Mindful In Minutes Meditation

Short, weekly guided meditations to help you stress less and live more. Each week join Kelly Smith, founder of Yoga For You, for simple and grounded guided meditations that are 20 minutes or less and cover an array of topics that will help you with real life struggles like anxiety, insomnia, self-esteem and creating a morning ritual.

Health & Fitness
Alternative Health
Sick Day Meditation
17 min
7 Ways To Advance Your Meditation Practice
<p>Have you ever wondered how you can take your meditation to the next level? In this freeform episode Kelly shares not only when you know it's time to challenge yourself, but also 7 of her favorite ways to deepen and expand an existing meditation practice.
37 min
Guided Breath Meditation
<p>Connect with your breath and work on your breath control with this guided meditation. In this 13 minute practice you will do two rounds of "3-part breath" to gain control over the inhale and exhale, and get a reset from your breath.</p><p><br></p><p><strong>Unlock this episode and all old episodes ad free and intro free by becoming a subscriber- </strong><a href="https://anchor.fm/mindful-in-minutes/subscribe">https://anchor.fm/mindful-in-minutes/subscribe</a></p><p><br></p><p><u><strong>Thank you to our sponsor</strong></u></p><p><strong>BetterHelp-</strong>Save 10% on your first month with BetterHelp at <a href="https://www.betterhelp.com/get-started/?go=true&amp;transaction_id=102491b6b9f1bb546c99a4e3f2ee86&amp;utm_source=podcast&amp;utm_campaign=2843&amp;utm_medium=Mac+OS+X&amp;utm_content=&amp;utm_term=minutes%C2%ACfound=1&amp;gor=start">www.betterhelp.com/minutes</a></p><p><br></p><p><u><strong>2023 Retreats</strong></u></p><p><u>Ignite Your Passion Portugal</u></p><p>April 29- May 4</p><p>https://startyouradzenture.com/retreat/portugal-april-29-may-4-2023/</p><p>Use code MINDFUL to save $100 on this retreat</p><p><br></p><p><u><strong>Let's Connect</strong></u></p><p>Email Kelly your questions at info@yogaforyouonline.com</p><p>Follow Kelly on instagram @yogaforyouonline</p><p>Please rate, subscribe and review (it helps more than you know!)</p>
13 min
5 Min New Year Manifestation Meditation
<p>Take 5 minutes to welcome in the New Year with this manifestation meditation. Welcome in goodness, and all you need to make your dreams come true in 2023 with this practice.&nbsp;</p><p><br></p><p><u><strong>At H(om)E NYE retreat</strong></u></p><p>Ignite 2023 with the virtual at home 3-hour retreat now available for pre-save and will be available until 1/7/23 <a href="https://www.yogaforyouonline.com/copy-of-at-h-om-e-retreat">(save your spot here)</a></p><p><br></p><p><u>This is a community Mini</u></p><p>This month we are supporting <a href="https://app.donorfy.com/donate/KK1DKIBW91/HelpBelugas">The Sea Life Trust Beluga Whale Sanctuar</a>y In Iceland. All ad revenue generated in January 2023 will be donated to this organization.</p><p>Learn more about The Sea Life Trust Beluga Whale Sanctuary <a href="https://app.donorfy.com/donate/KK1DKIBW91/HelpBelugas">here</a></p><p><br></p><p>Join Kelly in Iceland or Portugal on a retreat in 2023 <a href="https://www.yogaforyouonline.com/retreats">(get all the details here)</a></p><p>Use code MINDFUL to save $100</p><p><a href="https://www.yogaforyouonline.com/retreats">Join the retreat waitlist here</a></p><p><br></p><p><u><strong>Let's Connect</strong></u></p><p>Email Kelly your questions at info@yogaforyouonline.com</p><p>Follow Kelly on instagram @yogaforyouonline</p><p>Please rate, subscribe and review (it helps more than you know!)</p>
7 min
Peaceful NYE Meditation
<p>Ready to release the year behind and welcome in fresh, new beginnings in the new year? This guided meditation takes you on a journey under the northern lights on a black sand beach and utilizes breath and visualization.</p><p><br></p><p><strong>Unlock this episode and all old episodes ad free and intro free by becoming a subscriber- </strong><a href="https://anchor.fm/mindful-in-minutes/subscribe">https://anchor.fm/mindful-in-minutes/subscribe</a></p><p><br></p><p><u><strong>At H(om)E NYE retreat</strong></u></p><p>Ignite 2023 with the virtual at home 3-hour retreat now available for pre-save and will be instantly unlocked 12/26 <a href="https://www.yogaforyouonline.com/copy-of-at-h-om-e-retreat">(save your spot here)</a></p><p><br></p><p><u><strong>Thank you to our sponsor</strong></u></p><p><strong>BetterHelp-</strong>Save 10% on your first month with BetterHelp at<a href="https://www.betterhelp.com/get-started/?go=true&amp;transaction_id=102491b6b9f1bb546c99a4e3f2ee86&amp;utm_source=podcast&amp;utm_campaign=2843&amp;utm_medium=Mac+OS+X&amp;utm_content=&amp;utm_term=minutes%C2%ACfound=1&amp;gor=start">www.betterhelp.com/minutes</a></p><p><br></p><p><u><strong>2023 Retreats</strong></u></p><p><u>Ignite Your Passion Portugal</u></p><p>April 29- May 4</p><p>https://startyouradzenture.com/retreat/portugal-april-29-may-4-2023/</p><p>Use code MINDFUL to save $100 on this retreat</p><p><br></p><p><u><strong>Let's Connect</strong></u></p><p>Email Kelly your questions at info@yogaforyouonline.com</p><p>Follow Kelly on instagram @yogaforyouonline</p><p>Please rate, subscribe and review (it helps more than you know!)</p>
12 min
Social Anxiety Meditation
Does this time of year make your social anxiety go into overdrive? This guided meditation is designed to help you quell your anxiety before a social interaction and has practices that can be used during the interactions as well when needed.
13 min
Stop People Pleasing Freeform
Do you ever feel yourself stuck in the constant cycle of people pleasing? In this freeform episode Kelly talks about breaking free from this constant need to please others, how your time is like a pizza, her favorite ways to say no, and tips for stopping people pleasing.
33 min
People Pleasing Mantra Meditation
<p>Feel a need to always please others? This guided meditation helps to release your people pleasing tendencies, quiet the mind, and soften the heart. This practice uses breath, body scans, and mantras.</p><p><br></p><p><strong>Unlock this episode and all old episodes ad free and intro free by becoming a subscriber- </strong><a href="https://anchor.fm/mindful-in-minutes/subscribe">https://anchor.fm/mindful-in-minutes/subscribe</a></p><p><br></p><p><u><strong>At H(om)E NYE retreat</strong></u></p><p>Ignite 2023 with the virtual at home 3-hour retreat now available for pre-save and will be instantly unlocked 12/26 <a href="https://www.yogaforyouonline.com/copy-of-at-h-om-e-retreat">(save your spot here)</a></p><p><br></p><p><u><strong>Thank you to our sponsor</strong></u></p><p><strong>BetterHelp-</strong>Save 10% on your first month with BetterHelp at<a href="https://www.betterhelp.com/get-started/?go=true&amp;transaction_id=102491b6b9f1bb546c99a4e3f2ee86&amp;utm_source=podcast&amp;utm_campaign=2843&amp;utm_medium=Mac+OS+X&amp;utm_content=&amp;utm_term=minutes%C2%ACfound=1&amp;gor=start">www.betterhelp.com/minutes</a></p><p><br></p><p><u><strong>2023 Retreats</strong></u></p><p><u>Ignite Your Passion Portugal</u></p><p>April 29- May 4</p><p>https://startyouradzenture.com/retreat/portugal-april-29-may-4-2023/</p><p>Use code MINDFUL to save $100 on this retreat</p><p><br></p><p><u><strong>Let's Connect</strong></u></p><p>Email Kelly your questions at info@yogaforyouonline.com</p><p>Follow Kelly on instagram @yogaforyouonline</p><p>Please rate, subscribe and review (it helps more than you know!)</p>
15 min
Meditation, Depression and The Brain
In this freeform episode Kelly dives into the science behind depression and how it impacts your brain, and how meditation can help to reverse these neurological changes and support you during depression, and finishes with her own personal tips for navigating depression.
34 min
Winter Blues Meditation
<p>This time of year can be difficult, especially with the constant darkness, expectation around the holidays, and many other reasons. Help to beat and soothe the winter blues with this guided meditation.</p><p>If you, or someone you know is struggling with depression <a href="https://www.everydayhealth.com/depression/guide/resources/">here is a list of resources.</a></p><p><br></p><p><strong>Unlock this episode and all old episodes ad free and intro free by becoming a subscriber- </strong><a href="https://anchor.fm/mindful-in-minutes/subscribe">https://anchor.fm/mindful-in-minutes/subscribe</a></p><p><u><strong>Thank you to our sponsor</strong></u></p><p><strong>Athletic Greens- Get a free year supply of vitamin D and 5 travel pack at </strong><a href="https://athleticgreens.com/campaign/d35ct-offer-immunity/en?utm_source=podcast&amp;utm_medium=influencer&amp;utm_campaign=mindfulminutes_d35ct__a3149__o27&amp;utm_term=cac__a3149__o27&amp;utm_content=health__a3149__o27"><strong>www.athleticgreens.com/minutes</strong></a></p><p><br></p><p><strong>2023 Retreats</strong></p><p><u><strong>Ignite Your Passion Portugal</strong></u></p><p>April 29- May 4</p><p>https://startyouradzenture.com/retreat/portugal-april-29-may-4-2023/</p><p>Use code MINDFUL to save $100 on this retreat</p><p><br></p><p><u><strong>Let's Connect</strong></u></p><p>Email Kelly your questions at info@yogaforyouonline.com</p><p>Follow Kelly on instagram @yogaforyouonline</p><p>Please rate, subscribe and review (it helps more than you know!)</p><p><br></p>
14 min
Body Scan For Sleep
<p>Snuggle up, get cozy, close your eyes and let this 20 minute body scan help lull you to sleep. This meditation includes 19 minuets of guided practice followed by 3 minutes of music only.</p><p><u><strong>Thank you to our sponsor</strong></u></p><p><strong>InsideTracker- </strong>Receive 20% off your order at<strong> </strong><a href="https://info.insidetracker.com/mim" rel="ugc noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">https://info.insidetracker.com/mim</a></p><p><br></p><p><strong>Unlock this episode and all old episodes ad free and intro free by becoming a subscriber- </strong><a href="https://anchor.fm/mindful-in-minutes/subscribe"><strong>https://anchor.fm/mindful-in-minutes/subscribe</strong></a></p><p><br></p><p><strong>2030 Retreats</strong></p><p><u><strong>Ignite Your Passion Portugal</strong></u></p><p>April 29- May 4</p><p>https://startyouradzenture.com/retreat/portugal-april-29-may-4-2023/</p><p>Use code MINDFUL to save $100 on either retreat</p><p><br></p><p><u><strong>Let's Connect</strong></u></p><p>Email Kelly your questions at info@yogaforyouonline.com</p><p>Follow Kelly on instagram @yogaforyouonline</p><p>Please rate, subscribe and review (it helps more than you know!)</p>
22 min
5 Minute Joy Meditation
Take a 5 minute to wipe the slate clean, let go of sadness and welcome joy into your heart with this short guided meditation.
7 min
Holiday Reset Meditation Ft. Molly Williams
<p>Take a reset before the madness of the holidays begin and listen to this guest meditation by Molly Williams (one of Kelly's favorite meditation podcasters!) This practice will help you unwind, quiet the mind and reset before the holidays.&nbsp;</p><p><u><strong>Learn more about Molly</strong></u></p><p>Listen to her podcast Molly's Mornings on <a href="https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/mollys-morning-meditations/id1530091703">Apple podcasts</a> and <a href="https://open.spotify.com/show/36qdzOctoJdjarIosKyerr?si=667856edd1524cd3">Spotify</a></p><p>Follow Molly on instagram <a href="https://www.instagram.com/mollylovesmornings/?hl=en">@mollylovesmornings</a>&nbsp;</p><p><br></p><p><u><strong>Thank you to our sponsor</strong></u></p><p><strong>InsideTracker- </strong>Receive $200 off the Ultimate or 34% off other items at<strong> </strong><a href="https://info.insidetracker.com/mim" rel="ugc noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">https://info.insidetracker.com/mim</a> (valid until 11/30)</p><p><br></p><p><strong>Unlock this episode and all old episodes ad free and intro free by becoming a subscriber- </strong><a href="https://anchor.fm/mindful-in-minutes/subscribe"><strong>https://anchor.fm/mindful-in-minutes/subscribe</strong></a></p><p><br></p><p><u><strong>Ignite Your Passion Portugal</strong></u></p><p>April 29- May 4</p><p>https://startyouradzenture.com/retreat/portugal-april-29-may-4-2023/</p><p>Use code MINDFUL to save $100 on either retreat</p><p><u><strong>Let's Connect</strong></u></p><p>Email Kelly your questions at info@yogaforyouonline.com</p><p>Follow Kelly on instagram @yogaforyouonline</p><p>Please rate, subscribe and review (it helps more than you know!)</p>
10 min
20 Min Soothing Soundbath
<p>Take 20 minutes to quiet your mind, soothe your senses, and unwind. You can use this sound bath as a stand alone meditation, as background music for studying or working, or as a tool to help you drift off to sleep.&nbsp;</p><p><br></p><p><strong>Unlock this episode and all old episodes ad free and intro free by becoming a subscriber- </strong><a href="https://anchor.fm/mindful-in-minutes/subscribe">https://anchor.fm/mindful-in-minutes/subscribe</a></p><p><br></p><p><u><strong>Thank you to our sponsor</strong></u></p><p><strong>Better Help- </strong>Save 10% on your first month with BetterHelp at<a href="https://www.betterhelp.com/get-started/?go=true&amp;transaction_id=102491b6b9f1bb546c99a4e3f2ee86&amp;utm_source=podcast&amp;utm_campaign=2843&amp;utm_medium=Mac+OS+X&amp;utm_content=&amp;utm_term=minutes%C2%ACfound=1&amp;gor=start">www.betterhelp.com/minutes</a></p><p><br></p><p><u><strong>Ignite Your Passion Portugal</strong></u></p><p>April 29- May 4</p><p>https://startyouradzenture.com/retreat/portugal-april-29-may-4-2023/</p><p>Use code MINDFUL to save $100 on either retreat</p><p><u><strong>Let's Connect</strong></u></p><p>Email Kelly your questions at info@yogaforyouonline.com</p><p>Follow Kelly on instagram @yogaforyouonline</p><p>Please rate, subscribe and review (it helps more than you know!)</p>
24 min
How I Make Mindful in Minutes
<p>Have you ever wondered what the creative process is like in the recording closet? Or how Kelly picks what topics she will talk about each week? In this freeform episode Kelly walks you through the entire planning, writing, recording, and producing process.</p><p><br></p><p><a href="https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScXMU38ehwH7B6zO5OJ7Uq-v4ycbTICJ333NyO86V3we3H7SA/viewform">Request 2023 episode topics with this survey</a></p><p><br></p><p><strong>Unlock this episode and all old episodes ad free and intro free by becoming a subscriber- </strong><a href="https://anchor.fm/mindful-in-minutes/subscribe">https://anchor.fm/mindful-in-minutes/subscribe</a></p><p><br></p><p><u><strong>Thank you to our sponsor</strong></u></p><p><strong>Better Help- </strong>Save 10% on your first month with BetterHelp at<a href="https://www.betterhelp.com/get-started/?go=true&amp;transaction_id=102491b6b9f1bb546c99a4e3f2ee86&amp;utm_source=podcast&amp;utm_campaign=2843&amp;utm_medium=Mac+OS+X&amp;utm_content=&amp;utm_term=minutes%C2%ACfound=1&amp;gor=start">www.betterhelp.com/minutes</a></p><p><strong>InsideTracker- </strong>Receive 20% off your order at<strong> </strong><a href="https://info.insidetracker.com/mim" rel="ugc noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">https://info.insidetracker.com/mim</a></p><p><br></p><p><u><strong>NYE Iceland Retreat</strong></u></p><p>Join me in Iceland to ring in the New Year</p><p>Dec 29-Jan 2</p><p>Ignite your Fire Iceland 2023- https://startyouradzenture.com/retreat/iceland-nye2023/</p><p><u><strong>Ignite Your Passion Portugal</strong></u></p><p>April 29- May 4</p><p>https://startyouradzenture.com/retreat/portugal-april-29-may-4-2023/</p><p>Use code MINDFUL to save $100 on either retreat</p><p><br></p><p><u><strong>Let's Connect</strong></u></p><p>Email Kelly your questions at info@yogaforyouonline.com</p><p>Follow Kelly on instagram @yogaforyouonline</p><p>Please rate, subscribe and review (it helps more than you know!)</p>
32 min
AM Gratitude Meditation
<p>Start you day with gratitude in this guided meditation. Begin the morning by breathing, welcoming in the day, and then igniting gratitude within. This practice uses breath, mantra, and visualization.</p><p><br></p><p><a href="https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScXMU38ehwH7B6zO5OJ7Uq-v4ycbTICJ333NyO86V3we3H7SA/viewform">Help me plan 2023 with this survey</a></p><p><br></p><p><u><strong>Thank you to our sponsor</strong></u></p><p><strong>InsideTracker- </strong>Receive 20% off your order at<strong> </strong><a href="https://info.insidetracker.com/mim" rel="ugc noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">https://info.insidetracker.com/mim</a></p><p><br></p><p><strong>Unlock this episode and all old episodes ad free and intro free by becoming a subscriber- </strong><a href="https://anchor.fm/mindful-in-minutes/subscribe"><strong>https://anchor.fm/mindful-in-minutes/subscribe</strong></a></p><p><br></p><p><u><strong>NYE Iceland Retreat</strong></u></p><p>Join me in Iceland to ring in the New Year</p><p>Dec 29-Jan 2</p><p>Ignite your Fire Iceland 2023- https://startyouradzenture.com/retreat/iceland-nye2023/</p><p><u><strong>Ignite Your Passion Portugal</strong></u></p><p>April 29- May 4</p><p>https://startyouradzenture.com/retreat/portugal-april-29-may-4-2023/</p><p>Use code MINDFUL to save $100 on either retreat</p><p><br></p><p><u><strong>Let's Connect</strong></u></p><p>Email Kelly your questions at info@yogaforyouonline.com</p><p>Follow Kelly on instagram @yogaforyouonline</p><p>Please rate, subscribe and review (it helps more than you know!)</p>
12 min
Intro To Meditation
<p>New to meditation? Or maybe you starting a practice but you aren't totally sure where to start- or you may even just want a little brush up on the basics. In this freeform episode Kelly shares what she commonly teaches as an intro to meditation workshop for new, and seasoned meditators alike.&nbsp;</p><p><br></p><p><u><strong>Thank you to our sponsors</strong></u></p><p><strong>InsideTracker- </strong>Receive 20% off your order at<strong> </strong><a href="https://info.insidetracker.com/mim" rel="ugc noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">https://info.insidetracker.com/mim</a></p><p>Listen to Ask Iliza Anything wherever you listen to your podcasts</p><p><br></p><p><strong>Unlock this episode and all old episodes ad free and intro free by becoming a subscriber- </strong><a href="https://anchor.fm/mindful-in-minutes/subscribe"><strong>https://anchor.fm/mindful-in-minutes/subscribe</strong></a></p><p><br></p><p><u><strong>NYE Iceland Retreat</strong></u></p><p>Join me in Iceland to ring in the New Year</p><p>Dec 29-Jan 2</p><p>Ignite your Fire Iceland 2023- https://startyouradzenture.com/retreat/iceland-nye2023/</p><p><u><strong>Ignite Your Passion Portugal</strong></u></p><p>April 29- May 4</p><p>https://startyouradzenture.com/retreat/portugal-april-29-may-4-2023/</p><p>Use code MINDFUL to save $100 on either retreat</p><p><br></p><p><u><strong>Let's Connect</strong></u></p><p>Email Kelly your questions at info@yogaforyouonline.com</p><p>Follow Kelly on instagram @yogaforyouonline</p><p>Please rate, subscribe and review (it helps more than you know!)</p>
24 min
Release Negativity Meditation
15 min
5 Minute Body Relaxation Meditation
Take a quick mental and physical break with this 5 minute body relaxation guided meditation and help support a good cause.
7 min
Honor The Moment Meditation
<p>It's birthday day! In this special- live steamed episode of Mindful in Minutes Kelly leads you through a guided meditation to help you honor who you are, who you have been, and who you will be and all the beauty that surrounds you.</p><p><br></p><p><strong>Unlock this episode and all old episodes ad free and intro free by becoming a subscriber- </strong><a href="https://anchor.fm/mindful-in-minutes/subscribe">https://anchor.fm/mindful-in-minutes/subscribe</a></p><p><br></p><p><u><strong>Thank you to our sponsor</strong></u></p><p><strong>Better Help- </strong>Save 10% on your first month with BetterHelp at<a href="https://www.betterhelp.com/get-started/?go=true&amp;transaction_id=102491b6b9f1bb546c99a4e3f2ee86&amp;utm_source=podcast&amp;utm_campaign=2843&amp;utm_medium=Mac+OS+X&amp;utm_content=&amp;utm_term=minutes%C2%ACfound=1&amp;gor=start">www.betterhelp.com/minutes</a></p><p><br></p><p><u><strong>NYE Iceland Retreat</strong></u></p><p>Join me in Iceland to ring in the New Year</p><p>Dec 29-Jan 2</p><p>Ignite your Fire Iceland 2023- https://startyouradzenture.com/retreat/iceland-nye2023/</p><p><br></p><p><u><strong>Ignite Your Passion Portugal</strong></u></p><p>April 29- May 4</p><p>https://startyouradzenture.com/retreat/portugal-april-29-may-4-2023/</p><p>Use code MINDFUL to save $100 on either retreat</p><p><br></p><p><u><strong>Let's Connect</strong></u></p><p>Email Kelly your questions at info@yogaforyouonline.com</p><p>Follow Kelly on instagram @yogaforyouonline</p><p>Please rate, subscribe and review (it helps more than you know!)</p>
16 min
5 Lessons From 5 Years of Podcasting
It's Day 6 of Birthday Week!! In this freeform bonus episode Kelly shares 5 big lessons she has learned from 5 years of creating Mindful in Minutes as well as 5 things that she is dreaming of for the next 5 years.
46 min
Yoga Nidra For Rest + Relaxation
<p>It's Day 4 of Birthday week! Enjoy a full 30 minute yoga nidra practice for complete rest and relaxation. Grab your pillows, your blankets, get cozy and let those worries melt away.&nbsp;</p><p><br></p><p>Learn more about birthday week, sign up for the sound bath or birthday party and see the giveaway rules at <a href="https://www.yogaforyouonline.com/birthday">www.yogaforyouonline.com/birthday</a></p><p><strong>​Unlock this episode and all old episodes ad free and intro free by becoming a subscriber- </strong><a href="https://anchor.fm/mindful-in-minutes/subscribe">https://anchor.fm/mindful-in-minutes/subscribe</a></p><p><br></p><p><u><strong>NYE Iceland Retreat</strong></u></p><p>Join me in Iceland to ring in the New Year</p><p>Dec 29-Jan 2</p><p>Ignite your Fire Iceland 2023- https://startyouradzenture.com/retreat/iceland-nye2023/</p><p><u><strong>Ignite Your Passion Portugal</strong></u></p><p>April 29- May 4</p><p>https://startyouradzenture.com/retreat/portugal-april-29-may-4-2023/</p><p>Use code MINDFUL to save $100 on either retreat</p><p><u><strong>Let's Connect</strong></u></p><p>Email Kelly your questions at info@yogaforyouonline.com</p><p>Follow Kelly on instagram @yogaforyouonline</p><p>Please rate, subscribe and review (it helps more than you know!)</p><p>Episode analytics<br>You can now find all your podcast and episode analytics in one place.</p><p><br></p>
31 min
Stop Self-Sabotage Workshop
In this audio workshop Kelly walks you through how to identify self-sabotage in your life and how it may be interfering in your dreams. She will guide you through the different kinds of self-sabotage, and gives you journal and reflection questions to use to find the root of your self-sabotage, and identify small action steps to stop this practice and begin to make your dreams a reality.
39 min
Guided Intention Setting Ceremony
It's birthday week!! In this guided ceremony, Kelly leads you through a 20 minute practice to help to set a positive intention, clear your mind and prepare for new beginnings ahead.
20 min
Spiritual Guidance Meditation 2
<p>In this guided meditation, Kelly revisits one of her most popular meditations, a meditation for spiritual guidance. This meditation works with lighthouse imagery to help you get clarity and guidance on something in your life that you've been needing help with.</p><p>Listen to the original Spiritual Guidance Meditation on <a href="https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/mindful-in-minutes/id1295718287?i=1000496854299">Apple Podcast</a> and <a href="https://open.spotify.com/episode/41msXal7irZggwc5KMwVBR?si=1d583765610a47a6">Spotify</a></p><p>Learn All about Birthday Week and <a href="https://www.yogaforyouonline.com/birthday">sign up for events here</a>&nbsp;</p><p><u><strong>Thank you to our sponsor</strong></u></p><p><strong>InsideTracker- </strong>Receive 20% off your order at<strong> </strong><a href="https://info.insidetracker.com/mim" rel="ugc noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">https://info.insidetracker.com/mim</a></p><p><strong>Unlock this episode and all old episodes ad free and intro free by becoming a subscriber- </strong><a href="https://anchor.fm/mindful-in-minutes/subscribe"><strong>https://anchor.fm/mindful-in-minutes/subscribe</strong></a></p><p><br></p><p><u><strong>NYE Iceland Retreat</strong></u></p><p>Join me in Iceland to ring in the New Year</p><p>Dec 29-Jan 2</p><p>Ignite your Fire Iceland 2023- https://startyouradzenture.com/retreat/iceland-nye2023/</p><p><br></p><p><u><strong>Ignite Your Passion Portugal</strong></u></p><p>April 29- May 4</p><p>https://startyouradzenture.com/retreat/portugal-april-29-may-4-2023/</p><p><br></p><p>Use code MINDFUL to save $100 on either retreat</p><p><br></p><p><u><strong>Let's Connect</strong></u></p><p>Email Kelly your questions at info@yogaforyouonline.com</p><p>Follow Kelly on instagram @yogaforyouonline</p><p>Please rate, subscribe and review (it helps more than you know!)</p>
11 min