Bright Side

Whether you’re into useful tips for self-improvement, psychology, recent discoveries, mysterious stories, or just your day-to-day routine, there’s something for everyone! You can expect all that and more coming at you in five new episodes every day. If you’ve got a thirst for knowledge that never quits, then join our community! We have a good time, so take your shoes off, kick back, and make yourself at home here on the Bright Side of life!

A Simple Trick on How to Save Up A Lot of Money...
How to save up money easily for a house or for a new car? Learn a genius hack on how to save more money each month. As a bonus, we'll tell teach you how to safely hide your cash. "If only I could stop spending money on stuff I don’t need, I would buy so many useful things!" Have you ever thought this? Then this video is just for you. RULE 1: Subtract the last digit from each number to get a zero at the end. It’s easier to “zero out” cash into a piggy bank, and you may use a savings account or any other bank account to transfer the money from your card. RULE 2: Save everything that’s left over before payday — "zero out" one more time at the end of the month. For instance, you still have $300 in cash and $1,000 in the bank — just move it to your savings account. TIMESTAMPS «Zero out» your money every evening 0:31 Move any unspent money to your saving account 1:46 What are the advantages of this simple method? 2:05 The worst places to hide your cash: In the backyard 2:41 Under your mattress 2:58 In shopping bags 3:13 In old wallets and handbags 3:27 In laundry baskets 3:40 Behind a picture or photo in a frame 3:58 In safes that are not bolted down 4:13 In drawers and cabinets 4:34 Where to hide your money 4:53 SUMMARY If you feel like you have run out of places to hide your money, try the following suggestions: • Wrap your money in a plastic bag, and tape it to the bottom of the kitchen counter or to the bottom of your kid’s toy box (the best option is to create a false bottom in it). • In a waterproof container stored in the lowest drawer of your refrigerator or freezer. Make sure it doesn’t read "Ice cream" or something else yummy thieves might want to try. • Hide your savings among buttons, threads, and other sewing accessories. Unless thieves suddenly need to sew something, they most probably won’t look for your money in there. • In a pair of old shoes, clothes, or maybe in an old computer that no longer works. Make sure it all looks like junk you have not disposed of yet. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram SMART Youtube: 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
5 min
What's the Most Risky Zodiac Sign?
Hey there! Wanna know how dangerous are you according to your sign? Yup, zodiac signs are fun and interesting, but they aren't all about our best qualities. For example, Sagittarians are exceptional manipulators, and they use this skill to shove all their problems onto someone else. If you're a Gemini, your danger factor comes from your duality. Aries can be scarily power-hungry, controlling, and reckless. So, what's your zodiac sign? Each of them has its own strengths, weaknesses, challenges, unique personality traits, and an individual approach to life. But today, we're gonna tell about the least and the most dangerous zodiacs. #zodiacsigns #zodiac Other videos you might like: Scientists Prove: Your Birth Month Defines Your Health and Personality • Your Birth Month Defines Your Health ... 8 Dream Signs You Shouldn't Ignore • 8 Dream Signs You Shouldn't Ignore What Moles On a Women's Body Say About Their Personality • What Moles On a Women's Body Say Abou... TIMESTAMPS: Aquarius 0:25 Gemini 1:13 Libra 2:00 Pisces 2:54 Virgo 3:43 Capricorn 4:32 Leo 5:22 Taurus 6:12 Sagittarius 7:03 Aries 7:46 Scorpio 8:34 Cancer 9:31 Music by Epidemic Sound SUMMARY: - Aquarians are genuine humanitarians who prefer to help people rather than control them. However, as an Aquarius, you still possess one potentially dangerous quality: you rarely think about the long-term consequences of your actions. - Any Libra with bad intentions would have no problem getting along with someone, gaining their trust, and taking advantage of them! - Pisces are romantic, mysterious, and emotional. And, yes, this side of them can easily get them in trouble! It's not uncommon to see their emotions getting the best of them and provoking them to make all kinds of impulsive and even destructive decisions. - Virgos are organized, witty, and highly practical. However, some Virgos can use these traits in the wrong way. - Of course, most Capricorns are responsible and noble. But still, if one was to turn to the dark side, they’d be pretty good at being sneaky and planning their attacks. - Unlike Virgo or Capricorn, who are the epitome of hard work, some Leos can choose lazier paths and prefer someone else to hand them the triumph and success, instead of working hard for it. - The Taurus is patient, dependable, and really down-to-earth… until you cross them! If a Taurus has made up their mind, it's almost impossible to convince them otherwise, even if they're wrong! - If you seriously cross a Scorpio, you're definitely in big trouble, given that some of them tend to be quite vindictive. - Cancers are sensitive, shy, reserved, and imaginative individuals can be pretty threatening and deceptive! The thing is they feel everything way too strongly because they're hands-down the most emotional Zodiac sign. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Photos: East News ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
11 min
I Didn't Get All 11 Riddles Right, See How You'...
Not everybody's cut out to be a true detective. Do you have what it takes to solve the hardest logic riddles and puzzles? With daily training, you can pump your brain up to be a problem-solving machine! Give your brain some practice thinking outside the box, making analytical connections, and putting together all the evidence so well that even Sherlock Holmes himself would be impressed! Give these riddles a try, and your brain power and IQ will fly through the roof! #brightside Animation is created by Bright Side. We know how to lift your mood! Our App - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
10 min
The Secret Place Where Pilots Sleep While Flying
Say you’re on a long 12-hour flight. You’ll have get some shut-eye, and hopefully when you wake up, it’ll be almost landing time. Have you ever wondered if – and where – your flight attendants and pilot can get some rest too? Cause they need some rest on long flights too!
10 min
All Zodiac Signs Have A Hidden Addiction, Here'...
Have you ever wondered where our habits and vices come from? An Aries can be pretty impatient, moody, and impulsive, Geminis are affectionate, adaptable, and quite curious about life and the world around them, Leos have natural charisma and charm instantly make them the life of the party anywhere they go! Other videos you might like: What Moles On a Women's Body Say About Their Personality • What Moles On a Women's Body Say Abou... Scientists Prove: Your Birth Month Defines Your Health and Personality • Your Birth Month Defines Your Health ... What Your Lip Shape Says About Your Personality • What Your Lip Shape Says About Your P... TIMESTAMPS: Aries 0:30 Taurus 1:17 Gemini 1:55 Cancer 2:48 Leo 3:32 Virgo 4:24 Libra 5:24 Scorpio 6:05 Sagittarius 6:49 Capricor 7:42 Aquarius 8:23 Pisces 8:55 Music by Epidemic Sound SUMMARY: - An Aries doesn't want to miss a thing and really tries to live their life to the fullest, so anything that can help them with that can easily become a huge part of their lives. - People of the Taurus zodiac sign are incredibly genuine, reliable, practical, and responsible, so they don’t really develop addictions that easily. But one thing can make them go crazy: food. - The “healthy” usage of social media helps a Gemini's hungry brain expand and get into many places at once without feeling too committed to any of them. Still, just as with a Taurus, this addiction can be rather dangerous. - Cancers are very emotional, imaginative, sympathetic, and loyal. It's no surprise that one of the biggest addictions of this zodiac sign is love and romance. - It's hard to find a Leo who doesn't look good, and that's because this zodiac sign enjoys investing time in themselves. How they look and how others see them is important for Leos, so they try to make sure that they look fabulous at all times. - Virgos are known to be analytical, hardworking, and practical. They're also neat freaks, which reveals their first and most obvious obsession: cleanliness. - Just like Cancers, the diplomatic, gracious, and fair-minded Libras are addicted to romantic love. But there's one important detail here: They’re way more obsessed with the idea of love than the reality of it. - A Scorpio isn’t one of those people who have tons of crushes; when they fall in love, it's a big deal. The same thing goes for friendships. A Scorpio’s circle is tight and consists of the closest people who've been through thick and thin with them. - A Sagittarius’s idealistic and generous but impatient nature makes them very prone to developing new obsessions and addictions. Nonetheless, they usually go from one thing right to the other without staying in one place for too long. - Capricorns are probably the most disciplined and responsible of all 12 zodiac signs, and these qualities surely help them with their true passion and addiction: their work. - If you're an Aquarius, you're probably very independent and original, and sometimes you just wanna dive into a fantasy world and destress. An Aquarius tends to channel their emotions into something else rather than dealing with them in the here and now. - Cute, artistic, gentle, and sensitive, a Pisces is truly unpredictable when it comes to vices and addictions. They can get up to pretty much everything from watching too much Netflix to eating too much. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Photos: East News ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
10 min
What Happened to Asteroid After It Wiped Out Di...
We all know that an asteroid wiped out the dinosaurs long time ago. But what happed to It afterwards? Why can't we see parts of that asteroid in any museum? 💡 Grab some Bright Side MERCH (ships worldwide!): Read more: #brightside ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit: Our App
9 min
Why This Tiny Lake Is the Scariest on Earth
There are about 117 million lakes on our planet, and they cover almost 4% of the continental land. Lakes can be small or big, clean or dirty, vital for local infrastructure or...deadly. And if you've been wondering which lake is the most dangerous in the world and why, this video will answer your questions. TIMESTAMPS: Where the most dangerous lake in the world is situated 1:11 What makes Lake Kivu so dangerous 2:05 What happened at Lake Monoun in 1984 2:27 What happened at Lake Nyos in 1986 3:06 What characterizes crater lakes 4:11 What was the solution 6:21 How much contains methane gas Lake Kivu contains 7:06 How many people could die if Lake Kivu explodes 7:52 Music: SUMMARY: - The most dangerous lake in the world is situated in Africa on the border of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Rwanda. It’s Lake Kivu, the ninth deepest lake in the world. - On August 15, 1984, a loud boom sounded from the lake, according to locals. People saw a huge gas cloud over the surface of the water. This natural disaster took the lives of 37 people. - The theory was proved false 2 years later on August 21, 1986, when a much more disastrous explosion shook Lake Nyos, which is located just 62 miles away from Lake Monoun. This time, the catastrophe happened at night and took the lives of more than 1,700 people. - Crater lakes usually have extremely high levels of CO2 due to the volcanic activity that’s happening many miles beneath the surface. Under normal circumstances, this gas is occasionally released during the lake water turnover. - Nowadays, measures have been taken to prevent similar catastrophes from happening. The solution was quite simple: degassing. Authorities installed a pipe that runs to the very bottom of Lake Nyos. - Lake Kivu contains more than 55 billion cubic meters of methane gas, which is generated at the bottom of the lake. On top of that, it's also located in a crater, and its volcanic rock bed has layers of carbon dioxide. - Either the methane explosion or CO2 poisoning could take the lives of more than 2 million people living in the basin of Lake Kivu. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
8 min
14 Sleep Mistakes You Didn't Know You Made
Picture this: you're exhausted after a long working day, and the only thing you can dream about is throwing yourself on the bed and blacking out. Not gonna happen! Instead, you're tossing and turning, trying to find the most comfortable position. Your mind gets plagued with endless thoughts, and even though you're worn out, sleep keeps eluding you! How come? The reason might be very simple - your seemingly innocent bedtime habits!
10 min
31 Simple Riddles for Those Who Don't Like Math
Math riddles are a fun way to train your brain: they combine mind-sharpening math and puzzles that develop analytical thinking. Few of us care about the agility of our minds while we’re still young. But math brain teasers won’t let your brain grow weak and will help you keep a sharp mind at any age. Remember to keep track of your correct answers to check yourself at the end! If you solve 0 to 10 riddles, you probably didn't pay much attention to math at school? Start with the easiest puzzles and try to crack at least one a day - soon, you'll see the result! If you have 11 to 24 correct answers, you're likely to use math now and then in your everyday life. And if your score is 25 to 31 solved riddles, congrats! You must be some math genius! #riddles #mathriddles #brightside Other videos you might like: 10 Fun Kiddy Riddles That Stump Most Adults • 10 Fun Kiddy Riddles That Stump Most ... 10 Math Games That'll Boost Your Brain Power By 80% • 10 Math Games That'll Boost Your Brai... If You Solve 20 Riddles In 15 Seconds, You Are Super Smart • If You Solve 20 Riddles In 15 Seconds... Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
15 min
4 Clever Riddles That’ll Test Your Intelligence
Cryptograms were originally created not for entertainment purposes but for the encryption of military or personal secrets. Today, we invite you to try to decipher four riddles with hidden messages. Prove that you have a good logic! TIMESTAMPS Riddle #1. Mario’s Telegram 0:42 Riddle #2. The encrypted note 2:52 Riddle #3. What is my real name? 4:25 Riddle #4. Say the name of the mother 5:39 SUMMARY - Mario is on a business trip in an exotic country. At the hotel, he asks the receptionist to send a telegram that should arrive exactly on February 23. But the receptionist tells him that he can only use these words to write: fiasco, nephew, carrot, rabbit, sonata, spring, tailor, bureau, corona, legacy, soften, travel, object, happen, and bikini. Then Mario sends the following telegram: Carrot Fiasco Nephew Spring Rabbit Sonata Tailor Bureau Legacy Corona Travel Bikini Object Happen Soften What does the message say? - Detective Robertson, one of the agency’s most experienced detectives, used his coded key and entered the apartment where the secret documentation was hidden. Detective Love, his assistant, had left an encrypted note with the exact location of the documentation. Robertson found the note. It said this. Using his experience and the strategies learned in training, Robertson deciphered the message and found the documentation. Where were the documents hidden? - My father is a chemist. My mother is a mathematician. They call me iron59. What is my real name? - Say the name of the mother. I’ll give you 25 seconds – make yourself comfortable and pay your attention to the picture. Have a closer look, and you’ll literally see the answer. Subscribe to Bright Side: For copyright matters please contact us at: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
6 min
What If The Sun Went Out for Just One Day
Have you ever wondered what would happen if the Sun just suddenly stopped shining? The first thing that probably comes to your mind is that it would get a whole lot darker and colder. True, but that doesn’t even begin to describe what kind of catastrophic event it would be because eventually humankind would meet its eminent demise.
10 min
If Earth Collided With Mars, Which Planet Survives
Something unique is happening right above our heads every moment. What if Earth collided with Mars - which of the planets would survive? #brightside See the video transcription here: Animation is created by Bright Side. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit: Our App
8 min
19 Strange Things That Only Happen In India
We've put together some mind-blowing facts about India. It is a country where strange and unique things are possible. You will be amazed to find out what unusual traditions this culture is full of. India is the second largest English-speaking country in the world where followers of all the world’s major religions live.
10 min
The Truth Behind the Mermaid Myth
Do mermaids really exist? How do these half-human half-fish mythical sea creatures look? Does Aquaman live among mermaids? Anyway, one of the interesting things about legends is that entirely different parts of the world describe seeing the exact same thing for centuries! Believe it or not, scientists and historians have been interested in the mermaid’s existence for years. TIMESTAMPS: The first mermaid 2:14 Mermaids in Japanese folklore 3:28 Mermaids in African folklore 3:46 Mermaids in Russian folklore 4:15 Unconfirmed sightings in the past years 5:30 Christopher Columbus’s mermaid sighting 6:32 Why manatees could be mistaken for mermaids 6:55 Could mermaid body function? 8:31 Music: SUMMARY: - The first mermaid, according to legends, is Atargatis, the ancient Syrian goddess of the sea. She didn’t start out as a mermaid, though. - Like most legends, that of the mermaid spans across cultures. In Japanese folklore, there’s the Ningyo, which is a giant fish with a human face and a monkey’s mouth. - In Russia, they have the Rusalka, a water nymph in Slavic mythology that’s been portrayed as both good and evil. - In Norway and parts of Scotland, they have the Finfolk, who were shape-shifters of the sea. They have an affinity for silver and tend to make humans their slaves. - The hype continues even today. Unconfirmed (and probably false) sightings have been reported all over the world in the past years. - One thing’s for sure, no one has actually seen, met, or caught a real mermaid, alive or not. Even Christopher Columbus’s mermaid sighting in 1493 was debunked by experts. - From afar, manatees are about the size of a human, their front flippers could resemble an arm from a distance, and their neck vertebrae allow them to turn their heads around like we do. - The human part of the mermaid wouldn’t be able to withstand a life in cold oceanic waters. That is, not unless mermaids have a thick layer of hair like sea otters or blubber like other marine mammals. #mermaids #marinemammals #syrian Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
10 min
8 Signs Your Body Is Begging for Vitamin D
What are the signs of vitamin D deficiency? Vitamin D greatly influences the systems of our body from ensuring calcium supply to our bones to strengthening our immune system. We normally get this vitamin from foods, supplements, and the sun’s rays, but when something goes wrong and we face vitamin D deficiency, our body systems may break.
8 min
6 Riddles Only 2% Extraordinary Thinkers Can Solve
When we find ourselves in unexpected situations, it's hard to know what to do right off the bat. Do you think you can get yourself out of any challenge possible, no matter how strange it might be? If so, you must have better logic and critical thinking than 98 % of people. A guy named Charles is quite an extraordinary individual. He’s overcome tons of obstacles and pulled through a lot of difficult situations throughout his life. Let’s see if you have the same sharp wits as our friend Charlie here. Music: TIMESTAMPS Riddle #1: The flawed equation 0:42 Riddle #2: Escape from the well 1:39 Riddle #3: The prank 2:59 Riddle #4: Bad romance 4:17 Riddle #5: A revolutionary cure 6:07 Riddle #6: Mysterious murder 8:12 SUMMARY -Correct the flawed equation without changing the numbers or their position in the equation. -Do some math and figure out how many days it took Charles to climb out of the well. -Guess how Charles managed to get the ping pong ball out of the pipe. -Figure out how Irene managed to poison her husband when she ate the same exact apple and didn't take any sort of antidote beforehand. -Use your logic to find out which of the coworkers tried to kill Charles. -Help the police to name and arrest the right person who killed Charles. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
10 min
What Happens When You Drink Celery Juice Every ...
Fresh, crispy celery sticks consist of almost 95% water, yet when it comes to its effects on the body, it can be life-changing. Celery juice is one of the healthiest drinks out there. So what will happen if you consume it every single day for a week? Can it actually transform your looks and improve your body’s work? #celeryjuice #healthdrinks #diet Other videos you might like: 17 Foods You Can Eat As Much As You Want To • 17 Foods You Can Eat As Much As You W... Drink Lemon Water for 30 Days, the Result Will Amaze You! • Drink Lemon Water for 30 Days, the Re... Only 2 Cups a Day for 1 Week for a Flat Stomach • Only 2 Cups a Day for 1 Week for a Fl... TIMESTAMPS: It makes your liver happy 0:23 It makes your bones unbreakable (well, sort of) 1:16 It keeps your cholesterol levels at bay 1:54 It protects you from anemia 2:34 It lowers your risk of cancer 3:12 It's a good cure for insomnia 4:16 It helps to deal with depression 4:56 It makes your hair thick and smooth 5:43 ... and helps to get clear skin 6:20 It's really good for weight loss 7:15 Music by Epidemic Sound SUMMARY: - This natural drink is high in a number of vitamins and elements like iron, which makes celery a wonderful natural “tonic” for your liver. - If you wanna make sure your bones are getting all the crucial vitamins, celery juice is exactly what you need! - There aren't that many natural ways to keep cholesterol levels at bay, but drinking celery juice is certainly one of them. - When it comes to healthy blood, celery juice is one of the top drinks that should be on your menu at all times. - A study from the Journal of Cancer Protection confirmed celery's anti-cancer properties, stating that its flavonoids can suppress the progression of prostate cancer and slow down the proliferation of cancer cells. - Celery juice contains a healthy dose of magnesium, which calms your nerves and relaxes your muscles, putting you in a sleepy state almost instantly. - Celery contains a number of mineral salts that have a positive effect on your nervous system, making you feel relaxed and lifting your mood. - There are numerous products that can make your hair look luscious, but none of them can be compared to celery juice. - Celery juice is perfect for dealing with wrinkles as it's packed with vitamins A, B, C, and K and other minerals that enhance the production of collagen, making your skin look young and beautiful. - If you're looking for an all-natural way to lose weight, celery juice is at your service! Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Photos: East News ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
9 min
8 Habits That Are Actually Good For You
There are some pretty gross habits we all have and can’t get rid of no matter how hard we try. Maybe those terrible habits aren’t that bad for you after all, and you don’t have to do everything possible to get rid of them? It turns out some disgusting things you probably do every day that are actually good for you! Glamour magazine surveyed 1,000 women and asked them different questions, including whether or not they pee in the shower. Nearly 75% of the poll-takers confessed to having done it at least once in their life. It turns out no matter how gross it sound, it’s actually good for you. When we work out, we tend to breathe through our mouth, and this causes it to produce more saliva that interferes with normal breathing. So it’s perfectly fine to get rid of the excess mucus produced from exercising by spitting it out. Chewing gum helps you focus, sharpens your memory, reduces stress, and balances your hormones by raising your cortisol levels. If you usually try to hold your farts in, you might wanna stop doing that. Holding the gas in can easily cause abdominal pain and bloating. Biting your nails helps your body register the bacteria you get off your nails in its memory bank, so if you encounter a certain strand again, you’ll already have the lymphocytes capable of beating it. As you’re picking your nose and eating your boogies, you trigger your immune system to release white blood cells in order to defend itself against a certain type of bacteria. And there you go, your system comes out way stronger. Music: TIMESTAMPS Peeing in the shower 0:41 Spitting 1:35 Chewing gum 2:41 Farting 3:40 Burping 4:52 Biting your nails 6:01 Picking your nose and eating your boogers 7:05 Skipping showers 8:29 Disclaimer 9:36 SUMMARY -The uric acid and ammonia in your pee can help prevent fungal growth around your toes. -Spitting can help you breathe more easily as you’re working out and breathing through the mouth. -Chewing gum helps you study and is good for test-taking, even better than caffeine. -Your digestive tract starts producing carbon dioxide and methane about 6 hours after eating, and farting helps your body get rid of these gasses. -Burping is actually good for your stomach since it helps relieve all that gaseous pressure inside. -Biting your nails causes your immune system to start producing white blood cells that help fight bacteria you get off your nails. -Eating boogers may actually help boost your immune system since they contain salivary mucins that can fight cavity-causing bacteria. -If you shower every single day, you wash away your body’s natural oils, leaving it unprotected and dry. -Everything here should be in moderation and only if you feel comfortable about it. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
10 min
Can You Drink Water When You Eat?
When it comes to health, prevention is better than cure, so it’s important to know and avoid some harmful everyday habits. Can drinking water when you eat actually do you any harm, or is it just a health myth? Some experts say that eating and drinking at the same time prevents you from losing weight, while others say water dilutes our stomach acid. Let’s find out what drinking simple water as you eat can actually do to you. Some people think that drinking water while eating decreases the acidity in the stomach. So if gastric acid gets diluted, it won't be able to digest your food thoroughly enough. The digestive process starts before you even put the fork in your mouth. When we’re just thinking about our future meal, saliva starts getting secreted in the mouth. In fact, water doesn’t just enter the stomach from a glass, it’s also in the food you eat. For example, oranges, along with raspberries and pineapples, are 87% water. Research showed that some foods can, in fact, decrease acidity levels in the stomach, but they go back to normal really quickly. There are lots of advantages to drinking while eating. It helps soften and break down solid food so that your body can absorb the nutrients better. Water also prevents constipation since it softens the stool. It’s been proven that drinking just 2 cups of water raises both male and female metabolic rates by 30%. And when your metabolism is increased, this gives you a much-needed boost in energy. Water helps with the absorption of nutrients. It dissolves minerals and vitamins, along with other nutrients you get from your food. Water is vital for flushing toxins out of your body through your urine and stool. Music: Knuckle - Text Me Records/Social Work TIMESTAMPS Why are some people against drinking water while eating? 0:45 What happens to food and water in the stomach? 1:21 Liquids don't decrease stomach acidity. 2:38 Liquids don't influence the speed of digestion. 4:07 So can we drink while eating or not? 4:34 Reasons why your body absolutely needs water. 6:44 SUMMARY -Some people think that water pushes food that’s still in undigested into the intestines. -Water, unlike food, doesn't stick around in the stomach for 4 hours. It goes through the chewed food very quickly, moisturizes it, and leaves the stomach way before the food does. -If the stomach “feels” that it can't digest something, it pumps out more enzymes to increase the acidity of the liquid inside. Even if you drink half a gallon of water, it won't change the acidity. -Liquid leaves the body faster than solid food, but it doesn't influence the speed of digestion. -Having something to drink with your meals is harmless and can even do you some good. -Water helps regulate your body temperature, lubricates your spinal cord, tissues, and joints. Water boosts your physical performance. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
10 min
12 Strange Things You Only See in India
India is undoubtedly one of the most interesting countries in the world. For outsiders, it’s a country of mystery, with an exotic culture and tradition of ancient wisdom we never encounter at home. It strikes us with its contrasts. It’s a place full of odd customs and curiosities. Bright Side gathered 12 amazing facts about this country of spices that will show India from a completely different side.
11 min
7 Main Differences Between Rich and Poor People
How to Become Rich. Not every rich person is born into a wealthy family, so how do so many well-off people reach their financial goals? A major difference between rich people and those who have money problems can be found in the way they think, act, and see the world. Check out these 7 differences between the rich and poor and use them as your own financial tips to become rich. TIMESTAMPS Rich people don't try to show off their wealth. 0:55 Rich people invest money in certain expensive items. 2:28 Rich people make their money work for them while poor people work for their money. 6:46 Rich people know how to manage their money. 7:42 Rich people see opportunities while poor people see obstacles. 8:18 Rich people concentrate on what they want to achieve while poor people focus on what they want to avoid. 8:59 Rich people face problems while poor people try to ignore problems until it's too late. 9:45 Music: Andrew Huang - Club SUMMARY -Those who have a lot of money don’t always flaunt their wealth. It may sound surprising, but there's no real need to buy a pair of $1,000 jeans if you can find a high-quality product that’s 10 times cheaper. -Things rich people don’t save on are: coffee machine, induction stove, LED light bulbs, energy-saving glass, thermostatic shower faucet. -Rich people don't keep their income in savings accounts; they have funds in their budget that they can invest, and they do this regularly. -Rich people don't overspend. If they use a credit card, they do everything to avoid paying finance charges. -Rich people see opportunities for growth and success in everything they do. -The rich are willing to overcome obstacles to achieve their goals. They realize that you can’t win without taking risks. -Rich people choose to face their fears to become a more successful and powerful individual. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
10 min
The Story of the Hope Diamond Which Ruined Its ...
The gemstone, which is now called the Hope Diamond, was formed deep within the Earth more than 1 billion years ago! It was originally used as one of the decorations of an Indian temple idol. But one day a Hindu priest decided it was far too beautiful and valuable to leave there and plucked it out. He was severely punished, of course, but the Hope Diamond was already out of the temple.
8 min
Virtual Pub Quiz to Test Your Trivia Knowledge
Hey everyone, ready to put your trivia skills to the test? Join us for a fun Virtual Pub Quiz and see how much you really know! It's packed with all kinds of questions, from random facts to pop culture. Gather your friends, grab a snack, and let's see who can claim the trivia champion title. Whether you're a trivia master or just love a good challenge, this quiz has something for everyone. So, are you ready to play? Let’s get started and see how many you can get right! #brightside Animation is created by Bright Side. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music from TheSoul Sound: Check our Bright Side podcast on Spotify and leave a positive review! Subscribe to Bright Side: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightside.official TikTok: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This video is made for entertainment purposes. We do not make any warranties about the completeness, safety and reliability. Any action you take upon the information in this video is strictly at your own risk, and we will not be liable for any damages or losses. It is the viewer's responsibility to use judgement, care and precaution if you plan to replicate.
12 min
That's Why Airplane Seats Are Almost Always Blue
Have you ever noticed how airplane seats are almost always blue, and have you ever wondered if there’s a special reason for that? We’re going to answer this and other popular plane-related questions and also help you pick the best seat aboard as a bonus.
11 min
I Ate Once a Day for a Month, See What Happened...
Can you eat just one meal a day? The human body can survive without a bite of food for up to 3 weeks. Of course, it’s a different story with water; you wouldn’t last more than 3 or 4 days without it! You and I both know that people are expected to eat 3 full meals a day: breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Depending on how filling those meals are, you may squeeze in a few snacks here and there. It usually takes about 4 hours after each meal for your belly to start making those too-often-than-not embarrassingly monstrous growls, reminding you that it’s time for your next meal!
8 min