The Anxiety Chicks

Alison Seponara, MS, LPC and Taylor Marae MS, RDN are diving deep into a the reality of anxiety and mental health! Listen as Alison and Taylor explore all things anxiety healing while keeping it REAL...including their own struggles with mental health. Alison and Taylor bring their expertise as healthcare professionals to the conversation while discussing the tools and strategies you need to heal the anxious mind. Follow Alison & Taylor on Instagram along with almost 1 million other healers @theanxietyhealer & @health_anxiety.

Mental Health
Alternative Health
7. Real Talk: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OC...
<p>Alison &amp; Taylor welcome OCD expert Kimberley Quinlan, LMFT who breaks down the truth about OCD and why it is more than just compulsively washing hands and&nbsp;counting steps. Kimberly shares her expertise on the best treatments for OCD and why the brain of someone diagnosed with OCD looks different than the 'norm.' &nbsp;Taylor and Alison also dive deep into the connection between OCD and Health Anxiety. Happy Healing! Kimberly Quinlan Instagram Follow The Anxiety Chicks on Instagram 50% OFF MY NEW ONLINE ANXIETY HEALING COURSE (for chicks listeners ONLY)!! &nbsp;CLICK HERE: The Anxiety Healing School (Use code CHICKS50 at checkout)</p><p><strong>Sponsored by BetterHelp...Affordable online counseling to help you heal your anxiety! Get 10% off your first month! Just click here: </strong><a href=""><strong></strong></a></p><p><br></p><p><em>*This podcast is solely for educational purposes and is not intended to treat or diagnose. Please consult with a qualified medical doctor or licensed psychologist if you feel your symptoms affect your daily functioning. This podcast is intended to provide general information regarding mental health healing and is not to be construed as medical advice or instruction. If you feel you may need more immediate mental health support, please contact a counselor in your area or the emergence mental health hotline in your area.</em></p>--- Support this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>
59 min
6. Health Anxiety: The True Story
<p>The episode that all of you have been waiting for!! ALL ABOUT...HEALTH ANXIETY! Alison &amp; Taylor discuss their own experience with health anxiety and what symptoms have them running to the doctors office. What is the real reason so many of us have underlying fears &amp; intrusive thoughts about health? Listen as the chicks give you feedback on how to heal health anxiety and why it starts with our thoughts!</p><p><a href="">Follow The Anxiety Chicks on Instagram @theanxietychicks</a></p><p><strong>Sponsored by BetterHelp...Affordable online counseling to help you heal your anxiety! Get 10% off your first month! Just click here: </strong><a href=""><strong></strong></a></p><p><br></p><p><em>*This podcast is solely for educational purposes and is not intended to treat or diagnose. Please consult with a qualified medical doctor or licensed psychologist if you feel your symptoms affect your daily functioning. This podcast is intended to provide general information regarding mental health healing and is not to be construed as medical advice or instruction. If you feel you may need more immediate mental health support, please contact a counselor in your area or the emergence mental health hotline in your area.</em></p>--- Support this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>
61 min
5. Yoga for Anxiety: Does It REALLY work?
<p>Alison &amp; Taylor welcome special guest Maribel O'Brien, a certified yoga teacher and energy healer (Reiki) who discusses the REAL deal about yoga and why it is so beneficial for reducing anxiety. &nbsp;If you have been hesitant to try yoga or have tried it and said to yourself "this just isn't for me" - then you will definitely want to tune in! Listen as Alison &amp; Taylor also discuss their own experience with yoga (note: Taylor ended up in an ambulance after her first yoga class) &amp; Maribel offers her suggestions on what you can do to find the best type of yoga that can truly heal your mental health! NOTE: The sounds quality of Episode 5 is not as clear as we would have liked, but we are working on creating a cleaner listening experience for you! The Chicks apologize!</p><p>Follow the chicks on IG: @theanxietychicks&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Sponsored by BetterHelp...Affordable online counseling to help you heal your anxiety! Get 10% off your first month! Just click here: </strong><a href="" rel="ugc noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"></a></p>--- Support this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>
47 min
4. The Power of Routine, Why We Judge Ourselves...
Alison and Taylor dive deep into the complexities between virtual school vs. in person classrooms this fall.  Listen as Alison talks all about how much she hates when other people are mad at her & Taylor discusses how she deals with anxiety when her routine is disrupted! Alison's healing tip of the week includes how to make specific anxiety coping tools an everyday healing habit! Don't forget to stay tuned for the healing Q & A segment at the end of the episode. Does anxiety ever really go away? Can anxiety really ever be cured?Sponsored by BetterHelp...Affordable online counseling to help you heal your anxiety! Get 10% off your first month! Just click here: The Anxiety Chicks! Boho Beautiful on You Tube & Yoga with Adriene on You TubeInstagram @theanxietychicksAlison Seponara, MS, LPCIG: @theanxietyhealerTwitter: @helphealanxietyOnline Courses: The Anxiety Healing School Taylor Marae, MS, RDN@health_anxietyBlog: Peak of Panic--- Support this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>
65 min
3. Perfectionism: Anxiety in Disguise
<p><em><strong>Alison and Taylor are holding nothing back in Episode 3!</strong></em> &nbsp;No one is "perfect," yet many people struggle to be a perfectionist...which can trigger a cascade of anxieties. But why is that? Listen as the anxiety chicks break-down why people-pleasing, bullying, &amp; saying 'no' may all play a role in the mind of a perfectionist. Learn tips on how to love all that you are...<em>JUST AS IS! </em>Alison also shares her anxiety healing tool of the week..a powerful book that will help you take action towards shifting the perfectionist mindset!&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Sponsored by BetterHelp...Affordable online counseling to help you heal your anxiety! Get 10% off your first month! Just click here: </strong><a href="" rel="ugc noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"></a></p><p><a href="">Support The Anxiety Chicks!&nbsp;</a></p><p>Instagram <a href="">@theanxietychicks</a></p><p><strong>Alison Seponara, MS, LPC</strong></p><p>IG: <a href="">@theanxietyhealer</a></p><p>Twitter: <a href="">@helphealanxiety</a></p><p>Online Courses: <a href="">The Anxiety Healing School&nbsp;</a></p><p><strong>Taylor Marae, MS, RDN</strong></p><p><a href="">@health_anxiety</a></p><p>Blog: <a href="">Peak of Panic</a></p>--- Support this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>
58 min
2. Conquering Coronavirus Chaos!
<p>Listen as Alison and Taylor talk all about their last days before quarantine and how they have been surviving the pandemic! Find out why people with health anxiety are finding it harder to heal these days. Alison also shares her favorite anxiety healing apps and meditations that really work! Happy Healing Everyone!</p><p><strong>Sponsored by BetterHelp...Affordable online counseling to help you heal your anxiety! Get 10% off your first month! Just click here: </strong><a href="" rel="ugc noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"></a></p><p>Instagram <a href="">@theanxietychicks</a></p><p><strong>Alison Seponara, MS, LPC</strong></p><p>IG: <a href="">@theanxietyhealer</a></p><p>Twitter: <a href="">@helphealanxiety</a></p><p>Online Courses: <a href="">The Anxiety Healing School&nbsp;</a></p><p><strong>Taylor Marae, MS, RDN</strong></p><p><a href="">@health_anxiety</a></p><p>Blog: <a href="">Peak of Panic</a></p>--- Support this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>
66 min
1. Meet The Anxiety Chicks!
<p>Get to know Alison &amp; Taylor as they talk openly about anxiety and the stigma that surrounds mental health...all while <em>keeping it real! </em>Find out why anxiety affects more than just our mind. &nbsp;Alison also shares her weekly anxiety healing strategy that you need to know to begin your anxiety healing journey!</p><p><strong>Sponsored by BetterHelp...Affordable online counseling to help you heal your anxiety! Get 10% off your first month! Just click here: </strong><a href="" rel="ugc noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"></a></p><p><strong>Alison Seponara, MS, LPC</strong></p><p>IG: <a href="">@theanxietyhealer</a>&nbsp;</p><p>Twitter: <a href="">@helphealanxiety</a></p><p>Online Courses: <a href="">The Anxiety Healing School&nbsp;</a></p><p><strong>Taylor Marae, MS, RDN</strong></p><p><a href="">@health_anxiety</a></p><p>Blog: <a href="">Peak of Panic</a></p>--- Support this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>
62 min
Welcome to The Anxiety Chicks Podcast!
<p>Alison Seponara, MS, LPC and Taylor Marae MS, RDN are diving deep into a the <strong>reality of anxiety, nutrition, and mental health! </strong>Listen as Alison and Taylor explore all things anxiety healing while keeping it real...<em>including their own struggles with mental health! </em>Alison and Taylor bring their expertise as healing professionals (licensed therapist &amp; licensed dietitian) to the conversation while discussing the top tools and strategies you need for your journey towards anxiety recovery.</p><p>Follow Alison Seponara, MS, LPC <a href="">@theanxietyhealer</a></p><p>Follow Taylor Marae, MS, RDN <a href="">@Health_anxiety</a></p>--- Support this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>
0 min