Bright Side

Whether you’re into useful tips for self-improvement, psychology, recent discoveries, mysterious stories, or just your day-to-day routine, there’s something for everyone! You can expect all that and more coming at you in five new episodes every day. If you’ve got a thirst for knowledge that never quits, then join our community! We have a good time, so take your shoes off, kick back, and make yourself at home here on the Bright Side of life!

Scientists Finally Explain Why Asians Look So Cute
What does it mean to be “cute”? Beauty standards and perceptions of attractiveness vary across cultures, but one thing is clear: being called “cute” is something entirely different. Is there a scientific explanation of why our brains perceive some people as “cute” and others as “beautiful,” “hot,” and so on? We’re about to answer all of them with the help of science! TIMESTAMPS: Why we find babies so cute 1:13 What the EDAR gene is 2:28 What sexual dimorphism is 3:47 How Korean pop music is changing the world 4:35 #jimin #BTS #asianbeauty Preview photo credit: Park Ji-min at Aladdin fansign on September 22, 2017: By Jimson Weed - 170922 알라딘 팬싸, CC BY 4.0, Animation is created by Bright Side. Music: SUMMARY: - There are other traits in babies that our brain, for whatever reason, finds adorable. They have a disproportionate head-to-body size and short limbs. In fact, if babies were proportioned more like mini-adults, we probably wouldn’t be as inclined to coo at them! - East Asian people tend to hold onto these features into adulthood, a phenomenon called “neoteny.” Studies have found that neotenous faces are often perceived as more social and feminine, whereas non-neotenous faces are seen as more intimidating. - The EDAR gene controls the development of our hair, skin, and teeth. This mutation causes people to have thicker hair shafts, more oil glands (which helps keep skin looking youthful for longer), and less breast tissue in females. - Sexual dimorphism is what makes males and females of the same species look different. So, less sexual dimorphism means men with neotenous faces tend to look more feminine. - The recent surge in the worldwide popularity of Korean pop music (abbreviated as Kpop) with groups like BTS has put this cultural difference in the spotlight. Rather than exhibiting the sort of “macho” features of Western standards of male beauty, sensational Kpop stars like Jimin have smooth faces, slim bodies, and an overall feminine appearance. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
6 min
If You Do THIS Every Night, Your Face Will Look...
Why You Should Remove Your Makeup Before Bed. How many times have you felt too lazy to wash off your makeup at night? If you avoid this nighttime ritual, you should know that leaving your makeup on overnight brings more harm than you can imagine! Here is a list of the 8 most important reasons why you should always wash off your makeup. Watch till the end to learn why this simple rule is so important in the fight against the most annoying problem, acne. You’ll be surprised how easily and quickly it works! Other videos you might like: 7 Foods That Can Be Dangerous for Your Skin • Видео 10 Korean Secrets to Make Your Skin Younger and Healthier • Видео 10 Foods That Make You Look 10 Years Younger • 10 Foods That Make You Look 10 Years ... TIMESTAMPS: Delaying the aging process 0:38 Nourishing your face 1:03 Fighting allergies 1:31 Avoiding skin pigmentation 1:55 Keeping your lips hydrated 2:23 Preventing bags under your eyes 2:44 Preventing your eyelashes from falling out 3:05 Preventing acne 3:35 SUMMARY: - Scientists have proven that your skin regenerates itself every night. If it’s not clean, it will age more quickly. - Skin cells regenerate faster at night, and you can help your skin with this process. Remove makeup, and then apply a moisturizer with antioxidants. - Your skin may be prone to allergic reactions, even if you’ve never noticed any visible symptoms. Sleeping in your makeup can cause eczema and other serious health problems. - Have you ever noticed those dark spots on the face that some women can’t cover up even with the best base available? They can be the consequences of chronic allergic reactions if you don’t clean your skin properly. - If you think that there is no lipstick left on your lips by the time you go to bed, you’re wrong. Even if you don’t see it, lip gloss and lipstick continue to dehydrate the delicate skin and eventually lead to dry and chapped lips. - If you often leave your makeup on, the skin under your eyes will soon become darker. In other words, dark puffy circles and bags under the eyes are on their way. - Never leave your mascara on when you go to bed. It dries overnight and causes your lashes to fall out. Your eyelids become irritated and swollen. - If you think this problem occurs only in teenagers, you couldn’t be more wrong. In fact, acne can make a comeback if you don’t wash your face. Clogged pores usually lead to pimples and inflammation. Subscribe to Bright Side : For copyright matters please contact us at: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
4 min
13 Scariest Theories That'll Make Your Blood Ru...
Where did we come from? Where are we headed? What is our world? Are we alone in the universe? When the mental gears really start moving, people can come up with theories that are downright terrifying! In this video, you'll learn about 13 of the scariest theories that’ll make you question everything you thought you knew about your reality. TIMESTAMPS: The Great Filter 1:28 Higher dimensional beings 2:33 False Vacuum 3:23 We're living in a black hole 4:10 White Holes 4:50 The Multiverse Theory 5:25 Brain in a Vat 6:03 Roko's Basilisk 6:48 The Transcension Hypothesis 7:21 The Terror Management Theory 8:00 The Sixth Mass Extinction 8:35 The Fermi Paradox 9:17 The Simulation Theory 10:00 Music: SUMMARY: - According to The Great Filter theory, somewhere out there exists a Great Filter. The main purpose of this Filter is to stop those civilizations that advance to the level of star colonization. - What if a 4D being was looking at you from their four-dimensional world? Just like a 2D person, you wouldn't be able to notice this creature in your 3D world. - The False Vacuum theory says that our universe exists in a false phase state, which means that it's just a temporary thing. What's more, it's only a small part of a larger universe. - You’re probably well-aware that black holes suck in everything around them. But what happens to the stuff it engulfs? What if a black hole already swallowed us up long ago? Surprisingly, some physicists deem this theory pretty plausible. - While black holes engulf all matter so that even light can’t escape, white holes are quite the opposite. These formations are believed to spit out everything that black holes suck in. - The Multiverse theory claims that there might be countless other realities besides our own. - The Brain in a Vat theory says that you very well could just be a brain in a jar. Something is feeding you false impulses, and you're hallucinating your whole life and reality. - Roko's Basilisk is a hypothesis that some future super-powerful artificial intellect can retroactively punish people who struggled against it in the past (which is our present) or even those who did nothing to help bring it about. - The Transcension Hypothesis states that a civilization eventually gets to a certain intellectual level. - According to the Terror Management theory, everything we do comes from the fear of death. Our wishes and motivation are based on just one thing, and it’s the idea that one day we will stop existing. - The Sixth Mass Extinction theory is probably the most horrifying. Yet, unfortunately, it’s the most probable scenario. Some biologists believe that humanity is headed for or already passing through the sixth mass extinction - The Fermi Paradox theory explains why we probably wouldn't recognize an advanced alien civilization even if it was right under our nose. - According to the Simulation theory, we all live in an incredibly complex computer game. #spacefacts #blackhole #greatfilter Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
11 min
What Would Happen If the Titanic Met the Kraken?
How large was the iceberg that sank the Titanic? Months before the disaster struck, a ginormous chunk of ice had broken away from a glacier in southwest Greenland. It was made of the snow that had fallen about 100,000 years ago - when mammoths were still roaming the planet. And when the iceberg just started its journey, it was a huge thing. Almost 1,700 ft (518 m) long, it also weighed 75 million tons! Even after melting into the water for months, the iceberg still weighed an impressive one and a half million tons. Its top part was towering over the water for almost 100 ft (30m). But what people saw was just a tiny part of a jumbo piece of ice. The largest part of any iceberg is hidden under the surface, with a mere one-tenth visible above the water. "The Titanic iceberg" wasn't an exception. The moment the ship collided with it, the vessel was doomed. But what if what we know about the disaster is not true? What if it had been the Kraken that sank the Titanic? A legendary creature feared by everyone who sets off on a sea voyage... Read more: #brightside Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
9 min
What Will Happen to Us Before 2050?
If you ever dream of being able to see the future, this video is something just for you. Nowadays you don't need to be a psychic to predict the future, sometimes it's enough to just analyze the present. Here're the events that are planned to happen or will probably happen by the year 2050.
12 min
Eye Test Riddles: Can You Spot the Odd One Out?
Hey Bright Siders! Here’s a fun and unique opportunity to test your eyes for free! You can challenge yourself with some Eye Test Riddles and see if you can spot the odd one out in a series of images. It’s a great way to test your observation skills and have a good time solving puzzles. Give it a try and see how sharp your eyes are! Animation is created by Bright Side. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound Check our Bright Side podcast on Spotify and leave a positive review! Subscribe to Bright Side: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightside.official TikTok: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
15 min
These brainteasers will help evaluate your logical reasoning. If you can find the right answers in a minute, you are among the 15% of people who are the most intellectually gifted. Some riddles are so amazing you can’t rest until you’ve found the solution. And it’s all the more surprising when it turns out to be obvious. Other videos you might like: 35 Best Detective Riddles Only the Smartest 2% Can Crack • 35 Best Detective Riddles Only the Sm... 18 Tricky Riddles That'll Stretch Your Brain • 18 Tricky Riddles That'll Stretch You... 10 Fun Kiddy Riddles That Stump Most Adults • 10 Fun Kiddy Riddles That Stump Most ... TIMESTAMPS: Puzzle #1 0:29 Puzzle #2 1:39 Puzzle #3 3:29 Puzzle #4 6:28 Puzzle #5 7:37 SUMMARY: - #1. John is trapped in a room. There is a table, a chair, 2 doors and a small hole in the ceiling (6 inches in diameter). Behind the first door, there’s a starving lion that hasn’t eaten for a couple of days. Behind the second door, there’s a glass tunnel that magnifies the sunlight, and it creates such a high temperature that even opening the door could kill John. How will he escape? - Which one is the odd out? 75% of people found this puzzle impossible to solve and asked for a clue. - Who owns the fish? To solve this riddle, you should know that there are 5 houses of 5 different colors. There is a person of a different nationality in each house. Each person drinks a certain drink, smokes a certain brand of cigarettes, and has a certain pet. No one drinks the same drink, smokes the same brand of cigarettes, or has the same pet. - Where is the prisoner hiding? Police hire a detective to find an escaped prisoner. The detective narrows his search to one of three different houses. After taking a closer look at an aerial photo of the three houses, the detective instantly knew which house the prisoner was in. - What is the number of the parking spot? This one is very tricky. Can you guess the number of the parking spot? Subscribe to Bright Side : For copyright matters please contact us at: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
8 min
Do This Every Day, And You'll Look Younger for ...
How to look younger than your age for longer? We all want to age gracefully and keep our youthful looks for as long as possible. Thankfully, there are a couple of simple rules you can follow to make that happen! One of the main things that can significantly shorten your telomeres is stress. Luckily, there's a solution for all your worries: meditation! Multiple studies have confirmed its efficiency in dealing with telomeres becoming shorter. The best option here is Zen meditation. Scientists from the University of Zaragoza in Spain discovered that, on average, Zen meditators have longer telomeres than any other people of their age! #livelonger #vitamins #lookyoung TIMESTAMPS Manage your stress level 0:30 Surround yourself with people you like 1:28 Eat less 2:05 Rack your brain 3:05 Wear sunscreen 3:33 Dance 4:22 Go to sleep earlier 4:47 Add more vitamins to your diet 5:41 Drink more tea 6:26 Music by Epidemic Sound SUMMARY: - As it turns out, one of the main things that can significantly shorten your telomeres is stress. Luckily, there's a solution for all your worries: meditation! - The other secret to staying young is having people you love and appreciate around you. - Burgers and cupcakes are delicious, but a study published in Nature Communications journal confirmed that caloric restriction is way more beneficial for keeping a fresh and youthful look. - Scientists from Rutgers University discovered that learning boosts the number of neurons you have, which helps your brain stay younger. - It doesn't matter if it's sunny or cloudy — unfortunately, UV rays are always there waiting to damage your skin. They not only break down elastin but also cause other skin problems like wrinkles and an uneven skin tone. - A study from the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases came to a fascinating discovery: dancing is one of the most effective types of exercise to reverse the aging process! - Having a steady sleeping regime is extremely important for your inner and outer health. - Believe it or not, antioxidants are extremely important for our looks as they prevent free radicals from damaging the cells in our bodies. - Bad news for all the coffee lovers out there! A recent Israeli study found that tea drinkers live longer! Do you know any other tricks to slow down the aging process? Tell us in the comments below. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
7 min
13 Ordinary Things Pilots Can't Do on Board
What is being a pilot like? Commercial airline pilots have loads of perks: an astonishing office view, an opportunity to see the planet from the altitude of 35,000 ft, everyone's respect, and admiration. But there are some seemingly innocent things pilots can't enjoy while flying a plane. Did you know, for example, that pilots rarely know who they're going to fly with until they take their place in the cockpit? Or that there's a "sterile cockpit rule" that prohibits pilots from doing anything but controlling the plane until it climbs to a higher altitude? Or that most commercial airline pilots can only wear a mustache at the most? Intrigued? So here’s the full list. TIMESTAMPS: No beard 0:34 No coffee for Airbus A350 pilots 1:00 No more than 8 working hours at night and 9 during the day 1:24 No chit-chat below 10,000 ft 1:42 No listening to music or radio 2:03 No food choice 2:30 No choosing your partner 2:52 No reading books 3:05 No gadgets at any time during the flight 3:26 Follow the 2-man rule! 3:46 No landing and going home 4:18 No napping whenever you want 4:36 No passenger visits 5:08 Rules that flight attendants can't break 5:29 Other videos you might like: 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Flight Attendants • 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Fligh... Flight Attendant Saved the Girl After Seeing the Note "Help Me" • Flight Attendant Saved the Girl After... What a Tiny Triangle Above Your Plane Seat Means • What a Tiny Triangle Above Your Plane... #flightsecrets #planes #brightside Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
8 min
Creative Beauty Tricks to Streamline Your Life
Animation is created by Bright Side. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music from TheSoul Sound: Check our Bright Side podcast on Spotify and leave a positive review! Subscribe to Bright Side: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightside.official TikTok: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
120 min
What If You Ate Moldy Bread by Accident?
Is it dangerous to eat moldy bread? 🍞 Can you eat a clean part of eat? If mold is only on one little corner, so maybe you can just cut that piece off? Or maybe search the loaf for a slice without this unwelcomed furry-looking bread invader? Just hold it right there! You don’t wanna do that, and you’re about to find out why! TIMESTAMPS: Is it safe to eat the “clean” part of moldy bread? 1:17 What mold is 2:05 Can you just get rid of the mold? 4:05 Does mold have any benefits? 4:21 The side effects of ingesting mold 5:47 Other foods that are dangerous if they’re moldy 7:02 What moldy foods you can eat 8:04 What the prevention should be 9:03 #moldyfood #moldybread #healthtips Music by Epidemic Sound SUMMARY: - The fact is that there’s no such thing as “a clean part of moldy bread”! The tiny greenish spots you see are only the tip of the iceberg. - That’s the part you see rearing its ugly head on your bread! These sporangia are attached to stalks called sporangiophore. And just like a plant, mold has roots called rhizoids that can only be seen under a microscope. - Technically, you can kill mold at very high temperatures, but your toaster isn’t gonna achieve that. The best and safest solution is to throw away the entire loaf and buy some fresh bread. - Mold is intentionally grown to make different types of blue cheese, like Gorgonzola, Stilton, and Roquefort. There are also cheeses such as Brie and Camembert that are produced by white surface mold. - The side effects of ingesting mold are no joke. You might experience minor stomach discomfort or some really scary stuff, like allergic reactions, respiratory problems, muscle tremors, and food-poisoning accompanied with vomiting and diarrhea. Some molds have even been linked to cancer! - Along with bread, here are some other foods that should be tossed immediately if you’ve noticed mold growing on them. The softer the food, the easier the mold can penetrate. - There are steps you can take to prevent mold from forming on your food items, at least for some time. A lot of it depends on how you store your food. - For perishable items, don’t leave them out in the open for more than 2 hours. Immediately consume leftovers within 3 or 4 days. As for hard cheeses, after plucking off the moldy part you, should store it in a different container. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
10 min
Why Car Tires Are Black and 22 Other Simple Why-s
So you're sitting in your car at that intersection, waiting for the light to change from red to green when you think, “Hmm, why green? Why not blue or purple? Why are things colored the way they are — and how many ways can you answer that question before this light changes? Did you know, for example, that before 1905, taxis were red and green? Then, Albert Rockwell introduced a model with a 15-horse-power engine that became the standard. He painted it in yellow because… his wife liked that color! And maintaining marital bliss is a good reason for anything! 😉 Other videos you might like: How Color Blind People See the World • How Color Blind People See the World A Color Test That Can Tell Your Mental Age • A Color Test That Can Tell Your Menta... 29 Things That Exist Only in Japan • 29 Things That Exist Only in Japan TIMESTAMPS: Traffic Lights 0:21 Green Money 1:00 Black and White Crosswalks 1:21 Yellow School Buses 1:52 Yellow Taxis 2:14 Black Tires 2:33 Green Screens 2:52 Red Barns 3:21 Blue Jeans 3:50 Black Belts 4:25 Black Clarinets 4:55 Black and White Soccer Balls 5:04 Black and White Referee Uniforms 5:37 Orange Basketballs 6:00 White Toilet Paper 6:15 White Wedding gowns 6:54 White Flags of Surrender 7:08 Green Chalkboards 7:39 Blue Ribbon for First Place 8:06 Santa’s Red Suit 8:29 Red Fire Trucks 8:54 Pink Bubble Gum 9:17 #colors #everydaylife #brightside SUMMARY: - Traffic Lights Blink Green for “Go” because — In the 1800s, dangerous heavy machinery had green lights that lit up and warned factory workers they were “on” or “going.” - Traffic Lights Blink Red for “Stop” because — Red is associated with alarm! - Green Money— Back when the US started printing paper bills, green ink cost less than other colors, letting the treasury keep more of what they printed! - We transport kids in big vehicles of the yellow color because it’s the one our eyes see first, even in our peripherals. - Camouflaging dirt isn’t the reason manufacturers add the chemical compound “carbon black” to their product. “Carbon black” makes tires stronger! - Farmers painted their barns red because those barns were huge and paint was expensive. - Dark-blue indigo dye washes away … bit by bit … in each wash. As it does, it softens the fabric, creating that special blue jean feel! - Black Clarinets — That’s because clarinets are made from black woods, like ebony. - Back then, most TVs were black and white, so designers created a ball with contrasting pentagons, kind of like the stripes in the crosswalk. - The first basketballs were brown leather. Yeah, brown as in, the same color as the wooden court! In the 1950s, they switched to orange because it was easier to see. - Mainstream manufacturers bleach their toilet paper to make it sparkly white because white is associated with cleanliness. - Believe it or not, white dresses were for mourning until Queen Victoria—one of history’s first style influencers— wore a white dress at her wedding and changed tradition forever! - The Blue Riband was a pennant awarded to the fastest passenger ship crossing the Atlantic. Over the years, Riband got changed to Ribbon, but the blue part stuck. - Red means emergency, so it’s a natural choice for fire engines. But today, more and more fire trucks are being painted … lime green and yellow! - When Walter Diemer created his best bubble gum recipe—less sticky, more bubbles!—he made it pink because, well, that was the color he had! Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
10 min
6 Hardest 'Would You Rather' Dilemmas Ever
Some choices we have to make in our life are so hard they seem impossible to make. We’re specifically talking about moral dilemmas and life-changing decisions here, when both options just seem so unfair or undesirable but something’s gotta be done. So get ready and calibrate your moral compass because we’ve prepared the hardest test ever! It's full of moral dilemmas, and the way you solve them can speak volumes about your personality. After each question, you'll have 10 seconds to mull the situation over and come to a decision. Write down the letter of the answer you choose, A or B, to find out your results at the end of the video. The choice you make when it comes to saving someone or something from sinking tells a lot about you. Unless we’re talking about real soulmates, most people would choose their family member. They are your own flesh and blood while you never know where your relationship with your partner will lead. And if you’ve chosen to save the case full of money, something in your life has gone wrong. This video is intended for entertainment and information purposes only. The video is not intended to serve as a substitute for professional, medical or psychiatric advice of any kind. Music: TIMESTAMPS A runaway train 1:21 A trolley out of control 2:27 A judge’s dilemma 3:35 Your best friend's wedding 4:45 Reporting Robin Hood 6:04 A car crash and a killed pedestrian 7:13 The results 8:47 Bonus: Who would you save? 9:34 SUMMARY -Would you be able to throw the switch knowing that you’d kill a an unsuspecting man who’s sleeping on the rails? -Would you sacrifice one life for 7? -Would you convict the innocent man to save your daughter? -Would you allow your friend to marry somebody who’s unfaithful? -Would you go to the police knowing that the money will return to the bank or let the robber help the orphans? -Would you admit that you killed the pedestrian or let the woman take the blame? -If you chose more As than Bs, it means that you're a person who has a strict moral code, and you try to stick to your principles no matter what. If you chose more Bs, you usually make decisions under the influence of your emotions. -Would you rather save your significant other, your family member, or a briefcase with 5 million dollars? Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
11 min
7 Brilliant Things You Can Do With Your Smartphone
7 Ingenious Tricks and Life Hacks for Your Smartphone. They will help you overcome some everyday problems and make your life much easier. And don’t miss a cool bonus tip at the end! Nowadays smartphones not only have numerous features of their own but also allow you to download multiple apps for any possible situation and purpose. TIMESTAMPS Measure a distance 1:12 Test your remote control batteries 2:25 Control your phone without touching it 3:20 Drive safely 4:10 Send texts from your PC 5:02 Make better decisions 5:54 Keep yourself safe 6:59 BONUS 8:09 SUMMARY - Download the app called SizeUp, which will let you measure anything you need quickly and easily. This app will help you deal with any challenge in the blink of an eye thanks to its ability to measure almost anything through your phone’s camera. Just run the program, point the camera at the object, and wait for the result. - Take the remote control, point it at the camera, and press any button. If you see a red or pinkish light coming from the tip of the remote when you look at it through your phone’s display, it means the infrared signal is working properly and the problem, in this case, is the batteries. - Wave Control is available for both Android and iOS devices. While using this app, you can launch music and video players or answer calls with a wave of your hand without worrying about getting dirt all over your screen while cooking or cleaning. - If you’re driving in the dark and want to keep your eyes constantly on the road, you can download a certain app called Hudway, which will come in handy. This app helps you drive more safely, especially when it's raining or snowing outside. It also clears the vision, when there's fog. - With the app called Mighty Text, you won’t miss a thing! It syncs your phone and computer or tablet and gives you the opportunity to manage SMS and MMS from your email. All messages linked to your phone number will appear on your computer screen, and you can also find them in your phone’s text inbox. - To save your time and make the decision-making process a little bit easier, name your options, set characteristics, and let this app called Decision Crafting suggest the best choice instantly. The app makes the final decision after considering all the pros and cons of each choice and comparing them to one another based on different criteria. - If you often come home late in the evening and feel unsafe on the streets, there's an app called Bsafe, which may help to calm your nerves and deal with any potential danger. It will not only send an SOS message to your emergency contacts but will also record video and audio, track your GPS location, and set a timer that will automatically send an alarm to friends if you don’t turn it off in time. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram SMART Youtube: 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
9 min
Optical Illusions That Warp Reality Right Befor...
Animation is created by Bright Side. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music from TheSoul Sound: Check our Bright Side podcast on Spotify and leave a positive review! Subscribe to Bright Side: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightside.official TikTok: Telegram: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This video is made for entertainment purposes. We do not make any warranties about the completeness, safety and reliability. Any action you take upon the information in this video is strictly at your own risk, and we will not be liable for any damages or losses. It is the viewer's responsibility to use judgement, care and precaution if you plan to replicate.
168 min
15 Ways to Lose More Weight While Sleeping
How to lose weight while you sleep? We can all agree that exercising regularly is the best way to lose weight and stay healthy. But do we exercise daily? No. Do we sleep daily? Yes. So what could be a better way to lose weight than to do so while we sleep? The first thing you’ll need to do is boost your metabolism. As scientific studies show, cold water forces your body to burn more calories since it has to heat up to get that water in your belly warmer. The same concept works with the water you’re bathing in. By the way, all these tips will help you burn calories as you sleep. But just sleeping for 8 hours gets rid of 300 calories on its own! TIMESTAMPS: Boost your metabolism 0:25 Chug that water 1:01 Take cold showers 1:28 Snooze 2:08 Lower the room temperature 2:48 Get yourself that morning pick-me-up 3:22 Change the oil, not the recipe 3:55 Spice things up with your meals 4:22 Season with apple cider vinegar 4:53 Eat carbs 5:20 Munch on those proteins 5:54 Hit the gym 6:23 Do some high-intensity workouts 6:53 Add fiber in your diet 7:32 Don’t cut your calories 8:02 NIH Clinical Center - Aerial: By National Cancer Institute, Public Domain, Animation is created by Bright Side. #loseweight #weightloss #brightside Other videos you might like: Exercise 8 Minutes Before Bed, See What Happens In a Month • Exercise 8 Minutes Before Bed, See Wh... 7 Morning Habits That Stop You from Losing Weight • 7 Morning Habits That Stop You from L... Bedtime Drink to Remove Belly Fat in a Single Night • Bedtime Drink to Remove Belly Fat in ... Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
8 min
7 Ways to Survive Natural Disasters
How to Survive Natural Disasters. Here’s a list of survival tips that can save your life in an emergency. We live in a time when natural disasters occur more and more often and get more and more devastating. Many of us believe we should blame the human race for that. Whether it’s true or not, we all want to know how to survive when those disasters happen. Some rules are universal for most natural disasters. A national campaign called Ready was started in the United States to inform the population about how to get ready for and survive in different emergency situations. It recommends having a basic survival kit to provide you with the most important things just in case. Remember you will need to have enough food, water, and other supplies for at least 72 hours after the disaster. “Other supplies” include a battery powered weather radio, flashlight, first aid kit, a whistle, a dust mask, personal sanitation items (such as moist towelettes), pliers, can opener for food, maps of your area and an emergency cell phone with backup batteries. TIMESTAMPS Hurricane 0:40 Tornado 1:45 Tsunami 3:15 Flood 4:10 Avalanche 5:03 Wildfire 6:00 Earthquake 7:00 SUMMARY - If a hurricane starts while you are driving, leave your vehicle and find a building to shelter in, or a ditch. Stopping in an overpass will not save you. If your home is a trailer and there is enough time to flee to a safe area – do it. - If a tornado starts when you are in a public building, follow the same rules. You want to stay as low as possible. Avoid windows and open spaces such as auditoriums, gyms, and large hallways. Desks and benches can give you some extra protection if you get under them. It is impossible to outrun a tornado. - Tsunamis are so fast they hit the coast minutes after the earthquake. Remember that tall buildings, including hotels right in the beach area, can provide an excellent shelter. In case a tsunami finds you at sea, stay there instead of going back to the coast. It won’t be a safe haven. - Don’t try to be the bravest person around and stay in your house once you hear the evacuation warning. Leave for safety in higher grounds with your important papers in a waterproof container. If a flash flood gives you no time to evacuate and the water is all around you, don’t try to swim across it. - When an avalanche starts, try to move to the side of the slope as fast as you can. There will be more snow in the center of the flow. To move faster, drop any heavy equipment you have on you. If you can’t escape it, try using a sturdy tree to keep you above the snow. - If you find yourself in a wildfire area, it is critically important to ensure that you can breathe. If you fail to do it, you can pass out in the midst of a danger zone. Use a wet cloth to cover your nose and mouth and escape to safety. - If an earthquake starts when you are inside, stay where you were. Experts say that during an earthquake you must drop to the floor, get underneath a table, cover your neck and head with one hand, and hold on with the other hand. Your entire body must be under the table. Don’t try to run out of the building - the exterior of a building is one of the most dangerous places. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram SMART Youtube: 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Have you ever seen a talking slime? Here he is – Slick Slime Sam: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
9 min
Dip a Lemon in Baking Soda, and the Result Will...
It’s not a joke – half a lemon dipped in baking soda works wonders! Watch the video to find out several more curious and quite unusual lemon + soda benefits! Lemon trees, which can grow as tall as 20 feet, are very fertile: they harvest all the year round and can produce more than 600 pounds of lemons a year! There is a shark named in honor of lemons - the lemon shark - all because of its yellowish color. TIMESTAMPS Lemon trees 0:19 Lemons and baking soda 0:45 Baking soda benefits 1:27 Lemon with baking soda benefits 1:55 How to prepare this magic drink? 4:16 Lemon with olive oil 4:55 Lemon with sea salt 5:35 Cleaning the whole house 6:13 Shoe polish 6:31 Flies repellent 6:48 More interesting facts about lemons 7:12 SUMMARY - It is true that lemon and baking soda have an antioxidant effect and alkalizing properties. But many specialists are doubtful that the combination of these products will be able to cure cancer or prevent it completely. - However, studies have shown that lemon juice, for example, is a very effective means of fighting against carcinogenic cells. It reduces oxidative stress in your whole body, therefore, lowering the risk of cancer. - Baking soda, in turn, is known for its ability to regulate pH levels. It means that it can counteract the acidity your body accumulates which is one of the main reasons of cancer. This disease tends to thrive in the acidic environment. Baking soda also detoxifies the body and heals it from the exposure to radiation and oxidative damage. - It can assist you in the process of weight loss. There is enough evidence that the drink provides better endurance and more energy during workouts. - Lemon with baking soda will provide cleansing for your body. Lemon, in particular, is a diuretic. It stimulates your body to urinate - therefore the excess of water, salts, toxins, and fats is expelled. - This combination can also be used for dental care. Be careful - its abrasive qualities may harm the teeth if you try to use this mixture for whitening them. - Lemon combined with baking soda improves digestion. It works as a perfect antacid reducing bloating, heartburn, cramping, and other symptoms of indigestion. - Lemon baking soda drink prevents the negative effect free radicals have on your body. The result? It is very beneficial for your skin as it can slow down the signs of aging, surprise your skin with a healthy glow, and reduce the speed at which wrinkles appear. What other uses for lemons do you now? Share them with us in the comments below. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram SMART Youtube: 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
7 min
10 Ways to Kill a Toothache In a Minute
A toothache is something we all have experienced at least once in our lifetime, and over 90% of adults have had some form of tooth decay. Fortunately, there are more than affordable treatment methods you can try at home to kill a toothache in a minute. A cold compress is effective for any kind of pain you are experiencing. Peppermint tea smells great and has some numbing properties. Hydrogen Peroxide is a pain reliever that will help you manage the discomfort. It can not only reduce plaque but also heal bleeding gums and kill the bad bacteria. You can use it as mouthwash. Clove has been treating toothaches for ages as it has eugenol, which is a natural antiseptic. It has been widely used in Ayurveda and Chinese medicine. Guava leaves are anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial. They not only alleviate toothaches but also relieve mouth ulcers and swollen gums. Its antibacterial and antioxidant properties make thyme and excellent toothache treatment tool. Wheatgrass has antibacterial properties, which offer both short-term and long-term benefits while preventing tooth decay and pain. Garlic kills harmful bacteria and works as a pain reliever. Saltwater is a natural disinfectant, and also an easy and effective remedy to cure a toothache. Onion contains phytochemicals that target the germs responsible for the infection and gives you a break from the pain. Music: Down with Paradise - Norma Rockwell TIMESTAMPS Cold Compress 0:39 Peppermint tea 1:17 Hydrogen peroxide 1:57 Clove or Clove Oil 2:26 Guava Leaves 3:17 Thyme 3:47 Wheatgrass 4:40 Garlic 5:23 Salt water rinse 6:07 Onion 6:42 Bonus: Applying acupressure 7:22 SUMMARY -Use an ice pack or put ice in a plastic bag and wrap it with a thin cloth, place this on the aching tooth for 15 minutes to numb the nerves. -Add 1 teaspoon of dried peppermint leaves to a cup of boiling water and let it brew for 20 minutes. Then, use the mixture to rinse your mouth. -Mix 3% hydrogen peroxide with equal parts water. Do not swallow it. Once you spit it out, make sure to rinse your mouth with pure water a few times. -In a pinch, use a small amount of powdered clove on the tooth or chew the whole clove a little to release its oil. Also, you can use a tiny amount of clove oil, about 2 drops, and place it on the affected area until the pain subsides. -Either simply chew a leaf or two until the juice starts working on the affected tooth. Or, place few guava leaves in boiling water, allow the liquid to cool to a warm temperature, and then add a sprinkle of sea salt. Use this solution as a mouthwash. -Mix a few drops of thyme essential oil with water on a cotton ball. Once the oil is diluted, apply the cotton ball to the aching area. -For best results chew wheatgrass directly or use its juice as a mouthwash. -The best approach to using garlic as a toothache remedy is to either make a paste of it and place it on the affected area or chew it slowly. -Mix 1/2 tsp of salt into a glass of warm water and use it as a mouthwash. It also prevents swelling and cleans the area around the toothache. -Cut off a piece of onion and chew it on the side of your mouth that is in pain. This allows the juice from the onion to penetrate your tooth. -Press and hold the point behind your outer ankle bone for about a minute with your fingertip. You can also try to press the point between the base of your thumb and your index finger on the back of your hand with the thumb of the other hand. Both should help you feel better. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
9 min
10 Simple Habits to Lose Weight Naturally
How many times a year do you start a new diet? Weight loss doesn’t have to be stressful or complicated. All you have to do is build simple habits to see the weight come off. Here are ten scientifically proven tips on how to achieve your dream body in almost no time. TIMESTAMPS Use blue plates 0:38 Be more optimistic 1:05 30 minutes of exercising is enough 1:35 Eat slowly, and eat alone 2:05 Avoid eating in front of your computer or TV 2:55 Don’t overheat your house 3:54 Reading food labels 4:35 Eat more yogurt and nuts 4:59 Add hot peppers and spices in your diet 6:06 Drink plenty of water 6:26 If you’re hungry, smell bananas 7:06 SUMMARY - A study involving 3,000 volunteers who smelled these foods when they were hungry found that their appetites decreased. And the results were soon reflected on the scales. - One recent study has shown that the color blue decreases appetite. So try some changes like decorating your table with a blue tablecloth, blue napkins, blue plates, and glasses. - Every positive thought matters. The idea is to focus only on good thoughts and repeat your goals as if they were your mantra. - A healthy diet plan does help you lose weight, but it’s critical to combine good nutrition with some physical exercise. Even low-risk activities, such as walking will be beneficial. - When you’re eating out, always choose the smallest portion. Take your time to read the menu. - According to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, food ads, especially junk food ads, increase our appetite and make us overeat. Also, when we eat in front of our computers or TV, we don’t pay attention to our food. Therefore, we are not aware of how much we’ve eaten. - According to research published in the journal Obesity Reviews, there’s a link between reduced exposure to seasonal cold and increases in obesity in the UK, US, and other developed countries. - The Nutrition Facts food labels can be very useful in helping you make healthy choices and lose weight. A study published in the Journal of Consumer Affairs suggests that people who read food labels on a regular basis are more likely to lose weight, especially women between the ages of 37-50. - According to research conducted at the Harvard School of Public Health, eating yogurt and nuts is more effective in the long run for weight loss than eating fruits and vegetables. - Consuming chilies and other hot peppers also helps to make the pounds fly off since they accelerate your metabolism. Also, cayenne pepper reduces appetite and burns calories faster, according to research from Purdue University. - You should stay well hydrated every day. Make it a habit of drinking a glass of water in the morning on an empty stomach and a glass of water before going to sleep. Subscribe to Bright Side : For copyright matters please contact us at: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
7 min
16 Things That Men Always Notice About Women
What details men pay attention to when they see women? Ladies, guys aren’t looking for unrealistic “perfection” you see in movies, magazines, and commercials. There are just only a couple of small things and we're gonna tell you what they are.
11 min
8 Signs You're More Attractive Than You Think
How to know if people think you're attractive? We all doubt our attractiveness from time to time, seeing more and more flaws every day. But if you think you're not that appealing, it doesn't necessarily mean it's true in the eyes of other people! There are a couple of clear psychological signs that can tell you a lot about your appearance and natural magnetism. When we see a naturally gorgeous person, we automatically think that they can't have low self-esteem. As a result, we give these people fewer compliments, and that’s simply because we assume they already know how beautiful they are. You look just as outstanding as you think! TIMESTAMPS: People rarely compliment you 0:57 Compliments coming your way usually sound apathetic 1:53 Strangers often try to make eye contact with you 2:44 People raise their brows when looking at you 3:44 People periodically make “duck lips” when looking at you 4:53 People try to get closer to you 5:40 People are surprised when they find out that you have complexes 6:20 People are usually either too polite or extremely unfriendly with you 7:11 #beauty #attractpeople #confident Music by Epidemic Sound SUMMARY: - When we see a naturally gorgeous person, we automatically think that they can't have low self-esteem. As a result, we give these people fewer compliments, and that’s simply because we assume they already know how beautiful they are. - As we tend to think that attractive people know exactly how hot they are, we don't see much sense in paying extra attention to it. And that's exactly why compliments end up sounding so trivial and mundane! - We can lie with our words, but our body language always tells the truth. Accordingly, if someone keeps looking at you (even for short periods of time), this person obviously likes you. - We raise our brows to show our friendly attitude nonverbally. Moreover, it's also a subconscious attempt to open our eyes even wider to see something or somebody that attracted our attention. - According to body language experts, it's closely connected to a subconscious wish to kiss! The same thing goes for licking lips, and this gesture is clearly a bit more expressive. - We keep our distance from people who don't seem attractive to us and try to keep close to those who give off positive vibes. - If the people around you become extremely surprised upon hearing about your complexes, it's one of the clearest signs that your problem with your appearance is purely imaginary. - If people either love you or hate you, this means only one thing: you're not indifferent to them. A self-confident person who doesn’t have complexes and considers themselves attractive and successful appreciates the same qualities in other people. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
9 min
11 Military Hacks That’ll Make Your Life Easier
Being a soldier often requires some real-life MacGyvering. But you don’t have to be in the military to benefit from tips like putting duct tape on your feet to prevent blisters or using cotton balls and Vaseline to get your campfire started. Here are 11 hacks from the men and women in uniform that’ll make your life a lot easier! For instance, there’s a very particular hack when it comes to those super shiny soldier shoes. Take a generous amount of shoe shine, rub it on your leather shoes or boots, and let it sit for 10-15 minutes. Then, go over the area with a lighter or flame, and get ready to see your own reflection! For a finishing touch, use a clean damp cloth to polish the surface. If you want to know about other tricks, watch the video! TIMESTAMPS: Duct taping your feet 0:40 Ladder lacing for added ankle support 1:25 Maxi pads for first-aid 2:38 Putting sugar on wounds 3:17 Running tights for added warmth 3:52 Super shiny shoes 4:19 The military tuck 5:00 Cotton and Vaseline as a fire starter 5:42 Lose a tail when driving 6:18 Making a pristine bed 6:39 Peeing in the shower 7:34 #militaryhacks #lifehacks #makeyourlifeeasier Music by Epidemic Sound SUMMARY: - Nowadays, soldiers use duct tape to prevent blisters and calluses caused by those notoriously uncomfortable military boots. - If you still have a lot of lace left (although you shouldn’t with this laddering technique), just wrap it around your ankle and then tie it. Tuck the remaining laces inside your shoe. - In case of an emergency, you can use sanitary pads to prevent a wound from bleeding out. - Speaking of first-aid in a pinch, you can put sugar on a wound to prevent bacterial infection. Don’t worry because this unconventional medical treatment has scientific backing based on a study by the University of Arizona’s College of Medicine. - Running or compression tights aren’t just for jogging or making a fashion statement. You can wear them under almost any pants without them being noticeable. - Covering cotton balls in petroleum jelly and lighting them on fire, you get a strong but steady flame that keeps on burning. A great hack next time you go camping! - If you ever feel like the driver in your rearview mirror is following you, all you gotta do is make 4 consecutive turns in a row. This is usually the best way to lose a tail! - According to the medical community, it actually prevents and cures athlete’s foot! Urine has natural properties like uric acid and ammonia that help fight fungal infections. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
8 min
11 Illegal Things You Do Every Day
There are some strict laws that many of us have no idea about. Here’s a list of 11 illegal things that you're doing pretty much every day. You might not even realize it, but there are so many things you probably do on a day-to-day basis that are totally illegal. There are some laws that many of us have no idea about, while others know about them but don’t believe they’ll ever get caught. Bright Side has decided to open your eyes to some of the illegal stuff that you're doing pretty much every day. TIMESTAMPS Downloading torrents 0:31 Connecting to public Wi-Fi 1:27 Selling on eBay without declaring your income 2:26 Using a fake name online 3:16 Streaming TV shows 4:12 Eating before paying in the store 5:05 Using copyrighted content 5:50 Texting while driving 6:50 Recording Skype conversations 8:03 Sharing passwords 8:48 Using social media when you’re underage 9:44 SUMMARY - You can’t legally watch movies without paying for them! And this rule also goes for every single Torrent file. Simply speaking, if the item is copyrighted, and you're not the owner of it, then downloading it for free is 100% against the law. - If we're talking about public Wi-Fi, you have to have the provider's permission and follow the terms of service to use it legally. - If you sell on eBay but don’t declare your earnings yourself, eBay will submit Form 1099 and report your income to the IRS. - Faking your name or ID can send you to prison for 5 to 20 years! Using a fake name is considered “hacking” because you didn't correctly authorize yourself as a computer owner. - An easy way to find out if you're watching content legally is to see whether or not there are commercials during the video. If there aren’t any, it's more than likely that your blissful little TV-show-binge-watching party of one is breaking the law. - According to the law, you must pay for everything before you take it from the store, and your “testing” falls into this category as well. - Most images are subject to copyright, and it is, in fact, illegal to use them anywhere. When it comes to using copyrighted content, you have to know the rules of something called “fair use”. - Even if you're an experienced driver and have lightning-fast thumbs, it's still better to pull over to type that text message or simply wait until you get to where you’re going before you write and send it. In the USA, texting while driving is strictly prohibited in 41 states. - According to the law, you can't record any conversation without the other person's consent. In some states the same principle applies to phone calls as well: it's illegal to record them without both parties knowing about it. - Sharing your Netflix password, for example, is officially illegal. Having a user's permission isn’t enough if you want to share a password; to do that legally, you must have the permission of the site owner as well! - You’re not supposed to have WhatsApp until you’re 16! Kids these days probably consider this unfair and find ways to sneak around this rule. So it’s not surprising that according to statistics, more than half of children use social media by the age of 10! Music: Rubber Necking - Topher Mohr and Alex Elena is licensed under a Creative Commons license ( Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram SMART Youtube: 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Have you ever seen a talking slime? Here he is – Slick Slime Sam: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
11 min
Riddles So Tricky, They’ll Test Your IQ Like Ne...
Think you're pretty sharp? Let's put that to the test with some riddles that might just have you scratching your head! These aren't your average brainteasers—they're designed to push your mind to the limit. Can you crack the clues and outsmart these puzzles, or will you need to phone a friend for help? Test your IQ, logic, and creativity all at once. If you can solve these, you might just be a riddle master. Ready for the challenge? #brightside Animation is created by Bright Side. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound Check our Bright Side podcast on Spotify and leave a positive review! Subscribe to Bright Side: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightside.official TikTok: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
10 min