The Anxiety Chicks

Alison Seponara, MS, LPC and Taylor Marae MS, RDN are diving deep into a the reality of anxiety and mental health! Listen as Alison and Taylor explore all things anxiety healing while keeping it REAL...including their own struggles with mental health. Alison and Taylor bring their expertise as healthcare professionals to the conversation while discussing the tools and strategies you need to heal the anxious mind. Follow Alison & Taylor on Instagram along with almost 1 million other healers @theanxietyhealer & @health_anxiety.

Mental Health
Alternative Health
81. Taylor's Update (Health Scares & Anxiety Sp...
<p>As you know the chicks are back and better than ever. Sometimes going through the hard things in life is what builds the most strength and growth. This week is all about Taylor's life updates. Since putting the mics down from season 2 of the anxiety chicks Taylor's journey from the final episodes continued with heart concerns, weird bump and teeth annoyances. Join this week's podcast to hear all about what Taylor has been dealing with. We are so excited to get into all the topics you guys have been waiting for in the next couple of weeks and to give back healing to everyone.&nbsp;</p><p>Let us know what kind of podcast topics you want to hear and leave us a review!&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Looking for online therapy worldwide?</strong> Try Betterhelp: Click <a href="" target="_blank">HERE</a> to get 10% off</p><p><strong>Follow us on IG and Tiktok:</strong></p><p>@theanxietychicks @health_anxiety&nbsp;@theanxietyhealer&nbsp;@shophappytays</p><p><strong>Taylor's websites: </strong>;</p><p><strong>Order The Anxiety Healers Guide: Coping Strategies and MIndfulness Techniques to Calm the Mind and Body - Click </strong><a href=";qid=&amp;sr=" target="_blank"><strong>HERE</strong></a></p>--- Support this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>
57 min
80. Season 3: The Death of Alison's Dad
<p>Alison and Taylor have been going through their fair share of anxiety during the summer break, so it's only fitting that this new season starts with an update. Alison doesn't hold back when talking openly about her summer filled with heartache and grief. She shares the story of her devastating breakup along with how the death of her father (only a month later) has given her strength she never knew she had. Listen as Alison dives deep into her grieving process and what's helped while on her road to recovery. TW: Todays episode focuses on topics that may be difficult for some including grief and death. Listen with care.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Grief and Loss Resources</strong></p><p><em>Podcasts</em></p><ul> <li>Heal Your Heartache &nbsp;</li> <li>We Can Do Hard Things with Glennon Doyle</li> <li>How to Get Over Your Ex&nbsp;</li></ul><p><em>Books</em></p><ul> <li>You Can Heal Your Heart &nbsp;</li> <li>It's Called a Breakup Because it's Broken&nbsp;</li></ul><p><strong>The Anxiety Healers Guide: Coping Strategies and MIndfulness Techniques to Calm the Mind and Body - Click </strong><a href=";qid=&amp;sr=" target="_blank"><strong>HERE</strong></a></p><p><strong>Betterhelp:</strong> Get 10% OFF your first month - Click <a href="" target="_blank">HERE</a>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Follow The Chicks on IG &amp; tiktok: </strong>@theanxietychicks @thenaxietyhealer @health_anxiety</p>--- Support this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>
58 min
79. The Chick's Sibling Takes The Hot Seat..
<p>Much requested episode: Taylor's brother Ryan finally joins the Anxiety Chick's podcast for an episode talking about his experience with anxiety, healing anxiety, healing ebbs and flows of anxiety and the things he uses in day to day practice. Ryan is very knowledgeable on many areas of mental health. Listening to him speak on science and knowledge is one my favorite things and I am sure after this episode it will be yours too! Ryan is a certified hypnotherapist if you are interested in speaking with him you can email Let us know if you'd like to hear Ryan on future episode. Alison will be back next week and update us on her life!&nbsp;</p><p>Ryan also send me some awesome links and resources he talked about in the episode&nbsp;</p><p><a href="" target="_blank"></a> vagus nerve video</p><p><a href="" target="_blank"></a> Diaphragmatic breathing</p><p><a href=";t=497s" target="_blank">;t=497s</a> guided meditation video</p><p><a href="" target="_blank"></a> How Pavlovian conditioning works</p><p>Have a great day!&nbsp;</p><p>Love, Taylor&nbsp;</p><p>Follow us</p><p>@theanxietychicks&nbsp;</p><p>@health_anxiety&nbsp;</p><p>@theanxietyhealer&nbsp;</p><p>Website:</p><p></p><p></p><p>;</p><p><strong>Looking for Therapy? Get 10% off your first month at Betterhelp.</strong><a href="" target="_blank"><strong> Click Here!</strong></a></p><p><br></p>--- Support this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>
48 min
78. People With Anxiety Don't Mean To Be Rude W...
<p>Alison posted a video that got mixed reviews so we thought let's talk about it. Taylor and Alison talk about the topic "people with anxiety don't mean to be rude when they....". The chicks fill in the blank with a couple common things some people who have anxiety struggle with and you let us know what you think? Send us an email or DM about your opinion. Is it rude or do you understand?&nbsp;</p><p>Like this episode? Leave us a review! It means the world :)</p><p><strong>The Anxiety Healers Guide: Coping Strategies and Mindfulness Techniques to Calm the Mind and Body </strong><a href=";linkCode=df0&amp;hvadid=564812784191&amp;hvpos=&amp;hvnetw=g&amp;hvrand=16657435260701077877&amp;hvpone=&amp;hvptwo=&amp;hvqmt=&amp;hvdev=c&amp;hvdvcmdl=&amp;hvlocint=&amp;hvlocphy=9007241&amp;hvtargid=pla-1586019758520&amp;psc=1" target="_blank"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p><p><strong>Looking for a therapist? Get 10% off your first month with Betterhelp. </strong><a href="" target="_blank"><strong>CLICK HERE</strong></a></p><p><a href="" target="_blank"><em>Follow Alison on Tiktok</em></a></p><p><a href="" target="_blank"><em>Follow Alison on Instagram</em></a></p><p><em>Follow </em>The Chicks @theanxietychicks</p><p>Follow Taylor @health_anxiety&nbsp;</p><p>Websites: or;<a href="" target="_blank">;</a></p><p><em><strong>Request Alison as your therapist:</strong></em> <a href="" target="_blank">CLICK HERE</a> (Must live in Pennsylvania)</p>--- Support this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>
39 min
77. Anxiety About Having Anxiety
<p>The Chicks get into a deep conversation about how having anxiety can actually cause anxiety. Alison shares her tips on how to manage the daily struggles of a dysregulated nervous system and what to do if you feel like you are living life walking on eggshells thinking "when is the next anxiety attack going to happen?" The anxiety about having anxiety IS REAL!</p><p>Buy The Anxiety Healers Guide: Coping Strategies and Mindfulness Techniques to Calm the Mind and Body <a href="" target="_blank">Here</a>&nbsp;</p><p>Follow The Chicks on Instagram @theanxietyhealer @theanxietychicks @health_anxiety&nbsp;</p><p>Follow Alison on tiktok <a href="" target="_blank">Here</a>&nbsp;</p><p>Looking for Online Therapy? <a href="" target="_blank">CLICK HERE to get 10% off your first month</a></p>--- Support this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>
41 min
76. Common Anxiety Triggers & How to Self-Soothe
<p>WHAT AN EPISODE.. Lately things had been a lot for Taylor after being triggered by a doctor. We want to provide a trigger warning to anyone who is easily triggered by anything medical or health to not listen. (Taylor is 100% healthy!! Just FYI) This episode is for anyone who wants to hear what happened and how she got herself out of it. Taylor and Alison share ways to work through times you are triggered.&nbsp;</p><p>YOURE SO NOT ALONE.&nbsp;</p><p>Follow us:&nbsp;</p><p>@theanxietychicks</p><p>@health_anxiety</p><p>@theanxietyhealer&nbsp;</p><p>;</p><p>;</p><p></p>--- Support this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>
57 min
75. How to Feel More Secure and Less Anxious in...
<p>This week The Chicks welcome Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Julie Menanno to take a deep dive into how to feel more secure in your relationship...especially if you tend to have an anxious attachment style or struggle with codependency. Julie also helps clarify the difference between an anxious attachment and anxiety disorder. Alison shares her personal struggles with her own body image and insecurity within her current relationship &amp; how she's learned recently how to self-regulate.</p><p><a href="" target="_blank"><strong>The 7-Days of Anxiety Healing: A Mental Health Masterclass (Summer Session Begins June 13th)</strong></a></p><p>Looking for therapy? Try Betterhelp and get 10% OFF your first month! Click <a href="" target="_blank"><strong>HERE</strong></a> for more info.</p><p><strong>Buy your copy of The Anxiety Healers Guide</strong> <a href=";linkCode=df0&amp;hvadid=564812784191&amp;hvpos=&amp;hvnetw=g&amp;hvrand=8836770220469770169&amp;hvpone=&amp;hvptwo=&amp;hvqmt=&amp;hvdev=c&amp;hvdvcmdl=&amp;hvlocint=&amp;hvlocphy=9007241&amp;hvtargid=pla-1586019758520&amp;psc=1" target="_blank"><strong>HERE</strong></a></p><p>Follow The Chicks on IG: @theanxietychicks @theanxietyhealer @health_anxiety</p><p><a href="" target="_blank"><strong>Follow Alison on Tiktok HERE</strong></a></p>--- Support this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>
55 min
74. Things That Can Make Your Anxiety Worse
<p>Alison and Taylor dive deep into the things that make anxiety worse. There are so many contributing factors that increase anxiety, but what are they? Sometimes the answer is not clear. But don't worry, The Chicks are here to tell you all you need to know when it comes to keeping anxiety at bay.&nbsp;</p><p><a href=";qid=1652969931&amp;sr=8-1" target="_blank"><strong>Buy The Anxiety Healers Guide: Coping Strategies &amp; MIndfulness Techniques to Calm the Mind and Body</strong></a></p><p><strong>CLICK HERE: </strong><a href="" target="_blank"><strong>7-Days of Anxiety Healing: A Mental Health Masterclass (Summer Session Begins June 13th)</strong></a></p><p><strong>Follow The Chicks on Instagram: </strong><a href="" target="_blank">@theanxietychicks</a> <a href="" target="_blank">@theanxietyhealer</a> <a href="" target="_blank">@health_anxiety</a></p><p><strong>Follow Alison on Tiktok:</strong> <a href="" target="_blank">@theanxietyhealer</a></p><p>Looking for Online Therapy? Try Betterhelp: The Worlds #1 Online Platform. Get 10% OFF Your first month by clicking <a href="" target="_blank"><strong>here</strong></a></p>--- Support this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>
51 min
73. Exercise Anxiety
<p>In today's episode Taylor and Alison dive deep into a common theme in people who struggle with health anxiety. Do you feel scared of something bad happening to you if you exercise? Do you fear the feelings exercise brings you? Do you feel exercise will trigger a panic attack? Tune in and learn more. Taylor and Alison share their personal experience with things and ways they helped themselves get out of it.</p><p><a href="" target="_blank">Looking for Therapy? <strong>CLICK HERE </strong>to get 10% OFF your first month with Betterhelp: the biggest online therapy platform in the world.&nbsp;</a></p><p><a href="" target="_blank"><strong>CLICK HERE to </strong></a><a href="" target="_blank"><strong>Order </strong>The Anxiety Healers Guide: Coping Strategies and Mindfulness Tools to Calm the Mind and Body&nbsp;</a></p><p>Follow us on instagram:</p><p>@theanxietychicks</p><p>@health_anxiety</p><p>@theanxietyhealer</p><p>@shophappytays</p><p>Website links:</p><p> (code "MHA" for $25 off)</p><p></p>--- Support this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>
44 min
72. Its Okay Not to Be Okay: Alison Has A Lot T...
<p>Alison is solo in todays episode but has A LOT TO SAY! Topics discussed include: normalizing asking for help, expressing feelings, showing emotions, and going to therapy...and why its okay to not be okay. :) Alison also answers your questions!</p><p><a href="" target="_blank">Looking for Therapy? Click Here for 10% off your first month!</a></p><p><strong>Order The Anxiety Healers Guide Now! </strong><a href=";linkCode=df0&amp;hvadid=564812784191&amp;hvpos=&amp;hvnetw=g&amp;hvrand=10298815578015595726&amp;hvpone=&amp;hvptwo=&amp;hvqmt=&amp;hvdev=c&amp;hvdvcmdl=&amp;hvlocint=&amp;hvlocphy=9007241&amp;hvtargid=pla-1586019758520&amp;psc=1" target="_blank"><strong>CLICK HERE</strong></a></p><p>Follow The Chicks on IG: @theanxietychicks @theanxietyhealer @health_Anxiety</p><p><a href="" target="_blank"><strong>Follow Alison on TikTok</strong></a></p>--- Support this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>
47 min
71. The Overthinking Trap & How to Stop It
<p>Requested Episode! Are you an overthinker? Do you ruminate about the things in your life that you regret or that you have not achieved yet? Or maybe you constantly think about when you'll have your next anxiety attack. Whatever it is, these thoughts can be downright impossible to get rid of, amiright? Overthinking is a huge part of why we feel out of control and then ultimately struggle with debilitating anxiety. In today's episode, Alison and Taylor discuss what leads to overthinking and what 6 steps you can take to help control your anxious mind right now.</p><p><a href="" target="_blank"><strong>Looking for safe and easy online therapy? Check out Betterhelp. Click Here for 10% off your first month.&nbsp;</strong></a></p><p><a href=";qid=&amp;sr=" target="_blank">Order <strong>The Anxiety Healers Guide: Coping Strategies and MIndfulness Tools to Help Calm the Mind &amp; Body</strong></a></p><p>Instagram: @theanxietychicks @theanxietyhealer @health_anxiety&nbsp;</p><p>Tiktok: <a href=";sender_device=pc" target="_blank">Follow Alison @theanxietyhealer</a></p>--- Support this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>
41 min
70. Sleep Anxiety: What Helps and What Doesn't
<p>We made it to episode 70! In this episode the chicks dive deep into their nighttime routines and how they set themselves up for a successful and efficient night sleep. If you struggle with any time of insomnia, nocturnal panic attacks or sleep anxiety this episode is for you. The chicks share information about sleep anxiety and different variables of it. Taylor and Alison then share in depth details of their experience with sleep anxiety and the things that have helped them.&nbsp;</p><p>If you have any questions on the items Taylor talked about that she uses DM her on instagram @health_anxiety&nbsp;</p><p>Follow us:</p><p>@theanxietychicks</p><p>@health_anxiety</p><p>@theanxietyhealer&nbsp;</p><p>Links:</p><p> for mental health lifestyle line&nbsp;</p><p> (use code "chicks" for $25 off purity)</p><p><a href=";qid=1649336021&amp;sr=8-1" target="_blank"><strong>Order Alison's book The Anxiety Healers Guide: on amazon!&nbsp;</strong></a></p><p><strong>Looking for Therapy? Try Betterhelp </strong>- &nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank"><strong>CLICK HERE to get your first month for 10% off</strong></a></p>--- Support this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>
43 min
69. Anticipatory Anxiety
<p>Have you ever felt anxious before going to an event that caused you to panic before? or maybe a intense fear or dread about attending in general? This is known as anticipatory anxiety...Taylor and Alison dive deep into what it is, signs to look out for, and ways to heal.</p><p><a href=";keywords=the+anxiety+healer%27s+guide+by+alison+seponara&amp;qid=1649087014&amp;sprefix=%2Caps%2C87&amp;sr=8-1" target="_blank"><strong>Order The Anxiety Healers Guide: Coping Strategies and Mindfulness Techniques to Calm the Mind and Body</strong></a></p><p><a href="" target="_blank"><strong>Betterhelp: #1 Online Therapy platform...Click here for 10% off your first month&nbsp;</strong></a></p><p><a href="" target="_blank"><strong>Click Here to Try Relief Band</strong></a></p><p>Follow on IG: @theanxietychicks @theanxietyhealer @health_anxiety</p>--- Support this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>
50 min
68. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): How it ...
<p>Welcome back Taylor after 2 weeks of Alison and her friend discussing grief. Taylor shares her last couple weeks of starting a new form of therapy and meditation. This episode is all about CBT or cognitive behavioral therapy. Taylor takes the approach at this episode of an outsider looking in at a therapist. This episode will help you understand that there are different types of talk therapy and educating you on the CBT type and how to look for it when finding a therapist. Alison as a therapist shares the background of CBT helping to educate anyone who is just now beginning CBT therapy or looking to get into CBT therapy.&nbsp;</p><p><a href=";qid=1648083425&amp;sr=8-1" target="_blank"><strong>Order The Anxiety Healer's Guide!</strong></a></p><p><a href="" target="_blank"><strong>The Anxiety Healing School</strong></a></p><p>Follow us on instagram&nbsp;@theanxietychicks @health_anxiety @theanxietyhealer @shophappytays</p><p>Links</p><p>;</p><p>;</p><p><a href="" target="_blank">Looking for Therapy? Try Betterhelp today...CLICK HERE to receive 10% OFF your first month!</a></p>--- Support this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>
63 min
67. The Anxiety of Grief Part 2: ft. Dorothy Ca...
This week Alison welcomes back friend and fellow healer Dorothy Cascerceri-Simone for part II of the anxiety of grief series. We discuss how healing works when grieving and how Dorothy has created her own hopeful journey despite trauma. If you loved part I, you won't want to miss this! Looking for therapy? Click Here to learn more about Betterhelp. Get 10% off your first month!Order The Anxiety Healer's Guide Here!Follow @theanxietychicks @theanxietyhealer @health_anxietyFollow Dorothy @dorothyontv--- Support this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>
67 min
66. The Anxiety of Grief Part 1: ft. Dorothy Ca...
TW: this episode contains discussion about death and other heavy topics related to grief. Alison is joined with special guest (and childhood best friend) Dorothy Cascerceri Simone who talks openly and candidly about her struggles with grief and how this journey has profoundly changed her outlook on loss. In part one of this incredible story of healing, Dorothy shares her traumatic story of the loss of her unborn son and multiple miscarriages thereafter, while in absence of any support system. This episode dives deep into how grief in universal and will be relatable for anyone who has experienced any type of loss in their life...and let's face it - we ALL do. Follow Dorothy on IG: @dorothyontvCheck out the #1 Online Therapy Platform Betterhelp: Click Here for 10% off Your First Month!Preorder The Anxiety Healers GuideFollow Us! @theanxietychicks @theanxietyhealer @health_anxiety--- Support this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>
59 min
65. Post Covid Setbacks and How To Handle Them
<p>Join the Anxiety Chick, Chick not Chicks since Alison is out this week with her dad who is sick. Taylor is taking on this week on a solo pod talking all things post covid setbacks, triggering anxiety, triggering symptoms, and HOW to reframe your mindset to get back from that set back. Taylor shares her personal journey during this episode.&nbsp;</p><p><a href="" target="_blank"><strong>Looking for Therapy? Click here to try Betterhelp...receive 10% off your first month.&nbsp;</strong></a></p><p>Follow us:&nbsp;@theanxietychicks @health_anxiety&nbsp;@theanxietyhealer&nbsp;</p><p><em><strong>Check Out:</strong></em></p><p><strong> (code "birthday for $25 off purity!)</strong></p><p><strong> (hats dropping soon!)&nbsp;</strong></p><p><a href=";linkCode=df0&amp;hvadid=564812784191&amp;hvpos=&amp;hvnetw=g&amp;hvrand=15402989570279615815&amp;hvpone=&amp;hvptwo=&amp;hvqmt=&amp;hvdev=c&amp;hvdvcmdl=&amp;hvlocint=&amp;hvlocphy=9007378&amp;hvtargid=pla-1586019758520&amp;psc=1" target="_blank"><strong>Preorder Alison's book CLICK HERE to Preorder The Anxiety Healer's Guide</strong></a></p>--- Support this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>
32 min
64. The Worst Thing About Disney Movies
The chicks dive deep in today's episode on Disney movies and their correlation to your relationships in real life. Do you often find yourself overthinking if your relationship is "good" or "enough"? Do you often overthink every part of your relationship? Do you have expectations for a significant other that often feel hard to be fulfilled.. maybe because they are not realistic? You are not alone.  Looking for Therapy? Try Betterhelp. CLICK HERE to receive 10% off your first month Follow us:  @theanxietychicks @health_anxiety @theanxietyhealerWebsites: ($25 off with code "love") and  -Preorder Allison's book CLICK HERE to Preorder The Anxiety Healer's Guide --- Support this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>
45 min
63. How to Set Boundaries With People that Have...
Alison and Taylor don't hold back this week...The Chicks talk all about the people who have contributed to their anxiety over the years and why it was important to their healing that they learn how to set boundaries. But what are boundaries? How do you even begin to create them for yourself? Listen to find out!CLICK HERE to Preorder The Anxiety Healer's Guide Follow @theanxietychicks @theanxietyhealer @health_anxiety--- Support this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>
42 min
62. Imposter Syndrome and How to Overcome It
<p>Alison and Taylor dive deep into why we all experience imposter syndrome at least once in our life. Alison shares her recent feelings of lingering imposter syndrome surrounding the release of her book The Anxiety Healers Guide. The Chicks discuss what imposter syndrome feels like, where it comes from, and how to deal with it. Great episode for all!</p><p><a href=";qid=1643915437&amp;sr=8-2" target="_blank"><strong>Click Here to Preorder The Anxiety Healers Guide</strong></a></p><p>Follow <a href="" target="_blank">@theanxietychicks</a> <a href="" target="_blank">@theanxietyhealer</a> <a href="" target="_blank">@health_anxiety</a></p><p><a href="" target="_blank"><strong>Click here to try Betterhelp. Get 10% off your first month!</strong></a></p><p><br></p><p><br></p>--- Support this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>
60 min
61. Season 2: The Chicks Had COVID!
The long awaited episode. The chicks first want to start with saying WELCOME BACK and HAPPY NEW YEAR. Taylor and Allison are starting season 2 of the anxiety chicks podcast. The chicks are so excited and blessed to be back and both testing positive for COVID right at the new year! In this episode Taylor and Allison both share their experience with COVID, things that helped them and how they are doing now. We also want to add a disclaimer that this is just our personal experience and should not be taken as medical advice always speak with your doctor for everything. We would also like to add a TRIGGER WARNING if COVID talk triggers you then possibly skip this episode!Love you guys, talk next week.Try Betterhelp today and get 10% off your first month. Click here: Follow us on instagram:@theanxietychicks@health_anxiety@theanxietyhealerOther links:Peakofpanic.comhappytays.comTheanxietyhealingschool.comPreorder Alison’s book --- Support this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>
68 min
60. Mini Episode: The Safe Place Meditation
<p>Alison offers the healing community a short 10-minute anxiety healing guided meditation. This is one of Alison's favorite meditations pulled right from her new book <em>The</em> <em>Anxiety Healer's Guide,</em> available to the public in March 2022. This mediation is meant to be done sitting up or lying down. Do not attempt this mediation while driving. Enjoy and Happy Healing!</p><p><a href=";keywords=the+anxiety+healers+guide&amp;qid=1640217365&amp;sprefix=the+anxiety+healers+guide%2Caps%2C96&amp;sr=8-3" target="_blank"><strong>CLICK HERE to Pre-order The Anxiety Healer's Guide!</strong></a></p><p><strong>Follow us on Instagram!</strong></p><p>The Anxiety Chicks <a href="" target="_blank">@theanxietychicks</a></p><p>Alison <a href="" target="_blank">@theanxietyhealer</a></p><p>Taylor <a href="" target="_blank">@health_anxiety</a></p><p><a href="" target="_blank"><strong>Looking for affordable online therapy? Try Betterhelp and get 10% off your first month. CLICK HERE to learn more. </strong></a><strong>#ad</strong></p>--- Support this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>
16 min
59. Holiday Blues
<p>Hi Listeners, we want to first say happy holidays and we also want to give a virtual hug to anyone who is currently struggling with the holidays with either loneliness or grief in any way. You are not alone. In today's episode Alison shares how around the holidays she starts feeling a sense of loneliness and exactly how it makes her feel. The chicks talk about the holidays and ways to help. Alison also shares her struggles with relationships and overthinking and the holidays just amplifying those feelings. Join us next week and thanks for tuning in!&nbsp;</p><p>We love you guys!&nbsp;</p><p><a href="" target="_blank"><strong>Sponsored by Betterhelp. CLICK HERE for 10% off your first month</strong></a><strong>!</strong></p><p><a href=";keywords=the+anxiety+healers+guide&amp;qid=1640217365&amp;sprefix=the+anxiety+healers+guide%2Caps%2C96&amp;sr=8-3" target="_blank"><strong>Pre-Order The Anxiety Healer's Guide Here!</strong></a><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><p>Follow us on Instagram:</p><p>@theanxietychicks</p><p>@health_anxiety @shophappytays and;</p><p>@theanxiety healer;</p><p>&nbsp;</p>--- Support this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>
46 min
58. De-escalating Anxiety Using Cognitive Behav...
<p>In today's episode, Taylor and Alison dive deep into how to de-escalate anxiety using CBT techniques. Taylor shares her 'go-to' tips on reframing intrusive anxious thoughts. Alison discusses why Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is one of the most successful treatments for anxiety disorders &amp; what tools are most effective when you're feeling out of control.&nbsp;</p><p><a href="" target="_blank"><strong>Sponsored by Betterhelp. CLICK HERE for 10% OFF your first month!</strong></a></p><p><a href=";qid=1639600044&amp;sr=8-3" target="_blank"><strong>Pre-Order The Anxiety Healers Guide Now!</strong></a></p><p>Follow The Chicks <a href="" target="_blank">@theanxietychicks</a></p><p>Follow Alison <a href="" target="_blank">@theanxietyhealer</a></p><p>Follow Taylor <a href="" target="_blank">@health_anxiety</a></p>--- Support this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>
47 min
57. The Chicks Catch Up: How to Handle Toxic Fa...
<p>We welcome Taylor back on this episode after her trip to visit family in California last week. Taylor shared all about handling and facing her flight and travel anxiety in previous episodes and fills everyone in on today's episode about how it went. Alison and Taylor then speak on toxic family members and how to handle them. This is a very important topic to speak on especially since we are in the holiday season. Always remember the holidays go by just as fast as they get here, you will get through this if you struggle with toxic family members! Send us a DM @theanxietychicks of a topic you'd like to hear us speak on.&nbsp;</p><p><a href="" target="_blank"><strong>Sponsored by Betterhelp. Click here for 15% off your first month!</strong></a></p><p><a href="" target="_blank"><strong>Get 15% OFF The Anxiety Healing Komuso Shift Necklace with code: THEANXIETYHEALER</strong></a></p><p>Follow us:</p><p>@theanxietychicks</p><p>@health_anxiety</p><p>@theanxietyhealer</p><p>@shophappytays</p><p>Website:</p><p></p><p>;</p><p>;</p>--- Support this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>
48 min