Bright Side

Whether you’re into useful tips for self-improvement, psychology, recent discoveries, mysterious stories, or just your day-to-day routine, there’s something for everyone! You can expect all that and more coming at you in five new episodes every day. If you’ve got a thirst for knowledge that never quits, then join our community! We have a good time, so take your shoes off, kick back, and make yourself at home here on the Bright Side of life!

32 Great Psychological Tips to Read People's Mind
Sometimes we do something weird and then think, ‘What was the logic of my behavior?’ Was it there? In fact, there’s always some logic, but most often it hides in certain peculiarities of your mind. The human psyche is a pro at hiding its own secrets. Scientists have been working for years to understand everything about the mind and brain, yet there’s still so much left to find out. But you don't necessarily have to be an expert in psychology to understand what's going on in other people's heads and use it to your advantage. There are some psychological tips that work on a subconscious level that help you win another person's trust, get somebody's approval, and relax when you’re stressed out. Watch the video till the end to understand why we always want something that is impossible to achieve and why we act one way or another! TIMESTAMPS: Who people look at when they're laughing 1:04 Constant changing of your memories 2:09 How to get any information you need 4:42 Clustering illusion 7:15 The secret of a small mirror 8:29 The Kuleshov Effect 11:28 How much time you spend in La-la Land 12:11 "Body Negative" 13:52 What 3 things you can't NOT notice 14:10 Survivorship Bias 15:30 Hard-to-Reach Effect 17:32 The Fear of Beauty 19:30 #psychologicaltricks #readpeople #psychologyhacks Music: SUMMARY: - After a good joke or in the middle of an interesting discussion, every person instinctively looks at the person they like the most. This is because they want to make sure that the object of their desires approves of and shares their sense of humor. - People often imagine their memories like short films or video clips. You store them somewhere in the attic of your brain, and they stay there collecting dust and never changing. But this isn't exactly true. - If you don't like the answer someone has given you, or it seems like they’re not telling you the whole story, just keep staring at them. - If you have to talk to a lot of people at work, hang a small mirror behind your desk. You’ll be surprised that many people will be more polite and ready to meet you halfway in negotiations. This is because nobody likes to see themselves angry or annoyed. - The effect when a viewer, after seeing two unrelated frames, unconsciously makes up a logical connection between them is called the Kuleshov effect. - Scientists from the University of California are saying that every single day people spend 30% of their time in La-la Land. - "Body negative" is a condition where a person thinks they’re ugly, and this is why their personal life is a fail. And their whole life is a fail. Most often such people are attractive, and the problem is more about self-esteem than real flaws. - You can't NOT notice 3 things: food, sex, and danger - Most often we judge a situation only by successful people ("survivors"), and that’s why we know just one side of it. - Roughly speaking, this is the phenomenon telling that the hard-to-reach is always more desirable. Even if we look at it from a human level: closed, high-status, "no-one-knows-what’s-on-their-mind" people always seem more attractive than others. - Some people feel excessive tension next to beautiful people: excitement, double control of one’s actions, the desire to save face, and fear of comparison. Such stress doesn’t arise next to an average person. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
22 min
Only a Genius Can Solve These 7 Riddles in 2 Mi...
Logic puzzles are good for people of all ages because they give our minds a chance to limber up. We prepared seven brainteasers to test your wits and attentiveness. Can you solve each of them in 15 seconds? If so, then you can consider yourself a genius (by the way, we aren’t – we couldn’t get the last one). TIMESTAMPS Which symbol should replace the question mark? 0:38 How can you divide this shape into 4 equal parts? 1:34 Find the wrong dice 2:08 How much does the egg cost? 2:50 Find an A among the 4s 3:39 Which number should replace the question mark? 4:26 Find SpongeBob among the Minions 5:26 SUMMARY Our brain is a mysterious thing. We know more about outer space than we do about what’s inside our own head. But what we do know is that various puzzles, riddles, and brain teasers can help our brain function better and stay sharp! Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
6 min
8 Signs You're Suffering from Depression Withou...
How to understand you're suffering from depression? How to get rid of depression which is a serious health condition that can’t be ignored? Depression is a serious matter that, unfortunately, doesn’t get talked about enough. Simply feeling a little sad can make us think that we're depressed, but that's not always the case…or is it? Let's find out what signs are hinting that you might actually be suffering from “the plague of the 21st century”.
11 min
Why You Shouldn't Hold Your Pee In
How to Stay Healthy. We all have moments when we absolutely can’t head to the bathroom straight away even though our bodies are warning us it’s time to go. You can try and hold it in, but is that really safe to do? How much can your bladder hold? And what will happen if you don’t go when you have to? Let’s find the answers to all these sensitive questions together. TIMESTAMPS How much can the average bladder hold? 0:48 How does your body know when it needs to go? 1:38 Is it safe to hold in your pee? 3:13 Can holding it in lead to urinary tract infections? 5:10 Can holding in too much pee kill you? 6:14 What should you do if you really need to hold your pee? 7:49 #holdpee #peecolor Music: SUMMARY -If you’re a healthy adult, your bladder can hold up to 2 cups, or 16 ounces, of urine. -Your bladder is smart and careful enough to turn on the nerves that send the first signals to your brain when it’s just half full. The brain then sends a signal back, telling your bladder to hold it until there’s a bathroom in sight. -Emptying your bladder is a pretty important biological process. Your kidneys work as filters that take excess water and waste out of your blood. -If you hold it in for a long time just once, it’s not like you’re gonna instantly trigger a UTI or anything. However, if you keep doing that on a daily basis, the risk does increase since you’re basically breeding bacteria inside. -When overfilled, the bladder can literally burst when it’s already damaged by some serious condition, like a pelvic injury. Heavy drinking can also lead to this disaster since alcohol can make your body ignore the important signals from the brain. -Try to distract it with some engaging activity. Crossword puzzles and games will do. You can also try to relax and get your thoughts off the bathroom by listening to music. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
9 min
8 Tricks to Sleep Better According to Athletes
Do you have any sleep troubles? World-famous athletes owe a lot of their success not only to their intense training but also to their sleep coaches! That's right, getting proper sleep is crucial for their performance, and they can certainly teach us all a thing or two about it. For example, even if you don’t consider yourself a necessarily light sleeper, experts still recommend using earplugs. It’s often unexpected minor noises that interrupt our sleep and lower its quality, so a simple pair of earplugs can really come in handy. When choosing earplugs, remember to check their noise reduction rating. If you want them to block most sounds, go for the highest rating there is, which is 39 decibels. TIMESTAMPS: Set a schedule based on sleep cycles 0:47 Try to sleep on your side or back 1:50 Set the appropriate temperature in your room 3:02 Invest in good bedding 3:36 Make your bedroom as dark as possible 4:24 Eat the right food 5:07 Use earplugs 6:11 Resolve your stress 6:51 #sleepproblems #insomnia #goodsleep Music by Epidemic Sound SUMMARY: - Sleep is usually measured in 1.5-hour cycles because that’s how much time your body needs to pass through all stages of sleep and restore itself completely. The best solution for adults is to sleep for at least 5 cycles through the night, which equals 7½ hours of rest. - Sleeping on your right side is one of the best sleep positions for your heart. It improves cardiac performance, reduces shortness of breath and palpitations, and lowers your heart rate. - The National Sleep Foundation suggests keeping your bedroom temperature at about 60-67°F. That’s because our body temperature naturally decreases to initiate sleep, and this room temperature range helps boost this important process. - The National Sleep Foundation reminds us that most mattresses have a lifespan of 8 years. If yours is much older than that, you should definitely start looking for a replacement. - Turn off the lights, close your curtains, and try to cover up all illuminated displays and buttons on your electronic devices. Achieving as much darkness as possible will help you successfully go through all stages of sleep and wake up feeling fresh as a daisy! - When you consume caffeine or fatty dishes that are high in sugar, your body temperature rises since it takes a long time for your system to digest that stuff. Of course, a higher body temperature is not what you want when it comes to sleeping. - No matter how great your mattress and pillow are, if you're feeling worried or stressed, you won't be able to sleep. So the solution is simple: try to calm down and relax before going to bed. One of the best ones is meditation! Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
8 min
7 Ways to Look Taller and Slimmer
How to look taller? A petite stature has its advantages. For instance, you always look younger than your actual age. But there are drawbacks as well: you need to carefully choose your clothes and accessories because an unsuccessful combination can easily "shorten" your figure and deprive it of its gracefulness. The editors of Bright Side asked top stylists for advice on how to properly accentuate a petite stature and checked out their recommendations with the help of a charming model. Other videos you might like: 10 Exercises to Become Taller In One Week • 10 Home Exercises to Become Taller In... Top 10 Best Foods to Become Taller • Top 10 Best Foods to Become Taller How Tall Are People From Different Countries? • Where the Tallest People Live In the ... TIMESTAMPS: Tops and skirts 0:52 Belts and shoes 1:34 Jackets and blazers 2:12 Cardigans 2:58 Dresses 3:33 Contrasts and monochromes 4:03 Jeans and tops 4:35 SUMMARY: - It’s better to wear the top tucked into the skirt as this will highlight the waist, lengthen the legs, and make your figure slender and more fragile. - When it comes to shoes, clashing colors or bulkiness can make your legs appear much shorter. If you like wearing shoes or sandals that buckle at the ankle, the straps should match the tone of your skin. - Petite girls shouldn’t wear large or elongated jackets, suits, or blazers. They visibly shorten the legs and make the silhouette blurred and unwieldy. - Long cardigans present an easy solution to adding a few inches to your height without the help of high heels. Such clothing does a perfect job of creating that all-important uninterrupted vertical line, which visibly enhances your stature. - Voluminous dresses look best only on tall girls. When worn by miniature beauties, they press the wearer’s figure down to the ground, shortening your silhouette and, in particular, your legs. - Contrasting colors in clothing, such as a bright top and dark bottoms, separate the figure in half, creating a horizontal boundary line that emphasizes your lack of height. Subscribe to Bright Side : For copyright matters please contact us at: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
5 min
The 15 Main Rules of Modern Etiquette
There are several nuances which only a small number of people seem to know. Bright Side collected 15 rules which can make your life (and those of others’) more pleasant. Being well-versed in the basics is good and all, but there are lots of nuances that only a small number of people seem to know. TIMESTAMPS Never visit without calling first 0:22 Never leave an umbrella open to dry 1:19 Never put a handbag on your lap or your chair 1:55 Wear pants and a sweater at home 2:24 If a child lives in their own room, knock before entering 2:50 Ladies can wear their hat and gloves indoors 3:13 Don’t wear more than 13 accessories 3:52 Inviting someone to a restaurant means you pay 4:33 Don’t inconvenience people on an elevator 5:04 The most prestigious seat in a car is behind the driver 5:49 Face the people already sitting while going to your seat 6:25 Taboos for small talk: politics, religion, health, and money 7:19 Informality between strangers is forbidden 7:53 Discussing those who are absent is unacceptable 8:29 It's better to keep nine things secret 8:50 SUMMARY - Don't ask for the Wi-Fi password. - Take off your shoes before stepping on the hosts' lovely carpet. - Don't explore bedrooms without permission. - Don't raid the host’s fridge or help yourself to food without being offered. - Don't bring your pet without asking first. I’m sure your chihuahua is the cutest thing ever, but somebody in the house may have a pet allergy. - It's considered good manners to bring a gift if you’re invited to a party. - Your open umbrella takes up a lot of space and could inconvenience other people. You should just close it and put it on an umbrella stand or a hook. - A handbag or purse should be hung on the back of a chair or put on the floor if there isn't one. - A robe and sleepwear are meant only for going to the bathroom in the morning and from the bathroom to the bedroom in the evening. - As soon as your kids are in elementary school, ask permission before entering their room. This way, your children will do the same when coming into your bedroom. - Women may leave their fashion hats on at weddings, lunches, or garden parties. They don't have to take their decorative hat off at religious services or at the movies either. - If a woman invites a business partner to a restaurant, she pays. If someone says, "Let's go out to eat!" and everybody agrees, that means everyone pays for themselves. - In a packed elevator, the people standing nearest to the doors are supposed to step outside at all the stops in order to let people exit. - Wherever a woman decides to sit, the man should open her door for her and help her get out of the car. - The rules of etiquette have decided that it’s worse to put your rear end in their face, so go to your seat while facing the other people sitting. What other etiquette rules do you follow? Tell us in the comments below. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram SMART Youtube: 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Have you ever seen a talking slime? Here he is – Slick Slime Sam: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
9 min
If You Solve 20 Riddles In 15 Seconds, You Are ...
If you’ve ever wondered whether your reaction time is quick enough, then put it to the test right now! You’ll see 20 pictures with one or several objects that don’t belong. The tasks will get trickier the further you go, and you’ll have only 15 seconds to find what is off! Ready? Then let’s go! Music: TIMESTAMPS #1 Find the letter “C” among a sea of “O”s 0:33 #2 Find the emoji that differs 1:03 #3 Find which square doesn’t square up 1:32 #4 Find the figure that doesn’t belong 2:02 #5 Find the letter “F” among all the “E”s 2:32 #6 Find the “N” hiding in the “M”s 3:02 #7 Find a bus in all these cars 3:31 Level Up! #8 Find an odd umbrella 4:02 #9 Find an open lock 4:32 #10 Find the “g” among the “6”s 5:02 #11 Find the letter “V” hanging out in the “U”s 5:32 #12 Find something out of ordinary 6:02 #13 Find the “4” in these straight “A”s 6:31 Master level! #14 Find “609” among these “890”s 7:02 #15 Find “786” hiding in these “732”s 7:32 #16 Find “VKY” among the “VXX”s 8:01 #17 Find 2 “UO”s among these “OO”s 8:30 #18 Find 2 hidden “B”s 9:00 #19 Find 5 hidden “Y”s 9:30 #20 Find six “PR”s among these “RR”s 10:02 Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
11 min
10 Differences Between Good Friends and Toxic F...
We all know the phrase ‘a friend in need is a friend indeed.' But did you know the difference between good friends and toxic friends? Well, we all have that one friend who is bad-tempered, a little jealous, and somewhat conceited. Do you think he or she is a true friend to you? Let us see – today, we’ve got 10 major differences between good friends and toxic friends that you should consider. Other videos you might like: 10 Early Signs of a Toxic Relationship • 10 Early Signs of a Toxic Relationship 10 Traits of Toxic Parents Who Ruin Their Children’s Lives • 10 Traits of Toxic Parents Who Ruin T... 9 Typical Signs of an Emotionally Unstable Person • 9 Typical Signs of an Emotionally Uns... SUMMARY: Good friends celebrate your success Good friends respect your alone time Good friends are caring and empathetic Good friends respect you and value your friendship Good friends enjoy exchanging opinions Good friends believe your words Good friends call you because they miss you Good friends accept you the way you are Good friends know that everyone has their friends, and they won’t judge you for that Good friends know how to keep a secret #truefriend #toxicfriend #toxicrelationship So, have you recognized some of your friends? Share this video with those who you consider the best friend ever! Don’t forget to hit that thumbs up button – it’s important for us! Subscribe to Bright Side : For copyright matters please contact us at: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
5 min
10 Mistakes That Shorten Your Pet's Life
What can be bad for your pets? What is harmful to them? 🐶🐱 A lot of people make some serious mistakes in their pet care that can lead to all kinds of health problems and even a shorter lifespan. So let’s see what major no-nos you should avoid and what you should do instead! TIMESTAMPS: Not being picky about food 0:56 Rarely taking pets to the vet 1:45 Allowing pets access to open doors and windows 2:14 Not spaying or neutering 2:50 Neglecting grooming and dental hygiene 3:27 Neglecting bath time or doing it incorrectly 4:21 Giving your pets table food 5:12 Not giving enough attention 5:38 Not checking their collar 6:13 Keeping a dog cooped up all the time 6:50 Parakeets 7:30 Guinea pigs 8:03 #dog #pet #understandyourdog Music: SUMMARY: - Always read the label first before choosing a brand. It shouldn’t contain any flavoring agents, corn, or GMOs. - Don’t neglect regular visits to the vet, even if your furry friends hate you for it! This is the only way to prevent diseases and catch any sort of problems before they get too serious. - Unless you have a fenced-in yard that’s regularly treated to kill any parasites, your pets shouldn’t have open access to the street. - Vets do recommend spaying and neutering your animals because it actually helps them live long and happy lives. - Start brushing their teeth at an early age so that they get used to the process. They make special toothbrushes and pastes for animals that you can get at any pet store. - Bathing is a necessity when it comes to pets. Cats, of course, are a little more self-sufficient when it comes to staying clean, so they don’t really need to be washed. - All vets agree that giving your pet “people food” is a terrible idea. Your pet’s digestive system simply can’t handle most of the stuff we humans eat. - Pets need socialization and human interaction to develop physically, emotionally, and socially. Otherwise they can become easily scared, aggressive, and disobedient. - So be sure to check if their collar is too tight from time to time. For cats and small breed dogs, you should be able to slip one finger between their collar and skin. - Dogs of all ages and breeds should have enough time outside to move around, interact with other dogs, and be free to explore. - Don’t keep parakeets locked up in their cage constantly. Birds need physical activity and some kind of entertainment. They’re social creatures and need at least 30 minutes a day of games and communication. - A very important thing you should keep in mind when buying a guinea pig is that it needs plenty of room to move around. A cage that’s too small will detrimentally affect the quality of life and health of your piggie! Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
9 min
A Fun IQ Quiz for the Eccentric Genius
We are all familiar with classical IQ tests that rate your intelligence level after you have answered several questions. But there are some other ways to find out what your inner genius can do! Here's an IQ test that'll determine if you're average, smart of genius. Let's see if you manage to answer all of these questions! #brightside Animation is created by Bright Side. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound Check our Bright Side podcast on Spotify and leave a positive review! Subscribe to Bright Side: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightside.official TikTok: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
12 min
10 Oldest Technologies Scientists Still Can’t E...
Thousands of years ago great minds managed to create incredible technologies that were way ahead of their time, like a fire that couldn’t be extinguished by water, an unbreakable medieval sword, and even an ancient computer from 200 B.C.E.! You’d be surprised to find out what crazy inventions existed back then that science still can’t explain today. If you’re ready to learn more about these mind-blowing ancient inventions plus a whole lot more, then keep on watching. TIMESTAMPS The stone globes of Costa Rica 0:59 The Roman dodecahedron 3:16 The Phaistos Disk in Crete 4:48 Greek fire 6:14 Damascus steel 7:31 The Iron pillar of Delhi 8:37 The Viking Ulfberht sword 10:11 The Voynich manuscript 11:56 The Zhang Heng seismograph 14:06 The Antikythera mechanism 15:12 #oldtechnology #damascucsteel #viking Music: SUMMARY -Granodiorite rocks can easily be carved using temperature techniques. Hundreds of stone spheres were found quarried in the foothills of the Talamanca Mountains. Researchers even saw a gigantic ball weighing over 16 tons. -The Roman dodecahedron had 12 flat pentagon-shaped faces with a knob protruding on each corner. It might have been a dice, a kid’s toy, a candle holder, a simple decoration, a measuring device on the battlefield, or an astronomical instrument, to name a few. -The Phaistos Disk was made from clay and measures about 6.2 inches in diameter. Experts concluded that it was a prayer to an ancient Minoan goddess. -The formula of Greek fire was a well-guarded state secret for over 7 centuries. Greek fire was used in naval warfare. -Blades made from Damascus steel were the most sought after in medieval Europe. And that’s because they were the best swords at the time. -The Iron pillar of Delhi dates back to the Gupta period, which lasted from about 240 to 590 C.E. A small amount of rust has started to form, but it is strange that there isn’t more. -Viking Ulfberht swords are believed to have been made around 800 to 1,000 C.E., but experts were sure that the technology used to make swords of such extraordinary quality didn’t come around until 800 years later. -The Voynich manuscript has 240 pages broken up into four sections: herbal, astrological, balneological, and pharmacological. There have literally been dozens of failed attempts to crack this thing. -In 132 C.E., Zhang Heng, a Chinese inventor, astronomer, engineer, scientist, scholar, and artist, invented a seismoscope and presented it to the Han court as an instrument for measuring seasonal winds and the Earth’s movements. -The Antikythera mechanism was retrieved by a group of divers in 1900 and has been dubbed “the world’s first analog computer” and it was made around 200 B.C.E. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
16 min
What If You Stopped Showering for a Year?
What would happen if you quit showering for a year? While there hasn’t been much experimentation on this subject, scientists do still know some consequences of this dirty decision. So let’s find out exactly what they are! The good news is that it won't kill you. So, there’s that. The bad news is that you definitely won't be a happy camper in the end or along the way. Without proper exfoliation, your skin will quickly become either super oily or really dry. And it doesn't matter which one it's gonna be, both imbalances lead to an overgrowth of yeast and bacteria. According to Dr. Carolyn Jacob, the director of Chicago Cosmetic Surgery and Dermatology, the oiliest parts of your body, such as your armpits, behind your ears, and so on, would slowly collect dirt and pollutants. Let’s keep this nasty snowball going. The next major trouble you’ll face is that you'd become way more prone to different types of infections. Since washing your hair and scalp come along with showering, then prepare yourself for some major itching on your head. As for a whole year without washing your face in the shower, your face would be covered in zits! And, of course, where there’s bacteria and broken skin, there can be infections and health problems, so it’s not just all about aesthetics here. There’s actually a guy named Rob Greenfield who went a whole year without showering. According to the experts, there are a couple of tips that you should follow in order to shower the right way. Make sure the water temperature is not too hot because hot water will suck the moisture from your skin by removing a lot of your natural oils. Long showers can dry out your skin as well. Having two or three showers a day will do the same thing, so it's not that great of an idea either. Instead of lathering up your entire body, it's better to just stick to the areas with a bunch of sweat glands, such as your armpits, groin, underneath the breasts, and wherever else you tend to sweat a lot. Music: Groovy Baby by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Artist: TIMESTAMPS The first results 0:56 What would happen after the first month 1:31 What would happen after a year 2:38 What would happen to your face 3:41 How would I go back to normal? 4:18 The guy who actually did it 4:44 Tips on how to shower the right way 5:29 SUMMARY -The first thing you'll notice is the stench, which will show up in just a couple of days. -After the first month of your shower-free lifestyle, or even earlier, you can expect all kinds of rashes, itching, and irritations to appear on your skin. -If you accidentally get a cut or scratch and it’s left unwashed, it’ll basically be an open door for bacteria to enter your body or infect your wound. You’d be scratching your scalp nonstop. -The oily sebum on your face would just keep building up along with bacteria. Your pores would get all clogged up with this nasty gunk, and there you go, you’d have new pimples popping up left and right. -It'll take at least a week for the skin to return to its normal state. -Ron says that it made him reconsider a lot of his life choices and that he came out a much happier person in the end. -Go with lukewarm water. Don’t shower for longer than 10 minutes. Avoid over-soaping and use moisturizer after. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
8 min
7 Little Things That Give Us Away Completely
We don’t realize that even little things can give away our true essence. A lot of the things you do instinctively, as well as our preferences, say a lot about your true personality. Your everyday habits can reveal surprising things about yourself! Don't take it way too seriously, just have fun and watch the video! TIMESTAMPS Shopping 0:54 The desire to wear a watch 1:55 What your eating habits say about you 2:52 What words you use in everyday life 3:46 What music you like 4:55 Household chores 6:15 Art 7:19 SUMMARY - Shopping is a big part of every person's life, whether you like it or hate it. And, surprisingly, the way you shop can tell a lot about your personality! Most buyers can be divided into two types. The first ones actively study labels and require as much detail as possible before buying something. - People who wear a watch might be introverted but emotionally stable, whereas those who don’t wear one are less emotionally stable. Those of us, who can't leave their house without a watch, can be considered more reserved. Others, who don't really like this small accessory, are often way more open. - It is believed that impulsive, less open, and less conscientious people prefer sweet wine and very rarely eat fruit. Those, who prefer dry wine and gladly include fruit in their diet are more likely to be open, calmer, and more conscientious. - Anxious and emotionally unstable people usually use words related to negative emotions. It seems like quite a solid point after you read for example some widely and unnecessary negative comments online. Extroverts, on the other hand, prefer words that describe positive emotions. - The kind of music you like to listen to can tell others about the peculiarities of your psyche because the music you listen to has a long-term effect on the brain. It's commonly believed that people who prefer sad or aggressive music to express their emotions are usually restless and nervous. - People who are happy to iron things, wash dishes, and play with children are easier to communicate with than those who don’t like chores. The explanation for this is easy - for the first type, the happiness of others is important. Therefore, they prefer to work around the house rather than moan about domestic trifles. - People who like poetry, go to the opera or are engaged in art themselves are more sociable and open to everything new, unlike those who ignore art. The “artsy” people tend to be more accepting and open-minded about life in general. People with other hobbies and interests are often more straightforward and confident. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram SMART Youtube: 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
10 min
How to Gain Weight Naturally In Less Than a Month
For some people, weight gain is as painful as weight loss for others. Are you a "hard gainer" or just want to build up lean muscles? Check out these methods and let us know in the comments which methods work for you! #gainweight #skinny #healthyweight TIMESTAMPS Change your diet 1:04 Eat more protein-rich foods 2:24 Always carry a healthy snack 3:21 Build your muscles 4:37 Stay motivated 6:21 SUMMARY - Since our body composition is 80% diet, we should not ignore the cruсial role of food in a weight gain struggle. An average person needs around 3500 calories to gain a pound. You need an extra 500 calories a day if you want to put on extra weight in a week. - Protein is the key for muscle building; it will help you gain muscle weight rather than fat mass. Good sources of protein are red meat and poultry, eggs, whole grains. Salmon is high in calories and healthy fats. - Diet on vegetables and fruits. Choose them smartly though: vegetables with calories are much better than watery ones. Choose avocado, potatoes, sweet potatoes, and corn. Fruits like bananas, blueberries, grapes, and mangoes can give you calories and fiber. - The basis of your training should consist of squats, deadlifts, presses, and push-ups. These train multiple muscles and familiar to all. If you see the progress in weight gain in a week or two, feel free to add in other exercises. Cardio strengthens your heart and burns chubby belly fat. - Be strongly committed to what you started and remember why you did. We advise you track your success. Make a food and workout journal to see, where you started and where you need to get. You can download an app that will help you keep track of your accomplishments. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
7 min
12 Shocking Facts About North Korean Soldiers
You’ve probably heard scary stories about the lives of the 25 million people in the reclusive and isolated nation of North Korea. If things are so rough for ordinary people, imagine how hard it must be for those serving in the military! Let’s see what it’s like to be a soldier in the North Korean army.
12 min
9 Ways to Handle Emergency Situations Quickly a...
Which life-saving skills should everyone know? How to save someone's life in a critical situation? Did you know that hydrogen peroxide and iodine could be dangerous for you? Here are several of the most widely spread mistakes people make when performing first aid.
8 min
20 Things Proving That Japan Lives In 3024
What's so special about Japan? 🇯🇵 Anyone who visits Japan will be amazed by something, like robots working as hotel staff or vending machines on every corner! 😮 We’ve collected 20 outstanding innovations proving that Japan must be living in 3018!
10 min
10 Mistakes That Shorten Your Pet's Life
What can be bad for your pets? What is harmful to them? 🐶🐱 A lot of people make some serious mistakes in their pet care that can lead to all kinds of health problems and even a shorter lifespan. So let’s see what major no-nos you should avoid and what you should do instead! TIMESTAMPS: Not being picky about food 0:56 Rarely taking pets to the vet 1:45 Allowing pets access to open doors and windows 2:14 Not spaying or neutering 2:50 Neglecting grooming and dental hygiene 3:27 Neglecting bath time or doing it incorrectly 4:21 Giving your pets table food 5:12 Not giving enough attention 5:38 Not checking their collar 6:13 Keeping a dog cooped up all the time 6:50 Parakeets 7:30 Guinea pigs 8:03 #dog #pet #understandyourdog Music: SUMMARY: - Always read the label first before choosing a brand. It shouldn’t contain any flavoring agents, corn, or GMOs. - Don’t neglect regular visits to the vet, even if your furry friends hate you for it! This is the only way to prevent diseases and catch any sort of problems before they get too serious. - Unless you have a fenced-in yard that’s regularly treated to kill any parasites, your pets shouldn’t have open access to the street. - Vets do recommend spaying and neutering your animals because it actually helps them live long and happy lives. - Start brushing their teeth at an early age so that they get used to the process. They make special toothbrushes and pastes for animals that you can get at any pet store. - Bathing is a necessity when it comes to pets. Cats, of course, are a little more self-sufficient when it comes to staying clean, so they don’t really need to be washed. - All vets agree that giving your pet “people food” is a terrible idea. Your pet’s digestive system simply can’t handle most of the stuff we humans eat. - Pets need socialization and human interaction to develop physically, emotionally, and socially. Otherwise they can become easily scared, aggressive, and disobedient. - So be sure to check if their collar is too tight from time to time. For cats and small breed dogs, you should be able to slip one finger between their collar and skin. - Dogs of all ages and breeds should have enough time outside to move around, interact with other dogs, and be free to explore. - Don’t keep parakeets locked up in their cage constantly. Birds need physical activity and some kind of entertainment. They’re social creatures and need at least 30 minutes a day of games and communication. - A very important thing you should keep in mind when buying a guinea pig is that it needs plenty of room to move around. A cage that’s too small will detrimentally affect the quality of life and health of your piggie! Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
9 min
10 Signs Your House Is Being Watched by Robbers
How to know if your house is being watched by burglars? Many people protect their homes. Some choose alarms; others rely on strong doors with complex locks. Some go even further by installing security cameras, LED lights, smart locks, and high-tech security gadgets. But even the most observant people don’t always notice that robbers have already started to watch their home and are waiting for the right moment to make a move. Pay attention to details that can be connected with theft, even if they seem trivial at first sight. In today’s video, we’ve prepared a list of signs that should help you stay alert. TIMESTAMPS: Missing garbage 1:24 The disappearance of your dog 2:20 An empty gas tank 3:06 A new janitor 3:57 A broken window 4:37 Problems with lights 5:22 Ads and stickers 6:03 Strange marks 7:24 Calls from unknown numbers 8:10 A broken lock 9:03 SUMMARY: - You should make it a rule and a habit to always tear up papers with personal information into small pieces before throwing them away. - Dogs guarding a house are a burden for robbers. That’s why they may try to get rid of the “guardian” by drawing it outside when the owners are not at home. - To prevent their potential victims from coming home earlier, robbers may drain the gasoline from their car. In the worst-case scenario, you won’t be able to get to a gas station, which means you’ll get back home even later. - If you use the services of a cleaning company and you always see the same worker, the appearance of a new cleaner should worry you. Be extra cautious if the company itself didn’t inform you of the change in personnel. - Some criminals may throw stones at a car or house window to check if the owners are at home and whether the alarm works. - If you live in a private house and there are lanterns with motion sensors installed in your yard, check them immediately if they appear to be malfunctioning. - Commercial flyers are annoying pieces of trash, but little did you know that they can be used against you. Robbers mark easily accessible homes with the help of commercial flyers and simple stickers. - Erase any suspicious marks that appear on the door of your home, on garden lanterns, or simply near your home. - To find out at what time the owners of a home are absent, robbers call the home phone and drop a call. If a small child picks up the phone, robbers can try to get some information from them. - A malfunctioning lock or scratches on a door are signs that somebody has tried to get into your house. Take action right away! Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
10 min
Space X Should Hire You If You Can Solve All 11...
If solving tricky riddles is one of your hobbies, you know exactly how it's good for your brain, memory, and work. Logical puzzles teach you to be attentive to every detail and draw conclusions - a super useful skill for everyday life. Solving this riddle, for example, can help you develop some skills which are going to be handy for your own job search. Anna was going to apply to a few companies, and she wanted her CV to be perfect to increase her chances. There were three mistakes in her CV, including typos. Can you help the girl spot them? #brightside Animation is created by Bright Side. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound Check our Bright Side podcast on Spotify and leave a positive review! Subscribe to Bright Side: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightside.official TikTok: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
9 min
Why Your Dog Always Follows You Everywhere
How to Understand Your Dog. A dog’s love is undemanding and selfless, and they find numerous ways to express this love. If you learn to recognize some of your dog’s quirks for what they are, you'll start to understand your pet even better. From following you into the bathroom to freaking out as you come home and licking your face – let’s explain the most common dog behaviors in a simple way. TIMESTAMPS Why your dog follows you into the bathroom. 1:20 Why your dog gives you puppy eyes. 3:59 Why your dog brings you small “gifts.” 4:28 Why your dog leans on you. 5:00 How your dog realizes when you're sad. 5:32 Why your dog licks your face or feet. 6:06 Why your dog snoozes in your room. 6:54 Why your dog freaks out when you come home. 7:22 Why your dog is an after-meal cuddler. 8:05 Why your dog winks and squints at you. 8:35 Why your dog paws at you. 8:58 #dogbehavior #understanddog #dogtraining Music: SUMMARY -Dogs are pack animals that don’t understand what “alone time” is about. Your dog might be trying to protect you or just be curious. -When giving you puppy eyes, your pet is trying to show you that they love you to the moon and back. -Your pup gives you a “gift” to make their most favorite person in the world pleased and happy. -By leaning on you, your pup is asking you for more kisses and hugs. -You can't hide your emotions from dogs. They detect your unhappiness both from your body language and from the way you smell. -If your pooch chooses your face for their wet doggy kisses, they’re showing you how good you make them feel. As for licking your feet, this is how your pet releases their doggy stress. -By snoozing in your room, your dog feels that you're nearby - even when you're away. -As you get home, show their happiness by rushing around and crashing against everything in their way. -If your dog chooses to snuggle with you after a meal, this means that they feel absolutely relaxed and comfortable around you. -If your dog winks at you, check to see if you’re doing the same thing. -When dogs paw at you, they become the focus of your attention, and they use it to their advantage. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
10 min
55 Quick Body Facts That Will Make Your Jaw Drop
Do you think you know everything about your own body? How about the fact that 25% of an adult's bones are in their feet? Or that taste buds aren't actually those bumps on your tongue?
10 min
Most of us adore beach resorts and go to one of the large saltwater bodies at least once a year. However, we shouldn’t forget that the sea is as attractive as it is wayward. We at Bright Side wondered how a person who happened to be in the open sea should behave. It turns out there are several rules that aren’t at all difficult to remember. Despair is your most dangerous enemy. Don’t give up hope of being saved. There are many stories of people who were found in the open sea months after their disappearance. For instance, 25-year-old sailor Poon Lim, who worked on a British merchant ship, survived alone 133 days in the open sea. After a shipwreck, he managed to find a raft with fresh water, cookies, flares, and a flashlight. Every day, Lim ate only 2 cookies and made 3 sips of water. To avoid muscle atrophy, he even floated around the raft twice a day. As you can see, human possibilities are endless. The main thing is to keep calm and hope for the best. TIMESTAMPS Calm down 0:35 Choose the right swimming style 0:57 Find something that floats 1:37 Take care of clothes 1:55 Decide what you’ll eat 2:16 Provide yourself with liquid 3:01 Save yourself properly 4:02 Don’t lose hope 5:06 SUMMARY: - Panic definitely won’t help you. It can cloud your judgment and make you lose the rhythm of breathing. Therefore, the first thing you should do is to calm down. - The style of swimming you choose determines how long your strength will last. In calm water, it’s better to swim on your back. If waves splash around you, it’s better to swim on your belly. - If you’re in the open sea as a result of a shipwreck or an airplane water landing, there must be plenty of things around you that perfectly keep afloat. It will be even better if it’s a boat or a raft with which ships are equipped. - Remember that open sunlight can be extremely dangerous. So don’t remove your clothes — they’ll protect you from the sun. - If you have rations, divide them into small daily portions. This will make them last for a long time, and you won’t have problems with digestion. - Try to fish even if you have stores of food. After all, fish contain some liquid. - You have to consume the liquid constantly but never drink seawater. - Try to ensure that you always have a couple of empty containers left for collecting rainwater. According to studies, drinking untreated rainwater is safe for your health. - • If you found fluorescein, dissolve it in the water when you see an airplane or ship. It forms a bright spot around you which can be easily seen from the air and from afar. Subscribe to Bright Side : For copyright matters please contact us at: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
6 min
What If You Swallowed a Watermelon Seed
What happens if you swallow a watermelon seed? Will it grow in your stomach? Well, actually, watermelon seeds, just like the seeds of other berries, can't settle in the human body: they just float through our digestive system and remove themselves from the body during the day when we go to the toilet. To grow a watermelon, you need warm soil rich in nutrients. The human stomach is not fit for this, but mine turned out absolutely perfect for growing watermelons for some reason! Here's what happened. I went to the hospital after eating a juicy sweet watermelon. In that afternoon I felt something weird in my stomach. The doctors scanned my body and found an unusual abnormality. A watermelon seed I'd swallowed stayed in my stomach for some reason, and it looked like it was sprouting inside me! I wanted to get rid of it, but the doctors said it was safe as long as it was controlled. They also offered me a more than decent amount of money if I let them watch the watermelon grow... #brightside TIMESTAMPS: June 25 0:01 June 26 0:35 July 12 1:10 July 20 1:37 July 31 2:15 August 5 2:54 August 12 3:54 August 26 4:18 August 30 4:45 September 5 5:17 September 12 September 16 6:53 September 17 7:40 May 24 8:47 Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
9 min