Mindful In Minutes Meditation

Short, weekly guided meditations to help you stress less and live more. Each week join Kelly Smith, founder of Yoga For You, for simple and grounded guided meditations that are 20 minutes or less and cover an array of topics that will help you with real life struggles like anxiety, insomnia, self-esteem and creating a morning ritual.

Health & Fitness
Alternative Health
Chakra Balancing Soundbath
18 min
Soundbaths 101
47 min
Relax After A Long Day Meditation
12 min
Hope Meditation
13 min
Soul Work 101 + Deck Discussion
57 min
Soul Connection Meditation
12 min
Guided Body Scan Meditation
Bring yourself into your body and into the moment in this 13 minute guided body scan meditation. After tuning into your breath, this practice helps you connect with each part of your body for total relaxation and stress relief.
14 min
5 Min Stress Relieving Meditation
When you're feeling stressed and need a break, take 5 minutes to hit the pause button, return to your breath and welcome stillness and calm into your body. This mini meditation is designed to help you unwind quickly.
6 min
Aura Meditation
12 min
Auras 101
36 min
Spring Equinox Meditation
Release the heaviness of winter and embrace the light energy of spring in this 13 minute meditation
13 min
Mindful Doing Meditation
<p>Practice mindfulness while you do a daily task, chore, or activity with this highly requested guided practice. This 10 minute practice walks you through using your senses and turning a simple chore into a mindfulness activity infused with gratitude and joy.
10 min
The Power of Mindfulness
What is the different between meditation and mindfulness and why should you be practicing both? In this freeform (no meditation) episode Kelly breaks down the difference between these two practices and how you can incorporate mindfulness into your daily routine, and why you shoulder consider turning one chore a day into a ritual.
27 min
Daily Affirmation Meditation
<p>Need a daily pick me up? This short but sweet 10 minute positive affirmation meditation is designed to help you find positivity each day and welcome in a wonderful day.</p><p><br></p><p><a href="//patreon.com/MindfulinMinutesPodcast"><u>Join MIM on Patreon here</u></a></p><p><a href="https://www.amazon.com/Mindful-Minutes-Meditation-Practices-Connection/dp/076038214X/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3I4QFCZ5XATDN&amp;keywords=kelly+smith+mindful+in+minutes&amp;qid=1678305314&amp;sprefix=kelly+smith+mindful+in+minute%2Caps%2C102&amp;sr=8-1">Order Kelly's Book here</a></p><p><br></p><p><u><strong>Thank you to our sponsor</strong></u></p><p><strong>BetterHelp-</strong>Save 10% on your first month with BetterHelp at<a href="https://www.betterhelp.com/get-started/?go=true&amp;transaction_id=102491b6b9f1bb546c99a4e3f2ee86&amp;utm_source=podcast&amp;utm_campaign=2843&amp;utm_medium=Mac+OS+X&amp;utm_content=&amp;utm_term=minutes%C2%ACfound=1&amp;gor=start">www.betterhelp.com/minutes</a></p><p><br></p><p><u><strong>Meditation TT</strong></u></p><p>40-Hour Meditation Teacher Training is now open for enrollment- join the training before Feb 28, 2023 and get a bonus 5-hour module</p><p><a href="https://www.yogaforyouonline.com/meditation-teacher-training">Learn more and enroll here</a></p><p><br></p><p><u><strong>2023 Retreats (Only a few spots left!)</strong></u></p><p><u><strong>Ignite Your Passion Portugal</strong></u></p><p>April 29- May 4</p><p>https://startyouradzenture.com/retreat/portugal-april-29-may-4-2023/</p><p><br></p><p><u><strong>Journey Within Mindfulness Retreat w/ Jina Seer</strong></u></p><p>June 1-4</p><p>https://startyouradzenture.com/retreat/bc-june-01-04-2023/</p><p>Use code MINDFUL to save $100 on these retreats</p><p><br></p><p><u><strong>Let's Connect</strong></u></p><p>Email Kelly your questions at info@yogaforyouonline.com</p><p>Follow Kelly on instagram @yogaforyouonline</p><p>Please rate, subscribe and review (it helps more than you know!)</p>
11 min
5 Min Stillness Meditation
Take 5 minutes to quiet your mind, find stillness and focus on the moments of pause. This practice utilizes one of Kelly's favorite breath practices which is focusing on the "void" with each breath cycle.
7 min
Yoga Nidra For Insomnia 2
<p>In this brand new yoga nidra for insomnia Kelly leads you through a 32 minute yoga nidra practice to help you fall asleep, and then continues with 5 extra minutes of music to help you drift off. Use this practice when you want to fall asleep, but restless nights are keeping you up.
36 min
Overstimulation + Meditation
43 min
Overstimulation Meditation
11 min
I Am Worthy Of Love Meditation
<p>This time of year love can be on the mind, but it is important to remember that you are worthy of love from yourself and from others. This guided meditation helps to remind you of your worthiness of love, and help cultivate an abundance of love and light within your heart center.&nbsp;</p><p><br></p><p><strong>Unlock this episode and all old episodes ad free and intro free by becoming a subscriber- </strong><a href="https://anchor.fm/mindful-in-minutes/subscribe">https://anchor.fm/mindful-in-minutes/subscribe</a></p><p><br></p><p><u><strong>Thank you to our sponsor</strong></u></p><p><strong>BetterHelp-</strong>Save 10% on your first month with BetterHelp at<a href="https://www.betterhelp.com/get-started/?go=true&amp;transaction_id=102491b6b9f1bb546c99a4e3f2ee86&amp;utm_source=podcast&amp;utm_campaign=2843&amp;utm_medium=Mac+OS+X&amp;utm_content=&amp;utm_term=minutes%C2%ACfound=1&amp;gor=start">www.betterhelp.com/minutes</a></p><p><br></p><p><u><strong>Meditation TT</strong></u></p><p>40-Hour Meditation Teacher Training is now open for enrollment- join the training before Feb 28, 2023 and get a bonus 5-hour module</p><p><a href="https://www.yogaforyouonline.com/meditation-teacher-training">Learn more and enroll here</a></p><p><br></p><p><u><strong>2023 Retreats (Only a few spots left!)</strong></u></p><p><u>Ignite Your Passion Portugal</u></p><p>April 29- May 4</p><p>https://startyouradzenture.com/retreat/portugal-april-29-may-4-2023/</p><p>Use code MINDFUL to save $100 on this retreat</p><p><br></p><p><u><strong>Let's Connect</strong></u></p><p>Email Kelly your questions at info@yogaforyouonline.com</p><p>Follow Kelly on instagram @yogaforyouonline</p><p>Please rate, subscribe and review (it helps more than you know!)</p>
13 min
Becoming A Meditation Teacher
<p>This freeform episode is all about Kelly's teaching philosophy, her (very DIY) way of becoming a meditation teacher, and exactly what is inside the newly revamped 40-hour meditation teacher training and why she made so many changes to the signature program.
52 min
Sit and Be Meditation
<p>In this week's guided meditation, we are scaling back and doing a simple but powerful practice to help you quiet the chatter and reduce the noise around you, and retreat to the safe, quiet, still space within. This practice using a balancing breath, senses cycling, and then you are challenged to sit and be without guidance for one minute.</p><p><strong>Unlock this episode and all old episodes ad free and intro free by becoming a subscriber- </strong><a href="https://anchor.fm/mindful-in-minutes/subscribe">https://anchor.fm/mindful-in-minutes/subscribe</a></p><p><br></p><p><u><strong>Thank you to our sponsor</strong></u></p><p><strong>BetterHelp-</strong>Save 10% on your first month with BetterHelp at<a href="https://www.betterhelp.com/get-started/?go=true&amp;transaction_id=102491b6b9f1bb546c99a4e3f2ee86&amp;utm_source=podcast&amp;utm_campaign=2843&amp;utm_medium=Mac+OS+X&amp;utm_content=&amp;utm_term=minutes%C2%ACfound=1&amp;gor=start">www.betterhelp.com/minutes</a></p><p><br></p><p><u><strong>2023 Retreats (Only a few spots left!)</strong></u></p><p><u>Ignite Your Passion Portugal</u></p><p>April 29- May 4</p><p>https://startyouradzenture.com/retreat/portugal-april-29-may-4-2023/</p><p>Use code MINDFUL to save $100 on this retreat</p><p><br></p><p><u><strong>Let's Connect</strong></u></p><p>Email Kelly your questions at info@yogaforyouonline.com</p><p>Follow Kelly on instagram @yogaforyouonline</p><p>Please rate, subscribe and review (it helps more than you know!)</p><p><br></p>
13 min
I Am Lucky 5 Min Meditation
This 5 min meditation is designed to help you welcome in luck, abundance, and greatness into your day. It works with breath, visualization, and ends with mantras to welcome in all that is good into your day.
8 min
Anxious Mind Meditation
12 min
The Anatomy Of Anxiety
<p>In this week's freeform episode Kelly dives into what is happening physically and neurologically when you are experiencing anxiety in the hopes it can help reframe the way you think about your anxiety symptoms and break free from your anxious thoughts. This episode dives into the there main players of anxiety, the limbic system, the sympathetic nervous system, and the parasympathetic nervous system and ends with some of Kelly's favorite practices for short-term and long-term anxiety relief.</p><p><br></p><p><strong>Unlock this episode and all old episodes ad free and intro free by becoming a subscriber- </strong><a href="https://anchor.fm/mindful-in-minutes/subscribe">https://anchor.fm/mindful-in-minutes/subscribe</a></p><p><br></p><p><u><strong>Thank you to this episode's sponsors</strong></u></p><p><strong>BetterHelp-</strong>Save 10% on your first month with BetterHelp at<a href="https://www.betterhelp.com/get-started/?go=true&amp;transaction_id=102491b6b9f1bb546c99a4e3f2ee86&amp;utm_source=podcast&amp;utm_campaign=2843&amp;utm_medium=Mac+OS+X&amp;utm_content=&amp;utm_term=minutes%C2%ACfound=1&amp;gor=start">www.betterhelp.com/minutes</a></p><p><strong>Secret Life Pod</strong>- Listen to the Secret Life Podcast on <a href="https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/secret-life/id1521171499">Apple Podcasts</a>, <a href="https://open.spotify.com/show/6Z3zp6rOdfvRV0C6DiubyQ?si=a5ea42a2685f4227">Spotify,</a> or wherever you get your podcasts.</p><p><br></p><p><u><strong>2023 Retreats</strong></u></p><p><u>Ignite Your Passion Portugal (almost sold out!)</u></p><p>April 29- May 4</p><p>https://startyouradzenture.com/retreat/portugal-april-29-may-4-2023/</p><p>Use code MINDFUL to save $100 on this retreat</p><p><br></p><p><u><strong>Let's Connect</strong></u></p><p>Email Kelly your questions at info@yogaforyouonline.com</p><p>Follow Kelly on instagram @yogaforyouonline</p><p>Please rate, subscribe and review (it helps more than you know!)</p>
38 min
AM Energy Meditation
<p>Need a morning boost? This 11 minute guided meditation is designed to help you wipe away sleep and sluggishness from the night before, and get energized and ready for the day ahead. This practice utilizes breath, a sun rise visualization and a special morning mantra.</p><p><br></p><p><u><strong>Thank you to our sponsor</strong></u></p><p><u><strong>Magic Mind- </strong></u>Visit<u><strong> </strong></u>https://www.magicmind.co/MIM and use code MIM20 to save 40% off a subscription</p><p><br></p><p><strong>Unlock this episode and all old episodes ad free and intro free by becoming a subscriber- </strong><a href="https://anchor.fm/mindful-in-minutes/subscribe">https://anchor.fm/mindful-in-minutes/subscribe</a></p><p><u><strong>2023 Retreats (Only a few spots left!)</strong></u></p><p><u>Ignite Your Passion Portugal</u></p><p>April 29- May 4</p><p>https://startyouradzenture.com/retreat/portugal-april-29-may-4-2023/</p><p>Use code MINDFUL to save $100 on this retreat</p><p><u><strong>Let's Connect</strong></u></p><p>Email Kelly your questions at info@yogaforyouonline.com</p><p>Follow Kelly on instagram @yogaforyouonline</p><p>Please rate, subscribe and review (it helps more than you know!)</p>
11 min