Bright Side

Whether you’re into useful tips for self-improvement, psychology, recent discoveries, mysterious stories, or just your day-to-day routine, there’s something for everyone! You can expect all that and more coming at you in five new episodes every day. If you’ve got a thirst for knowledge that never quits, then join our community! We have a good time, so take your shoes off, kick back, and make yourself at home here on the Bright Side of life!

A Plane Lost Its Roof at 24,000 Feet But Manage...
You’ve probably seen Hollywood movies where a hole in the side of a plane causes utter chaos. Luckily, in reality, small damage to fuselage won't have such dramatic consequences. But a big opening in a plane’s side will. So would you believe me if I told you a pilot managed to land a plane with its much of it’s roof torn completely off? Other videos you might like: What Would Happen If Plane Doors Opened? • What Would Happen If Plane Doors Opened? 10 Flight Attendant Secrets You Don’t Know About • 10 Flight Attendant Secrets You Don’t... A Man Spent 18 YEARS at the Airport • A Man Spent 18 YEARS at the Airport TIMESTAMPS: Why the pilots didn’t inspect the aircraft from the outside 0:37 Clear blue sky instead of the ceiling 1:54 What happened to the passengers 3:27 An emergency landing 4:38 No ambulances were waiting for the injured 6:28 What could cause such a terrible accident? 7:48 #planewithoutroof #boeing737 Music by Epidemic Sound SUMMARY: - At 1:25 pm, on April 28, 1988, a 19-year-old Boeing 737 that belonged to Aloha Airlines left Hilo International Airport and headed for Honolulu. - When the plane arrived at this destination, the pilots didn’t leave the cockpit or inspect the aircraft from the outside. After all, it wasn't a requirement, and they didn't have to do it. - The length of the missing part was 18.5 ft long, and that was the aircraft skin that covered the plane from the cockpit back to the fore-wing area. - The plane started to roll from side to side, and it was becoming increasingly harder to control. Everybody who was in the cockpit immediately put on their oxygen masks, and the captain took over the aircraft. - All three flight attendants were standing along the aircraft aisle. The one who was the closest to the front of the plane was swept out through the hole in the roof. - But the problem was at that time, in case of emergency, the airport control tower had to dial 911 just like anyone else. l - As the plane was approaching the runway, the left engine failed, and the aircraft started rocking and shaking. The captain made an attempt to restart the engine but didn't succeed. - Everyone on the plane, except for the flight attendant who had been pulled out of the plane, was alive, although 65 people were injured. Most people had been hurt by flying debris and torn pieces of fuselage. - During one interview that followed the accident, passenger Gayle Yamamoto remembered that she had spotted a crack in the fuselage when she was boarding. Unfortunately, she was the only one who had seen this damage, and the woman hadn't thought that the crack was important enough to inform the crew. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Photos: East News ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
9 min
This Planet Can Become Our New Home
Are you wondering what the future of our planet might be like? Check out Earth 2.0: Our New Home? In this fascinating documentary, filmmakers explore the potential for a future where humans live on another planet. Whether you're a skeptic or an enthusiast, this documentary is bound to whet your appetite for a future beyond our planet. With startling revelations and jaw-dropping footage, Earth 2.0: Our New Home? is an eye-opening experience you won't want to miss! Animation is created by Bright Side. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound Check our Bright Side podcast on Spotify and leave a positive review! Subscribe to Bright Side: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightside.official TikTok: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
26 min
What If Everyone Slept for 1000 Years And Then ...
💡 Shop our unique MERCH store for your Bright style (open globally!): Can humans hibernate? Many animals do that, but unfortunately, it doesn’t work with us humans. But what if we could hibernate? So imagine that everyone in the world has decided to skip the next 10 centuries. The entire population of Earth goes down to specially built underground bunkers, and everyone settles into their comfortable beds. The last person awake sets the alarm clock for 1,000 years in the future and closes their eyes. The millions of robot helpers which the people say good night to are going to stick close to their sleeping masters. They’ll monitor their condition and observe what happens to our planet. So the people don’t leave anyone behind to look after our civilization. Their homes and offices and all of the world’s cities are handed over to nature... #brightside TIMESTAMPS: Week later 1:12 A month has passed 1:52 Year later 2:13 Five years of sleep 2:37 Ten years 3:15 30 years 3:37 50 years 4:25 100 years 4:43 150 years 5:23 300 years 5:40 500 years 6:10 The finish line 6:25 Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
8 min
5 Ways to Improve Your Eyesight Without Glasses
How to improve your vision at home? How to say goodbye to your glasses without expensive surgery? Here’s a list of 5 effective home remedies that will help you improve your vision naturally and boost your eyes. These remedies you most likely have at home have proven their effectiveness over centuries. TIMESTAMPS Aloe vera 0:56 Ginkgo biloba 4:18 Green tea 5:29 Bilberry 6:41 Almonds 7:21 Music: Someways - Nicolai Heidlas is licensed under a Creative Commons license ( SUMMARY -Aloe vera is a great source of important vitamins and antioxidants that help with white blood cell production and tissue recovery. Aloe vera is effective enough even when used alone, but we’ll spice it up with following ingredients: 1 lb of ground walnuts, 300 ml of pure honey and freshly squeezed juice from 4 lemons. -Ginkgo biloba can help relieve anxiety and boost your memory and thinking process, which is especially good for people with dementia and Alzheimer’s. As for our vision, it’s great at increasing blood flow to the eyes. -Green tea is rich in antioxidants called flavonoids, which fight off free radicals that can cause a number of eye diseases, like glaucoma, macular degeneration and cataracts. -Bilberries improve nighttime vision, and help regenerate important parts of the retina, which can be damaged because of high blood pressure and diabetes. -Raw almonds are a natural source of omega-3 fatty acid, vitamin E and antioxidants, all of which are great at improving vision. What you have to do is soak 5 to 10 nuts overnight. When you wake up in the morning, peel and grind them. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram SMART Youtube: 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Have you ever seen a talking slime? Here he is – Slick Slime Sam: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
8 min
See If You Can Solve These 7 Riddles with a Twist
These riddles might look easy enough at first glance, but once you find out the correct answer, you'll be beating yourself up for not paying closer attention to the details. Can you be really attentive and think outside the box? Let's find out! Music: Retro - Wayne Jones TIMESTAMPS Riddle #1. The secret password 0:35 Riddle #2. A mugging? 1:56 Riddle #3. Jack’s dilemma 3:19 Riddle #4. A life-or-death decision 4:27 Riddle #5. Card trick 6:08 Riddle #6. The odd one 7:20 Riddle #7. The ticket clerk 8:27 #riddles #brainteasers #puzzles SUMMARY -Can you figure out what Matt should've said to get into a private club? -How did the police officer figure out that the man was lying? -How can poor Jack get to the other side of the river with all 3 objects safe and sound? -Which door should Tom choose to survive? -Help Adam to create two piles with the same number of cards facing up. -Which one of the objects you see does not belong in the group? -How did the ticket seller know that the man needed 2 tickets? Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
9 min
7 Things You Shouldn't Do In an Automatic Trans...
Do you drive a car with an automatic transmission? 🚕 The interface of automatic vehicles is often simpler, and new drivers don't have to struggle with a seemingly unruly stick shift and clutch. But there are still some ways you can mess up your transmission. Here are 7 of the most dangerous mistakes you can make when driving an automatic! 📣 TIMESTAMPS: Don't shift from "drive" to "reverse" before your car stops moving 1:06 Never put your car in "park" before it stops completely 1:55 Don't put it in "neutral" at stop lights 2:56 Don't coast in "neutral" 3:53 Never “launch” your car from a standstill 4:44 Avoid keeping the gas tank on low 5:48 Do not let water get in the transmission 6:31 #automatictransmission #drivinghacks #drivingtips Music: SUMMARY: - If your brakes wear down, replacing them will cost you around $200. But by constantly shifting from "drive" to "reverse" while the car’s still rolling, get ready for damage that can run you at least $2,500. - When you throw it in “park,” a pin locks the transmission output shaft, which connects it to the wheels of your car. But if the car’s still rolling when you do this, either the locking pin or the output shaft may break or become eroded. - It's better to keep your car in "drive" than to switch it to "neutral" when stopped at a light. First of all, when your car’s in "neutral," you don't have as much control over it. So if you need to make some emergency maneuver, you may not be able to execute it in time. - Cars with automatic engines are designed in such a way that they save fuel even if the gear is in "drive." They simply cut the fuel supply when you're going downhill. - Plenty of drivers launch their cars all the time. This causes serious harm to the bands and clutches of the automatic transmission. When you shift, they use friction to move definite parts. - Ignoring the low fuel light may eventually cost you much more than just filling your tank up, especially if your car has an automatic transmission. - If water gets into the transmission, you're in big trouble. Even the smallest amount of water, just an ounce, can wreak havoc on your car’s transmission to the point that it needs replaced. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
7 min
Why Squirrels Have Orange Teeth + 99 Little-Kno...
CHECK OUT OUR LATEST HITS: This Baboon Operated a Railway and Never Made Mistakes • This Baboon Operated a Railway and Ne... • Story of a Frozen Girl's Survival + O... • Story of a Frozen Girl's Survival + O... What If Columbus Never Reached the Americas • What If Columbus Never Reached America #brightside Animation is created by Bright Side. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music from TheSoul Sound: Listen to Bright Side on: Spotify - Apple Podcast - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook - / brightside Instagram - / brightside.official Tik Tok - Snapchat - / 1866144599336960 Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
128 min
20+ Tricks to Charge Phone Battery Faster and S...
These days, people need 4 things to survive: food, water, air, and phone charging. And YouTube – oh, that’s five. Anyway, we want our phones to charge as fast as possible, even if it means messing up our little digital friends! Well, there’s a right way to charge your gadgets fast so they serve you longer – and there are some wrong ways!
8 min
Who Is the Fastest Living Being in the World?
What is the average person walking speed? Actually, humans aren’t that fast. They walk at a humble average speed of 3 mph. But they're already faster than a lot of other land-inhabiting creatures. For example, insects and other bugs are fast only for their tiny sizes.
9 min
What If Just One Planet Disappeared from the So...
Have you ever thought about what will happen to your solar system’s “perfect harmony” if it loses a planet? For example, the closest planet to the Sun is Mercury, right? Oh, it’s so small! So with Mercury gone, how’s Earth looking? Hmm, no changes in the solar system. It’s all about gravity.
8 min
29 Things That Exist Only in Japan
There are a lot of countries that are famous all over the world for some peculiarities. Japan is, probably one of the most exotic ones. It is known as the Land of the Rising Sun, but it could also be called the Land of singing toilets, the country of the blue traffic light, or the country of vending machines.
10 min
What Would You Choose to Survive? HARDEST TEST ...
Test your survival skills as you make really hard choices. This mind-blowing test requires all your attention – choosing the right option in critical situations in reality can save your life one day. Escaping form the top floor of a skyscraper, getting out of a cave, picking the right door to freedom, running away from a haunted castle and breaking free from a mad scientist’s lab – let’s see if you can do it all. TIMESTAMPS Elevator Escape 0:33 The Cave Crisis 2:16 The Door to Freedom 4:24 The Haunted Castle 5:26 A Dangerous Game 7:13 SUMMARY -You have to pick one elevator to get out of the building before the demolition starts. -Which of the five tunnels will you choose to get out of the cave crisis? -Decide which of the three doors will set you free from prison. -Escape from a haunted castle on Halloween by picking the right door. -Outsmart the mad scientist and win your freedom back. All you have to do is choose one of the three doors to go through. #hardchoicegame #wouldyouchoose #hardtest Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
9 min
7 Things That Can Change Your Eye Color
Can you change your eye color? No matter whether you have brown or blue eyes, you’ve probably been wondering how you’d look with green eyes, for example. You might assume that the color of your eyes is something you have no control over and that it’s all genetic. But have you ever wondered why your eyes look a bit lighter on a sunny day? Or why the eyes of people who are in a rage seem to go dark all of a sudden? But very few of us know that there are a number of factors including food and emotions that can change the color of our irises. Yep, your eye color can change depending not only on the lighting or your mood! We put together some interesting facts about how and why a person can change the color of their eyes. TIMESTAMPS: Melanin and aging 0:53 An injury 2:23 Your mood 3:22 Raw food diet and detoxing 4:25 Make-up and clothing 6:14 Laser lightening of the eye color 7:18 Colored contact lenses 8:09 Music by Epidemic Sound SUMMARY: - The eye color of babies from 3 to 18 months old can become darker if the number of melanocytes in their irises increases. Depending on how much more melanin develops, a blue-eyed baby can end up with green, hazel, or brown eyes. - According to Dr. Ivan Schwab, a clinical spokesman for the American Academy of Ophthalmology, head or eye trauma can result in a condition called heterochromia, which is when a person’s eyes have two different colors. - The pigments in your iris compress or spread apart, making them darker or lighter, when the size of your pupil changes. Your pupils, in turn, can get bigger or smaller depending on your emotional state. - There’s a theory in alternative medicine that the color of the irises and the health of the internal organs are connected. It’s called iridology. However, there isn’t a lot of scientific proof backing it up, so it still needs further research. - When it comes to bringing out certain pigments in your eyes, makeup and clothing can truly work miracles. - Innovative eye color correcting laser surgery doesn’t come with so much risk. The procedure involves using a laser to destroy melanin cells in the irises, making them appear lighter. - Of course, the quickest way to change your eye color is to pop in some colored or decorative lenses! But which one is right for you? Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
10 min
+50 Cool Life Hacks That Are Worth Memorizing
Most of us perfectly know the struggle of arriving at the supermarket when we are ready to shop, only to discover you have no means to release a trolley from its locked chain. You don’t have a coin with you and the trolley remains locked. What should you do? Here’s a life hack: a key can help. Yup! A key can serve as a coin that’ll unlock the trolley and you’ll easily release it. Here’re the coolest life hacks that’ll make life easier. #brightside Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightside.official Tik Tok: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
29 min
7 Mystery Riddles Only the Smartest 5% Can Solve
💡 Our shop for unique and stylish Bright Side MERCH (open globally!): Bright Side found several brain teasers that only a few people can figure out. Test your detective and logical skills with these amazing riddles! Are you a fan of a good old Agatha Christie novel? Or are modern works with the elements of thriller more to your liking? Time to test yourself! We are all familiar with typical IQ tests that rate your intelligence level after you have answered 40 standardized questions. But there are some other ways to find out what your inner genius can do! We've found several riddles that only a few people can figure out. Do you feel brave enough to crack them? Then go ahead and test your detective skills with these riddles! After each riddle, you will be given 15 seconds to find the answer! Music: Sugar Plum Breakdown by Kevin MacLeod ( is licensed under a Creative Commons license TIMESTAMPS Jailbreak 0:50 A stolen necklace 2:03 Murder at school 3:04 A lonely man 4:13 Two pills 5:27 Frozen windows 6:27 Chemical substances 7:36 Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Subscribe to our new channel 'SLICK SLIME SAM' - Give a thumbs–up to see more adventures! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
9 min
7 Riddles That Will Test Your Brain Power
💡 Brighten your style with our MERCH (open globally!) here: These 7 puzzles will trick your brain. 😉 Take this fun test to check the sharpness and productivity of your brain. Try to answer these questions as quickly as possible and see the results! 👍 Our brain is a mysterious thing. We know more about stars than about the things inside our heads! But what we do know about the brain is that it gets less sharp and productive with age. You have a maximum of 20 seconds for each task, but try to answer the questions as fast as possible. TIMESTAMPS What is the mistake two photos have in common? 0:45 How many holes does the T-shirt have? 1:53 How would you name this tree? 2:40 Can you solve this riddle one in 5 seconds? 3:21 Do you see a hidden baby? 4:26 Which line is longer? 5:12 Can you spot Mike Wazowski? 6:30 #riddles #hardtest #brainteasers SUMMARY If it took you more than 20 seconds to answer each question, or you didn't manage all the tasks, it means that you have the brain of a mature person. It 's hard for you to make your mind see beyond the obvious and you can't handle change easily. If took you less than 20 seconds, your brain is quite young, and you can approach tasks from different angles. If you answered each question correctly in less than 5 seconds, your brain is very young and flexible! You can notice the tiniest details right away and adapt to new situations easily! What is your result? Tell us in the comment section below! Subscribe to our new channel 'SLICK SLIME SAM' - Give a thumbs–up to see more adventures! Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
8 min
How Good Are Your Eyes? Cool and Quick Test
💡 Check out the Bright Side shop (open globally!) at: How good is your eyesight? Here’s a simple eyesight test that will show how sharp your eyes are. We all know that “eyes are the windows to the soul.” Do your windows need cleaning, or are they crystal clear and give a sharp picture of the world? Take this test to find it out! There will be 4 stages, and it will get harder and harder with every stage. The first one might seem like a piece of cake (and if you’re actually seeing a piece of cake we’ve got problems), but the further we go, the more concentration it will require. In fact, only 8 % of people can pass stage 4 because it is so hard. You will have the same task for every question in all the stages. The task is to pick 1 out of 10 colors which is different from the rest. To pass each of the stages, you have to find that odd one out in each task. If you fail once, you fail the entire stage. #vision #eyetest TIMESTAMPS Stage 1 Easy 1:11 Stage 2 Normal 2:23 Stage 3 Hard 3:53 Stage 4 Very Hard 5:29 Results 7:06 SUMMARY Congratulations to all superhumans out there who made it. Your eyesight is fantastic! 92% of people failed at this task, and you managed to rock it! There is a chance you are a tetrachromat. This smart word is used to define people who have more receptors in their eyes than others and can see more shades of different colors. Did you manage to make it through all 4 stages? If you failed, at what stage did it happen? Let’s discuss it in the comments section! Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram SMART Youtube: 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Have you ever seen a talking slime? Here he is – Slick Slime Sam: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
8 min
Channel Your Inner Sherlock with These 17 Riddles
Ready to test your detective skills? "Channel Your Inner Sherlock with These 17 Riddles" is a fun challenge that will get your brain buzzing. Each riddle is designed to make you think outside the box and sharpen your problem-solving abilities. From tricky word puzzles to mind-bending logic problems, these riddles will keep you entertained and engaged. Grab a friend or go solo, and see if you can solve them all like the great Sherlock Holmes! #brightside Animation is created by Bright Side. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music from TheSoul Sound: Listen to Bright Side on: Spotify - Apple Podcast - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook - / brightside Instagram - / brightside.official Tik Tok - Snapchat - / 1866144599336960 Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
11 min
Crack These Riddles or They Will Crack You
Hey everyone! Are you ready to put your brain to the test? Join us in our latest video, "Crack These Riddles or They Will Crack You!" These tricky riddles will challenge your mind and keep you on your toes. Think you have what it takes to solve them all? Click to find out and prove your riddle-solving skills! #brightside Animation is created by Bright Side. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music from TheSoul Sound: Listen to Bright Side on: Spotify - Apple Podcast - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook - / brightside Instagram - / brightside.official Tik Tok - Snapchat - / 1866144599336960 Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
8 min
Why No One Should Swap Seats on a Plane
You probably aren’t the only one looking to pull the ol’ switcharoo. Even if just a few passengers do it, they could throw the plane off balance! And since most aircraft are incredibly sensitive to changes in their center of gravity, it can lead to dramatic consequences.
8 min
14 Riddles to Awaken Your Inner Ghostbuster
Are you ready to awaken your inner Ghostbuster? Join us as we dive into 14 spine-tingling riddles that will test your wits and keep you on the edge of your seat! Whether you're a riddle enthusiast or just love a good challenge, these puzzles are sure to get your brain buzzing. Grab your proton pack and get ready to solve some mysteries. Don't miss out—watch now and see if you have what it takes to crack these ghostly riddles! #brightside Animation is created by Bright Side. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music from TheSoul Sound: Listen to Bright Side on: Spotify - Apple Podcast - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook - / brightside Instagram - / brightside.official Tik Tok - Snapchat - / 1866144599336960 Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
11 min
21 Riddles to Level Up Your Critical Thinking
Ready to boost your brainpower? Dive into our video with 21 riddles that will level up your critical thinking skills! These puzzles are designed to challenge your mind and sharpen your problem-solving abilities. Whether you're a riddle master or just looking for a fun mental workout, this video is for you. Join us and see how many you can solve. Watch now and take your critical thinking to the next level! #brightside Animation is created by Bright Side. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music from TheSoul Sound: Listen to Bright Side on: Spotify - Apple Podcast - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook - / brightside Instagram - / brightside.official Tik Tok - Snapchat - / 1866144599336960 Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
12 min
If You Crack These 15 Riddles, You Have Hidden ...
Hey there, Bright Siders! Ready to put your brain to the test? Dive into our latest video, "If You Crack These 15 Riddles, You Have Hidden Talents." These riddles are designed to challenge even the sharpest minds. Think you’ve got what it takes? Watch now and uncover your hidden talents! #brightside Animation is created by Bright Side. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music from TheSoul Sound: Check our Bright Side podcast on Spotify and leave a positive review! Subscribe to Bright Side: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightside.official TikTok: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This video is made for entertainment purposes. We do not make any warranties about the completeness, safety and reliability. Any action you take upon the information in this video is strictly at your own risk, and we will not be liable for any damages or losses. It is the viewer's responsibility to use judgement, care and precaution if you plan to replicate.
10 min
13 Riddles That Will Test Your Brain Speed
Ready to put your brain to the test? We've got 13 riddles that will challenge your quick thinking and sharpen your mind! 🎉 Whether you're a riddle master or just looking for some fun, these brain teasers will keep you on your toes. Are you fast enough to solve them all? 🧩 Dive in and see if you can beat the clock with these tricky puzzles. Let's get those gears turning and have some fun! #brightside Animation is created by Bright Side. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music from TheSoul Sound: Listen to Bright Side on: Spotify - Apple Podcast - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook - / brightside Instagram - / brightside.official Tik Tok - Snapchat - / 1866144599336960 Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
9 min
80 Hidden Purposes of Things Most People Don't ...
Animation is created by Bright Side. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music from TheSoul Sound: Check our Bright Side podcast on Spotify and leave a positive review! Subscribe to Bright Side: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightside.official TikTok: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This video is made for entertainment purposes. We do not make any warranties about the completeness, safety and reliability. Any action you take upon the information in this video is strictly at your own risk, and we will not be liable for any damages or losses. It is the viewer's responsibility to use judgement, care and precaution if you plan to replicate.
124 min