Bright Side

Whether you’re into useful tips for self-improvement, psychology, recent discoveries, mysterious stories, or just your day-to-day routine, there’s something for everyone! You can expect all that and more coming at you in five new episodes every day. If you’ve got a thirst for knowledge that never quits, then join our community! We have a good time, so take your shoes off, kick back, and make yourself at home here on the Bright Side of life!

10+ Popular Foods That Are Different in the US
10 min
Why Do Insects Always Bite Me And Not Others?😡
8 min
Learn To Play Pool In No Time | The Easiest Tut...
8 min
Jeff Bezos Is Not Truly The Richest Person In H...
8 min
25 Strange Phobias You May Not Know You Have
When was the last time you felt terrified? Maybe you were walking in the dark and heard a strange noise right behind you. We all fear something. Our hearts start beating like crazy, we sweat and tremble, run out of breath and sometimes even have a full-blown panic attack. Hit “thumbs up” if you are afraid of something. It is okay to admit it. Here's a list of 25 bizarre and unique phobias you won’t believe exist.
17 min
7 Simple Tips for Having the Best Flight Ever
Airplanes are one of the most modern forms of transport, and it’s no surprise that many people who use them don’t know about all of their peculiarities. We at Bright Side have collected some important tips for traveling by air that can really help to make your journey a lot more comfortable.
3 min
That's Why Snakes Need Forked Tongues
Snakes! They look like an alien species, and some of the things they’re capable of will convince you they’re not from this planet! They see in infrared, they shed their skin, and have you seen that weird-looking tongue? Snakes don’t use their tongue like we do. Think about it: you really don’t have time to taste something if you can only swallow food whole without chewing it. Instead of using it to taste, snakes smell with their tongues. That’s why they always flicker it in and out – they want to catch nano-particles in the air that will tell them if their prey or some kind of danger is nearby.
8 min
7 Spooky Airport Stories That Will Make You Nev...
9 min
6 Strange Einstein's Habits That Could Have Con...
8 min
Why People Disappear in Bermuda Triangle Grea...
8 min
Why People Disappear in Bermuda Triangle Grea...
28 min
What If You Could...Uploading Your Mind Online
16 min
What If A Meteorite Bumped Into Your House?
8 min
A Secret Button Under Your Plane Seat + Other H...
8 min
Why Your Eyes Don't Freeze At Subzero Temperatu...
Next time you have a conversation with your smartest friends, you can impress them with some coolest facts they've probably googled at least once. There're many amazing things in the world as how our bodies function, weird-looking mushrooms or giant squids with the biggest eyes on Earth. Are you curious to find out more? For example, have you ever wondered why your hands, nose or feet get cold temperatures below zero but your eyes - never? Your eyeballs can somehow easily deal with the cold – even if you leave them completely unprotected. Here're 18 facts that will make you instantly smarter.
8 min
What If the Earth Was Flat?
12 min
What's at the Bottom of Mysterious Great Blue Hole
I’m twenty, and life’s becoming a virtue. I’ve just graduated from college! I’m officially a Master of Science now and thinking of becoming a doctor, but I’m not sure my Ma and Pa will be alright without me. They’re already growing too... young now, and I’m afraid they’ll get in trouble if I’m not there. Once, Pa went to a party and didn’t come back for three days! Got Ma worried sick, she gave him a huge slap when he finally turned up. They made up real soon, though. Youth is passionate, you know. I used to hate PE at school, but I love it now! Every chance I get, I go running in the nearby park, and even asked my parents to get me a gym membership for my birthday. It’s so good to feel those old bones creak less and less with every passing day! ... Confused? Wanna know what this is all about? Okay, have you ever thought of how life would be different if we were born old and get younger every year? We really love unusual what-if stories, and we decided to imagine what would happen if people aged backwards.
8 min
Did the Megalodon Turn Into the Great White?
A huge whale-eating shark dominated the oceans millions of years ago. Its evolution has been the topic of heated debate among scientists for over 150 years. Until recently, a lot of paleontologists were sure that one of the most ferocious marine predators of our time, the great white shark, descended from the mighty megalodon. Well, recent findings are bringing this long-held belief into question.
10 min
That's How Seaweed Can Help You Lose Belly Fat ...
What's the quickest and most effective way to lose weight and get the body of your dreams? Working out, sweating in the gym? How about fixing your eating habits? Adding some food that's essential for boosting your metabolism and skipping all the cheat meals and junk food. Have you ever tried seaweed? That's something your sushi was wrapped in and it turns out to be really healthy. This green ingredient may even help your body lose fat naturally. Let's see, how!
8 min
Airplanes MUST Wait On The Runway. But WHY?
9 min
What's Inside NASA Spacesuits (And Why They Are...
8 min
Bizzare System Where a Single Planet Orbits 3 Suns
9 min
Tips to Help Extend Your Battery Life + 30 Othe...
17 min
This Tiny Shark Can Cause Chaos in the Ocean
3 min
There's a Secret Source of Energy on the Moon
24 min