Bright Side

Whether you’re into useful tips for self-improvement, psychology, recent discoveries, mysterious stories, or just your day-to-day routine, there’s something for everyone! You can expect all that and more coming at you in five new episodes every day. If you’ve got a thirst for knowledge that never quits, then join our community! We have a good time, so take your shoes off, kick back, and make yourself at home here on the Bright Side of life!

If You Find a Cookie Under Your Doormat, Call t...
How to avoid becoming the victim of an offender? It takes an experienced burglar between 90 seconds and 12 minutes to take everything they need and leave a house. Often break-ins happen when at least one member of the family is at home. In this video, you'll learn what to do if you spot a cookie under your doormat, what white pebbles on your driveway mean and what measures you can take to defend your home. #burglarproof #protecthouse Timestamps: The ploy with a cookie 1:50 What white pebbles left near the house means 3:29 Why you should pay attention to any flyers stuck in a bunch in your entrance door 3:51 One more thing that helps criminals check if a house is empty 4:22 How criminals pass along information to their accomplices 5:06 When you are planning to go away on vacation, be cautious of social media 6:13 Leave the TV and radio on when you're going away 7:45 Make sure somebody comes to pick up the mail 8:23 Music: Summary: - One of the tricks thieves use to gather information about your routine is so simple that you may not even give it a second thought. But the next time you hear a quiet crackle under the sole of your shoe, stop and check what it was. The chances are high that you'll find yourself face to face with a crushed cookie. - Pay attention to any flyers stuck in a bunch in your entrance door. There are 2 reasons why burglars may leave this stuff in your door: they mark your daily routine, and they also mark houses that are empty at the moment. One more thing that helps criminals check if a house or apartment is empty at that moment is something as innocuous as a simple match, a hair, or a piece of thread. Burglars fix these to the door in a way that makes it easy to determine if somebody has entered the house. - Broadcasting your vacation plans may not be the wisest move. Be cautious of social media. You won't believe how many criminals today use it to gather information about their potential victims. - Get to know your neighbors. If you create a community, it will be much harder for thieves to conduct their criminal activity. - There are several things that can discourage burglars from breaking into your home. Use the TV and radio. Leave them on when you're going away. The sound of voices will most likely scare criminals away. Another thing that may help you is to keep some lights on in the house. - One of the most obvious telltale signs that the owners of a house have gone away is a pile of newspapers and mail mounting up at the front door. Ask somebody to stop by regularly and pick up any accumulated correspondence. Before going away, hire somebody to mow your yard regularly and keep the lawn tidy. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
10 min
6 Reasons You've Been Drinking Water Wrong
How much water should you drink? All humans need water to survive. In fact, two-thirds of your body is comprised of the stuff. While drinking water is undoubtedly part of your daily diet, there are ways it can actually be harmful. You may be drinking it incorrectly all the time without even knowing it. Do you drink water while you’re on the go, standing, walking, and even running? This easy habit can wreak havoc on your body! Specifically on your body’s filtration system, aka your kidneys. Do you drink water immediately after a big meal? That's not good for your body either! So, guys, we're going to tell you about how to get the most from your water intake! TIMESTAMPS: Chugging water like there’s no tomorrow 0:41 Drinking water immediately after a big meal 2:33 Drinking ice-cold H20 3:54 Drinking water on the go 5:02 Drinking water at the end of your morning routine 6:10 Skipping a glass of water before bed 7:01 #healthyhabits #unhealthyhabits #drinkingwater Music by Epidemic Sound SUMMARY: - According to Dr. Leonard Smith, a gastrointestinal, vascular, and general surgeon, slowly sipping 2 to 3 oz of water at a time throughout your day should do the trick. - If you’re really thirsty after a workout, for example, or spending time outside and feel the need to chug copious amounts of water, you can potentially die from something called hyponatremia. - When your body starts to digest food, gastric juices work hard to break down the foods. If you drink tons of water while this is all happening, it can dilute the gastric juices and cause insulin levels to rise. - Drinking chilled water can shrink your blood vessels and disrupt the digestion process? It can also cause you to hold on to unwanted fat since cold temperatures solidify fat in the food you eat. - If you’re standing or walking around while you drink, you’re likely to do it faster, which, as you learned earlier, is bad for your digestion and overall health. - Even though it might be challenging, try giving yourself a little time to sit down and sip on some water a few times a day. Even if it’s just 5 minutes, it can benefit your health. - By not drinking water first thing after waking up, even before brushing your teeth, you are depriving yourself of health benefits. - According to a study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology in 2002, water and other fluids can aid in the prevention of fatal coronary heart disease. - Drinking water just before bed can help improve circulation during the night. Since heart attacks are more likely to occur in the morning, this fluid intake at night is incredibly important. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
8 min
Start Eating a Cucumber a Day, See What Happens...
You probably think a cucumber is a vegetable, right? But, according to scientists, it’s actually a fruit. And it’s a really, really cool fruit! Eating just one cucumber every day will result in numerous positive health changes and beauty benefits! Cucumbers might be low in calories, but they are extremely rich in minerals and vitamins. This fruit contains fiber, carbs, protein, vitamins C, K, and B, potassium, manganese, iron, zinc, riboflavin, and magnesium. But if you're used to peeling cucumbers, you'd better get rid of this habit! By peeling this fruit, you significantly decrease the amount of fiber, vitamins, and minerals that it contains. TIMESTAMPS: You'll get additional hydration 0:55 Cucumbers will supply you with necessary nutrients 1:54 You'll start to lose weight 2:44 You won't need any breath fresheners 3:57 Your blood sugar will decrease 4:36 You won't feel stressed anymore 5:15 Your hair and skin will be happy and healthy 5:43 You'll have a healthy heart 6:21 Cucumbers contain a lot of antioxidants 6:59 You won't have any complaints about your digestion 8:14 #cucumbers #healthydiet #beautybenefits Music by Epidemic Sound SUMMARY: - Since cucumbers contain so much water, they’re great at cleansing your body of harmful toxins. As a result, your immune system will become stronger, you'll feel more energetic, and your physical performance will improve. - Being a perfect source of B vitamins, cucumbers can effectively help you if you’re suffering from a hangover. Even if you don't get rid of this unpleasant condition completely, its intensity will decrease noticeably. - A medium-sized cucumber contains only 16 to 20 calories. This means that you can eat as many cucumbers as you want, get all the necessary nutrients and elements, and it won't result in any weight gain. - Cucumbers are good for more than your general well-being. They can also have an immediate positive effect if you have problems with bad breath as they are a natural breath freshener. - According to several studies that can be found in the MEDLINE database, cucumbers have the ability to lower and control blood sugar. - There are different B vitamins in cucumbers: B1, B5, and B7 (or biotin). These vitamins are famous for their ability to reduce anxiety and cushion the negative effects of stress. - Cucumbers are rich in silica, a vital component for the development of healthy and strong connective tissues. Silica can also improve the condition of your skin by making it brighter and healthier. - One of the minerals contained in cucumbers is potassium. Your body functions properly only if there's the necessary balance of this mineral inside and outside your cells. - Antioxidants fight the free radicals that damage your cells and their genetic material by causing the oxidation process. - Cucumbers contain a lot of water, thus promoting hydration. Eating them regularly can prevent constipation. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
9 min
This Space Quiz Will Show How Well You Really K...
Think you know the universe like the back of your hand? Well, it’s time to prove it with this space quiz that only real experts can ace! We’ve got mind-blowing questions that will test just how well you know the stars, planets, and everything in between. It’s not for the faint-hearted—this quiz separates the stargazers from the true space buffs. Ready to show off your cosmic knowledge? Hit play and let’s see if you can name all the right answers! #brightside Animation is created by Bright Side. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music from TheSoul Sound: Check our Bright Side podcast on Spotify and leave a positive review! Subscribe to Bright Side: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightside.official TikTok: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This video is made for entertainment purposes. We do not make any warranties about the completeness, safety and reliability. Any action you take upon the information in this video is strictly at your own risk, and we will not be liable for any damages or losses. It is the viewer's responsibility to use judgement, care and precaution if you plan to replicate.
14 min
10 Facts Movie Theaters Don't Want You to Know
We all love movie theaters for the special feeling they give with fantastic special effects, complete sound immersion and the taste of popcorn. Would you still love them just as much if you found out their secrets movie theater owners don’t want you to know? We’re going to unveil 10 movie theater secrets. In cinemas, many people can’t always keep their feelings to themselves and that’s normal. For example, a movie about cannibals called Raw appeared to be too hard to watch for a couple of visitors at The Toronto International Film Festival in 2016. The people fainted and one of them hit his head badly during the fall. Digital devices can do everything on their own, and there are more automatic processes at a cinema than there were during the previous century. Keep it in mind that in case there are some problems with a projector (the image is blurred, not centered, etc.), you’ll have to stand up and go notify a staff member in the lobby. 20% of the population, including Johnny Depp himself, simply can’t perceive those three dimensions. Harvard Medical School neurobiology professor Dr. Margaret S. Livingstone explains it could be due to stereo-blindness when eyes can’t see in 3D because of the way they are aligned. If you love cleanliness that much, try to visit the cinema in the morning and avoid going there on Friday and Saturday nights when a lot of other people go out to the movies. Music: TIMESTAMPS The biggest part of the profit isn’t earned by ticket sales. 0:49 There’s a lot of piracy. 2:45 A younger audience can watch adult-rated movies. 3:35 Viewers cry, weep, and run out of the hallways. 4:11 Creative ways to sneak in food 5:19 Many people avoid 3D films. 5:57 If there’s something wrong with the picture, the projection booth worker won’t help. 6:58 Cinema halls are full of garbage on weekend nights. 7:38 People often fight at the movies. 8:32 You are being watched! 9:00 SUMMARY -Theaters have to pay a lot to film studios in the first two months of distribution so they have to make their money out of concession. -The cinema staff members who manage to prevent movie theft get a $500 prize. -The younger generations buy a ticket when two movies start simultaneously, and one of them is not R-rated. -A movie about cannibals called Raw appeared to be too hard to watch for a couple of visitors at The Toronto International Film Festival in 2016. The people fainted and one of them hit his head badly during the fall. -One couple stuffed a truckload of food into an infant’s car seat and went to watch a movie. A girl from put some pasta into zip-lock bags and brought them into the cinema with her. -3D glasses give you an illusion of being inside a movie and it drives your visual analyzer crazy. -Even though a movie projector has to be programmed during the day, there’s nobody sitting in the booth when you watch a movie. -A short break between two movies is not enough time for a cinema staff to thoroughly clean up a theater. -Someone who loves to fight will always find a reason to do so. It could be that someone took someone else’s parking place, they talked on the phone during the movie, or someone is chomping too loudly. -Thanks to security cameras, movie theater staff can spot and kick out couples that go too far on their “loveseats”. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
9 min
What Will Happen In The Next 5 Billion Years?
As time goes on, inevitable processes will determine the fate of our Sun, Earth, neighboring planets, and the whole Universe itself. Let's have a peek at a future so distant that it's hard to comprehend and try to answer one particularly alarming question: what will happen to us in the next 5 billion years? The radius of the Sun will be one astronomical unit, which is the distance between the Sun and the Earth. To put that in perspective, right now the Sun’s radius is only 1/215th of an astronomical unit. As is typical of all stars of such a huge size, the Sun will start to cool as it uses up all its energy. The Sun will literally be expelling its atmosphere. As a dramatic result, our Sun will go from a massive giant into a tiny white dwarf. We’re not exactly sure if or when a volcanic apocalypse will happen, it could be anywhere from 0 to 100 million years from now. Freezing of the Earth’s core will certainly lead to the demise of all forms of life on our planet. Scientists believe this is probably what happened to Mars. Fortunately, we have the entire Universe with countless stars and planets that could become a new home for humanity and other earthly species. Chances are that in the next few centuries, people will develop technologies that will allow us to move on in search of new worlds suitable for Earth’s inhabitants. Music: New Beginning TIMESTAMPS The future of the Sun 0:55 Several possible disastrous scenarios for the Earth: Volcanic apocalypse 4:03 An asteroid collision 5:00 Freezing of the Earth’s core 5:40 Gamma-ray bursts 6:20 An intruding star 6:52 The expanding Sun 8:04 SUMMARY -Over its very long lifetime, the Sun is likely to lose lost a third of its mass, just like L2 Puppis, its exact copy. Before that, in about 5 billion years, our Sun will swell into a red giant, over 100 times its current size. -In case of a volcanic apocalypse, humans and all other living creatures on Earth will have to deal with deadly space radiation that the ozone used to protect us from. -While a collision with an asteroid, however big, probably won’t extinguish all life forms on the planet, it could come very close. -In 3 or 4 billion years, the Earth’s molten liquid core may solidify. In this case, the planet will lose its magnetic field and, consequently, its atmosphere. -If the Earth is within the vicinity of a gamma-ray burst, it could obliterate our ozone layer, which will lead to the end of everything on the planet. -In the worst-case scenario, a rogue star will go supernova while passing somewhere near the edges of the solar system, and its ionizing radiation would cause unimaginable harm to us. -We may lose our planet to the expanding Sun 3 or 4 billions years from now. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
9 min
Take Fish Oil Every Day for 20 Days, See How Yo...
What are the benefits of fish oil? This is really miracle product that’ll make us feel and look better on the inside and out. This stuff will transform your body completely! But how? And what’s the right amount to take? If you’re ready for all the answers you need, watch our new video!
12 min
8 Effective Ways to Remove Plaque in Five Minutes
A perfect smile is considered to be one of the most attractive features a person can have. Unfortunately, there are many things that can harm your teeth, such as smoking, too much caffeine, and irregular dental care. These seemingly innocent daily habits can actually cause problems such as dental plaque. You may think: "Why would I waste my time on getting rid of the plaque on my teeth? It doesn't bother me." But, in fact, it's a must if you want your teeth to be healthy. The thing is the process of plaque removal will help you to prevent cavities that otherwise may damage your teeth. Other videos you might like: Do THIS to Remove Blackheads From Your Nose • Do THIS to Remove Blackheads From You... Only 2 Cups a Day for 1 Week for a Flat Stomach • Only 2 Cups a Day for 1 Week for a Fl... 10 Warning Signs Your Heart Isn't Working Properly • Видео TIMESTAMPS: Baking Soda 0:57 Aloe Vera and Glycerin 2:47 Orange peel 3:57 Sesame Seeds 5:04 Vitamin Tooth Mask 5:46 Vinegar Solution 6:34 Cloves 7:29 Rosemary Essential Oil 8:41 Additional Tips 9:20 #whiteteeth #teethplaque #tartar SUMMARY: - Baking soda is perfectly fit for prying tough tartar off of your enamel. It's a bit abrasive though, so don't overdo! - One more way to make your teeth shine is to add enough hydrogen peroxide to 1 teaspoon of baking soda to get a homogenous paste. - People have known about Aloe Vera health benefits for many years. However, its miraculous properties spread to the area of oral care as well. In particular, you can use it as a very powerful natural toothpaste. - After you eat an orange, don't throw away the peel! Rub it onto your teeth — it's an easy way to clean your teeth enamel. - Teeny-tiny sesame seeds can work as a pretty cool dental scrub. They will remove the plaque and even tartar gently and carefully, not damaging the teeth. - Mashing up fruits and veggies containing vitamin C is a quick and easy way to create a plaque-preventing paste mask for your teeth. - One of the ingredients in white vinegar is acetic acid. This acid prevents demineralization of the tooth enamel and the plaque accumulation. - People have been using ground cloves to relieve toothaches for many decades. But it has an ability to destroy microbes in the mouth as well. Yes, exactly those microbes that cause the plaque! - Rosemary essential oil will act as a disinfectant getting rid of the bacteria in your mouth. It prevents cavities and the buildup of the plaque and eliminates bad breath. - Eat more cheese. Cheese helps to produce alkaline saliva, and it, in turn, creates a layer of protection around the teeth and neutralizes plaque acid. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram SMART Youtube: 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Have you ever seen a talking slime? Here he is – Slick Slime Sam: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
12 min
Solve These 14 Escape Riddles To Stay Alive
One of the skills we need in order to decrease our chances of error is attention to details. Riddles and puzzles with answers help us develop this skill with time. The more you train your brain, the faster you learn to spot the tiniest details, solve problems and reach smart conclusions. This set of riddles will give you a chance to participate in a prison break and pass through a secret island! #brightside Animation is created by Bright Side. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound Check our Bright Side podcast on Spotify and leave a positive review! Subscribe to Bright Side: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightside.official TikTok: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
11 min
Lose Belly Fat With Only 3 Tablespoons a Day
This 2-ingredient recipe for a drink will help you lose belly fat with only three tablespoons a day. Your body will say thank you and your friends will ask you to share your way to lose weight so fast! Your friends will ask you to share your new diet plan or workout routine as they will want the same result. TIMESTAMPS Why so many people can't get rid of belly fat 1:22 Garlic benefits, the first ingredient 3:10 Red wine, the second ingredient 4:10 Control your cholesterol level 5:10 Weight loss drink recipe 6:10 Do you have your own secret easy recipes to lose belly fat? Feel free to share them in the comments! SUMMARY - 2017 statistics data from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services shows that 91 % of women in the US are unhappy with their bodies and choose to diet. Over a half of college-aged girls feel pressured to get to a certain weight limit. Finally, and this is pretty shocking, 42 % of girls in 1st through 3rd grade believe they have extra weight and want to lose it. - What can garlic help you with? Well, with a variety of things. Garlic is very rich in antioxidants, which are important for our good health and can help prevent Alzheimer’s disease and Dementia and lower the risk of heart disease, and also fight acne. Garlic can combat common cold, improve your bone health and make your hair thicker when used as a hair mask. Garlic is very nutritious but has very few calories in it. Today, it comes in many forms from whole cloves to powders and pastes and garlic extract and oil. - When taking in moderate amounts (around 3 glasses a week), red wine can actually do you good! Like garlic, it can help you lower your cholesterol, which is important to protect your heart, it also fights off cold, and helps protect your skin from the effects of UV. The skin of red grapes is a natural source of resveratrol. It can help control your blood sugar, boost your brain and memory, and even slow the aging process and prolong your life. Oh, and it reduces the risk of developing depression. - Cholesterol circulates in your blood and comes from two sources. Your body itself, or the liver, to be more precise, makes the right amount of cholesterol for you. The rest you get with your food. Meat, poultry and full-fat dairy products have cholesterol in them, as well as trans fat. Because of these fats in your body, your liver has to make more cholesterol than you need. High cholesterol gives you a higher risk of coronary heart disease, heart attaches, and stroke. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram SMART Youtube: 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
7 min
7 Morning Habits That Stop You from Losing Weight
How to Lose Weight Quickly. You think losing weight is about exercise and dieting, but it’s also about giving up some common habits that prevent you from dropping those stubborn pounds. If you want to burn fat quickly and have the body of your dreams, slender legs and slim toned arms, you have to give up on some things you most likely do every morning. Don’t skip breakfast and have a big one instead of keeping all of your favorite foods for later in the day. Get enough sun rays, and don’t forget to drink enough water. You can even let your pets help you. A dog can become a good companion during your morning run, and a cat can make stretching or yoga much more relaxing and enjoyable. TIMESTAMPS You refuse to eat a big breakfast. 0:52 You don't walk in the sunshine. 2:39 You forget to drink a glass of water after waking up. 3:52 You don't exercise. 5:13 You save delicious dishes for lunch or dinner. 6:18 You read the news in the morning. 7:32 You underestimate the help of your pets. 8:36 Music: Morning Walk . Jingle Punks SUMMARY -A diet that includes a big breakfast and a light dinner is extremely effective. It can encourage greater weight loss than other popular diets based on frequent and light snacking. -When the blue light wavelengths that come from the sun penetrate your skin, they reach the fat cells. After that, the lipid droplets become smaller and leave the cells. To put it another way, when you spend a lot of time in the sun, your cells stop storing so much fat. -If you drink a couple of glasses of water in the morning, you rehydrate your body. In return, your digestion improves. Moreover, water accelerates the process of metabolism, which decreases the risk of getting fat. -When people exercise in the morning when hungry, they are 20% more efficient in terms of losing weight than when they exercise during the day. -If you can't resist eating sweet or baked foods, do it in the first part of the day. -The fear and irritation that you might feel when you scroll through the morning news can have a negative impact on your health and lead to weight gain. It's especially true if you suffer from a chronic lack of sleep. -A dog can become a good companion during your morning run, and a cat can make stretching or yoga much more relaxing and enjoyable. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
10 min
Eat Garlic Every Day, And See What Happens to You
What Would Happen to Your Body if You Eat Garlic Raw Every Day. 💪Garlic is a new superfood that we’ve been using for centuries, but only now realize all the benefits of this little plant. 👍 People shift to the organic lifestyle and make healthy eating a part of the everyday routine. Here are 5 amazing garlic benefits and the most effective way to get rid of garlic smell. TIMESTAMPS Garlic lowers your blood pressure 1:15 Garlic fights bacteria and boosts the immune system 2:07 Garlic prevents cancer 3:27 Garlic promotes detox 3:59 Mild-to-Severe Coughs treatment 4:54 Bonus: Garlic help 6:21 SUMMARY Would you rather let your body consume drugstore chemicals than move toward a positive side of a natural therapy? There are so many plants in your garden with fantastic medical properties, and garlic is one of them. We believe, you never knew that Hippocrates made garlic famous for the medical use. He was among the first doctors to recommend his patients eating garlic on a daily basis to improve their health. To sum up, garlic helps grow beautiful hair, cures acne, soothes psoriasis, helps to control weight, a good athlete’s foot treatment and so much more. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram SMART Youtube: 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
7 min
12 Things That Ruin a First Impression Immediately
Scientists have proven that we form our first impression about someone within the first 7 seconds of meeting them, and 55% of the first impression is based on appearance. Pay attention to 12 common things you should avoid not to ruin the first impression.
10 min
8 Dream Signs You Shouldn't Ignore
Do dreams actually have meanings? Or are they just short movies that your subconsciousness randomly creates? Dreams have always fascinated people. To this day, psychologists conduct extensive research to try and figure out what happens in our mind and body when we sleep. In ancient Egypt, those with colorful and vivid dreams were considered to be special people. So special that most of their dreams were recorded on papyrus! The Egyptians firmly believed that divine revelation came from dreams, in which you could find all the answers to your worries and gain wisdom. In the 19th and 20th centuries, Sigmund Freud, a famous neurologist and the founder of psychoanalysis, introduced his perception of dreaming in his book The Interpretation of Dreams. According to Freud, when your consciousness is asleep and resting, your subconsciousness wakes up and produces images that give you a little sneak peek into your deepest self. TIMESTAMPS: Flying 1:45 Falling 2:24 Being lost 3:22 Being chased 4:00 Being trapped 4:46 Losing teeth 5:32 Being naked 6:14 Meeting a celebrity 7:00 Music by Epidemic Sound SUMMARY: - Flying might show that you have too much on your plate at the moment and that you desperately want to “fly above” all your problems. Either way, these dreams are a way for your subconsciousness to tell you that something needs to be changed if you want to feel this level of lightness and happiness in reality. - If somebody pushed you, this means you're putting too much pressure on yourself. If you know the person who pushed you, they're probably the one to blame for your stress. - The most obvious one is that you have lost your way in reality, and you know that deep down — but you keep going. Your subconsciousness is trying to reach out and warn you that you're going in the wrong direction. - Dreams of being chased are especially common among people who suffer from anxiety and depression. Psychologically speaking, these dreams reflect that you're trying to avoid something in your waking life. So next time you have this dream, try to remember who was chasing you. - Psychologists suggest that being trapped in a dream can show that you're holding on to your past and, therefore, can't live fully in your present. Take some time to re-evaluate your behavior, habits, and attitude. Make sure they reflect the current you, not somebody you used to be. - Psychologists are sure that dreams about your teeth are closely connected to the fear of losing your attractiveness and youth. You're afraid that people will reject you if you become less appealing. And even though it seems like a completely natural fear, if such dreams are recurring, it's a serious problem. - If you notice that you often have dreams in which you appear naked in front of people, this might indicate that you often try to hide your true personality to please others. In this way, “naked” dreams are similar to those in which you lose teeth — with one little exception: it's not about your looks. - According to Lauri Loewenberg, dream expert and author of the book Dream on It: Unlock Your Dreams, Change Your Life, if celebrities are frequent guests in your dreams, it may signify your desire for the validation and recognition you're not getting. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
8 min
8 Proven Traits Men Are Physically Attracted To
Scientists finally revealed 8 traits men are physically attracted to. These easy secret tips will make you irresistible in their eyes. It's really not that hard to pump up your attractiveness. Just take care of your health, don't be afraid to be yourself, and use the tricks on this list to stand out of the crowd. A warm smile is an undeniably attractive feature to men. A person with big eyes seems happier and more appealing. Your lipstick makes a difference, as well. Red lips and red dress are a guarantee of success. And of course, your confidence and personality will attract people. You’ll definitely grab everyone’s attention in every room you walk into. TIMESTAMPS Figure 0:30 Smile 1:10 Facial symmetry 1:59 Lips 2:38 Eyes 3:20 Eyebrows 3:46 Posture 4:20 Clothing color 4:55 SUMMARY -The male brain instinctually looks for a woman with wider hips and a smaller waist. -Smile more often: men admit it gets their attention and gives the impression that a woman is interested and ready to flirt. -The fewer asymmetries your face has, the more attractive it is to other people. -Any man will be drawn to a woman with irresistibly kissable lips. -A person with big eyes seems happier and more appealing. -Take good care of your eyebrows - people notice them even more often than they do the eyes. -Your posture can say a lot about your personality. -Wear red if you want to look gorgeous in the eyes of men. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram SMART Youtube: 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Have you ever seen a talking slime? Here he is – Slick Slime Sam: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
6 min
What Happens to Your Body When You Start Eating...
Honey is the only product which contains all the necessary ingredients to keep you alive and healthy: vitamins, enzymes, minerals, and water. Today, we are exploring all of its benefits and healthy properties. Honey is sweet, made by bees, and Winnie-the-Pooh loves it. But do you also know that honey has existed for millions of years? That honey will never spoil if kept in an airtight container? We at Bright Side have been looking for quite some time for such a product, and it turned out to be natural honey. And we're definitely going to eat a spoonful of it every day from now on! TIMESTAMPS Clearer skin 0:51 Loss of excess weight 2:37 Lowered cholesterol level 3:44 Stronger heart 4:27 Better memory 5:08 Sounder sleep 6:03 Healthier stomach 6:28 Relieved nervous tension 7:14 Honey and garlic combo 7:44 SUMMARY Honey and garlic combo When combined with another natural remedy with strong antiseptic and healing properties — garlic — the power of honey will increase tenfold. Garlic-infused honey will boost your immune system and keep you in good health. You're going to need the following ingredients: • 3-4 heads of garlic • 1 cup raw honey • a small jar with a lid Separate the garlic heads into cloves, and remove their outer layers. Put them into the jar, and then pour honey over them. Remove bubbles if necessary. Cover the jar with a lid, and put it away to infuse for a few days. Take one spoonful a day on an empty stomach, and you will feel energized and healthy like never before. Hopefully, you are already running to your kitchen or the nearest store to start your honey-based treatment. But remember just one thing: like overindulging in anything else, eating too much honey can cause some serious problems. Maybe you have noticed that in all the recipes all you need is one or maximum two spoonfuls of honey. No wonder. If you eat more, it can dramatically increase your sugar level, cause allergy, or lead to putting on excess weight. Therefore, eat it moderately! Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram SMART Youtube: 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
9 min
If You See a Spot on a Banana, Throw It Away Im...
Ah, bananas…They’re delicious, nutritious, and potentially malicious! Wait, what was that last part? How could one little banana do any harm whatsoever?! Well, what if I told you that these days some of them can easily send you to the hospital? Yeah, you’ll definitely wanna know about this, so please watch our new video! TIMESTAMPS: The first case of danger 0:58 The very recent case of danger 3:40 The case with grape 4:34 How to pick apples 6:42 How to pick pears 7:33 How to pick oranges 8:27 How to pick grapes 9:12 How to pick peaches 10:07 #spotbanana #fruitspider Music: SUMMARY: - The first huge eye-opening case of this potassium-packed fruit’s potential danger happened back in 2013. A 29-year-old U.K. woman just bought a couple of bananas. She noticed white fuzzy spots on one of them but figured it was just mold on the peel. - In May 2017, a 30-year-old English woman also became victim of this horrendous experience when she was about to peel her banana and noticed a white egg sac on it. This sac suddenly broke open, releasing hundreds of spiders that started crawling on her hands and arms. - n July 2018, a Connecticut woman found the infamous and extremely deadly Black Widow in some pre-packaged grapes she’d bought at the store. - And if just one of your apples has mold, it won't be long till this mold spreads to other perfectly fine ones. So, it goes without saying, don’t buy or eat moldy apples! - If the pears you're about to buy are soft anywhere else, that's a bad sign of overripe fruit that shouldn't be consumed. - Again, oranges are pretty safe from any unpleasant eight-legged surprises. But as far as consuming them goes, you wanna stay away from too soft and moldy oranges. - The sweetest green grapes are yellow-green, and the best red ones are predominantly red. As for black grapes, it's better to choose richly black ones. - Peaches are delicious and all, but it can be hard to pick the best ones. The first clue of a good peach is a vibrant color. The only red flag here is lighter parts with green tones, which mean that the peach was picked way too early and won't taste as good as a ripe one. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
11 min
My Smartest Friend Couldn't Solve Half of 14 Ri...
It’s scientifically proven that, although the brain isn’t really a muscle, it needs training to stay in good shape. Solving a riddle is a fun way to make your brain think outside the box or sweat with effort. And if you like detective stories, these puzzles give you the opportunity to be like the famous Sherlock Holmes and check your logic and ability to pay attention to tiny details. So, ready to play the part of the detective? We've collected 14 witty brain-teasers, to make sure that your brain will get its daily exercise. How many of them will you be able to solve? #brightside TIMESTAMPS: Thirsty on an Island 0:01 Where’s the Waiter? 1:03 Spilling the Tea 1:52 The Missing Phone 3:02 Where Did the Baker Go? 3:52 Get the Last Question Right 4:42 Where’s He Hiding? 5:32 Lost in an Underwater Cave 6:16 The Van 7:07 The Prison Escape 7:42 The Villa Disappearance 8:25 The Cursed Photo 9:24 The Right Amount of Water 10:03 The Treasure Coin 11:12 Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
11 min
9 Secrets Movie Theaters Are Hiding From You
Many things in movie theaters seem quite strange. For example, the fact that popcorn can be as expensive as your ticket! Let’s explore what movie theaters try to hide from us every single day. TIMESTAMPS The workers do not properly clean the movie halls 0:37 It’s easier for the workers to pick up trash if you place it on the seat, not under it 1:15 High volumes in the movie theater can be dangerous to your hearing 1:46 Until 1981, seats did not have cup holders 2:31 Why does popcorn smell so good? 3:04 The workers kick an amorous couple out of the movie hall at least once a week 3:44 Popcorn prices are unjustly overpriced 4:22 Combo deals will not save you money 5:01 Popcorn is not always sold fresh 5:36 #movietheater #cinemasecrets SUMMARY - Because of tight timings between the movies, all the cleaners can do in that little time is sweep the floors. Sometimes that is done quickly and carelessly. - Of course, the best option is for you to throw it out yourself. If you decided to leave your cup or popcorn box, put it on your seat instead of throwing it on the floor. - Despite the fact that audio system standards and volume level requirements exist, some movie theaters regulate them to suit themselves. Beware of action movies with many bombings and battle scenes, during which the volume usually exceeds the approved level. - By the way, popcorn started being associated with movie watching in the USA during World War Two, when a sugar shortage caused movie theaters to stop selling candy. - There is a reason why we cannot resist the alluring smell of popcorn. Firstly, movie theaters have their secret recipes which help create the incredible scent. For instance, some add a mixture of coconut and canola. - Those who like cuddling, making out, and embarrassing the viewers around them should know that most movie theaters have cameras which capture you in action. - According to several sources of data, 10.5 oz of popcorn costs more than a good quality steak of the same weight. The prices for this beloved movie snack are so overpriced that it would be cheaper to go to a good restaurant instead. - Combo deals consisting of popcorn, soda, and other snacks will not save you money. If you add up the prices of all the components of the deal separately and compare with the combo price, the benefit is not all that big. - If popcorn is not sold out at night, the workers will pack up the leftovers and store it in plastic bags, heating it up and selling it again in the morning. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
6 min
11 Parenting Mistakes That Ruin a Child’s Growth
All parents have their own – unique – way of bringing up their kids. Many of them work in order to be able to buy new toys for them, others are strict because they want their children to be disciplined and goal-oriented, others give their children a choice and teach them to make decisions on their own. Every family has its own ways of upbringing, but there is one thing that all parents have in common: when they look back, they all want to fix some of the mistakes they made in the past.
9 min
12 Things Your Dog Hates About You
Do you want to understand your dog better? Did you know that most of the dogs don't like when you pat their heads? Here are 12 of these annoying habits that your beloved pets don’t like at all. When you get a dog, your life becomes way more fun. Now you have a best friend, who's waiting for you to come home every evening and lightens up your mood. No matter the circumstances every dog unconditionally loves his or her owner, but there are quite a few ways you can get your dogs mad without even realizing it.
7 min
What If You Stopped Drinking Water for 7 Days?
An average person drinks about 264 gallons of water a year. People take this liquid for granted and perhaps never think what would happen if they stopped drinking it. Well, let's see what dire consequences this action would have. "Water" includes other liquids such as soda, juices, tea, and old plain soup. However, these options are perceived by your body mostly like food. If the level of water in your body drops by 1 percent, your survival instinct will kick in, and you will start to feel thirsty. As water is supposed to lubricate your joints and the areas between the bones, its lack will make your whole body hurt as your bones will grind against each other. The condition of your skin will get much worse. Your brain will start to shrink. At first, this will be a temporary phenomenon, but if you don't recover your water balance, the brain may suffer from permanent damage. You can survive without food much longer than without water, that's why feeding isn't the priority of your body. You will be more likely to feel nauseous than starving. It's extremely important to notice the signs of dehydration on time and do everything to avoid such a condition. So, pay attention to your water balance if you gain weight despite your regular visits to the gym meaning that your metabolic rate has lowered, you feel feverish, your heart rate is elevated, your skin loses its elasticity and turns red, you feel constantly tired and can’t concentrate. If you stay in the office during the day, put water on the table and take a sip now and then. If your job is connected with moving around, remember to put your water bottle in your backpack. It may seem surprising, but more than 20 percent of your daily intake of water comes from food. Try to eat more celery, watermelon, and cucumbers to support your water balance. Another way to introduce more liquid to your diet is broths and soups. Music: TIMESTAMPS Why is water so important to us? 0:36 What will happen to your body if you stop drinking water at all? 1:42 Signs you should pay attention to your water balance. 4:18 Tips on how to take enough water properly. 5:25 SUMMARY -Water transports useful substances and nutrients to different organs of your body; it provides energy; it strengthens muscles and lubricates joints. -When your body feels the lack of water, it starts conserving fluids. After a day or so without liquid, you will stop peeing at all. Your energy level will drop significantly, you will start to lose focus easily. -Your mouth becomes dry, and it's hard to swallow. The color of your urine turns darker than usual. You feel constantly tired and can’t concentrate. -Follow the rule of "8 by 8". This means that you need to drink 8 ounces of water 8 times a day. Take a water bottle wherever you go. If water is unavailable, try to find other sources of hydration. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
8 min
22 Things You Should Do at Least Once in Your Life
When you have a plan, life can be so eventful! There are certain things that you definitely must do before you turn 30 – they can help you feel that you’re truly making the best of your time! Lucky you – we found a list of such things. You don’t need superpowers to do them, and they can enrich your life with unforgettable experiences. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s start crossing them off the list! SUMMARY Visit a really exotic place Buy tickets to a music festival Run a half marathon Go swimming in the nude Learn how to cook your own signature dish Research your family tree Try bungee jumping or parachuting Spend a whole night at a party in an unknown city Learn how to make cocktails Grab the microphone at a karaoke bar and sing Try going diving Get lost in a foreign country Climb a mountain Spend a night or two under the stars Take a master class in something new Get in shape Volunteer for something Find someone who will be genuinely dear to you Go traveling on your own Go to a major sporting event Rent a holiday home with people you don’t know Get away from all the hassle for a day Now, what do you think? Do you have anything to add to this? Let us know in the comments below! Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
6 min
15 Tough Riddles That Will Break Your Head
These 15 riddles will require thought, intellect and creativity. But nothing compares with that great feeling, when you manage to crack several riddles in a row! Let's tease our brains! #brightside Animation is created by Bright Side. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit: Our App
11 min
How To Get Dimples Quickly to Make Everyone Go ...
Only 20 % of people in the world are blessed with dimples. However, if you are among the 80 % of those who don’t have them, but want to, there is a solution. Here is a list of easy exercises to get charming dimples and “ten hottest celebrities with dimples” list as a bonus! Remember none of these techniques will give you a permanent result, but maybe it is for the better. This way you can get your dimples on whenever you want or need them! TIMESTAMPS Pulling the cheeks in 0:44 Using a pen or pencil 1:52 Using your index finger 2:41 Drawing it with an eyebrow pencil 3:42 Smiling widely 4:25 Pouting all the way 5:26 Press and grin technique 6:07 Using a bronzer 6:35 Top 10 Celebrities with Cute Dimples 7:22 SUMMARY Pulling the cheeks in is one of the best and easiest way to get dimples. Dimples are not just divine marks of loveliness, they are, in fact, crevices on the cheeks. Some muscles deform and stretch in such a way that they make up this crevice. When a person smiles and pulls those muscles, we can see the dimples. We exercise different muscles at the gym, so why not try and exercise our facial muscles to get the result we want? This method is easy, and here is how it works: you just have to suck your cheeks in for 10 minutes every day. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram SMART Youtube: 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Have you ever seen a talking slime? Here he is – Slick Slime Sam: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
8 min