We all want to live longer, healthier lives.
The problem is that we’re constantly being bombarded with so many new diets, workout plans, and lifestyle adjustments that it’s hard to filter out what will actually work for us and give us the results we’re looking for.
If you’re sick of not having the answers, sick of being told your symptoms are all in your head, sick of being prescribed solutions from a pill bottle, it’s time to look outside the cookie-cutter or bandaid approach of the conventional medical industry and discover your own, personalized blueprint for health.
Join Dr. Stephanie Gray on the Longevity Blueprint Podcast where she explores the interaction of nutrition, genetics, hormones, toxins, and infections using functional medicine principles to help you improve your health and longevity by finding the root cause of your symptoms.
Listen in each week to learn from experts at the top of their fields sharing progressive, revolutionary, actionable tips, strategies, and resources to help you build your dream health from the ground up.
Are you ready to discover your longevity blueprint? Let’s live long together! Wellness is Waiting!
The information provided in this podcast is educational. No information provided should be considered to be—or used as a substitute for—medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult with your personal medical authority.
To learn more about Dr. Stephanie Gray and Your Longevity Blueprint supplements visit yourlongevityblueprint.com and ihhclinic.com.
Dr. Beth O’Hara joins me to talk about Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, a rare disease with diverse symptoms that’s difficult to diagnose.
48 min
17: Tips From the Ingredient Guru Mira Dessy
Mira Dessy joins me to talk about food labels, how to avoid hidden ingredients, and how your grocery store is marketing to you.
47 min
16: The Skinny Dipping Method with Dr. Keira Barr
All skin types & colors are at risk of developing skin cancer without proper prevention! Dr. Keira Barr joins me to talk about preventing skin cancer.
43 min
15: DUTCH Testing with Estrogen Metabolism with...
I’m joined by DUTCH Testing Medical Director, Dr. Carrie Jones, to talk about the DUTCH Test and how to naturally treat breast cancer.
48 min
14: My Top Anxiety Tips
Anxiety levels are rising globally this year. In this bonus episode, I give you my top tips to help reduce your anxiety all year round.
16 min
13: How Trauma Affects Your Health with Dr. Kee...
Dr. Keesha Ewers joins me to talk about how she healed her autoimmune conditions stemming from unaddressed childhood trauma.
60 min
12: Breast Cancer Conqueror Dr. Veronique Desa...
Dr. Veronique Desaulniers joins me to talk about how her personal experience led her to create the 7 Essentials System to help women heal breast cancer naturally.
45 min
11: How to Heal from Endometriosis and Pelvic P...
Dr. Jessica Drummond joins me to talk about what causes endometriosis, the treatment options are, and how you can naturally cure your symptoms.
54 min
10: Healthy Mouth Healthy Body with Dr. Ben Pos...
Biological dentist, Dr. Ben Pospisil, joins me to talk about how to holistically improve your oral hygiene for a healthier body.
54 min
9: Recovery from Breast Implant Illness with Sa...
Sarah Phillipe joins me to talk about how you can tell if you have an illness caused by your implants and how to safely remove them.
34 min
8: Fix Your Fatigue by Treating the Cause w/ Dr...
I’m joined by Dr. Evan Hirsch to talk about all the reasons you might be feeling exhausted all the time and how to start healing your body.
43 min
7: Community and Curiosity for Longevity w/ Dr....
Dr. Sandra Scheinbaum joins me to talk about community and curiosity to improve our health and increase our longevity.
40 min
6: Supporting the Mitochondria with NAD and Pep...
Dr. Amber Krogsrud joins me to talk about how she uses peptides to improve both her and her patient’s overall health.
43 min
5: Dirty Secrets of the Wine Industry w/ Todd W...
Natural Wine is better for your health and the environment! Todd White explains the entire process.
54 min
4: How to Build Children's Health with Food w/ ...
Food is medicine, or it’s poison.
45 min
3: Intermittent Fasting Truths w/ Cynthia Thurlow
Today’s guest took control of her health by changing her eating patterns with intermittent fasting.
48 min
2: 5 Pillars of a Toxin-Free Lifestyle w/ Aimee...
Today’s guest is a recognized expert in helping people maintain their body’s detoxification systems and avoid these harmful compounds from the start.
39 min
1: Anti-Aging Tips for the Skin w/ Rachel Varga
Today, Rachel and I discuss the interconnectedness of the body’s systems.
40 min
Male 2.0 w/ Dr. Tracy Gapin
We’re living in a low testosterone epidemic.
47 min
5 Supplements Myths Pt 2 w/ Tom Houle
Nutritional supplements and vitamins are the bedrock of supporting the immune system.
28 min
5 Supplements Myths Pt 1 w/ Tom Houle
There’s no pill, potion, or powder that’s going to replace lifestyle changes. But supplements can help.
34 min
From Hodgkins to Healthmaker w/ Kylene Terhune
Kylene Terhune shares how she's been able to combine conventional and natural treatments to heal from cancer and help others do the same.
41 min
Food Is Medicine Pt 2 w/ Dr. Terry Wahls
In many ways, a health journey is a hero’s journey. It involves a separation from a conventional approach to disease in which you learn important lessons before successfully re-engaging in the struggle.
34 min
Food Is Medicine Pt. 1 w/ Dr. Terry Wahls
Dr. Terry Wahls not only found a way to slow the progression of her own chronic disease, but she also developed a protocol to help others do the same.
29 min
Beyond the Snap, Crackle and Pop w/ Dr. Calla J...
How seeing a chiropractor can help align your body to help all your organ systems work more effectively.