Bright Side

Whether you’re into useful tips for self-improvement, psychology, recent discoveries, mysterious stories, or just your day-to-day routine, there’s something for everyone! You can expect all that and more coming at you in five new episodes every day. If you’ve got a thirst for knowledge that never quits, then join our community! We have a good time, so take your shoes off, kick back, and make yourself at home here on the Bright Side of life!

What Moles On a Women's Body Say About Their Pe...
What do moles on certain parts of your body mean? Have you ever wondered about it? Why those parts specifically? Chinese experts can read you like an open book just by looking at the position of the moles on your body. So what hidden parts of your personality can your moles reveal? TIMESTAMPS: Mole on the forehead 0:49 Mole in or near the eyebrows 1:42 Mole on the nose 2:25 Mole on the cheek 3:14 Mole on the lips 4:02 Mole on the chin 4:50 Mole on the ears 5:32 Mole on the neck 6:18 Mole on the shoulder 7:09 Mole on the fingers 7:52 Mole on the arms 10:29 Mole on the breasts 11:09 #molemeaning #personalitytraits Music: SUMMARY: - Chinese astrology thinks of a mole on the forehead as a sign of prosperity. However, it also has an additional meaning, depending on the mole's exact position. - Moles in the eyebrow can be found very rarely. But if you have one, you can be proud of its meaning. It's a symbol of your intelligence, creativity, and artistry. - A mole on the nose often indicates a person with major self-respect who's not afraid of hard work. In some situations and circumstances, these people can have quite a big ego. - If you see a person with a mole on their cheek (or you have one yourself), you can be sure that it represents an introverted and sincere person. - If your mole is on the right or left corner of your upper lip, it indicates your desire to get the best from life. A mole on your lower lip is a sign that your children will be highly successful at what they do. - People with moles on their chins are affectionate, caring, stubborn, and determined. They are realists and are usually ready for every outcome when trying something new. - If you have a mole on your ear, it's a sign that you have an outstanding personality. You're trustworthy, loyal, and have a good and kind heart. A mole on your earlobe, in its turn, is the sign of a prominent, prosperous, and rich life. - A mole on the neck can indicate that you have a strong but very lovable personality. You can easily attract people by just being yourself. - A mole on the shoulder highlights responsibility in your character. You aren't afraid of a task and can handle any challenge coming your way. - In this case, everything depends on the finger and, more specifically, the part of this finger. - Moles on the arms often represent a decisive and well-rounded person. You aren't afraid to make a mistake; you're afraid of missing the opportunity. - Chinese astrology considers the breasts to be a symbol of power, so a mole on this body part suggests a successful career and quick recognition for all your hard work. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
12 min
Bedtime Drink to Remove Belly Fat in a Single N...
How to deal with that extra pound around the waist? We've found a simple way to lose belly fat in a single night. No more dieting, no more exercising – meet a magical bedtime drink! How to deal with that extra pound around the waist? What to do to remove toxins from your body? How to improve metabolism and become more energetic? We've found a perfect solution to all of these problems. TIMESTAMPS Introduction 0:15 Why excess weight is harmful to health 1:25 Help your body to detox 2:35 Other benefits of this drink 3:40 Ingredients you'll need to prepare the drink 4:03 A lemon 4:16 A cucumber 5:05 Ginger 5:55 Aloe Vera Juice 6:34 A bunch of parsley 7:02 How to make it 7:54 SUMMARY - We will tell you a recipe for a detoxing drink that will rid you of this stubborn belly fat within one week! Not only is it healthy and effective, but it is also delicious! What is more, it is easy to prepare: just put all the ingredients in a blender and press the button! And if you combine taking this drink on a regular basis and doing the exercise known as a vacuum pose - get ready for a miracle! The drink will work on removing the excess of water from your body, and the exercise will sculpt the shape of your stomach. - Put all the products into a blender, and grind them at high speed. You can stop when you have homogeneous juice inside the bowl. Drink it before going to bed, and already in a few days, you will start to notice the changes occurring in your body. Better complexion, energy flow, and of course, disappearing inches around your waist will be your reward! Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram SMART Youtube: 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
8 min
What's the DASH Diet and Why Doctors Call It th...
How to lose belly fat? How to lose weight fast without exercises? Doctors say that this diet is the most effective way to improve your overall condition. According to the National Institute of Health, it scored a 3.3 out of 5 in the “Weight Loss Effectiveness” category and 4.5 out of 5 in “Health Usefulness”. Out of 40 diets evaluated, it was chosen number one! So who is this all-star? It’s something called the DASH diet. The DASH diet is an easy, safe, and useful plan that can help you feel better and get rid of excess weight. You can lose weight gradually, no starving or yo-yo dieting. It won’t shock or stress your body out. DASH stands for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension. It’s a diet developed specifically to reduce blood pressure in those with hypertension. But scientists understood later on that this diet resolves tons of other health issues. It reduces cholesterol, prevents stroke and heart failure, and brings the weight down to a healthy level, even for those with obesity. Plus, it’s considered the best diet to prevent diabetes. Besides controlling blood pressure, people following it managed to improve insulin resistance. TIMESTAMPS What's it all about? 1:23 A few general rules to lose weight 2:15 What you can eat to lose fat 3:37 What food you should avoid for losing weight 5:13 How to plan your diet 5:44 Weight loss benefits 6:18 Is it easy to follow the DASH eating plan? 7:17 SUMMARY The DASH diet wasn't originally designed for weight loss, but there have been some studies proving that this eating plan can help people get rid of unwanted pounds. The DASH diet balances all the necessary nutrients and minerals, like calcium, potassium, protein, and fiber, that are responsible for brain and overall organ function. It improves the condition of your hair and skin as well. What’s convenient about this diet is that you don't have to calculate and monitor each nutrient: you just need to reduce your salt intake and eat certain recommended foods, for instance, fruits, vegetables, grains, protein-rich foods, and dairy products. Compared to trendy crash diets, DASH is different. This is a complete lifestyle change. It’s for people who need to take care of their eating habits throughout their lives. There’s no cutting out or starving involved. You can have all sorts of tasty dishes. Have you ever tried the DASH diet? If so, how did you like it? Tell us in the comments below. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram SMART Youtube: 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Have you ever seen a talking slime? Here he is – Slick Slime Sam: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
9 min
If There's Ring Around the Moon, Find Shelter Fast
A ring around the moon is typically not a sign to panic – but it is a sign to take action and find shelter fast. Learn more in this video about what to do if you see a ring around the moon. If you see a ring around the moon, it's important to know what to do. In this video, we'll discuss the effects of a ring around the moon and what you should do if you see it. We'll also give you tips on how to prepare for potential disasters and what to do if you're stranded during a lunar eclipse. Animation is created by Bright Side. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound Check our Bright Side podcast on Spotify and leave a positive review! Subscribe to Bright Side: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightside.official TikTok: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
26 min
18 Spooky Puzzles Waiting for Your Answer
If you’re up for a challenge, come check out our latest video, “18 Spooky Puzzles Waiting for Your Answer.” It’s packed with eerie brainteasers that will really test your critical thinking skills. Plus, we’ve got a bright side twist to make things extra fun and engaging. So, gather your friends, sharpen those wits, and see if you can solve all the puzzles. Hit play and let’s dive into some spooky problem-solving! #brightside Animation is created by Bright Side. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music from TheSoul Sound: Listen to Bright Side on: Spotify - Apple Podcast - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook - / brightside Instagram - / brightside.official Tik Tok - Snapchat - / 1866144599336960 Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
11 min
10 Clever Tips to Avoid Washing Your Hair Every...
Washing your hair too frequently can cause more harm than good according to Lynne Goldberg, Director of the Boston Medical Center Hair Clinic. Constant washing causes your sebaceous glands to produce more fat. As a result, you get into a real vicious circle. We prepared a list of tips that’ll allow you to wash your hair less often and still continue to look gorgeous! Did you know, for example, that dry shampoos create a shell around the greasy strands that, for a time, makes your hair look clean? Or that hot water increases the amount of fat secreted by the skin? Btw, after you’ve washed your hair, it’s best to let it dry naturally. Try to avoid a hairdryer as much as you can! Other videos you might like: I Went from Thin to Thick Hair in Just a Week • I Went from Thin to Thick Hair in Jus... Never Sleep With Wet Hair: 10 Reasons Why • Never Sleep With Wet Hair: 10 Reasons... I Straightened My Hair With 1 Easy Homemade Remedy • I Straightened My Hair With 1 Easy Ho... TIMESTAMPS: Watch your diet 0:26 Use dry shampoos 0:45 Don’t neglect accessories 1:10 Pay attention to water temperature 1:33 Put your hair into braids 1:53 Comb your hair before bedtime 2:11 Change your parting 2:27 Avoid flat hairdos 2:48 Wash your brushes 3:07 The right way to wash your hair 3:28 #healthyhair #beautytips #brightside SUMMARY: - To make your hair stay clean longer, remove any fatty or fried dishes from your diet. - To conceal greasy shine, divide your hair into strands and apply a dry shampoo to the roots like a hairspray, from a distance of 8 to 10 inches. - If you have a fringe, use a headscarf to make new hairstyles. All you need to do is wash your fringe, pin it up, and disguise it in some way. - Any braids do a good job of disguising greasy hair roots. The thicker the weave, the better. - Once you’ve settled on your pillow, pull your hair back to arrange it along the upper edge of the pillow. If your hair is long enough, make a ponytail or a loose braid. - Switch your parting from one side to the other, or replace the parting in the middle with a diagonal one. The reason is simple: our hair gets used to being arranged in a certain fashion, which leads to loss of volume at the roots. - Try not to give preference to smooth and sleek hairstyles: they make your hair look even messier and more greasy. - Don’t forget to clean your styling tools regularly to prevent residues of skin fat, conditioner, and styling substances from gluing your hair together. - Dry wet hair with a T-shirt instead of a towel to smooth your frizzy hair. - Don’t scrub your scalp. Instead, use your fingertips to gently massage shampoo into your hair. - Never ever put conditioner directly on the roots, make sure it’s only on your hair. - Wring out your hair before applying hair conditioner – it’ll make the conditioner more effective. Subscribe to Bright Side : For copyright matters please contact us at: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
4 min
Put Salt in the Corners of Your House, and See ...
What will happen if you pour salt in the corners of your house? Spoiler: it will change your life. Here are the most unusual and powerful uses for salt. What is going to happen to you if you spill salt? Duh, it will bring you bad luck. We are sure you heard that, and you might believe it, or not. But have you ever wondered where that superstition comes from? Some people believe it is because Judas Iscariot spilled it at the Last Supper. Others find a more practical explanation: spilling salt meant bad luck and future loss because it was expensive. Expensive and precious. Yes, you heard it right. And why would salt be that important to anyone? It has some magical powers you might have never heard of. TIMESTAMPS History of salt 1:12 Salt was used in different rituals 1:50 Reviving shower 4:04 Good luck charm 4:46 Money attraction 5:14 Support in a foreign environment 5:35 Wash off the negative energy 6:15 Protect your home from evil visitors 6:40 Cast out the evil objects 7:02 The “witch bottle” 7:32 Good luck, peace, and prosperity 8:30 Salt has been around for thousands of years. You might see it just as something you add to your meals to add some flavor to them, but it meant much more to our ancestors. Harvesting salt used to be a long and complicated process, so only the rich were able to afford it. Ancient Romans even paid their soldiers with it, and the army appreciated that. It helped them preserve food, so that was fair enough. If you look at the origins of the word “salary” you will even see something salt-like in it. Yes, it comes from the Latin word for “salt.” Did you know that? If not, “like” this video to show you have just learned something new. Okay, it is clear that salt was expensive and highly appreciated. But that is just one side of it. From very old times, it was used in different rituals because of its magical powers. Ancient Egyptians, for example, would not set on a journey without performing a ritual involving salt. They burnt it on hot coals to scare away the evil spirits. Then, and only then, the caravans got on their way across the desert. We hope these tricks will help you feel better and live in harmony. If you found this video useful, let us know by giving it a like. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram SMART Youtube: 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
9 min
4 Tricks to Sleep All Night Like a Baby
How to get rid of insomnia? Once you don’t get enough sleep, that’s it. People seem terribly annoying, work stalls, and the future seems unattractive. Lots of stress, hypodynamia, hours spent at the wheel or computer — it all makes our back muscles stiff and prevents us from relaxing before sleep. That’s why we toss and turn for hours before getting a shallow and troubled sleep. Bright Side collected several simple but effective tricks for back muscle relief which will help you fall asleep faster and get sound sleep. You can do them right on the bed, and they’ll suit people with any level of fitness. Other videos you might like: How to Fall Asleep in 2 Minutes According to the US Navy • How to Fall Asleep in 2 Minutes How to Fix All Your Sleep Problems With Science • How to Fix All Your Sleep Problems Wi... What If You Stopped Sleeping for a Week? • What If You Stopped Sleeping for a Week? TIMESTAMPS: Wind-relieving pose 0:48 Feet on the wall 1:40 Wave exercises 2:17 Shavasana 3:26 SUMMARY: - Pawanmuktasana, or wind-relieving pose, relieves the entire spine, especially the lower back and thighs, in a minute. Also, this yoga pose regulates the work of the intestine. Therefore, it’s useful to do it in the morning. - The feet on the wall position rests the legs and back, opens the chest, and allows the lungs to be satiated with oxygen before going to bed. - Wave exercises allow you to relax your back even more — they "get" to the deep muscles of the spine, located under the surface layers. - If you do Shavasana properly before bed, it’ll be really easy to fall asleep. You’ll feel how the world is vanishing, and your whole body is as relaxed as possible. It’s time to cover yourself with a blanket and go to sleep. Subscribe to Bright Side : For copyright matters please contact us at: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
4 min
Stephen Hawking’s 7 Predictions of Earth’s Demi...
What will happen to our planet in the next 200 years? The most famous scientist since Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking, who has made profound and inspiring discoveries, predicted an extremely dark and pessimistic future to the Earth and its inhabitants. Here are some of Hawking’s most terrifying predictions on how and when our world will meet its demise. Since scientists started toying with genetically engineered viruses to treat human illnesses, they’ve also discovered other possible uses for them. Nowadays, pharmacists are even combining several deadly viruses into a single shot and doing some weird stuff with DNA mixing.
11 min
Detective Riddles Challenge: Further You Get, t...
Do you feel like your brain's asleep from time to time? Sometimes it's hard to get our brains back into gear and start working productively. These riddles will serve as a perfect workout for your brain! They'll kick-start your mind power and flex your brain muscles effectively. A good brainteaser always makes one think outside the box. Some of these riddles will be easy, others will be harder. But it's gonna be a fun session, I promise!! #brightside Animation is created by Bright Side. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound Check our Bright Side podcast on Spotify and leave a positive review! Subscribe to Bright Side: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightside.official TikTok: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
45 min
16 Useful Clues To Understand Your Dog Better
How to understand what your dog wants? Understanding a dog’s body language is essential for building a strong and trustworthy relationship with your four-legged friend. This is really important because dogs are a source of limitless positivity! So, do you know what your pet is trying to tell you in different situations? Our video will help you understand your pet or any other dog. Let’s get started – here are 16 useful clues for you to understand your dog better. Other videos you might like: 12 Harmful Things You Do to Your Dog Without Realizing It • 12 Harmful Things You Do to Your Dog ... Why Your Dog Always Follows You Into The Bathroom • Why Your Dog Always Follows You Every... 12 Things Your Dog Hates About You • 12 Things Your Dog Hates About You TIMESTAMPS: The dog’s TAIL 0:33 The dog’s EYES 1:34 The dog's FACE 2:46 The dog’s STANCE 3:36 #yourdog #yourpet #dogs SUMMARY: - If the dog wags his tail slowly, this means he doesn’t understand what’s going on. - A tucked tail is a sign that the dog is scared, afraid of pain, or feels uncomfortable. Most often, the dog tucks his tail between his legs when he is really afraid of something or someone. - When you approach an unfamiliar dog, it’s better to avoid looking directly into his eyes. For dogs, staring at the eyes means aggression. - The ears are standing straight up or inclined forward. The dog is showing you that he’s curious and reacting to some new event in his environment. - The dog yawns. This means your dog is grumpy and nervous. Puppies do this quite often when they’re surrounded by big unfamiliar dogs. - The dog licks his face. The dog does this when he’s stressed or feeling pressure or danger. - The dog rolls over and exposes his belly. The dog is showing that he trusts you and wants to please you. - The dog puts his head on your knee. This means the dog wants to get attention and show that he needs you. - The dog puts his paw on your knee. If the dog does this with a very smug look, he is trying to dominate. - The dog has one front paw raised. This stance means your pet wants to ask you something. - Dogs may shake (like they shake off water after a bath) as a way of relieving tension. Probably, your dog was in stress or met an unpleasant person or dog. Subscribe to Bright Side : For copyright matters please contact us at: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
5 min
4 Mystery Riddles That Will Test Your Intelligence
How to keep your brain sharp and fit? How to get smarter every week? The answer is simple: all you have to do is exercise your brain regularly just like you should exercise your body. You don't necessarily have to multiply 10-digit numbers in your head. Sometimes, all it takes is one picture with a hidden explanation behind it. Try solving 4 super tricky mysterious riddles that will give your brain the proper workout it needs. TIMESTAMPS Riddle #1. On the River 0:39 Riddle #2. Christmas Mystery 2:47 Riddle #3. Apartment Complex in New York 5:04 Riddle #4. Hot Summer Day 7:45 Music: SUMMARY -It was a hot summer day, but Inspector Varnike was on duty. The detective, along with his assistant, was chasing a dangerous criminal. Following in his footsteps, they found themselves on the shore of a small but very deep and rapid river. The inspector and his assistant saw some swimmers and asked them if they’ve seen the criminal. When one of the guys offered his boat to chase the criminal across the river, the inspector decided to interrogate him instead. Who is the criminal? -Inspector Varnike came to see the guy who supposedly robbed his neighbor’s apartment while he was at a Christmas party at his place. One look at the apartment helped him realize the neighbor didn’t rob the other neighbor. How was it possible? -In an apartment complex typical for New York, there are 100 married couples. If a wife finds out that her husband is cheating on her, she kills him the following morning. Someone anonymously sends an email to all of the wives in the building saying that at least 1 man is cheating on his wife in the building. How many husbands will be killed, and how long will it take? -It was a hot summer day, and a police detective decided to catch a little sun by the banks of a river. Suddenly, he heard a woman crying. She told him someone had stolen the bracelet that was very important to her. The inspector realized that only one of the regular visitors to the beach could have taken the bracelet. These people had now formed a thick wall all around the inspector. He looked at them, and within a moment understood who could have taken it. How did he guess who did it? Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram SMART Youtube: 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
10 min
How to Survive a Dog Attack
How to defend a dog attack? What should you do if you're attacked by a dog? Should you run or fight? There is the only one way to survive. You are enjoying your morning run in the park before work, and then suddenly a stray dog runs up to you, looking like it’s ready to attack you. Here are the most helpful recommendations of experts on how to keep yourself safe from dogs or what to do if you get attacked. TIMESTAMPS Who is at risk? 0:35 Avoiding the attack 0:58 Defending yourself 4:04 After the attack 5:19 SUMMARY - Most of the time joggers, cycles, and other fast-moving people get attacked. - Don’t panic. Don’t try to run. Stand still. Don’t make eye contact. Make fists. Distract the dog with another object. Command the dog to «Back away!». - Fight back. Yell for help. Protect your face and neck. - See a doctor. Report the dog. Tell us about your experience with dog attacks in the comment section below and share this video with your friends to keep them safe. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
6 min
12 Things to Know If You Like Sleeping Naked
A lot of people choose to sleep naked simply because they find it more comfortable. But sleeping with nothin.g on has science-based health benefits, and, on the contrary, can cause your trouble you probably didn’t know about
9 min
15 Foods That Reduce Your Heart Attack Risk Acc...
Do you want to clean your blood vessels? How to decrease the risk of heart attacks in the future? Are you ready to improve your overall well-being? Here are 15 food products that can take care of your heart and prevent heart diseases. Our heart is one of the most important organs, but, surprisingly, we take care of it the least, loading it every day with stress and unhealthy diets. And that's too bad because fatty food increases cholesterol levels, which leads to vascular plaques that prevent the heart from working correctly. In this video, you will get familiar with 15 products that perform all these activities! Some of them might surprise you with their health benefits! Watch till the end - as a bonus, you will find a recipe for a special drink for healthy blood vessels. And remember to press the like button in appreciation of our work! TIMESTAMPS Fatty fish 1:05 Oatmeal 1:51 Berries 2:30 Dark chocolate 3:19 Nuts 4:00 Extra virgin olive oil 4:45 Red wine 5:23 Green tea 5:53 Broccoli and spinach 6:35 Avocado 7:39 Pomegranate 8:13 Cinnamon 8:43 Watermelon 9:14 Garlic 9:43 Apples and pears 10:28 Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram SMART Youtube: 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
13 min
Giant Crabs Take Your City, but You Know the On...
Watch more videos in our new App: And check out some awesome Bright Side MERCH 💡 (open globally!) here: One day, all the crabs disappeared. People searched in the seas, oceans, lakes, rivers, rainforests. Not a single, live crab… only old shells. Crabs shed, or molt several times during their life. Their body keeps growing, but their shell doesn’t. So they throw off their old "suit" and hide. They sit there in silence until their new one grows. But why did every single crab molt on the same day? Where are they hiding? Crabs dig burrows when they molt. Deep down in the sand, they’re protected from predators and bad weather. This time, something weird happened. They hid way deeper than ever before, so they had more time to grow. For 6 months, they’ve been sitting and waiting for their new shell to grow. And they grew so large that small shellfish and algae are just not enough, and they want more food... Okay, this is one more crazy what-if question for those who love hypothetical scenarios. So, what if our oceans were filled with giant crabs? #brightside Preview photo credit: Marmaris/Turkey - July 2019: Marina in Marmaris, bird's eye view photographs: By Budilnikov Yuriy/, Animation is created by Bright Side. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
9 min
10 Facts About the Female Body Very Few People ...
If you think you know it all about the human body, we have a surprise for you – there’s still so many amazing facts you don’t know. This is especially true about the female body and physiology, it’s a mystery that waits to be uncovered. Find out the amazing female secrets to better understand women. Music: TIMESTAMPS #10. Their necks are more flexible. 0:42 #9. Women have sensitive hearing even while sleeping. 1:32 #8. One of their breasts is bigger than the other. 2:34 #7. Women are more rational than men. 3:10 #6. Women are more prone to having cellulite, and that isn’t a bad thing. 3:47 #5. They get drunk faster than men. 5:06 #4. They form stronger attachments to people. 6:08 #3. Women's bodies keep changing even into their twenties. 6:52 #2. Their brains are more intricately hard-wired. 7:55 #1. Blond hair is more common among Caucasian women than Caucasian men. 8:41 Bonus: the enigma of female body language 9:31 Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
10 min
10 Simple Tips That Will Make Your Hair Grow Fa...
How to keep your hair beautiful and healthy? How to make your hair grow faster? Pretty much every woman wants to have beautiful thick and shiny hair. It’s not always the result of expensive SPA treatments and can be achieved with simple DIY tips. The most important thing is taking care of your hair so it can be soft, thick, and silky. Here is an ultimate guide to affordable hair care for you! #growhair #haircare #thickhair TIMESTAMPS Washing 0:29 Blow drying 1:20 Hair types 2:11 Curling iron 4:33 Hair straightener 5:32 Hair oil 6:41 Hair mask 7:50 Diet 9:20 Hair color 10:58 Seasons 11:46 Music: Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram SMART Youtube: 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
12 min
11 Quick Ways to Grow Long Eyelashes in 30 Days
Who doesn't dream about long, fluttering eyelashes? To achieve this result, you can buy pricey cosmetic products, expensive mascara, or false lashes. You can even resort to eyelash extensions. But before wasting tons of money, why don't you try these cheap and effective ways to make your eyelashes thick and beautiful in just one month? #eyelashes #longlashes #groweyelashes Other videos you might like: 11 Secrets the Beauty Industry Doesn’t Want You to Know • Видео Push Your Nose Upward for 10 Seconds, See What Happens • Push Your Nose Upward for 10 Seconds,... 6 Face Care Tips to Make Your Skin Look Just Perfect • 6 Face Care Tips to Make Your Skin Lo... TIMESTAMPS: Combing 0:27 Natural essential oils 1:09 Petroleum jelly 2:00 A healthy and balanced diet 3:08 Green tea 4:00 Aloe vera 4:39 Massage 5:25 Egg mask 5:56 Cleansing 6:35 Makeup breaks 7:02 Here are several more useful tips! 7:29 Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Photos: East News ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
8 min
What If a Rusty Nail Poked Your Foot?
What if a rusty nail poked your foot? You’ve probably heard by now that getting injured by any rusty object can lead to tetanus. Tetanus is caused by bacteria known as Clostridium tetani, which is commonly found in soil, dust, and animal feces – all ideal places for rusty objects to be found. Anyway, if this bacteria enters your body through the wound, you're in really serious problems...
9 min
9 Riddles Only People with High IQ Can Solve
Get ready for a new portion of mind-blowing riddles to solve which you'll need to apply all your logic and detective skills? That's a tough challenge but if you are up to it, let's start! After each riddle, you'll have 20 seconds to find a solution. However, if you need more time, don't be too shy, simply pause the video. Music: Boo Boogie - Dougie Wood The Farmer In The Dell (Instrumental) - The Green Orbs Splashing Around - The Green Orbs Rodeo Show - The Green Orbs TIMESTAMPS Riddle #1 0:38 Riddle #2 1:52 Riddle #3 3:16 Riddle #4 4:28 Riddle #5 5:30 Riddle #6 6:33 Riddle #7 7:59 Riddle #8 9:12 Riddle #9 10:13 SUMMARY -Your task is the following: empty 1 jar of milk and 1 jar of water into a bowl. -Guess how John managed to stay under the water for two minutes longer than the magician. -How is it possible that Sam shot himself with real bullets but stayed alive and unharmed? -If we select 40 random people from the phone directory, how many of them will have unlisted numbers? -Can you figure out how to slice a cake into 8 absolutely equal pieces with just three cuts? -Why did the blind man commit suicide even though his surgery was successful? -What one thing can you buy to have something to eat, something to drink, something to feed a cow with, and something to plant in the garden? -Which death did the smart man choose to save himself? -Is there a possible way for one of them to survive if one of them can be shot with a gun and the other one can fall into abyss? Who will actually die? Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
11 min
4 Things They Forgot to Tell You In Driving School
How to become a better driver? Even the most experienced drivers don’t always know all the subtleties or nuances that can make driving easier. And most of them are convinced that if they know all the rules of the road, they’ll be ready for any situation that may occur. However, besides these rules, there are others that are no less important. And if you don't follow them, you may get seriously hurt even in a minor accident! Do you know how to figure out if your vehicle’s brake pipes are in good condition? Or why you shouldn't lift your whole foot off the floor when you switch from one pedal to another? Or how to wear your seat belt properly? Well, these things are really worth knowing! TIMESTAMPS: How to adjust your seat properly 0:58 How to check the brake pipes 5:32 How to wear your seat belt properly 6:57 How to switch from one pedal to another properly 8:13 #autos #cardriving #car Music by Epidemic Sound SUMMARY: - When you're in the driver's seat, your knees should be slightly bent. If you feel that you need to stretch your leg to reach the gas pedal, move your seat forward. - Your seat should be positioned in such a way that your hips are at the same level as your knees. If you can't clearly see out of all the windows or through the windshield, raise your seat. - The backrest should be reclined at about a 100-degree angle. This is the most comfortable position for your body. - The best way to hold the steering wheel is at 9 and 3. You know, this is when you imagine that your steering wheel is the face of a clock. Put your left hand where the 9 would be on the clock, and your right hand goes on the 3. - You should constantly keep an eye on the state of your brake pipes and brake pads. Even the tiniest crack on a brake hose can result in an accident because you won’t be able to stop the car. - To figure out if your vehicle’s brake pipes are in good condition, touch them. If they’re hard and crack when you try to bend them, they need replacing. - You should also remember that your foot typically stays on the heel when you position it over the accelerator. But when you move it over to the brake pedal, your heel may not be able to touch the floor. - The top strap should cross your chest and collarbone, and the lower strap should go across your hips. Do NOT place it over your belly. - If your car’s seat belts aren’t adjustable, you can always slide the seat further up or back. If nothing helps, get a padded belt cover. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
10 min
12 Android Apps You Need to Delete Immediately
Pay attention to the list of the most suspicious apps you may come across in Google Play. Delete them from your phone immediately to protect your personal data and extend the life of your phone. Their creators promise the apps will optimize your device, extend the life of your battery and protect your phone from viruses. Some of them are even supposed to be lie detectors and defragmentation devices. In fact, all they give you is ads, and what they do is get access to your data and kill your battery. Considering the huge number of apps created every single day, not even Google can keep track and check the safety of all the new programs. So the security of your device mostly depends on you! Music: Master of the Feast - Kevin MacLeod Creative Commons Attribution ( Source: Artist: TIMESTAMPS Weather apps 0:43 Social media apps 1:31 Optimizers 2:02 Built-in browsers 2:32 Antivirus programs from unknown developers 3:01 Browsers with additional features 4:26 Apps for increasing your phone’s memory 5:43 Lie detectors 6:14 Defragmentation apps 7:00 Music Player 7:28 Battery Savers and Fast Charge apps 7:51 Wi-Fi apps 8:23 SUMMARY -There was a weather app that allowed the bad guys to avoid two-step authentication and easily get access to banking information of those who installed it. -Social media apps suck up so much of your device’s energy and kill the battery too. -Optimizers don’t make your phone’s system faster, they just slow it down and bring you ads as an added bonus. -Built-in browsers are mostly slow-working and don't have any protection from data interception. -Hackers create their own antivirus apps, which can steal users’ personal data and even completely block the phone. -You have at least two reasons two delete browsers from your phone: they slow it down, and require access to most aspects of the system, so they can even manage your calls. -You won't get more memory than your phone had initially, but will provide memory apps with access to your data. -Lie detector apps are about as useful as crystal balls, but they kill your battery and get access to your contacts and personal data. -Defragmentation apps don’t work like promised. They can only analyze how much space certain programs take up, use your phone's resources and collect your personal data. -You will want to delete this app because it consumes tons of data since it’s full of ads and causes a massive drain of your battery. -Battery savers and fast chargers can’t really change the speed of your gadget charging, but can give you endless apps even on lock screen. -If you don't want these apps to get access to all your data, avoid them at all costs. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
9 min
5 Foolproof Ways to Spot a Liar
How to spot a liar? What can be more intriguing than a true detective story in your real life? Here are 5 things that can show you that your interlocutor is insincere with you. As a bonus, we’ll show you an amazing 99% working method to distinguish between the lies and the truth. TIMESTAMPS Liars avoid mentioning themselves 1:09 A liar’s speech attitude is negative 2:03 A liar’s explanations are as simple as possible 2:38 A liar uses confusing wording 3:19 Liars use too many details in a simple story 4:12 BONUS 5:40 #spotliar #revealtruth SUMMARY Scientifically speaking, when we know we’re telling lies we can’t but feel nervous. That leads to faster heart beating and pupil dilation. All you need is to ask the question you want to be answered and watch the interlocutor strictly in the eyes when he answers. You’ll see everything you want. By the way, not only the pupils can give away the lies, but the inability to watch back. Also, a liar thinks that details make the story true to life which is wrong. We do not memorize our automatic, habitual actions. There is a hint for this point: if you are not sure about the person, ask him or her to tell the whole story from the very beginning. If you are talking to a liar, he will be trapped in all his imaginary excessive details. Just try it and share the experience in the comment section below, it will be interesting! Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
6 min
12 Signs Your Pet is Crying for Help
Is your cat just tired, or does it have a fever? Has your dog been drinking more water than usual? Can that be a sign of something dangerous? If you notice any of the following warning signs, take your pet to the vet urgently!
10 min