Bright Side

Whether you’re into useful tips for self-improvement, psychology, recent discoveries, mysterious stories, or just your day-to-day routine, there’s something for everyone! You can expect all that and more coming at you in five new episodes every day. If you’ve got a thirst for knowledge that never quits, then join our community! We have a good time, so take your shoes off, kick back, and make yourself at home here on the Bright Side of life!

What's Inside a Gel Pen + 25 Secrets of Everyda...
9 min
Unleash Your DIY Genius with these amazing crafts
0 min
This Pyramid Is One of the Biggest in the Mayan...
9 min
In The Near Future, We'll Travel By Trains That...
With high-speed rail, traveling by trains often turns out to be faster than by car or by bus. Very often it even results being faster than flying. But what if trains could transform into planes? Imagine a plane landing at its final destination: its wings come off, it's set on a railway track and becomes a train. Could this time-saving dream become a reality any time soon?
8 min
Why Don't Humans Have Tails? This New Study Has...
Human body is a fascinating mechanism where every detail matters. In the course of evolution human body becomes more advanced and gets rid of items it no longer needs: like a tail. Several hundred million years ago our ancestors used tails for swimming just like fish. Wouldn't it be cool to have a tail? Let's find out why exactly we lost them.
7 min
No One Will Touch Your Car with These 20 Ways t...
8 min
Your Ancestors Didn't See Blue, It Didn't Exist...
9 min
How to Fall Asleep in 60 Seconds | Easy Sleep L...
30 min
That's Why Airplanes Have to Fly So High
7 min
Jack-O-Lantern Was Way Scarier in the Past Co...
16 min
If You Find Mirror In Your Lucid Dream, Don't L...
27 min
Flannan Isle Mystery 123-Year-Old Disappearance...
19 min
Body Parts That Are Secretly Awesome
9 min
40+ Unusual Body Facts That Will Leave You Spee...
27 min
How Toothpaste Comes Out in Stripes + Other Sec...
9 min
Don't Walk Under the Plane Wings, Here's Why
There’s so much going on in airports and on board the planes that you don’t need to bother learning it all. But there are things you do want to know — yet no one will tell you about them. Do you know, for example, why if you get off the bus and step away too much, the ground crew might ask you not to walk under the airplane wings? Or what a ‘decision altitude’ is? Or what is a reason you won’t ever see an elderly person or a child in the emergency exit row? Wanna know those and other secrets? Here they are!
8 min
Why No One Should Swap Seats on a Plane
You probably aren’t the only one looking to pull the ol’ switcharoo. Even if just a few passengers do it, they could throw the plane off balance! And since most aircraft are incredibly sensitive to changes in their center of gravity, it can lead to dramatic consequences. During takeoff, pilots must know the distribution of weight on the plane to make exact calculations. If these calculations are off even the slightest, there are chances that the aircraft can crash while leaving the ground. So before nestling in a more comfortable or spacious spot, ask a cabin crew member if you're allowed to do so.
8 min
Why Footprints Stay On The Moon and 60+ Other A...
11 min
Why China Has the Best Railways in the World
7 min
Why a Low-Cost Airline with Waterbeds and Organ...
9 min
What Would Happen If You Could Acquire Any Anim...
27 min
What the Earth Went Through Before We Appeared
10 min
15+ Myths You Were Told At School, Totally Busted
8 min
What You'd See If You Could Walk Into a Wasp Nest
If you've ever seen a wasp nest, you might have confused it with a paper balloon or a rugby ball. Wasps make their nests from chewed wood pulp and saliva. They are usually dull grey or brown in color but inside there's a whole amazing world! Let's imagine we could walk inside - what would we see?
8 min
There's a Mysterious Light On The Moon
15 min