Bright Side

Whether you’re into useful tips for self-improvement, psychology, recent discoveries, mysterious stories, or just your day-to-day routine, there’s something for everyone! You can expect all that and more coming at you in five new episodes every day. If you’ve got a thirst for knowledge that never quits, then join our community! We have a good time, so take your shoes off, kick back, and make yourself at home here on the Bright Side of life!

Why Ships Are Red Below the Waterline
9 min
Why Public Toilet Seats Are Shaped Like a U
10 min
Why Millions of New Cars Are Left Abandoned
6 min
Why China Has the Best Railways in the World
7 min
16 Hybrid Animals You Wouldn't Expect To Exist
The world is full of surprises: unusual natural phenomena, unique body parts people have and cool stuff from the animal kingdom. In these video I'm gonna show you 16 hybrid animals you'd never believe actually exist... Nature seems to have experimented a lot! What's the mix you'd expect the least? In this video you'll see a slug which is part plant, part animals. You'll meet a jaglion, which is a mix of a jaguar and a lion... One of the most unexpected mixture is a zebroid - a mixture between a zebra and any equine species. More hybrid animals are coming your way... #brightside
9 min
That's Why Bottles Need Necks and 10 Other Secr...
9 min
What If the Kraken Swallowed You Whole
8 min
12 Simple Tips to Make You Feel Good Today
Most of the time, we think that being healthy takes a lot of effort, time, and money. But in reality, you can turn your life around and feel healthier simply by incorporating a few new habits into your daily routine. In many cases, the unique properties of food products help your body work better. Have you ever tried whitening your teeth with strawberries? Yeah me neither. And what if I told you grape juice can heal your migraine? You can also enjoy an extra cup of hot coffee for a healthy gallbladder. As crazy as it all sounds, those are just a few examples of effortless natural life hacks to treat your body right and give yourself the love you deserve. So let’s get started.
9 min
How to Write an Abstract Step-by-Step (With Eas...
How to Write an Abstract. Once you’re done with your academic paper after months of hard work, you’ll also need to create an abstract of your paper, too. Since this writing summarizes and represents your work, you’ll want it to be picture perfect, right? Lucky for you, we’ve put together some tips on writing the best abstract, so pay close attention!
9 min
9 Awesome Facts About India Tourists Can't Believe
Long ago, when giant lizards roamed the Earth and Netflix wasn’t around, the Asian continent got crashed into by an unexpected visitor that ended up being a life-long neighbor. I’m talking about India and its fascinating history since its days as a massive piece of land floating in the ocean!
8 min
Why Can't You Have Black Eyes + Other Body Facts
46 min
Why Asians Always Wear Masks
8 min
Who Would Win the Title of the Strongest Insect
8 min
What If The Craziest Scenarios You've Never Ima...
27 min
What Happens in Real Life But Not in Video Games
10 min
Here’s Why The Earth Has More Than One Moon
How many Moons does our planet have? Sounds like a pretty straight-forward question, doesn't it? The simple answer is that Earth has only one Moon, which we see in the sky every night. The more complex answer is that the number of moons varies over time... How is it possible? In this video I'm gonna explain this to you. By the way, around the Solar System, multiple moons are the rule. Mars has two moons, while Jupiter has over 60 natural satellites. More coolest space facts are coming your way... We'll explore why planets don't twinkle, while stars do. Also, we'll talk abouit space volcanoes: they can spew methane or ice instead of lava. Let's find out more coolest facts about the processes happening in space. #brightside
9 min
7+ Things You've Been Doing Wrong Your Whole Life
8 min
The Better Way to Do 28 Everyday Things
Here's a video that'll bring you lots of surprises about everyday items you see or use at home. I'm gonna reveal why it's necessary to turn the jar of peanut butter over and pinch a hole in a chips bag to stop it from tearing. Also you'll learn how to make a perfect smoothie. Are you already waiting for the recipe? By the way, a cool microwave trick is waiting for ya! Here're 28 ways to do everyday things a little better. The more you know them and use them, the more lifehacks you start using on a daily basis. Each item around us has a hidden secret that might make our lives just a little easier. Why don't we discover it? #brightside
8 min
I Chewed Gum Every Day for a Month, See What Ha...
A lot of you reach for a stick of gum after drinking a cup of coffee or eating some onion-heavy dish. There's nothing abnormal about that. But what if you chewed it every single day for a month? There’s tons of research out there saying that chewing stimulates the flow of saliva, which basically flushes away all the acids produced by bacteria. This makes your teeth stronger and prevents tooth decay. But that's not all. One study showed that chewing gum can help you lose weight, burn more calories, and even improve your memory! Well, we decided to make sure if it's true. It was an interesting experiment, and there were also some surprises.
6 min
4 Signs You're Going Through Puberty
How to deal with puberty? Acne. Crushes. Mood swings. As if growing up weren’t hard enough, as you enter adulthood, you have tons of weird and embarrassing things to face on the daily. For girls, puberty usually hits somewhere between ages 10 and 14; for boys - closer to the ages of 12 to 16. Of course, your genetic makeup and environmental factors can dictate exactly when you’ll start going through puberty.
8 min
How to Keep Your Fruits and Veggies Fresher for...
Sometimes when you go to buy groceries, you get too excited and throw a little bit of everything in your cart. Fruits and vegetables continue to mature and, unfortunately, you end up throwing away a lot of what you bought because it’s no longer able to be consumed. Proper food storage can save you money and prevent your fruits and vegetables from decaying quickly. It’s important that you take into account the climate of the place where you live because this can also affect the maturation of food. The more humid and hot the place is, the riskier it is for some vegetables. Here're some helpful tips to make your groceries last and stay fresh and crisp much longer.
8 min
Unnoticed Threat Massive Giza-Sized Asteroid Co...
18 min
Unbelievable Discoveries! Shocking Facts You Wo...
44 min
These People Kept Order In The Ancient World
8 min
The Woman Who Vanished Inside a Tunnel and Neve...
23 min