Bright Side

Whether you’re into useful tips for self-improvement, psychology, recent discoveries, mysterious stories, or just your day-to-day routine, there’s something for everyone! You can expect all that and more coming at you in five new episodes every day. If you’ve got a thirst for knowledge that never quits, then join our community! We have a good time, so take your shoes off, kick back, and make yourself at home here on the Bright Side of life!

Lost in the Woods The Haunting Mystery of Aband...
25 min
Leonardo da Vinci Created a Unique Map And Pred...
6 min
Researchers Find Evidence Of a Real Ninth Plane...
10 min
That's Why Royal Family Members Don't Have a La...
9 min
If You See a Ghost Apple, This Is What It Means
8 min
If You Ever See This Beetle, Get Out Fast + Oth...
41 min
I Lived Like Elon Musk for a Week But One Day W...
10 min
Everyone Who Had This Mysterious Black Diamond ...
10 min
Do You Have A Chance to Survive In The Bermuda ...
15 min
What Would Happen If The Sun Rotated Around The...
8 min
Hidden Features of 22 Things You Missed
8 min
Can You Survive In the Deepest Point on Earth
27 min
Bone-Chilling Stories of the USA's 10 Haunted S...
9 min
Bee-tle Royale Giant Hornets vs. Bees – Choose ...
25 min
A Mystical Brooch No One Wants to Even Touch
9 min
A Lot of People Tried to Erase This Pharaon fro...
10 min
Hidden Features of 22 Things You Missed
10 min
Japan Built 250-Mile-Long Shield to Stop Tsunamis
9 min
Mysterious Signals From Outer Space Shocked Sci...
Space is full of unexplained phenomena, strange things happening and stuff we still fail to explain. One of the recent things that left astronomers with more questions that answers were strange signals coming right from Proxima Centauri. Those signals fit no currently understood pattern of radio sources and now the main question is, what they actually mean...
8 min
What If Robots Started to Replace People
Until recently, robots were something we considered to be science fiction and something we'd never really come across in our lives. Today, we're seeing the appearance of robots more and more. In many large companies, robots have already replaced people. Packaging bots collect boxes for delivery. They speak with you on the phone instead of a human operator. There are restaurants in some countries where robots take your order, serve food, and pour your coffee as waiters. In Japan, for a while, there was a hotel where the concierge, administrator, and cleaner were robots. But the hotel owner had to" fire" them because they couldn’t cope with their duties. Artificial intelligence can write an article on scientific and technical topics, but doesn't know what irony or sarcasm is. Neural networks can process photos, videos, and sounds, and help move technological progress forward. But can robots completely replace human beings? And what if robots lived among us?
9 min
Scientists Confirm Dogs Can Recognize a Bad Person
How to Understand Your Dog Better. It looks like dog owners have scientific evidence to prove that their pets are the smartest and most perceptive and can even help them single out bad people. Their list of superpowers makes dog people proud: they can sense fear, read body language, and even smell cancer to find it at an early stage and warn of upcoming epileptic seizures.
8 min
50 Things That Are Only Possible In Australia
10 min
16 Halloween Costume Ideas with 1990s Nostalgia
8 min
14 Amazing Facts About Sri Lanka No One Will Te...
8 min
12 Pros Share Facts That Almost Nobody Knows About
10 min