! We have a good time, so take your shoes off, kick back, and make yourself at home here on the Bright Side of life!

Truth or Myth Can Pets Really Predict Earthquakes
17 min
Titanic Survivors Shed Light on Its Story
21 min
Titanic Could've Been Sunk by a Crew Member
9 min
Titanic 2 Will Cross the Ocean Soon, You Can Ge...
9 min
These Finds Changed History for All Times
9 min
The Only Airline That Never Had Flights
10 min
She Claimed to Be a Titanic Survivor But Nobody...
8 min
No Need to Google! 50 Hidden Secrets of Daily O...
17 min
There’s a Legend About a Weather Bubble In Penn...
Can one place live in a weather bubble of its own? There's a little town in the US East Coast where storms and hurricanes almost never occur. Is it a strange weather phenomenon or just a simple myth spread among the locals? Let's find out how one place can remain intact by any natural disasters or hazards even if a nearby city experiences a storm...
8 min
NASA Scientists Claim There Is Water Inside Mars
We've been long planning to colonize the Moon and Mars. But what could increase our chances to do that? The answer is just one word - water! If we found water, it could rapidly increase the possibility of our colonization of the Moon or Mars. Water is the key to life support. NASA scientists are planning to drill into the Moon and Mars in order to see if any of those has water. The rovers will attempt to burrow as deep as 3 feet underneath the surface. One of the missions will include a group of astronauts that will spend several days on the Moon. But what if water there is not like water on Earth?
9 min
17 Hollywood Stars Who Can Easily Outsmart Ivy ...
Hollywood is about fame, charisma, talent and... intelligence. It turns out, there're plenty of actors and actresses who can compete with the most prominent scientists in IQ levels. Just think about it: Shakira was only 4 when she wrote her first poem. And Rowan Atkinson had the best grades back at school. Let's find out who else is in the list of super smart celebrities.
8 min
9 Secrets of the Statue of Liberty Most People ...
The Statue of Liberty is one of the most (if not THE most) famous monuments in the world. Anyone visiting New York City can see her, but not everyone knows that Lady Liberty has her own secrets. One of them is – she might not even be a lady at all! Or do you know, for example, that number seven meant a lot for the Statue's creators? It's easy to notice the Statue has seven spikes on its crown, symbolizing universal liberty across the seven oceans and continents. But there are less obvious references to the number seven. Btw, you can see this monument not in NYC only!
8 min
20+ Ways You Can Burn Calories and Fat Even Wit...
When you think of burning fat, what's the first step to take that comes to your mind? Right, exercise and workout. But what if I'm too lazy or I've got absolutely no time? Does it mean there's no chance I can stay fit and lose extra pounds? Here's a list of things everyone can do to burn calories without exercise! These activities are fun, energetic and can be the first step towards a healthier lifestyle!
8 min
How All-You-Can-Eat Buffets Make Their Money
Restaurant guests can grab plate after plate of an endless array of dishes and cuisines. All of this for one low price. So what’s their secret to success? Well, these sorts of buffets have some tricks up their sleeve to keep business rolling, and you’re about to find out exactly what they are!
10 min
Inside Your Mind How Many Thoughts Do You Have ...
25 min
Hurricane, Tornado, Cyclone – What’s the Differ...
10 min
Flying Cars Will Be Probably Available Soon
8 min
Bee-lieve It or Not Fascinating Facts About Ins...
21 min
A Man Who Failed to Save the Titanic
11 min
+35 Hidden Purposes That Just Make Sense
All of the objects surrounding us have a purpose and meaning. Even if we think something exists without reason, it's not true. Each of the things we see was designed to bring some sort of result. For example, did you notice those discs on mooring lines of some ships? What're they for? Only the most attentive ones know all of the hidden purposes of these 30+ common objects.
8 min
What Happens If You Turn Your Phone Off During ...
If you've ever unplugged your phone during an update, DON'T. Your phone is likely to start malfunctioning. The home screen might stop working properly and you won't be able to access some of the files. In tech-savvy language it's called "your phone was bricked". What does it mean? Let's find out...
8 min
How to Know If a Fruit Is Organic + 21 Other Hi...
8 min
Giant Crabs Take Your City, but You Know the On...
One day, all the crabs disappeared. People searched in the seas, oceans, lakes, rivers, rainforests. Not a single, live crab… only old shells. Crabs shed, or molt several times during their life. Their body keeps growing, but their shell doesn’t. So they throw off their old "suit" and hide. They sit there in silence until their new one grows. But why did every single crab molt on the same day? Where are they hiding?
9 min
Are Queen Bee Stings More Dangerous? (We Found ...
It's always assumed that Queen bees manage the hive just like monarchs do: order working bees about and lay eggs. But what if you meet Queen bee and she stings you? One of the first things you might notice is that they're able to sting you multiple times! And Queen Bee will keep on living and completing her royal task after that. Would such a sting hurt more and how do you treat it?
8 min
What If Another Planet Entered Earth's Orbit
Space is full of mysteries and the potential discoveries we can make there are limitless. We know that the Earth orbits the Sun and that this orbit isn't a perfect circle but rather an ellipse. But what if our planet started sharing its orbit with another planet? Could two planets share the same orbit without colliding? Let's investigate this space fact!
8 min