Your Longevity Blueprint
We all want to live longer, healthier lives. The problem is that we’re constantly being bombarded with so many new diets, workout plans, and lifestyle adjustments that it’s hard to filter out what will actually work for us and give us the results we’re looking for. If you’re sick of not having the answers, sick of being told your symptoms are all in your head, sick of being prescribed solutions from a pill bottle, it’s time to look outside the cookie-cutter or bandaid approach of the conventional medical industry and discover your own, personalized blueprint for health. Join Dr. Stephanie Gray on the Longevity Blueprint Podcast where she explores the interaction of nutrition, genetics, hormones, toxins, and infections using functional medicine principles to help you improve your health and longevity by finding the root cause of your symptoms. Listen in each week to learn from experts at the top of their fields sharing progressive, revolutionary, actionable tips, strategies, and resources to help you build your dream health from the ground up. Are you ready to discover your longevity blueprint? Let’s live long together! Wellness is Waiting! The information provided in this podcast is educational. No information provided should be considered to be—or used as a substitute for—medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult with your personal medical authority. To learn more about Dr. Stephanie Gray and Your Longevity Blueprint supplements visit and
Health & Fitness
68: Heart Health 101 with Dr. Joel Kahn
Dr. Joel Kahn says eating a plant-based diet, keeping an eye on your blood markers, and getting enough sleep to reduce the risk of heart disease.
45 min
67: 9 Keys to Optimal Health with James B. LaValle
James B. LaValle shares the nine keys to optimal health, from reducing household toxins to increasing our organic fruit and vegetable consumption.
57 min
66: EBV Solution with Dr. Kasia Kines
Dr. Kasia Kines talks about making your body inhabitable to the Epstein-Barr Virus, one of the most common human viruses.
60 min
65: Pluck Seasoning with James Barry
James Barry gives his top tips for picky eaters, getting more organ meat in your diet, and encouraging your partner to eat healthier, too.
61 min
64: How to Keep Your Vision with Dr. Rudrani Banik
Ophthalmologist Dr. Rudrani Banik shares her insight on how you can keep your eyes healthy for life.
41 min
63: A Different Kind of Healing with Dr. Shirok...
Dr. Shiroko Sokitch talks about the role of emotions in health. She explains the healing power of love and finding physical balance.
43 min
62: Postpartum Health Awareness with Shannon Wi...
Perinatal Mental Health Counselor Shannon Wilson discusses various postpartum mental health issues and how to best address them.
35 min
61: Post-Betrayal Syndrome and Transformation w...
Dr. Debi Silber shares how unhealed betrayal impacts your work, health, and relationships and how your greatest crisis reveals your greatest gift.
39 min
60: Heal Your Emotional Eating with Tricia Nelson
Emotional eating expert Tricia Nelson explains what emotional eating is and how to heal by addressing its route causes.
37 min
59: Childhood Trauma Healing with Dr. Aimie Api...
Dr. Aimie Apigian explains how childhood trauma affects our long-term health and how we can accelerate the healing process to reclaim our health.
59 min
58: Trailblazing Children's Mental Health with ...
Dr. Roseann Capanna-Hodge talks about her work focused on helping parents and children develop healthy stress management skills from a young age.
50 min
57: Conquer Cancer Now with Nathan Crane
Nathan Crane talks about the most common causes of cancer and how to detoxify your life to help prevent them.
69 min
56: Break the Yang Addiction with Brodie Welch
Brodie Welch talks about using acupuncture, qi gong, and Chinese medicine to help high-achieving women start enjoying their lives again.
37 min
55: Skin Tips From the Spa Doctor Dr. Trevor Cates
Dr. Trevor Cates talks about how our skin reflects our internal health, the six root causes of our skin issues, and simplifying our skincare routine.
38 min
54: Living Intentionally with the Fat Burning M...
Abel James talks about intentional living, everyday habits, and why he believes intermittent fasting is the best way to eat.
51 min
53: 5 Keys to Raising Healthy Kids with Dr. Bri...
Dr. Brian Stenzler encourages families to take control of their lives, improve wellness, and prioritize chiropractic care using his keys to DREAM.
40 min
52: Greatest Hits: Castor Oil Packs with Dr. Ma...
Dr. Marisol Teijeiro talks about why castor oil is making a comeback, the incredible health benefits, and why she recommends it to all her patients.
58 min
51: Greatest Hits: ProLon: The Fast Mimicking D...
Dr. James Kelley explains the benefits of prolonged fasting and how to safely do it.
47 min
50: Greatest Hits: BioTe Hormone Pellet Therapy...
Dr. Gary Donovitz explains the importance of testosterone in women and why it’s more important to focus on replacing it before estrogen.
61 min
49: Greatest Hits: Intermittent Fasting Truths ...
Today’s guest took control of her health by changing her eating patterns with intermittent fasting. 
50 min
48: Top 2021 Longevity Tips Part I
I’m taking a trip back through my past guest’s Top Tips to remind us to prioritize sleep, self-care and gratitude, and balancing your hormones.
22 min
47: SOS for PCOS Part 2 with Dr. Felice Gersh
Dr. Felice Gersh talks about the signs, symptoms, long-term effects, and benefits of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS).
41 min
46: SOS for PCOS Part 1 with Dr. Felice Gersh
Dr. Felice Gersh talks about the signs, symptoms, long-term effects, and benefits of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS).
40 min
45: Keto Green Approach to Hormones with Dr. An...
The Girlfriend Doctor, Dr. Anna Cabeca, joins me to talk about happy hormones, sexual health, and her Keto-Green way of living.
46 min
44: Functional Gynecology with Dr. Tabatha Barber
Instead of masking the symptoms of estrogen dominance with the birth control pill, Dr. Tabatha Barber talks about how to actually heal your body.
45 min