Bright Side

Whether you’re into useful tips for self-improvement, psychology, recent discoveries, mysterious stories, or just your day-to-day routine, there’s something for everyone! You can expect all that and more coming at you in five new episodes every day. If you’ve got a thirst for knowledge that never quits, then join our community! We have a good time, so take your shoes off, kick back, and make yourself at home here on the Bright Side of life!

Why Does Time Stop Inside a Black Hole
If you've always dreamed of time travel, here's your chance! We're gonna get inside a black hole and find out how time stops there. You can freeze time just by getting to the center of a black hole. It's a place where all conceptions of time and space completely break down. How does it work? And can you go back? Well, in this video you definitely can! I invite you on a space journey to explore one of the most mysterious objects out there - a black hole. We'll get to the point where all that exists is singularity. And we'll get to know what a redshift is. Are you ready?
9 min
How To Keep Your Travel Expenses Down When Pack...
Holidays are amazing but there's one thing about them that most of us truly dislike: packing luggage. Plenty of clothes, gadgets, shoes, snorkeling mask, a pillow... How do you get it all in your suitcase, especially when you’re limited on weight and baggage space? I've gathered the coolest packing tips for you. Here's how you pack a wardrobe in your suitcase without spending a fortune at the airport. One of the first things to consider is how you’re folding your clothes. I'm gonna show you the most space-efficient method. Some useful life hacks are also waiting for you. For example, instead of putting your undergarments and socks into their own section, try fitting them into available spaces and gaps within the rest of your luggage.
7 min
What Happens to Your Body When You Sleep in a N...
8 min
There Is No Sense to Install Cameras on Airplan...
8 min
What Happens After You Flush on a Cruise Ship
These days, any cruise ship is like a huge city, where every detail is thought out so that passengers feel just as comfortable as on land, only better. You can take a shower, do the laundry, or swim in a pool. But where does all the dirty water go? The average ship spends about 40-50 gallons of water per passenger every day. It makes tons of wastewater that needs to be utilized. Say, the world's biggest cruise ship, Harmony of the Seas, can carry about 5,500 passengers together with 2,300 crew members. They produce about 312,000 gallons of wastewater daily!
7 min
Fitness at Your Fingertips Home Workout Transfo...
22 min
Could We Stop an Asteroid from Hitting Earth
10 min
Astronomers Discovered a Forbidden Planet But H...
10 min
Are We Alone in The Milky Way
20 min
Against All Odds When Planes Break Apart, Lives...
22 min
What Would Happen To Your Body, If You Dare To ...
What's the most dangerous sting in the world? A giant bee, a cobra, black widow or a scorpion? All of these stings will be stressful but a doctor will help you out and you'll recover. But there's a sting you'll hardly forget and won't fully recover after. It's good to know what it is and never have to face it in real life. It's a sting of the most dangerous plant in the world. It grows in Australia and has a pretty funny name: Gympie-Gympie. It can be easily confused with nettle or burdock. And this plant is covered with a thin layer of fluff on its leaves. But don't fall into this trap and touch the fluff - it's extremely toxic! One man said he felt pain for two years after touching the plant. Let's find out more about it!
9 min
We Touched The Sun For The First Time In Human ...
Breaking news: human technology has touched the Sun! Wow! How's that for a breakthrough? Parker Solar Probe was launched in 2018 to explore the Sun and travelled closer to the scorching-hot giant than any spacecraft before. NASA spacecraft entered the solar atmosphere, making it the first time a piece of human technology touched the Sun. What else did the spacecraft find out? Did it uncover any mysteries of the Sun? By the way, researchers are expecting another approaches in 2022. There're even plans for the probe to make a fly-by around Venus. It'll gain more speed and approach the Sun at a record close distance. I'll make sure to tell you all about it!
9 min
Why Do Teenagers Of The Past Look Older And 15 ...
You look at a picture of a teenager from other decade and he or she looks different from high schoolers you see now. Why does it happen? Is it really because people grew up quicker back then? Or we age later now? Let's get this question answered and see what the perception of style has to do with it. I made a list of these 16 facts most people don’t know or think about. Your friends will definitely be surprised when you share them! The world is full of curiosities we hardly pay attention to. Are you ready to be impressed?
9 min
What Would Happen If Planes Stopped Flying
What if there were no planes? Well, you wouldn't be able to visit your friends and relatives who live in other countries or even on other continents as often as you'd like to. Okay, it's obvious. But do you know that without airplanes, there wouldn't be such a great variety of flowers in flower stores? You would mostly see local plants - nothing too exotic. Because, for example, about 80% of flowers sold in the UK come from the Netherlands! But the Netherlands, in turn, has flowers delivered by air from Ethiopia, Kenya, and other countries. Or have you ever wondered what would tourism would be like without airplanes? Lots of people would travel inside their home countries and traveling abroad would become something really memorable. Could we live without flights?
8 min
How Many Calories You Need to Eat to Lose Weight
13 Clear Traits of a Psychopath (Spot Them). In this video we're going to cover the 13 signs to help you spot a psychopath. You'll learn about psychopathy signs you probably never expected. Psychopaths are some of the most dangerous people in the world, yet, they often go unrecognized in society. We might have the stereotypical image of a serial killer or head of a violent mob when we imagine psychopaths, but they’re often blended in with the rest of us. In fact, they usually use their charm and lies to make themselves appear even more wholesome and pure than their peers. Unfortunately, it’s after they’ve gained our trust that they begin to do the most damage.
9 min
If You Can Drink Milk, You Have a Rare Body Fea...
If you like to enjoy a big glass of milk every day, then your body is more unique than you thought! Only 30% of people can drink milk, while the other 70% can't digest it. Even more puzzling: your body loses its ability to process milk as you age. So if you used to drink it just fine but milk's giving you problems now, know that you're in the majority! There are plenty of other awesome human body facts to go with that. Like that humans cannot multitask! So if you're struggling to juggle several tasks at once, don't be alarmed, it's just how your brain is wired! What about some rare body features only a tiny percentage of people have? Can you touch your nose with your tongue or breathe in through your nose while talking? There aren't many of such superhumans among us. Find out if you're one of the rarest!
9 min
A Physicist Has Explained Why We've Never Seen ...
10 min
A Mysterious Object Punched a Hole in the Milky...
9 min
255 Nonillion Degrees What Would Happen Next to Us
11 min
101 Facts That Will Make You Rethink Your Life
41 min
30+ Rarest Body Features You Might Have or Not
18 min
What If Millipedes Were the Size of a Car (And ...
Are you afraid of insects? Or maybe you just find them creepy and dislike them? Imagine some of the insects getting bigger than humans! Huge cockroaches, massive spiders and enormous millipedes. What a nightmare... And it turns out, it could be reality in the past. Researchers in England have found fossils of the largest millipede to have ever lived. These giant creatures were the length of a car and likely roamed Earth millions of years ago. But if millipedes used to be that big, could they grow back in size now? Just think about it... What if the world suddenly became invaded by giant insects?
8 min
You're Alive Thanks To This Tiny Bone
Have you ever thought about how many wonderful processes are going on inside your body: how the blood flows, how neurons are formed, what your bones consist of... Your bones are some of the greatest structures in your body. You have over 200 bones in your body. And if you ever wonder what makes you grow, the bones are part of the answer. In this video we're going on a journey inside the bone marrow. We'll find out why it's so important and what it looks like. We'll travel through the skeletal system and visit every tiniest part of it.
8 min
Money Can’t Buy Love - These $1 Gift Ideas CAN
Imagine a friend of yours has Birthday and you only have $1 to get a perfect gift. What could it be? You might say it's impossible to get anything a person might like for $1. But here're 10 last minute gift ideas that you can get for someone important and they'd definitely like it! Get a notebook and get ready to write them down. From fortune cookies to cute stickers and a real pet. Be creative! Even if you have only $1 in your pocket, you can still make a cool present for someone who matters! What's really important is the desire to express your attention, love and care.
8 min
If You Were Octopus, Your Arms Have Mind of The...
The most creative Hollywood minds couldn't think up a sci-fi creature as unusual as the common octopus. They have 9 brains, 3 hearts, blue blood, and no bones! But the real question is: why?
8 min