Bright Side

Whether you’re into useful tips for self-improvement, psychology, recent discoveries, mysterious stories, or just your day-to-day routine, there’s something for everyone! You can expect all that and more coming at you in five new episodes every day. If you’ve got a thirst for knowledge that never quits, then join our community! We have a good time, so take your shoes off, kick back, and make yourself at home here on the Bright Side of life!

Use 1 Onion per Day, and See What Happens to Yo...
Did you know what onions can do to your body? Here’s a list of some surprising benefits of onions you probably haven't heard of. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram SMART Youtube: 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Have you ever seen a talking slime? Here he is – Slick Slime Sam: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
11 min
13 Logic Riddles 98% Get Wrong on First Attempt
Hey guys! We are all familiar with typical IQ tests that rate your intelligence level after you have answered some standardized questions. But there are some other ways to find out what your inner genius can do! How about to put your problem-solving skills to the test with these logic riddles? Only a few people can figure out them. For each one you unravel, you get 1 point. Get a pen and some paper and let's find out if you can answer all of them! Test your logical skills! TIMESTAMPS: A Missing Swimmer 0:17 A Secret Path 1:15 Trapped in a Basement 1:57 A Hotel Mystery 2:54 A Deep Dark Pit 3:40 A Shady Alley 4:31 Who Did It? 5:02 A Train Mystery 5:36 A Lost Purse 6:23 Toxic Factories 7:16 How Did He Get In? 8:02 Where's the Safe? 8:44 Who took the dessert? 9:34 Other videos you might like: 9 Riddles That Will Boost Your Thinking Skills • 9 Riddles That Will Boost Your Thinki... 5 Riddles Only People with Fresh Thinking Can Crack • 5 Riddles Only People with Fresh Thin... Only a Genius Or a Person With a Mental Illness Can Answer This • Only a Genius Can Answer This #logicalriddles #logicalpuzzles #brightside Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
11 min
13 Secrets to Keep Your Phone Battery Alive for...
Nothing can ruin your mood faster than having a low battery on your phone and no charger in sight. To avoid the mini panic attack we all have when that happens, try these 13 secret simple tricks to prolong your phone’s battery life.
9 min
10 Sleeping Positions and Their Real Meanings
Even in the happiest couples, a lot of things are often left unsaid. However, when we fall asleep, our subconscious wakes up and spills all the beans. Watch the video to find out what you and your partner's sleeping position reveals about your relationship! For example, sleeping at a certain distance while still holding hands or staying connected through any other minimal touch shows that both of you are confident in the relationship. You don't need any over-the-top gestures to know that your partner is head-over-heels in love with you. Hilary Thompson, a wellness consultant with SleepTrain, says that minimal touch is just a little reminder of your presence and the affection you give to each other. So you can sigh with relief; your subconscious confirms that your relationship is on top of its game! TIMESTAMPS: Spooning 0:44 Head on the chest 1:38 Back-to-back 2:16 Face-to-face 3:08 Sleeping on your stomachs 4:01 Hand touching 4:46 Leg hugging 5:27 Tangling 6:18 One of the partners dominates the bed 7:04 Sleeping in separate beds 8:03 Music by Epidemic Sound SUMMARY: - Spooning indicates intimacy and deep understanding between partners. This position also shows your roles in the relationship. If you're the big spoon, you’re protective of your partner and can even be a bit possessive at times. - According to Patti Wood, a body language expert and the author of Success Signals: A Guide to Reading Body Language, the partner who puts their head on the other’s chest shows their dependence, while the one who sleeps on their back demonstrates their power and desire to protect their other half. - Sleeping back-to-back can have completely different meanings depending on the space between you two. If your backs are touching, it shows that you're an established couple that values their space but manages to keep that connection with one another. - Sleeping with your faces and bodies turned towards each other is a position that signifies emotional connection. If you and your partner are touching during face-to-face sleeping, it means that you want the same things and understand each other perfectly. - If both you and your partner are big fans of sleeping on your stomach, this could be a sign of a little trouble in your personal paradise. - Sleeping at a certain distance while still holding hands or staying connected through any other minimal touch shows that both of you are confident in the relationship. - Intertwining your legs together while sleeping is another great sign for your relationship. Even if you don't really sleep that close to one another, this “leg hugging” shows your bond with your partner and your desire for deeper emotional and physical connection. - Tangling is a popular sleeping position among couples who just started dating. This is that stage of any new relationship when you just can't get enough of each other. And that's exactly what this position signifies. - If you or your partner prefer a starfish position and take up a whole lotta space while sleeping, it's not really a good sign. It basically indicates a selfish person who wants to be in charge at all times. Another important factor is whether your heads are at the same level. - The reasons behind a couple sleeping in different beds can vary from comfort issues and snoring to really serious problems in the relationship. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
10 min
What Your Body Parts Say About Your True Character
Each of us has a unique set of DNA that gives us certain physical traits. But according to some scientists, things like your face shape, eye color, and fingers can say a lot about your personality. Genetics can determine a lot of things about our future and the way we perceive the world through our genes. Here at Bright Side, we found some scientific studies about body parts that convey some interesting things about our personality. Some people say looks can be deceiving, but if you know the facts, then you’ll see that looks can reveal quite a lot about a person. Watch our new video to find out more! TIMESTAMPS: Nose shape 0:52 Face shape 2:41 Eye color 3:31 Eye shape 5:36 Lips 6:36 Jawline 7:53 Hands 8:57 Finger length 9:48 #physiognomy #noseshape #lipsshape Music by Epidemic Sound SUMMARY: - People with long noses are really ambitious and hardworking. They’re usually perfectionists and tend to put their professional life ahead of their personal life. - If you have a perfectly straight Greek nose, you’re probably intelligent, logical, and super reliable. - As for those adorable button noses, they speak of a caring, loving, and optimistic nature. But these people can get pretty emotional at times. - People with long faces are highly intelligent individuals. A narrow facial structure is a sign of a more emotional rather than intelligent individual. People with wide faces are emotionless and highly successful in life. - People with brown eyes are natural-born leaders and highly intelligent individuals. Extremely dark brown eyes are a sign of an introverted, mysterious, and secretive nature. - Blue eyes show a lot of inner strength and a very competitive nature. If the eye color is a darker shade of blue, this person possesses a lot of physical strength and is very sensitive. - Grey eyes can be a sign of a well-balanced person. These individuals also care a lot about what other people think of them, and they work hard to be liked by everyone. - People with green eyes can be agreeable and dominant like brown-eyed individuals, yet strong and cautious like those with blue eyes. - Your lips show your emotional side and how you act in personal relationships. - The study concluded that the more defined a person’s jawline is, the more intense their personality can be due to the high levels of testosterone. - If your fingers seem far apart from each other, this means that you love exploring and having new experiences. As for fingers that are positioned close together, it shows a more cautious nature. But you’re probably really well-organized! - The length of your fingers shows the levels of testosterone you were exposed to in the womb! It can also reveal a lot about your inner self. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
11 min
22 Amazing Inventions That Will Save Our Planet
Every 2 hours, we throw away enough trash to fill up the largest container ship in the world. Thankfully, people are now setting all kinds of eco-friendly trends, and companies are coming up with green technologies that let consumers live a low-waste yet equally comfortable lifestyle. Here are some of the best examples!
12 min
What'll Happen If You Eat 4 Almonds Every Day
Almonds have been popular in the diets of ancient Indians and Egyptians. This nut is a very healthy snack as it contains many minerals and vitamins that you need: they are rich in magnesium, vitamin B, protein, and amino acids. Today Bright Side would like to tell you of 7 positive changes that occur if you eat these nuts every day. All you need to do is just eat four almonds a day, and your body will transform in an amazing way in almost no time! Did you know that almonds can even prevent some types of cancer? Watch till the end to see how. Other videos you might like: What Will Happen If You Eat Nothing for 7 Days • What Will Happen If You Eat Nothing f... If You Eat an Avocado a Day For a Month, Here's What Will Happen to You • If You Eat an Avocado a Day For a Mon... What Will Happen If You Start Eating Oats Every Day • What Will Happen If You Start Eating ... TIMESTAMPS: Help you lose weight 0:48 Boost your brain activity 1:18 Skincare 1:51 Reduce heart attack risk 2:15 Make your bones strong 2:48 Lower bad cholesterol 3:16 Help feel better during pregnancy 3:44 Reduce the risk of cancer 4:06 Music by Epidemic Sound SUMMARY: - According to a recent study, almonds reduce hunger and desire to eat later in the day, so eating almonds is an easy way to reduce your overall calorie intake! - Almonds are the source of many nutrients that help in the development of the brain. Almonds contain amino acids and oils, which help your brain maintain concentration. - Being one of the most powerful antioxidants; almonds prevent the cells of your body against premature aging. - A recent study has shown that those who consume almonds five times a week have a 50% less chance to get a heart attack. - Almonds are a source of calcium, which prevents osteoporosis and strengthens your bones, teeth, and muscles. Also, these nuts contain magnesium and potassium, which are essential for healthy bones as well. - Almonds are an excellent source of monounsaturated fats and some polyunsaturated fats that help reduce bad cholesterol. - In case you are pregnant, you should eat a few almonds every day as vitamin E is necessary for a woman during the pregnancy period. - Almonds are an excellent source of vitamin B and flavonoids that lessen the risk of breast cancer. Also, these nuts are rich in boron, which helps prevent prostate cancer. Subscribe to Bright Side : For copyright matters please contact us at: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
4 min
Figure Out Who's Less Smart in 30 Riddles
Hey there! Are you ready for another brain workout today? Because we have 30 new riddles for you. We’ll show you a pair of people for each one, and you’ll have to decide which person doesn’t behave wisely. The riddles are solved with the power of observation, and all of them will require you to put our logical abilities to work. You’ll have 7 seconds per riddle to make your decision. Every right answer will award you 1 point. And remember that regular training and problem solving can help your brain function at a more stable level throughout your entire life. What can you do to boost your intelligence? It's simple. Always be on the lookout for different problems to solve and give your brain a workout. Ready? Grab a pencil and a piece of paper, and let’s get started. #brightside TIMESTAMPS: Charlotte and Elizabeth 0:24 Lucas and Liam 0:44 Ava and Olivia 1:10 Michael and Logan 1:32 Ian and Nolan 2:03 Jackson and Emma 2:19 Scarlett and Ellie 2:40 Riley and Isabella 3:08 Lily and Oliver 3:30 Sophia and Aiden 3:55 John and Brandon 4:20 Thomas and Abigail 4:40 Ryan and Kaylee 5:03 Asher and Hailey 5:27 Chloe and Avery 5:55 Hannah and Maya 6:15 Mason and Jacob 6:47 Emily and Madison 7:07 Aubrey and James 7:34 Mia and Ethan 7:55 Carter and Layla 8:19 Leah and Aaron 8:42 William and Daniel 9:09 Jane and Amelia 9:25 Max and Ezra 9:48 Jonathan and Savannah 10:20 Stella and Aurora 10:45 Miles and Cooper 11:09 Leo and Melanie 11:42 Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
12 min
14 Most Unusual Jobs That Actually Pay Well
There are a lot of people out there who are not satisfied with their office work. However, there is also a small group of people who are doing jobs you will never believe exist — and all this for some serious cash. Get ready to see the jobs that obliterate the 9 to 5 concept.
9 min
A New Continent Is Discovered on Earth In the P...
How to Stop Water Polution. In case you're wondering what water polution has to do with a new continent discoevered in the Pacific Ocean, here's the answer to this mystery. This new continent is an island that consists solely of garbage and plastic waste. Some countries are ready to announce an ecological disaster. Let’s see if there’s something we can all do to save the planet. TIMESTAMPS The popularity of plastic 0:26 Garbage islands 1:47 The Great Pacific Garbage Patch 2:30 Problems connected with the plastic pollution of the ocean 4:39 Bali ecological disaster 7:31 Several ways to solve problem 8:26 #newcontinent #garbageisland #ecologicalproblem Music: Butchers - Silent Partner SUMMARY -2 million plastic bags a minute are thrown away. As for bubble wrap, the amount produced in just one year would be enough to cover our planet around the equator. 500 billion plastic cups are used and disposed of annually. -There are 3 huge garbage islands in the world: in the central North Pacific Ocean, in the Indian Ocean, and in the Atlantic Ocean. -The size of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch is currently more than 600,000 square miles. According to the journal Scientific Reports, there are more than 1.8 trillion pieces of plastic that have accumulated in this area. -Plastic objects in the ocean kill animals or get stuck in their bodies. Some types of plastic are toxic. In addition, plastic has the ability to absorb such poisonous substances as mercury. Birds often choke to death after trying to swallow a bright object that has caught their eye. -Indonesian authorities have recently declared a “garbage emergency.” More than 100 tons of waste brought ashore every day to beaches from Seminyak and Jimbaran to Kuta. -To solve the problem, people can find a way to remove the garbage that is already in the ocean. Another way out is to decrease pollution or stop it completely. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
10 min
12 Signs Your Computer Has Been Hacked
There are important signs your computer has been hacked and your data has been stolen. What should you do? Learn the easiest ways to protect your computer from hackers. Cyber attacks have recently become a very popular problem, so everyone is worried about protecting their data. To prevent your passwords or other important data from being stolen, you have to pay attention to any changes on your computer. TIMESTAMPS The antivirus is switched off 0:49 You receive fake antivirus warnings 1:29 Your passwords don’t work 2:05 Your number of friends has grown 2:59 New icons appear on your dashboard 3:25 The cursor moves on its own 3:50 Your printer doesn’t work properly 4:30 You are redirected to different websites 5:02 Your files are deleted by someone else 5:36 Your data is on the internet, even though you didn’t put it there 6:06 There is unusual webcam behavior 6:56 Your computer works very slowly 7:28 What you should do 8:19 SUMMARY What you should do: • Warn your friends and other people to whom you sent emails that your computer has been hacked. Tell them not to open messages from you and not to click on any links from you. • Tell your bank about a possible leak of your data. Find out how to protect your money. • Delete all unfamiliar programs and also those you can’t launch. • Install a reliable antivirus, and scan your system. Some companies make trial versions. • Change the passwords on all your accounts. • If you still feel that the problem is not solved, ask a specialist. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
9 min
16 World Records You Can Break Any Minute
Hey guys! What about breaking a record? You probably think that Guinness World Records are something only a chosen few can do. But what if I told you that there are records you can break at literally any moment without leaving your home? On top of that, some of them don't need any specialized training!
10 min
20 Things to Avoid to Become a Real Lady
Some people consider the rules of etiquette to be outdated and old-fashioned. However, good manners never go out of style. If you want to be taken seriously, you should know there are things that can ruin your image of a true lady. We at Bright Side have come up with a list of typical etiquette mistakes a lady would never make. Keep them in mind, and you'll always make a great first impression.
10 min
What Happens To Your Body When You Drink Turmer...
Have you ever bought turmeric or turmeric powder? Do you have an idea why you need it? Turmeric has been used as a spice, dye, and medicine for a long time. It's a universal spice and can be used by both adults and kids. Reveal all the benefits of this magical root – and you’ll never need a doctor again. Other videos you might like: Do This Every Morning to Look As Young As 18 • Do This Every Morning to Look As Youn... 10 Easy Ways to Boost Testosterone Naturally • 10 Easy Ways to Boost Testosterone Na... Dip a Lemon in Baking Soda, and the Result Will Amaze You! • Dip a Lemon in Baking Soda, and the R... TIMESTAMPS: Helps you control weight 1:04 Prevents cancer 2:38 Helps you fight stress 3:23 Brings your blood pressure to normal 4:22 Heals wounds 5:12 Improves digestion and prevents gastritis 5:56 Prevents colds and improves immunity 6:48 SUMMARY: - To lose weight quickly and naturally, just start drinking turmeric water or add turmeric to your diet. - It sounds surprising, but this amazing spice can prevent many types of cancer, including rectum, prostate, brain, breast, and lung cancers. - A recent study showed that curcumin fights depression the same way patented medications do. And it’s also much safer for patients. - According to studies from the Institute of Delhi, drinking turmeric water lowers blood pressure, which is beneficial for hypertensive patients. - Turmeric reduces swelling in arthritis and relieves pain. Moreover, it also fights various skin diseases. - When you drink turmeric water every day, you help your body prevent and even treat gastritis, without medicines. - Turmeric helps treat colds, runny nose, sinusitis, and similar issues. In addition to drinking turmeric water, you can wash your nose with salty warm water mixed with turmeric. Subscribe to Bright Side : For copyright matters please contact us at: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
7 min
A Cool Grammar Test That 95% of People Fail
Try your skills with this spelling test 95% of people fail. When was the last time you actually had to test your spelling skills? Your 6th-grade spelling bee? Autocorrect can sometimes annoy us and even leave us in some pretty awkward situations. But, be honest, we’ve kinda grown dependent on our phones’ and computers’ spell check feature. This quiz will be divided into simple, intermediate, and advanced sections with gradually increasing difficulty. And some of these words leave even the smartest completely baffled! Only 5% of people get all of them right! You’ll need to finish the sentences with the correctly spelled word. While you’re taking the test, keep track of the answers you get right. At the end of the video, you’ll get your results. Music: TIMESTAMPS Easy-peasy level 1:05 Level up 2:48 “Spelling Guru” level 4:30 The results: Less than 10 words 6:18 At least 10 words 6:27 10 to 14 correct words 6:33 All of 15 words 6:43 SUMMARY -The first 5 questions of the test are a warm-up before the real challenge. -It’s time to move one level up, can you make it? -Level 3 is a challenge only a real spelling guru can win at. Let’s see if you can proudly call yourself such a guru. -If you got less than 10 words right, you might want to consider working on your spelling skills a little more. -If you've chosen at least 10 correctly spelled words, your level is that of an extremely smart sixth-grader. -If your score is from 10 to 14 correct words, not too shabby! You can be proud of yourself for your spelling skills. -If you knew the spelling of all 15 words, you’ve passed the test that 95% of people fail. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
7 min
Dinosaurs Can Come Back in the Near Future
Could the dinosaurs ever come back? The idea that people could bring dinosaurs back someday is both exciting and scary. But it's no joke. Your childhood dream of a real-life Jurassic Park could actually come true in 30 years! And, yes, scientists were initially inspired by the famous movie. They wanted to find a mosquito stuck in amber and extract dinosaur DNA from it. But real-world scientists came across a big problem: the oldest DNA sample they were able to get was only 1 million years old. “Only” because all the dinosaurs went extinct some 65 million years ago! So instead of looking for dinosaur DNA hanging out in the belly of an ancient mosquito, they decided to take DNA from the closest descendants of these reptilian giants. TIMESTAMP: Closest descendants of dinosaurs 0:39 Mini-tyrannosaurus! 1:40 Will a world shared with dinosaurs be cool? 2:34 Why we couldn’t let them live free in the wild 3:51 What if the dinosaurs had never disappeared? 4:27 #dinosaurs #giants #brightside Other videos you might like: A Huge Snake Could Be a Reason Why Dinosaurs Went Extinct • A Huge Snake Could Be a Reason Why Di... 10 Biggest Sea Dinosaurs That Ever Existed on Earth • 10 Biggest Sea Dinosaurs That Ever Ex... Who Is the Largest on Earth? • (Issue) Who Is the Largest on Earth? Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
7 min
8 Signs You're Way Smarter Than People Around
What being smart means. Intelligence is something rather different from being good at exams or memorizing history books by heart. And if you have just a couple of friends, if you frequently seem lonely, or if you’re a perfectionist, the chances are high that you’re simply smarter than the people who surround you. TIMESTAMPS: You enjoy loneliness 1:10 You feel pressured 4:07 You often daydream 4:53 You're open-minded 5:40 Your self-control is exceptional 6:24 Your indecisiveness stems from overanalyzing 7:13 You often feel dissatisfied or unhappy 7:55 You connect concepts that seem unrelated 8:54 #smartpeople #introvert #self-control Music: Medium Rock by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence ( Artist: Audionautix SUMMARY: - If you or other people in your life prefer being alone, this doesn't necessarily mean loneliness. Sometimes it's just a sign of greater intelligence. - Smart people often see and realize things that the people around them can't comprehend. That's why they know for sure where their life should head. - Daydreaming might not be a distracting habit but a sign of high intelligence. In their study, psychologists from the Georgia Institute of Technology drew a connection between daydreaming and the efficiency and strength of a person's brain. - Highly intelligent people never close themselves off if they come across new ideas or unusual opportunities. They tend to look for alternative solutions and consider the views of other people. - Another thing that makes smart people stand out in a crowd is their ability to overcome impulsiveness. They tend to plan their actions, clarify their goals, explore different strategies, and think about consequences. - Highly intelligent people need to know all the pros and cons before they make a decision. But at the same time, the more they analyze, the less likely they are to act. - For some smart people, their intelligence turns out to be a curse. They simply don't fit in and sometimes wonder about the truthfulness of the expression “ignorance is bliss.” - Smart people can see patterns nobody else pays attention to. This happens due to their ability to draw parallels. #smartpeople #confident #introvert Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
10 min
21 Invaluable Kitchen Hacks Few People Know Of
Did you know that boiling pasta and frying eggs might be easier than they already are? We’ve gathered some life hacks for preparing food, cleaning and organizing your cooking space. TIMESTAMPS Cooking Hacks 0:40 Remove seeds from vegetables 0:46 Remove excess fat from cooked food 1:18 Use film wrap 1:47 Peel citrus fruits 2:16 Make peeling boiled eggs easier 2:44 Squeeze more juice out of your citrus fruits 3:04 Grate soft cheese with less mess 3:28 Cut onions without tears 3:50 How to boil pasta 4:19 Roast a whole chicken 4:43 Parchment paper for cupcakes 5:06 Warm up baked items 5:27 Make perfect basted eggs 5:49 Storage Hacks Keep cooking herbs 6:22 Store shelled nuts 6:43 Cleaning Hacks Clean a cast iron frying pan 7:27 Rid your hands of unpleasant odors 7:55 Return metal kitchenware to its previous shine 8:16 Restore wooden spoons to life 8:39 Clean wooden chopping boards 9:11 Keep your recipes clean 9:36 SUMMARY - To quickly remove seeds from pumpkins or zucchinis, you can use an ice-cream scoop. Its sharp edge easily scrapes out seeds from veggies. - If a dish you’ve cooked turns out to be unexpectedly rich, you can easily remove excess fat using a couple of ice cubes and a paper towel. - Cold food wrap behaves better, sticking and tearing less, leading to less of that familiar feeling of exasperation. - Add soda or vinegar to the water you boil the eggs in. These substances get inside the shells and make it easier to peel them off. - To squeeze the last drops out of a lemon, first cool the fruit in the fridge. And then zap it in the microwave for 15-20 seconds. - The freezer will help you here, too. Put the onions in for 30 minutes before chopping them. - When your roast a chicken whole, lay it on its breast. The breast contains most of the meat; the closest it is to the source of heat, the quicker it will cook through. - When warming up pizza or other baked items in the microwave, put a cup of water in alongside it. - If you freeze herbs in an ice-cube tray, their vitamin content is preserved. Try freezing them in water or olive oil. #cookingshacks #cleaningtips #cookingtips Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
10 min
10 Extinct Animals Scientists Are Ready to Brin...
Do you know that scientists are almost ready to bring back some species that have been long gone? A T-Rex and other dangerous creatures aren't on the VIP list, so we won't see them in the not-so-distant future. But some of our most beloved characters from the Ice Age movies can be brought back to life!
10 min
13 Psychology Tricks That Work On Anybody
How To Understand People Better? Every human being is a unique universe. However, psychologists keep discovering new behavioral patterns that are believed to be rooted in our childhood and can be applied to everyone. Do you want to learn how to make people respect you and listen to you? Have a look at these useful psychology tricks – they might affect your communication skills positively and make your life easier in some way. TIMESTAMPS How to find out if a person likes you 0:44 How to make people take you seriously 1:06 How to win ‘Rock, paper, scissors’ 1:21 How to make people agree with you 1:41 How to behave in a crowd 2:11 How to get rid of a song that is stuck in your head 2:44 How to make your kids eat broccoli 3:09 What to do when someone is watching you 3:37 How to make anyone help you carry stuff 3:55 How to shake hands (the ‘warm hand’ trick) 4:22 How to become a good listener 4:41 How to make someone like you and help you 5:07 What if someone doesn't like you 5:31 SUMMARY - To determine if a person likes you, pick a word and every time he or she uses this word, nod, and smile. - Every time you tell them something, say that your father taught you this. People tend to believe parents’ advice inherently. - To win at the ‘Rock, Paper, Scissors’ game, ask your opponent a random question right before playing it. - If you want people to agree with you, just nod and maintain eye contact while you’re talking. ‘The nod’ sign means ‘everything I’m saying is true.’ - In crowded places, look right in front of you, in the direction in which you’re going. You will be impressed watching the crowd give way to you. - If a certain song is stuck in your head and you would love to forget it, try to think of the end of the song. - Go ahead and ask your kids if they want two or five stalks of broccoli instead of asking them if they want broccoli. Thus, you’ve made your mind and chose broccoli for their lunch, but they feel like they have made their own decision. - If someone is actually stalking you, they will yawn when you do, since yawning is highly contagious. - Your friend will most likely help you carry, let’s say, a box of your stuff if you continue talking while handing over the box. - If you know you’re going to shake hands with someone, make sure your hands are warm enough. Warm hands promote a friendly atmosphere. - Whatever your friend has just said, paraphrase it and repeat it. The person who talks to you will subconsciously get the feeling you are a great listener. - If you want someone to help you, start your phrase with the words ‘I need your help...’ - On one hand, people tend not to help those whom they don’t like, but on the other hand, it’s such a small favor that your ‘hater’ most likely won’t be able to say ‘No’. Eventually, he will come to the conclusion that you’re not that bad. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
6 min
9 Tips for a Perfect Hollywood Smile
How to whiten your teeth naturally at home? Are you looking for way ways to whiten your teeth? We found 9 methods that you can try at home and that won’t do you any harm at all. If you follow this advice on a regular basis, you’ll see your teeth lighten up a few tones! TIMESTAMPS DIY whitening toothpaste 3:16 Tea tree oil 4:30 Strawberry paste 5:26 Coconut oil 6:27 Activated charcoal mask 7:08 Banana peel whitener 7:50 Lemon mouthwash 8:41 Basil leaves 9:10 Aloe vera 9:50 SUMMARY First of all, it can be genetics. This one is hard to beat. Yellowish teeth tone might be just a thing in your family, and you inherited it from your parents. Don’t blame them. They also gave you a sharp mind and beautiful eyes. Second, it is certain medications. The antibiotics doxycycline and tetracycline can even darken the teeth of children under 8. Research has shown these medications can even affect a baby who is not born yet. If your mother took them in the second half of her pregnancy, it might give you permanent stains on your teeth as you grow up. Dentin is also to blame for a not so white smile. It is a material, which lives under your enamel. When the enamel is thin, you can see the dentin. It is that deep yellow to the brownish color we hate to see on our teeth. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram SMART Youtube: 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
10 min
12 Smart Psychological Tips You'd Better Learn
How to make people like you? Bright Side is sharing 12 tips that will work every time and can help you out in any situation and help you win another person's trust. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram SMART Youtube: 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Have you ever seen a talking slime? Here he is – Slick Slime Sam: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
9 min
3 Mystery Riddles Only the Smartest 1% Can Crack
We've collected new super hard mystery riddles that only the brightest Sherlocks can solve. Do you think you’ve got what it takes to crack them? After each riddle you'll have 20 seconds to pinpoint the perp. If that’s not long enough, don't worry! Just pause the video to give yourself more thinking time. Music: Hon Kyoku - Doug Maxwell/ Zac Zinger Night Music - Kevin MacLeod The Voyage – Audionautix is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution ( Artist: TIMESTAMPS Riddle #1: How did the police know it was their guy? 0:37 Riddle #2: What happened to Johnny? 2:14 Riddle #3: Who’s the criminal ringleader? 4:56 SUMMARY -You have 20 seconds to figure out what gave the firefighter away. -Can you guess who the detective had in mind when he said that he knew who the kidnapper was to the parents? -Figure out who was pretending, and how did the police understand which of the girls was the criminal? Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
8 min
A Mysterious Object Punched a Hole in the Milky...
Space is full of mysteries that have remained unsolved for centuries. But recently, the cosmos has baffled the world with a new, scary abnormality. Apparently, something is tearing holes in the Milky Way, the galaxy that contains our Solar System! 😮 What if the hole in the Milky Way was torn by a supermassive black hole like the one that dwells in the center of our galaxy? If it was, it’d be a pretty scary scenario. If these two black holes got too close, they wouldn't be able to escape each other's gravity, and a collision might be inevitable. And it would be an extremely violent event. But the thing is that the telescopes failed to find the source of the damage. So what could this unseen bullet be? Scientists have several theories. Other videos you might like: Stephen Hawking’s 7 Predictions of Earth’s Demise in the Next 200 Years • Stephen Hawking’s 7 Predictions of Ea... 13 Scariest Theories That'll Make Your Blood Run Cold • 13 Scariest Theories That'll Make You... What If The Sun Went Out for Just One Day • What If The Sun Went Out for Just One... TIMESTAMPS: The gap in the stellar stream 0:29 Is it a stray star? 1:39 Or is it a supermassive black hole? 1:59 And then what? 2:29 What baffles astronomers 3:35 What if it was dark matter that harmed our galaxy? 4:48 The intruder might be hiding somewhere in the galaxy 6:12 The "ghost" galaxy 7:10 #outerspace #milkyway #blackhole Music by Epidemic Sound SUMMARY: - This year, Harvard scientist Dr. Ana Bonaca noticed a weird disturbance in our galaxy's stellar streams. A stellar stream is a line of stars that are moving together through galaxies. - One day, Dr. Bonaca noticed a gap in the stream, and this gap had a strange ragged edge. - One theory suggests that the intruder is a stray star. However, the hole is too enormous for this idea to sound plausible. - Luckily for us, there aren’t any supermassive black holes in the vicinity, so this theory fails to explain the mysterious bullet-hole phenomenon. - Naturally, astronomers have continued their observations. But what baffles them is that there’s no large object made from ordinary, light-reflecting matter moving away from the bullet-hole. - What if it was dark matter that harmed our galaxy, and what if it reached Earth? Unlike a stream of regular matter, dark matter wouldn't see the Earth as an obstacle. It would just pass through. But that's not the most amazing part! - However, Dr. Bonaca still doesn't rule out the possibility that the intruder is a luminous object that, after tearing a hole in the Milky Way, is hiding somewhere in the galaxy. - The intruder could’ve been moving at an incredibly high speed, and wouldn’t have to be very massive to tear a hole in the stellar stream. - The edge of the galaxy can even contain traces of a "ghost" galaxy - one that's older than our Milky Way! - Curiously, the astronomers who discovered the "ghost" galaxy, which is a satellite galaxy of the Milky Way, can’t explain its origin and nature. Named Ant 2, the galaxy was dubbed "ghost" because it's weirdly dim. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
9 min
Scientists Finally Explain Why Asians Look So Cute
What does it mean to be “cute”? Beauty standards and perceptions of attractiveness vary across cultures, but one thing is clear: being called “cute” is something entirely different. Is there a scientific explanation of why our brains perceive some people as “cute” and others as “beautiful,” “hot,” and so on? We’re about to answer all of them with the help of science! TIMESTAMPS: Why we find babies so cute 1:13 What the EDAR gene is 2:28 What sexual dimorphism is 3:47 How Korean pop music is changing the world 4:35 #jimin #BTS #asianbeauty Preview photo credit: Park Ji-min at Aladdin fansign on September 22, 2017: By Jimson Weed - 170922 알라딘 팬싸, CC BY 4.0, Animation is created by Bright Side. Music: SUMMARY: - There are other traits in babies that our brain, for whatever reason, finds adorable. They have a disproportionate head-to-body size and short limbs. In fact, if babies were proportioned more like mini-adults, we probably wouldn’t be as inclined to coo at them! - East Asian people tend to hold onto these features into adulthood, a phenomenon called “neoteny.” Studies have found that neotenous faces are often perceived as more social and feminine, whereas non-neotenous faces are seen as more intimidating. - The EDAR gene controls the development of our hair, skin, and teeth. This mutation causes people to have thicker hair shafts, more oil glands (which helps keep skin looking youthful for longer), and less breast tissue in females. - Sexual dimorphism is what makes males and females of the same species look different. So, less sexual dimorphism means men with neotenous faces tend to look more feminine. - The recent surge in the worldwide popularity of Korean pop music (abbreviated as Kpop) with groups like BTS has put this cultural difference in the spotlight. Rather than exhibiting the sort of “macho” features of Western standards of male beauty, sensational Kpop stars like Jimin have smooth faces, slim bodies, and an overall feminine appearance. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
6 min