Bright Side

Whether you’re into useful tips for self-improvement, psychology, recent discoveries, mysterious stories, or just your day-to-day routine, there’s something for everyone! You can expect all that and more coming at you in five new episodes every day. If you’ve got a thirst for knowledge that never quits, then join our community! We have a good time, so take your shoes off, kick back, and make yourself at home here on the Bright Side of life!

Generations X, Y, and Z Which One Are You
8 min
Did They Find a Living Megalodon In the Mariana...
8 min
Beyond Belief Elf Rings and Nature's Unexplaine...
26 min
All The Tallest And Longest Things Ever Existed...
10 min
You Can't Use Pencils In Space And 9 Fun Facts ...
There're many things banned in space: like salt and bread, because crums can damage the equipment. When it comes to beverages, carbonated drinks are off the table as well because they're buoyant in a weightless environment. But pencils are also prohibited to use in space. Why? The answer will surely surprise you... Here're the coolest facts about space to share with your friends. You'll learn why the Moon is not entirely white and devoid of color. And why astronauts need to exercise that much while in space.
9 min
Why Beds Are Not On The Floor And 10+ Random Facts
You can google anything you want on the Internet. It's full of answers to any questions, lifehacks, or tips to solve any problem. But isn't it so much cooler to impress you friends or classmates with your knowledge even without peeping at the screen of your gadget? For example, have you ever wondered why beds aren't right on the floor? A long time ago, people didn't elevate their mattresses off the floor. This practice started in ancient Egypt and continued in many other cultures. Why was it convenient? And why do we still make beds so high off the floor?
9 min
Why Pens Have Rubber Grips and 20 Secrets You D...
8 min
A Unique Creature on Earth That Can Live Forever
13 min
Nobody Knows What's Inside Yemen Sink Hole but ...
8 min
That's How Your House Number Can Attract Burglars
7 min
A New Continent Is Discovered on Earth In the P...
10 min
A New Bermuda Triangle Theory Explains Its Mystery
12 min
90 Facts That Will Make You the Toast of the Party
41 min
60+ Surprising Body Facts for Self-Discovery
26 min
20+ Non-Obvious Tips That Will Keep You Safe in...
24 min
70+ Secrets in Daily Objects I Was Today Years ...
Do you know everything about the objects surrounding you? When something is built or created for the first time, there is typically a logical explanation for every part of the object in question. But with time we tend to forget the initial purpose and some of the important features of the object. Here're 70+ secrets about things you see every day. From metal button on jeans to a hole in the handle of pots - you'll get to know the original purpose of these details. By the way, do you know how to tell if the boiled egg was fresh? Twist it! I'll tell you more about it at the end of the video.
16 min
24 Cool Features You Might Not Know About
Have you ever experienced this: after you’ve been using something for many years, you found out that it had some other useful features? Like a tiny detail you never even paid attention to, turned out to have an important meaning and purpose. For example, that dark rectangle at the end of your toothpaste tube. Have you ever noticed one? The markings are there for the assembly machines - this way the machines know where to cut and fold each tube. From metal plates at the front of your stapler to the little triangles above each window on a plane... Every object surrounding you has a cool detail. There are many overlooked features about the things surrounding you that actually serve a useful purpose. Let's discover the secrets of ordinary things!
9 min
You Probably Never Knew Shrimps Can Be So Dange...
As humans we see an amazing world full of colors with our eyes. But many animals see much more than us. And the way they use their vision is largely unknown to us. For example, octopuses do not have color vision but they can detect polarized light. But it's not the coolest vision out there... Mantis shrimp vision puts everything else to shame. They're the proud owners of the strangest eyes in animal kingdom. What makes their eyes so cool? No other creature has such a unique structure of its visual organ. Each eye has several pupils that constantly change their shape. They can move separately and together, focus on some small objects and see the big picture at the same time.
8 min
You're Programmed to Look at Your Phone, Here's...
Do you sometimes feel guilty for being lazy all day? It might seem like you’ve worked for several hours, but still haven't really done anything. Perhaps you urgently need to complete an important task, but you deliberately put it off, or you can't focus. If this sounds familiar, it’s probably not your fault, but your smartphone's. Well, that plus your brain and a unique substance inside it called dopamine. So how to train yourself to check your phone less? Life without smartphones seems impossible. Talking to friends, likes, YouTube, movies, photos, games – we love all the stuff they provide. But we’re so into our phones that we don't notice the bad sides: short attention spans, poor work capacity, and stress. Are there any ways to use your phone less? We’ve got a solution.
7 min
You Can't See Phones or Cars in Dreams, Here's Why
You know the feeling. You’re in a familiar place…but everything’s a little off. A stranger is chasing you. Street signs look like gibberish. You’d normally go for your phone, but it’s nowhere to be found. You’re in a dream, and here’s why it’s so different from reality! So what are dreams anyway? And why do we dream? Well, it’s basically your mind trying to reconstruct reality…and failing. In dreams, everything gets mixed around and turned into a mess by our hidden thoughts and feelings. It’s the emotional side of your brain constructing this world, not the logical part that’s more in control in your waking life. Dreams can be fascinating, terrifying, or just weird. Let's listen to some interesting facts about dreams!
7 min
20+ Mystifying Natural Phenomena That Defy Scie...
18 min
10 Terrifying Places Science Still Can't Explain
13 min
10 Extinct Creatures That Could Have Ruined The...
14 min
10 Biggest Sharks Ever Existed (Meg Isn_t Only ...
10 min
9 Places You Should Never Swim (Never Ever!)
10 min