Bright Side

Whether you’re into useful tips for self-improvement, psychology, recent discoveries, mysterious stories, or just your day-to-day routine, there’s something for everyone! You can expect all that and more coming at you in five new episodes every day. If you’ve got a thirst for knowledge that never quits, then join our community! We have a good time, so take your shoes off, kick back, and make yourself at home here on the Bright Side of life!

25 Strange Phobias You May Not Know You Have
When was the last time you felt terrified? Maybe you were walking in the dark and heard a strange noise right behind you. We all fear something. Our hearts start beating like crazy, we sweat and tremble, run out of breath and sometimes even have a full-blown panic attack. Hit “thumbs up” if you are afraid of something. It is okay to admit it. Here's a list of 25 bizarre and unique phobias you won’t believe exist. TIMESTAMPS Acrybophobia 1:03 Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia 1:46 Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia 3:09 Gnosophobia 4:49 Hydrosophobia 5:31 Dextrophobia 6:00 Dorophobia 6:40 Koumpounophobia 7:15 Lachanophobia 8:27 Nephophobia 8:55 Omphalophobia 9:31 Ombrophobia 10:13 Pentheraphobia 11:05 Pogonophobia 11:48 Papathophobia 12:22 Trypophobia 12:50 Chairophobia 13:30 Chronophobia 13:55 Philophobia 14:43 Deipnophobia 15:14 Punctumophobia 15:59 Reterophobia 16:16 Emojiphobia 16:35 Selfiephobia 16:51 Ignorophobia 17:08 SUMMARY - Acrybophobia is the fear of not being able to understand what you're reading at the moment. - Those who fear number 666, “The number of the Beast” have hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia. - Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia is the fear of long words. - Gnosophobia is the fear of knowledge (gnosis means “knowledge” in Greek). It is also known as Epistemophobia. - Hydrosophobia is a fear of sweating and catching a cold or a fear of becoming a source of unpleasant odor. - Dextrophobia is the fear of objects at the ride side of the body. - The holiday season must be a real nightmare for those who experience dorophobia. - People suffering from Koumpounophobia try to avoid clothes with buttons. - Lachanophobia is the fear of vegetables. - Instagram with all its #nofilter sky pictures is a scary place for those who have nephophobia. - Omphalophobia is the fear of belly buttons. - Ombrophobia is the fear of rain. - Pentheraphobia is the fear of mother-in-law. - Pogonophobia is the fear of beards. - Papathophobia is the fear of the Pope or “papas” in Ancient Greek as it stands in the name. - Trypophobia is the fear of clusters of holes. - Chairophobia (from Greek chairo meaning “to be pleased, joyful”) is the fear of laughing in an inappropriate environment, for example, at a funeral. - Chronophobia is the fear of time. - People with philophobia avoid falling in love or having a relationship. - Deipnophobia is the fear of dinner parties. - Punctumophobia is a fear of getting a message with a dot at the end. - Reterophobia is the fear of making a mistake in a word or not noticing an auto-correct. - Emojiphobia is a fear of being misunderstood using emoticons or stickers. - Selfiephobia is the fear of bad selfies. - Ignorophobia is a fear that the message was viewed, but not responded to. Is there a way to get over any of these phobias? Popular treatment methods are all kinds of therapy, controlled breathing, and visualization. Remember it is much easier to handle any concern if you fully understand why and what exactly concerns you most of all. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram SMART Youtube: 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
18 min
Crack These Riddles to Win the Mind Games
Animation is created by Bright Side. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music from TheSoul Sound: Check our Bright Side podcast on Spotify and leave a positive review! Subscribe to Bright Side: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightside.official TikTok: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This video is made for entertainment purposes. We do not make any warranties about the completeness, safety and reliability. Any action you take upon the information in this video is strictly at your own risk, and we will not be liable for any damages or losses. It is the viewer's responsibility to use judgement, care and precaution if you plan to replicate.
130 min
10 Stories That'll Make You Believe in Fate Again
Do you believe in fate? I do. Isn't it amazing in one moment, people can meet each other and their lives change forever? Chance encounters aren't necessarily accidental! Sometimes we seem to end up in the right place at the right time as though by someone’s will, leading us to think that this is "simply fate." Here are ten stories about how coincidences changed people’s lives for the better. Frankly speaking, the last story almost brought me to tears. Let’s see which story will melt your heart the most. TIMESTAMPS: How a cat returned to their owners in a new form 0:40 How a man kept his promise to marry 1:30 How a grandmother found a wife for her grandson 2:22 How we met Alex 3:23 How a guy lost his wallet and found a friend 3:53 How a girl met her future husband on the day of her wedding 4:49 How a man helped a homeless guy get back to his feet 5:25 How a girl met a guy at a mysterious place 6:03 The power of the name 6:30 How a cat gave her life for a woman 6:52 #fate #destiny #coincidences Subscribe to Bright Side : For copyright matters please contact us at: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
7 min
65 Quick Facts to Make You the Most Interesting...
Sometimes it seems that you’ve seen so much in this life that nothing will be able to surprise you ever again. And then you accidentally overheard someone mentions something amazing, like the fact that Charlie Chaplin once entered a Charlie Chaplin lookalike contest… and lost it! Yeah... There are a looot of strange things in the world.
11 min
10 Tips That May Save Your Life One Day
You never know what dangers lurk around the corner. Some of them can even threaten your life. We all hope such things won’t happen to us, but it’s better to be prepared even for the most unforeseen events. Is hitting a crocodile a good idea? How can snow be dangerous? In this video, Bright Side will tell you about ten rules of survival that may save your life one day. TIMESTAMPS Make a Fire from a Phone Battery 0:44 Escape a Rip Current 1:09 Run Away from a Crocodile 2:00 Escape from a Bull 2:49 Treat a Jellyfish Sting 3:28 Remember the Survival Rules of 3 4:29 Don’t Eat Snow When You’re Thirsty 5:16 How to Put Out a Grease Fire 5:41 Glue a Wound 6:21 Don’t Remove an Object from a Deep Cut 6:48 #survivaltips #savelife SUMMARY - If you are lost far away from civilization, you can use your gadget to start a fire to keep warm or to send a signal to a rescue team. Many smartphones and tablets have lithium batteries. - There is a very dangerous phenomenon in the sea or ocean called «rip current» or simply «rip». It’s a strong, usually narrow current of water, moving directly away from the shore. It can be recognized by a different color — it’s often muddier and cloudier and may be covered by a «river» of foam. - Crocodiles run much faster than humans both in water and on land when moving in a straight line. But because of their short legs and elongated body, they are pretty clumsy on corners. Crocodiles don’t pursue a prey they are constantly losing sight of. So, if you find yourself chased by a crocodile, run in zigzags to escape. - If you are standing in the middle of a field and a bull is running towards you, don’t panic and don’t run — bulls are way faster. Instead, take something off, for example, a hat, wait until the bull comes close and at the last moment throw the hat in a different direction. - A jellyfish sting can cause neurogenic shock, an allergic reaction, and a strong intoxication of the body. Drink plenty of water, and visit a doctor. Water will help you recover faster, and the doctor will prescribe the necessary medicine. - The main point of these rules is to concentrate on the most immediate problem first and prioritize better. For example, there is no need to go searching for food if you are shivering from cold. You have to solve the hypothermia problem first; otherwise, you won’t have to worry about food. - Some people think it’s a good idea to eat snow to quench thirst. Yet it’s better not to do this in a critical situation because snow will cool your body. - In a matter of seconds, a frying pan left unattended on the stove can catch fire. This happens if the oil gets too hot. What you should do is turn the heat off and cover the pan with a lid to cut the oxygen supply. The fire will consume all the oxygen quickly and die out itself. - If you are doing repairs at home and accidentally cut your finger, you can use superglue when you're out of bandages. Superglue helps immensely with the pain from paper cuts and it's also beneficial for keeping dirt out of your cut until you find some alcohol to disinfect it properly. - Many people believe that when you get cut it’s necessary to remove the shard and clear the wound urgently. Well, it's not entirely true. If the wound is deep, you should never remove the object. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
7 min
I Couldn't Solve All 19 Riddles, I Bet You Can
It's a fun round of riddles with answers only truly unique thinkers will figure out! Put your detective cap on, and find out if you see the world like Sherlock! #brightside #riddles Animation is created by Bright Side. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit: Our App
10 min
Scientists Confirm Dogs Can Recognize a Bad Person
How to Understand Your Dog Better. It looks like dog owners have scientific evidence to prove that their pets are the smartest and most perceptive and can even help them single out bad people. Their list of superpowers makes dog people proud: they can sense fear, read body language, and even smell cancer to find it at an early stage and warn of upcoming epileptic seizures. #dogbehavior #understanddog #dogbreeds TIMESTAMPS Dogs can recognize a bad person. 0:50 They feel how other people treat their owners. 2:21 Dogs can read our body language and emotions. 3:22 They can sense fear. 4:05 Dogs can smell cancer. 5:52 They can warn of upcoming epileptic seizures and diabetic shock. 6:59 Music: SUMMARY -An experiment led by Dr. Akiko Takaoka from the Department of Psychology at Japan’s Kyoto University concluded that dogs refuse to trust a person who lied to it. Dogs did not follow a pointing hand that led them to an empty container. -In an experiment, dogs wouldn’t take a treat from the people who’d been mean or disrespectful toward their owners. In fact, besides distrusting them, they flat-out ignored these meanies. -With enough training and treats for a job well-done, dogs are able to tell the happy faces from the sad ones, even with human faces they didn’t come across during their training. -In a study of 694 people, the scientists found a link between a person’s emotional state and their likelihood of getting bitten. Emotionally stable and confident people don’t get bitten nearly as often as those who feel anxious around intimidating dogs. -Lots of dog owners have reported that their pets paid particular attention to their body part affected by cancer. -Dogs’ super noses can sense the rapid changes in blood sugar levels since they change the smell of an affected person’s breath and skin. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
8 min
How to Survive In a Sinking Car
To escape from a sinking car, you need to be sure you know what to do in advance. Extreme and life-threatening situations give us little or no time to think how to react. Only following certain secret tips will help you save your life and survive at this time. There are some very important steps to be taken in this unfortunate situation. You have to remember every second counts as you’ll only have about a minute to do what you should before the car sinks completely underwater. Memorize the sequence: “unfasten the seat belt, lower the window, climb out of the car”. Once you’ve gotten your kids out, leave the car yourself. If there’s no way to get out through the window, wait until the car fills completely with water, and then open the door. The rising air bubbles will lead you to the surface. TIMESTAMPS Two important steps to take 0:24 Every second counts 0:46 A sequence to memorize 1:01 If you can't roll down the window, break it 1:32 Take care of the kids 2:17 Escape through the door 2:56 Air bubbles will lead you to safety 3:37 Revise the 2-step survival plan 4:00 SUMMARY Summary: -Unfasten your seatbelt and roll down the window as fast as you can. -Do not waste your time trying to open the door. -Use a special tool or some heavy object with a pointed tip to break the window if you can’t roll it down. -Push the kids out of the car first and only than leave it yourself. -After some time, you’ll be able to open the door if there’s no way to get out through the window. -Follow the rising air bubbles to the surface. -Unfasten your seat belt, roll down or break the window, and get out as quickly as you can. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram SMART Youtube: 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Have you ever seen a talking slime? Here he is – Slick Slime Sam: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
4 min
10 Big Secrets Disneyland Princesses Can't Tell...
Have you ever been to Disneyland? Disneyland seems a magical exciting place of wonders for both kids and adults. Well, for the princesses employed there, work can be pretty nightmarish. Are you ready to know what their life is really like?
11 min
Stop Sleeping On Your Side: 5 Reasons Why
Which sleeping position is the healthiest? Why should you sleep on your back, not your stomach? People don’t really pay attention to their sleeping position, just whatever’s comfortable enough to get them into dreamland faster. Well, according to doctors, you really should be paying attention. Here are 5 reasons why you should never sleep on your stomach or side! TIMESTAMPS: It strains your muscles and joints 1:40 It compresses your organs 2:22 It can contribute to worsening heartburn 2:57 It can damage your nerves 3:48 You can get premature wrinkles 4:38 Some other good sleep habits to adopt 5:47 #soundsleep #fallasleep #wakingup Music: SUMMARY: - If you sometimes find yourself waking up with a crick in your neck, some lower back pain, or aches in your hips or knees, then it could be because you’re sleeping on your stomach or side rather than your back. - Stomach- and side-sleepers are also compressing their organs, which doesn’t exactly do your system any good. Side sleeping is especially risky because it prevents your diaphragm from moving freely, which can eventually cause lung problems. - According to the Cleveland Clinic, sleeping on your stomach can exacerbate heartburn. So if the pain of chronic heartburn and acid reflux keeps you up at night, you might wanna try turning over to sleep on your back or on your left side. - When you rest your head on your shoulder or arm as you sleep on your side, you’re also pressing on the nerves that run through the top of your shoulder and down your arm. This can result in finger numbness throughout the day, which is bad for whatever work you have to do that day with your hands. - Smushing half your face into a pillow can, according to dermatologist Dr. Jamie Davis, focus wrinkles onto whichever side of your face spends more time being smushed. Sleeping on your back not only prevents this from happening but also lets your skin breathe throughout the night. - If you tend to fall asleep easily and stay asleep the whole night but still wake up feeling stiff, then try adding some 5- to 10-minute stretching into your morning routine. - If you wake up in the middle of the night with leg cramps, then try stretching before bed to make sure the muscle isn’t tight. You could also try massaging it or applying a heating pad. - Making sure your room is comfortable also helps. So if you can, adjust your thermostat to between 68 and 71°F. This is the recommended room temperature for the best-quality sleep. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
8 min
I Adopted Rich People’s Habits, See How My Life...
Learn the secrets of success from those who built their own empires from scratch. You can try adopting the habits of super rich people and see how it will help you save money. Successful people are rarely night owls; they go to bed and wake up quite early. So this was the first habit I decided to take on. By the end of the first week, I noticed that I was able to do way more before noon than I could ever do during the whole day. One more week into the experiment I started waking up completely well-rested and excited to start a new day. Self-made successes swear by exercising every day for at least 30 minutes. After just 10 days, it already became a habit. I became more concentrated and calmer. If meditating helps successful people stay on top of their game, it should help me out too. Networking is like currency for successful people. A lot of successful people (like Steve Jobs, for instance) keep a super minimalistic approach to fashion, often wearing the same outfit every day. Truly smart and successful people control their expenses and don’t spend their money on useless things. Music: Operatic - Vibe Mountain TIMESTAMPS Go to bed and wake up quite early 0:34 Exercise every day for at least 30 minutes 1:51 Meditate 3:01 Set goals and achieve them 3:57 Meet new people as much as you can 4:44 Read more useful books 5:34 Wear simple clothes 6:24 Be thrifty 7:10 Conclusion 8:08 SUMMARY -With will power of steel, I decided to wake up at the same time every day and come to work an hour early. It took me 3 days to get the schedule right. -The hardest part here wasn't even the gym itself, it was exercising after working all day. After just 10 days, it already became a habit. I started sleeping better and waking up easier. -Meditation turned out to be a really good way to get my head straight and renew my energy. -Even though I didn’t manage to tackle all my tasks, I was able to do more things in the first week than I did during the entire previous month. -I learned to find common ground with people from the get-go, met a lot of extraordinary individuals, and made some really good friends. -I carried a book with me at all times and read it on the way to work and back home or during lunch. As a result, by the end of the first month, I had finished my fourth book. -I no longer had to waste time every day choosing my outfit, deciding whether or not it matched or if it was trendy and whatnot. -I started out by making a list of everything that I bought every day so that I could see what I spent my money on. This system helped me save 40% of my salary in the first month and almost 60% in the second. -New habits really did completely change my life for the better. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
9 min
I Drank Water on an Empty Stomach for a Month, ...
Find out the Japanese secret of looking young, having beautiful flawless skin and perfectly slim bodies without heavy dieting or intensive workouts. All you have to do is follow some very simple rules and drink four glasses of water immediately after waking up. You gotta do it before you even brush your teeth or whatever you normally do first thing in the morning. This Japanese practice improves your metabolism significantly and makes any diet way more tolerable. Improved metabolism brings about another wonderful surprise: weight loss. Your skin looks healthy, radiant, and youthful. Drinking water not only resulted in healthy hair growth but also made it look incredibly shiny. Something as simple and basic as drinking water on an empty stomach can help you deal with illnesses without having to resort to medicine. This experiment is definitely worth a try. You become way more energized, feel a thousand times better, and all this inspires you to take care of yourself even more. If you're whether or not this experiment is for you, maybe because of some health problems, consult with your doctor first. As for everyone who’s willing to give it a shot, just remember to strictly follow all the rules. Music: TIMESTAMPS The idea 0:10 How to do it 1:28 The first results 2:35 Weight loss 3:19 The effect on skin and hair 4:11 Amazing changes in my body 5:05 Overall impressions 5:50 SUMMARY -Tons of studies have shown that the simple Japanese practice of drinking water on an empty stomach immediately after waking up every morning has an overwhelmingly positive effect on different health conditions. -To feel energized throughout the day, you should drink four glasses of water immediately after waking up. After you’ve gulped down your boatload of H20, do not eat anything for the next 45 minutes. -A couple of days into the experiment, I started feeling more vibrant and less like a zombie. I could almost feel my body detoxifying, giving me more energy, and boosting my mood. -The Japanese practice also improved my metabolism significantly, which means I started losing weight without dieting. -Since I started my morning water routine, the fine lines and wrinkles on my face have diminished and now my skin looks healthy, radiant, and youthful. -Simple water solved this problem better than any antibiotics ever could: it helped get rid of chronic UTIs and improved overall health. -Depending on the health issues you have, you can expect results from this Japanese water treatment after a certain amount of time. This experiment is definitely worth a try. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
7 min
12 Ways to Protect Your Home While You’re Away
According to FBI statistics, around 1.5 million burglaries took place in the US alone in 2017. But is there a way to protect your home from burglars if you can’t afford an expensive security system? Bright Side has collected simple yet effective tips that will help you protect your home and even discourage thieves from breaking into your property. One of the popular way to enter a property is through first-floor windows. FBI reports show that around 23% of burglars in the US choose this way of entering homes. That’s why you should consider installing grilles if you live on the first or second floor. Don’t forget that you should have an escape route in case of an emergency, so buy grilles that can be unlocked. If you want to know what other ways to protect your home are, watch the video! TIMESTAMPS: Hide valuable belongings while strangers are in your home 0:43 Don’t let a thief hear your phone ringing 1:29 Install a reliable lock 1:51 Protect your windows 3:03 Take care of the territory surrounding your property 3:42 Use thieves’ fears against them 4:51 Dispose of boxes for expensive items correctly 5:13 Pretend 5:29 Check your locks 5:46 Let sunlight in 6:03 Put plants with abrasive foliage in front of your fence and windows 6:22 Don’t give out any information over the phone 6:52 #protectyourhome #yourproperty #safety Music by Epidemic Sound SUMMARY: - While a plumber is fixing something under your sink, they have enough time to have a look around. They can turn out to be bad guys who inform their accomplices. - Some thieves get creative and use a landline phone trick where they call your home phone and wait for an answer. If no one picks up a phone, it means that nobody’s home. - The locks most at risk of lock snapping are cylinder ones; the most complicated locks are those that can be opened with lever keys. - Make it easy for the police to identify your house. Put a large reflective number on your house and mailbox. Burglars like to get into dark houses to win some extra moments to get out again. - Thieves are scared of being caught. A simple but extremely effective way of scaring them off is putting out a sign that says “Protected Property.” This trick will make burglars think twice before breaking in. - If you’re throwing away the box from a new TV or refrigerator, you’re likely to attract potential burglars who’ll want to steal your new item. To avoid trouble, tear the box apart before throwing it away. - Imagine you’re leaving your home for a while. You’re already in the street, and you suddenly notice a strange person. They might be waiting for you to leave so they can break in. Don’t be shy! Turn around, and wave your hand as if someone stayed at home. - If you notice scratches on your lock, it might mean that burglars have tried to open it. Before you open the door and enter your home, check your lock so that you can react quickly if there’s an emergency. - If windows are curtained for a few days in a row, it can indicate that nobody’s home as there aren’t many people who like to live without sunlight. - To turn an ordinary fence into a barrier, plant something with abrasive foliage (like a dog rose or dewberry plant). You can also plant roses right under your windows. - You should be careful with unfamiliar service companies that call and ask questions about your workplace and hours or about the people who live with you. It’s one of the methods thieves use to find out the history of a property and the most suitable time for breaking in. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
7 min
8 Lessons You Should Avoid Teaching Children
How to Raise Kids. Some parents can’t stop worrying that they’re gonna mess it up or that their kid’s gonna have it tough. According to some statistics, though, most parents are confident in their skills. However, parents often teach their kids the wrong lessons that influence them in the worst way. We’ve checked with the best psychologists to come up with a list of 8 bad lessons a lot of parents unknowingly teach their kids. We’ve also provided some healthy alternatives that’ll help you raise your kids to become strong, confident, and self-sufficient adults. TIMESTAMPS Bad Lesson #1: Snitching is wrong. 1:02 Bad Lesson #2: Children shouldn’t express their negative emotions. 2:27 Bad Lesson #3: You should try to make people like you. 4:38 Bad Lesson #4: Get good grades or you’ll never get a good job. 6:14 Bad Lesson #5: “Always the best for my baby!” 8:03 Bad Lesson #6: Making a mistake means losing something. 10:13 Bad Lesson #7: Children should never be idle. 12:44 Bad Lesson #8: Children must always share their toys. 14:09 Music: SUMMARY -Parents should teach their kids to talk openly about unfair or difficult situations and be patient if some of the stories they tell don’t really seem like a big deal through the eyes of an adult. -Encourage your child to express their feelings in a safe way. -A child should not have to sacrifice their own interests and goals to please others, and they shouldn’t let anyone force them to do something they don’t want to do. -Tell your child to work hard to gain knowledge, but don’t wrap themselves up in good grades. -Financially responsible parents make great role models for their children, who learn the value of money and use it as a tool, not as entertainment. -Honest mistakes don’t need to be punished. If your child gets a bad grade or flunks a test, that might mean they just need help with a tough subject. -Many psychologists claim that children won’t learn to rely on themselves if their parents don’t give them some alone time. Provide them with toys, books, and other activities, but let your child choose how to entertain themselves. -Encourage your children to share their toys while instilling in them a sense of fairness. If another child wants to borrow the ball they’re playing with, it’s reasonable for the kids to play with that ball together. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
16 min
12 Riddles to Prove You’re an Elite Detective
Are you ready to pump up your brain muscles and put your detective skills to the test? These 12 riddles will challenge your mind and prove if you’ve got what it takes to be an elite detective! Each puzzle is designed to make you think outside the box and sharpen your problem-solving abilities. Whether you’re a mystery lover or just want to have some fun, this is the perfect way to push your brain to its limits. Can you solve them all and crack the case? Get ready, detective – your mission starts now! #brightside Animation is created by Bright Side. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music from TheSoul Sound: Listen to Bright Side on: Spotify - Apple Podcast - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook - / brightside Instagram - / brightside.official Tik Tok - Snapchat - / 1866144599336960 Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
11 min
12 Signs of High Intelligence You Probably Have
Some of your characteristics may signify a higher than average intellect. Are you a night owl? Or a procrastinator? Then you are way smarter than you think! We all have little things about ourselves that may seem useless or even annoying to other people at times. But hold off before you start beating yourself up or trying to change these little behaviors. You're probably a genius! TIMESTAMPS You’re a lefty. 0:52 You often freak out over the littlest things. 1:58 You have a good sense of humor. 2:47 You're a little on the nosy side. 3:41 You're a night owl. 4:34 You're extremely sensitive or easily distracted. 6:03 You walk a lot. 6:50 You realize how much knowledge you still lack. 7:28 You're a master of self-control. 8:09 You often procrastinate. 9:06 You're constantly munching on something. 10:00 You fall asleep from time to time during the day. 10:42 SUMMARY - Scientists found a link between left-handedness and a notion called “divergent thinking”, which is a kind of creativity that allows someone to generate new ideas. - People who tend to worry a lot take the quality of their work more seriously. - Humor influences intellect by exercising the brain and keeping it in tip-top shape. Next time your friends tell you to quit clowning around, just tell them you are exercising your intellect! - Curiosity and an inquisitive mind make people more intelligent. Scientists had been observing 6,000 people born in the last 50 years, and they found that preteen children who had got the most points on IQ tests grew up to be more curious and open-minded adults. - Scientists say that this preference for late hours could be due to the fact that brain activity (therefore, intellect) is so high that it challenges your body’s circadian rhythm. - The harder it is for a person to stay focused, the cleverer they are. How so? Again, it’s that intense brain activity. It’s just too hard to control. - People who live in cities built with a focus on walking have a higher intelligence indicator than those living in cities with lots of cars and other types of transport. - The less bright a person is, the more they overestimate their cognitive abilities. The same goes the other way around. Intelligent people aren't afraid to say, “I don't know”, and if they don't know, they can find this thing out later. - Intelligent people are able to overcome their impulses and suppress their emotions. They also typically think about the consequences before they do something. - Scientists agree that intelligent people tend to postpone their tasks for later. Psychologist Adam Grant says that procrastination is the key to innovation. Steve Jobs managed to use his procrastination strategically, letting his brain rest and switching to completely different tasks before finishing the ones he had started. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram SMART Youtube: 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Have you ever seen a talking slime? Here he is – Slick Slime Sam: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
12 min
7 Main Tips for New Drivers from Professionals
If you have ever struggled with parking or are not sure that everything in your car is set up correctly, this video is exactly what you need. You will be amazed at how easy it is if you know what to aim. These simple step-by-step instructions can be equally useful for experienced and new drivers and we wish we knew them when we were taking our driving test. We're gonna start with the easy stuff. The things you probably take for granted or just fallen into the habit of forgetting to do if you’ve been driving for a while. Other videos you might like: 4 Things They Forgot to Tell You In Driving School • 4 Things They Forgot to Tell You In D... 8 Things You’re Doing Wrong When Driving Fast • 8 Things You’re Doing Wrong When Driv... Why Police Touch Your Taillight, It's Extremely Important! • Why Police Touch Your Taillight, It's... TIMESTAMPS: Proper adjusting your seat 0:39 Mirrors 1:29 Hand positioning 2:28 45° parking 3:47 Perpendicular parking 4:33 Backing into a parking space 5:09 Parallel parking 😖 6:36 #parking #drivingtips #brightside SUMMARY: - You want to adjust the height of the seat so that you can see the dash panel and the road clearly. If you happen to be a bit on the shorter side and can’t see over the dash even after doing everything the seat will allow, get a cushion or wedge to sit on. - Once your seat is adjusted, lean left and get as close to the side window as you can. Then adjust the mirror until you can see the rear fender. Once you’re sitting correctly, you should just barely see the side of the back bumper. - Make sure you can clearly see all the instruments on the dash and have at least a foot (30 cm) of space between it and your body. Your hands should be slightly lower than your shoulders and placed on the wheel at 9 and 3. - You’ll need this trick whenever you pull into a parking lot and the spots are kinda slanted, hence the whole 45° thing. First, make sure you’re going down the aisle the right way! The spots should be slanted down toward you, not away from you. Next, move to your left as far as you can. Keep moving until your right side-view mirror is lined up with the left taillight of the car on your right-hand side. - The next level up from that is perpendicular parking. Start off by getting as far to the left as you can. Watch out for incoming cars first! The further you are to your left, the easier it’s going to be. - Locate the spot you’re going to back into and drive 2 spots past it. Then, and this is crucial, make sure drivers around you know what you’re about to do. Flip on your blinker, and before going into reverse, make sure to look out for oncoming vehicles from the front and approaching ones from behind. - Parallel parking. First thing’s first: make sure the spot you want to park in is one your car will fit into. You want no less than one and a half times the length of the car. Drive forward until your car is next to the one in front of the parking spot. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
9 min
What Will Happen If You Start Eating 2 Dates Ev...
Do you like dates? Let's be honest; they don't usually pop up in our brain whenever we think about healthy foods. And that's a real bummer since this fruit has tons of undeniable advantages for our health. So what would happen if you ate them daily?
8 min
A Simple Trick on How to Save Up A Lot of Money...
How to save up money easily for a house or for a new car? Learn a genius hack on how to save more money each month. As a bonus, we'll tell teach you how to safely hide your cash. "If only I could stop spending money on stuff I don’t need, I would buy so many useful things!" Have you ever thought this? Then this video is just for you. RULE 1: Subtract the last digit from each number to get a zero at the end. It’s easier to “zero out” cash into a piggy bank, and you may use a savings account or any other bank account to transfer the money from your card. RULE 2: Save everything that’s left over before payday — "zero out" one more time at the end of the month. For instance, you still have $300 in cash and $1,000 in the bank — just move it to your savings account. TIMESTAMPS «Zero out» your money every evening 0:31 Move any unspent money to your saving account 1:46 What are the advantages of this simple method? 2:05 The worst places to hide your cash: In the backyard 2:41 Under your mattress 2:58 In shopping bags 3:13 In old wallets and handbags 3:27 In laundry baskets 3:40 Behind a picture or photo in a frame 3:58 In safes that are not bolted down 4:13 In drawers and cabinets 4:34 Where to hide your money 4:53 SUMMARY If you feel like you have run out of places to hide your money, try the following suggestions: • Wrap your money in a plastic bag, and tape it to the bottom of the kitchen counter or to the bottom of your kid’s toy box (the best option is to create a false bottom in it). • In a waterproof container stored in the lowest drawer of your refrigerator or freezer. Make sure it doesn’t read "Ice cream" or something else yummy thieves might want to try. • Hide your savings among buttons, threads, and other sewing accessories. Unless thieves suddenly need to sew something, they most probably won’t look for your money in there. • In a pair of old shoes, clothes, or maybe in an old computer that no longer works. Make sure it all looks like junk you have not disposed of yet. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram SMART Youtube: 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
5 min
What's the Most Risky Zodiac Sign?
Hey there! Wanna know how dangerous are you according to your sign? Yup, zodiac signs are fun and interesting, but they aren't all about our best qualities. For example, Sagittarians are exceptional manipulators, and they use this skill to shove all their problems onto someone else. If you're a Gemini, your danger factor comes from your duality. Aries can be scarily power-hungry, controlling, and reckless. So, what's your zodiac sign? Each of them has its own strengths, weaknesses, challenges, unique personality traits, and an individual approach to life. But today, we're gonna tell about the least and the most dangerous zodiacs. #zodiacsigns #zodiac Other videos you might like: Scientists Prove: Your Birth Month Defines Your Health and Personality • Your Birth Month Defines Your Health ... 8 Dream Signs You Shouldn't Ignore • 8 Dream Signs You Shouldn't Ignore What Moles On a Women's Body Say About Their Personality • What Moles On a Women's Body Say Abou... TIMESTAMPS: Aquarius 0:25 Gemini 1:13 Libra 2:00 Pisces 2:54 Virgo 3:43 Capricorn 4:32 Leo 5:22 Taurus 6:12 Sagittarius 7:03 Aries 7:46 Scorpio 8:34 Cancer 9:31 Music by Epidemic Sound SUMMARY: - Aquarians are genuine humanitarians who prefer to help people rather than control them. However, as an Aquarius, you still possess one potentially dangerous quality: you rarely think about the long-term consequences of your actions. - Any Libra with bad intentions would have no problem getting along with someone, gaining their trust, and taking advantage of them! - Pisces are romantic, mysterious, and emotional. And, yes, this side of them can easily get them in trouble! It's not uncommon to see their emotions getting the best of them and provoking them to make all kinds of impulsive and even destructive decisions. - Virgos are organized, witty, and highly practical. However, some Virgos can use these traits in the wrong way. - Of course, most Capricorns are responsible and noble. But still, if one was to turn to the dark side, they’d be pretty good at being sneaky and planning their attacks. - Unlike Virgo or Capricorn, who are the epitome of hard work, some Leos can choose lazier paths and prefer someone else to hand them the triumph and success, instead of working hard for it. - The Taurus is patient, dependable, and really down-to-earth… until you cross them! If a Taurus has made up their mind, it's almost impossible to convince them otherwise, even if they're wrong! - If you seriously cross a Scorpio, you're definitely in big trouble, given that some of them tend to be quite vindictive. - Cancers are sensitive, shy, reserved, and imaginative individuals can be pretty threatening and deceptive! The thing is they feel everything way too strongly because they're hands-down the most emotional Zodiac sign. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Photos: East News ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
11 min
I Didn't Get All 11 Riddles Right, See How You'...
Not everybody's cut out to be a true detective. Do you have what it takes to solve the hardest logic riddles and puzzles? With daily training, you can pump your brain up to be a problem-solving machine! Give your brain some practice thinking outside the box, making analytical connections, and putting together all the evidence so well that even Sherlock Holmes himself would be impressed! Give these riddles a try, and your brain power and IQ will fly through the roof! #brightside Animation is created by Bright Side. We know how to lift your mood! Our App - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
10 min
The Secret Place Where Pilots Sleep While Flying
Say you’re on a long 12-hour flight. You’ll have get some shut-eye, and hopefully when you wake up, it’ll be almost landing time. Have you ever wondered if – and where – your flight attendants and pilot can get some rest too? Cause they need some rest on long flights too!
10 min
All Zodiac Signs Have A Hidden Addiction, Here'...
Have you ever wondered where our habits and vices come from? An Aries can be pretty impatient, moody, and impulsive, Geminis are affectionate, adaptable, and quite curious about life and the world around them, Leos have natural charisma and charm instantly make them the life of the party anywhere they go! Other videos you might like: What Moles On a Women's Body Say About Their Personality • What Moles On a Women's Body Say Abou... Scientists Prove: Your Birth Month Defines Your Health and Personality • Your Birth Month Defines Your Health ... What Your Lip Shape Says About Your Personality • What Your Lip Shape Says About Your P... TIMESTAMPS: Aries 0:30 Taurus 1:17 Gemini 1:55 Cancer 2:48 Leo 3:32 Virgo 4:24 Libra 5:24 Scorpio 6:05 Sagittarius 6:49 Capricor 7:42 Aquarius 8:23 Pisces 8:55 Music by Epidemic Sound SUMMARY: - An Aries doesn't want to miss a thing and really tries to live their life to the fullest, so anything that can help them with that can easily become a huge part of their lives. - People of the Taurus zodiac sign are incredibly genuine, reliable, practical, and responsible, so they don’t really develop addictions that easily. But one thing can make them go crazy: food. - The “healthy” usage of social media helps a Gemini's hungry brain expand and get into many places at once without feeling too committed to any of them. Still, just as with a Taurus, this addiction can be rather dangerous. - Cancers are very emotional, imaginative, sympathetic, and loyal. It's no surprise that one of the biggest addictions of this zodiac sign is love and romance. - It's hard to find a Leo who doesn't look good, and that's because this zodiac sign enjoys investing time in themselves. How they look and how others see them is important for Leos, so they try to make sure that they look fabulous at all times. - Virgos are known to be analytical, hardworking, and practical. They're also neat freaks, which reveals their first and most obvious obsession: cleanliness. - Just like Cancers, the diplomatic, gracious, and fair-minded Libras are addicted to romantic love. But there's one important detail here: They’re way more obsessed with the idea of love than the reality of it. - A Scorpio isn’t one of those people who have tons of crushes; when they fall in love, it's a big deal. The same thing goes for friendships. A Scorpio’s circle is tight and consists of the closest people who've been through thick and thin with them. - A Sagittarius’s idealistic and generous but impatient nature makes them very prone to developing new obsessions and addictions. Nonetheless, they usually go from one thing right to the other without staying in one place for too long. - Capricorns are probably the most disciplined and responsible of all 12 zodiac signs, and these qualities surely help them with their true passion and addiction: their work. - If you're an Aquarius, you're probably very independent and original, and sometimes you just wanna dive into a fantasy world and destress. An Aquarius tends to channel their emotions into something else rather than dealing with them in the here and now. - Cute, artistic, gentle, and sensitive, a Pisces is truly unpredictable when it comes to vices and addictions. They can get up to pretty much everything from watching too much Netflix to eating too much. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Photos: East News ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
10 min
What Happened to Asteroid After It Wiped Out Di...
We all know that an asteroid wiped out the dinosaurs long time ago. But what happed to It afterwards? Why can't we see parts of that asteroid in any museum? 💡 Grab some Bright Side MERCH (ships worldwide!): Read more: #brightside ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit: Our App
9 min
Why This Tiny Lake Is the Scariest on Earth
There are about 117 million lakes on our planet, and they cover almost 4% of the continental land. Lakes can be small or big, clean or dirty, vital for local infrastructure or...deadly. And if you've been wondering which lake is the most dangerous in the world and why, this video will answer your questions. TIMESTAMPS: Where the most dangerous lake in the world is situated 1:11 What makes Lake Kivu so dangerous 2:05 What happened at Lake Monoun in 1984 2:27 What happened at Lake Nyos in 1986 3:06 What characterizes crater lakes 4:11 What was the solution 6:21 How much contains methane gas Lake Kivu contains 7:06 How many people could die if Lake Kivu explodes 7:52 Music: SUMMARY: - The most dangerous lake in the world is situated in Africa on the border of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Rwanda. It’s Lake Kivu, the ninth deepest lake in the world. - On August 15, 1984, a loud boom sounded from the lake, according to locals. People saw a huge gas cloud over the surface of the water. This natural disaster took the lives of 37 people. - The theory was proved false 2 years later on August 21, 1986, when a much more disastrous explosion shook Lake Nyos, which is located just 62 miles away from Lake Monoun. This time, the catastrophe happened at night and took the lives of more than 1,700 people. - Crater lakes usually have extremely high levels of CO2 due to the volcanic activity that’s happening many miles beneath the surface. Under normal circumstances, this gas is occasionally released during the lake water turnover. - Nowadays, measures have been taken to prevent similar catastrophes from happening. The solution was quite simple: degassing. Authorities installed a pipe that runs to the very bottom of Lake Nyos. - Lake Kivu contains more than 55 billion cubic meters of methane gas, which is generated at the bottom of the lake. On top of that, it's also located in a crater, and its volcanic rock bed has layers of carbon dioxide. - Either the methane explosion or CO2 poisoning could take the lives of more than 2 million people living in the basin of Lake Kivu. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
8 min