Bright Side

Whether you’re into useful tips for self-improvement, psychology, recent discoveries, mysterious stories, or just your day-to-day routine, there’s something for everyone! You can expect all that and more coming at you in five new episodes every day. If you’ve got a thirst for knowledge that never quits, then join our community! We have a good time, so take your shoes off, kick back, and make yourself at home here on the Bright Side of life!

Why Dogs Look So Different from Each Other, Whi...
17 min
What Will Happen to Us Before 2050
12 min
What Things Will Disappear In Just 20 Years
10 min
What If You Poured Some Water On The Sun
8 min
What If You Had a Cat’s Narrow Pupils?
Imagine one day you wake up and see... that you have your cat's eyes! They're large, with narrow pupils and glow in the dark. How would this change affect your life? It turns out, the shape of the pupils depends on the lifestyle that a living creature leads. Your lifestyle will definitely change in a way... With such cat eyes you'll immediately understand what distance the person ahead of you is from you and how many steps you need to take to reach them. Don't worry, you won't turn into a cat hunter. But your friends will definitely notice that you act really strange...
8 min
How Frozen Peas Can Help You Fall Asleep
A good night sleep is vital for the normal functioning of your body and your overall helth. But how do you beat insomnia and fall asleep quickly if you just can't? Here's an unusual recipe that really works: a pack of ice peas. Yup, you've read it right: ice peas will help you have a good and healthy sleep. How does it work? This has something to do with your vagus nerve. It's one of the longest and most complex nerves in your body that starts in your brain and passes down through the neck, chest, and abdomen. And it turns out, this nerve absolutely loves ice! So prepare a back of ice peas and enjoy this video.
8 min
You Can Use Your Airpods to Control Mac Volume
Are you a pro Macbook user or wanna become one? Mac users share 16 new tips to boost your experience, I bet you'd wanna try them all right away... There're dozens if not hundreds of MacOs shortcuts you might have even heard once but definitely forgotten or overlooked. It's time to refresh this knowledge! For example, did you know that you can use your airpods to control your Mac volume. By the way, whenever you're too busy to read what your text will sound like, Mac can do it for you. When you get tired of typing the same stuff all over again, customize the autocomplete feature to do it for you. Ready to find out how to do it?
9 min
41 Body Facts Surprised Even My Biology Teacher
Scientists reveal new discoveries about the human body almost every day, and some of them sound very surprising to us. We made a collection of facts that suggests there is something really powerful about our bodies. Did you know for, example, that your brain generates electricity, and it’d be enough to light up a small lightbulb, if you could only figure out how? Or that tongue has a lot of fat in it? And if you gain weight, your tongue does too! Most people think they have 5 senses. But that’s not true. Scientists don’t yet know themselves, but they think there’re more than 20. There’s sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste, and there’re other senses like time, hunger and thirst. Then there’s proprioception – the sense of where your body is in space. Interested? Then check out these unusual facts about your body that you might’ve not even thought about.
8 min
Passengers Didn't Panic On The Titanic, And Her...
The RMS Titanic was considered to be "unsinkable". But we know the end of the story. Many of the survivors of the tragedy remember that there was absolutely no panic on board the ship till the very end. Was it because people didn't believe such a huge ship could go down? Or because the passengers didn't expect there could be any lack of lifeboats? Let's find out why the passengers of the legendary ship managed to stay calm.
8 min
I Was Running Everyday for a Month, See What Ha...
It all started when a friend invited me to do a 5k with him – that’s about 3 miles. Doesn’t sound like much, but it’s a lot when you’re in your late twenties and haven’t run since gym class back in school. Not to mention the barely-there energy and weight gain that adulthood seemed to hit me with. Anyway, I had a month to get ready. How did I do it? The short answer is, baby steps! Of course, you should watch what you eat, stay hydrated, and train slowly but surely. After getting myself a new pair of running shoes, my journey began. I kept a daily log of my progress along the way. What about you? Are you ready to lace up your shoes and start running?
9 min
What If Titanic Completed Its Ocean Crossing Sa...
18 min
What If Dinosaurs Were Still Alive Today
11 min
Unusual Moon Phenomenon and Spectacular Natural...
26 min
Titanic Love Story Sadder Than the Movie + Chil...
24 min
This Is Where We Collided With Another Universe
9 min
30+ Hidden Things About Pretty Regular Stuff
Why do potato chips bags always have plenty of air inside? Don't be mad about their designers thinking they're just trying to make the bag seem full. It turns out, potato chips are actually that tasty thanks to that air! Not only does it protect the chips from breaking during transportation but also keeps them fresh for longer... Let's see how it works. Here're 30+ hidden secrets about everyday objects surrounding us. Why do crackers have holes in them? Are margins on paper designed for writing in dates and numbering lists? And what’s the difference between a wooden hanger and a plastic one? You'll find the answers to these and more questions in this video.
8 min
Stop Putting Water on a Toothbrush if You Want ...
8 min
Your iPhone Has a Secret Button + 4 Tips to Use...
Your phone is a gadget you most likely use every day. Did you know that the average person spends over 4 hours a day on their phone? It's more that a whole day a week... But I bet there're plenty of secrets your phone is hiding from you. From hidden functions to secret features and buttons. Here're some hidden features on your phone you weren't aware of... With smartphones, we no longer need two hands to use a keyboard − all you need is one good thumb. But typos are easy to make, and all your characters can't fit all at once on that crammed keyboard at the bottom of your phone screen. There's a hidden gem on your iPhone that can help you with it. You might just want to shift your keyboard into Trackpad mode for easier editing. Wanna know more?
8 min
You Swallowed a Massive Hornet, What's Next
9 min
Sleep Technique Of The Greatest Geniuses Revealed
Have you ever heard of 'the twilight zone of sleep'? No, it's not a place where vampires sleep or a name of a weird hotel in the middle of nowhere. It's a special technique that can make a true genius out of you. What does it consist of? And how to enter this zone to get a brain boost? The greatest minds: Leonardo da Vinci, Salvador Dali, Thomas Edison - all used this technique to get into the special zone of our brains. It allowed them to be creative and make breakthrough discoveries. Scientists believe that there're answers to the most critical questions for any person in this phase of sleep...
9 min
We Understood Why Asians Make V-Signs
7 min
They Survived 69 Days Trapped Underground
8 min
These Animals Are More Intelligent Than You Think
18 min
The Moon Needs Its Own Time Zone, Here Why
8 min
Insects in Your Makeup The Shocking History o...
9 min