
I read Reddit stories with emotion and with funny voices. My most popular subreddits are r/Prorevenge, r/Entitledparents, and r/Choosingbeggars Subscribe to unlock bonus episodes:

r/Prorevenge I Got My R*cist Landlord FIRED!
<p>r/Prorevenge In today's episode, OP moves into a new apartment with his girlfriend, who's a black woman. They set up a meeting with the apartment manager, who immediately gives the couple attitude and even makes some racially charged remarks about OP and his girlfriend. OP decides that he's not going to take this laying down, so he enacts some prorevenge to destroy his career!</p>
17 min
r/Relationships My Husband Wants Us To Become a...
<p>r/Relationships_Advice In today's episode, OP finds out that her husband has been cheating on her with her best friend. That's when OP's husband does something very surprising: he suggests thatt they upgrade their couple into a throuple! Should OP stick with her marriage and invite another woman into their throuple, or should she abandon ship? Let me hear your thoughts in the comments! If you like this video, follow me for more daily Reddit content!</p>
17 min
r/AmITheA**hole For Becoming a Super Karen To Y...
<p>r/AmITheA**hole When a mother yells at a worker, does that automatically make her a Karen? In today's episode, OP gets in trouble at school for a completely bogus reason, so her mom comes to the school to yell at the teachers for being so stupid and backwards with their rules. Is this an instance where being a Karen is justified? If you like this episode, follow for more daily Reddit content!</p>
17 min
r/TIFU I Accidentally Hatched 1,000s of Black W...
<p>r/Tifu OP's daughter asked to capture a black widow egg sac so she could watch it hatch. OP agrees, and seals the egg sac in an airtight container. At least... she THOUGHT it was an airtight container. Turns out the container had a little hole in it big enough for black widow baby spiders to escape into OP's bedroom. Oops! Let's hope OP is still alive after that huge TIFU! If you like this episode, follow for more daily Reddit content!</p>
15 min
r/Prorevenge Karen Was Rude To Me, So I Talked ...
<p>r/Prorevenge In today's episode, OP gets the ultimate revenge against an incredibly rude Karen. Early in OP's career, she applies to a business where Karen works, and Karen was extremely rude and dismissive of OP. Much later, OP ends up getting a job at another company that is a client of Karen's company. So, OP fires Karen and her whole company, which costs Karen's company huge $$$! If you like this content, follow for more daily Reddit episodes!</p>
11 min
r/Maliciouscompliance "Just Use A Forklift" "Su...
<p>r/Maliciouscompliance In today's story, OP works at a warehouse that has a smaller office building inside the workhouse. OP's boss tells him to destroy the smaller building with a forklift. Malicious compliance activated! OP drives the forklift into the building, which destroys the plumbing and causes the warehouse to flood, resulting in hundreds of thousands of dollars in damage. The best par tis that OP couldn't get in trouble for it, because his boss told him to! If you like this episode, follow my podcast for more daily Reddit content!</p>
15 min
r/Choosingbeggars My Roommate Wants Me to Buy T...
<p>r/Choosingbeggars In today's story, OP was nice enough to let his friend live with him for free while he got back on his feet. Was his friend grateful for this? NOPE! Instead, he complained about OP's house and sent OP links to other houses for OP to buy that are more suitable for his tastes. So, one free house wasn't enough for this choosing beggar. He wants to choose a different, nicer free place to stay! If you like this content, follow my podcast for more daily Reddit episodes!</p>
16 min
r/Talesfromtechsupport I Accidentally Made The ...
<p>r/Talesfromtechsupport This user made one of the biggest mistakes possible with industrial printers. They didn't change the toner tray correctly, which caused it to EXPLODE all over the office, which covered the entire room in a fine black powder that stains absolutely everything. Maybe this user should have left printer repair to the professionals. If you like this episode, follow my podcast for more daily Reddit content!</p>
16 min
r/Entitledparents WHY WON'T YOU PAY FOR MY VACA...
<p>r/Entitledparents In today's episode, OP wins a free vacation as part of a raffle. She knows that if she invites her spoiled sister, her sister will treat it as if it's HER vacation and ruin OP's trip. So, she decides to invite her friend instead. When her sister finds out about the vacation, she completely flips out at OP and basically proves that OP was right to never invite her. If you like this episode, follow me for more daily Reddit content!</p>
13 min
r/Entitledparents Insane Woman DRIVES HER CAR I...
<p>r/Entitledparents In today's story, an entitled mother's kid submits a drawing to a local store for a contest. The store loses the kid's submission, the mother flips out and actually DRIVES HER CAR INTO THE STORE! Yes, literally INTO the store, where people were shopping. This came from a news story, so there's actual video footage of her rampage! If you like this podcast, follow for more Reddit content!</p>
14 min
r/Pettyrevenge I Abandoned My Cheating Boyfrien...
<p>r/Pettyrevenge In today's story, OP finds out that her beloved boyfriend has been cheating on her! But instead of getting mad, she gets even. When he begs for forgiveness, she says that he can prove it by joining her on a hike through a mountain. OP is a seasoned hiker, but her cheating boyfriend doesn't know the first thing about hiking. So, once they get to the top of a 13,000 foot-tall mountain, OP immediately abandons her boyfriend with no water or directions. So long, sucker!</p>
13 min
r/AmITheA**hole For Quitting When My Boss Refus...
<p>r/AmITheA**hole In today's story, OP's boss refused to let her quit. She handed in her resignation, but the boss was like, "Nope, I don't accept it. Guess you have to keep working here, LOL!" There's only one little problem with that: forcing people to work against their will is literally slavery, so OP called him on his BS and just walked out. Does that make OP the butthole? If you like this video, follow my podcast for more daily Reddit content!</p>
14 min
r/Maliciouscompliance How I Tricked My Terrible...
<p>r/Maliciouscompliance In today's episode, OP works at a tech company, and his boss has to come along with him on a ride along. The boss does something incredibly stupid and ends up costing OP and the company a lot of money. So, OP maliciously complies with a command and tells the CEO what happened. Looks like somebody is in trouble! If you liked this video, follow my podcast for more daily Reddit content!</p>
15 min
r/Choosingbeggars Seeking Free House - NEW HOUS...
<p>r/Choosingbeggars Does anybody know of any free houses that I could have? I know that everyone needs a place to live but, frankly, I'm more important than you and I deserve a free house. Oh, and I only want a NEW house! Not some old, run-down house. What do I look like, a poor person? Ha! As if! If you like this video, follow my podcast for more daily Reddit content!</p>
13 min
r/Entitledparents Karen Tries To Steal My House!
<p>r/Entitledparents In today's episode, OP has a crazy encounter with his entitled aunt who actually tries to steal their family home. OP lives in China with his family, but his parents briefly move to America for a few months. While they're away, OP's entitled aunt tries to scam OP's family into giving her their house! They fight against the Karen in court and OP gets sweet justice! Be sure to follow for more daily Reddit content!</p>
14 min
r/Storiesaboutkevin He's So Dumb He ATE GLASS!
<p>r/Storiesaboutkevin In today's episode, OP works at a restaurant and hires the world's DUMBEST employee. Kevin spills a jar of jam, so does he clean it up like a normal person? NOPE! He takes the jam-covered shards of glass and hides it in the food that they serve customers as a way to hide the evidence. When OP confronts Kevin about it, Kevin says that it's totally fine and then tires to prove it by EATING GLASS! He got fired immediately. If you like this episode, follow for more Reddit content!</p>
15 min
r/Askreddit What's the Best "You Have No Power ...
<p>r/Askreddit You fool! You have no power here! Today's Askreddit question has hilarious stories of egotistical people who overreach and think that they will get what they want. Well, surprise! The world doesn't revolve around you, and you should be careful not to make demands from people who don't care about your so-called authority. If you like this episode, follow my podcast for more daily Reddit content!</p>
14 min
r/Relationships My GF Cheated On Me And Got Pre...
<p>r/Relationships_Advice In today's episode, OP gets some truly awful news. He finds out that his girlfriend cheated on him with another man, and got pregnant from it! He wants out of the relationship, but he's surprised that all of his friends and even his family is pressuring him to stay with her. Even his own dad is fighting with him that he needs to support her. What should he do? Should he dump his cheating girlfriend, or stick with her? Let me know your thoughts down in the comments!</p>
12 min
r/AmITheA**hole For Refusing To Give A Karen He...
<p>r/AmITheA**hole In today's episode, OP is a waitress and has an encounter with an absolutely awful Karen who tries to make everybody's lives miserable for now reason. Karen's husband leaves OP a $40 tip as a way to apologize for his wife's disgusting behavior. When the Karen finds out, she completely flips out and demands that OP give her the money back. What a disgrace! If you like this video, follow my podcast for more daily Reddit content!</p>
15 min
r/Maliciouscompliance "Ma'am, You Can't Wear Th...
<p>r/Maliciouscompliance What happens when a sexist judge tells a lady lawyer that she can't wear pants in a courtroom? Malicious compliance, of course! The judge simply takes off her pants and treats her long coat as a makeshift dress. Be careful when you make demands of lawyers, because their whole job is malicious compliance! If you like this video, subscribe to my channel for more daily Reddit content!</p>
15 min
r/Entitledparents Stupid Karen Gets HERSELF Arr...
<p>r/Entitledparents How dumb can you possibly be? This Karen gets angry at a neighborhood kid, so she takes pictures of the kid that are EXTREMELY illegal. These types of pictures are so illegal, in fact, that I can't even say the name of the type of pictures they are in this description without getting in trouble with YouTube. Then, she brings the pictures to the authoritties to try to get the kids in trouble. Instead, the cops come and arrest HER for possession of forbidden photos!</p>
16 min
r/Prorevenge Grandma Tricks Greedy Preacher Fro...
<p>r/Prorevenge In today's story, a pair of greedy preachers set their eyes on a sweet old lady's estate as she gets closer and closer to the end of her life. They completely ignore her for years, and show up only to demand that she puts the church to her will. After she passes and the lawyer reads the will, the grandma left a few surprises for the preachers that left them shocked and publicly humiliated! If you like this content, hit the follow button for more daily Reddit content!</p>
15 min
r/Pettyrevenge Karen Called The Cops... And The...
<p>r/Pettyrevenge In today's story, OP was listening to music on his phone in his own house. Karen heard him listening to music, so she did the only logical thing: she called the cops on him. The cops show up and are completely bewildered that she would call the cops on someone listening to music in their own home. Also, it turns out that the lady is parked illegally. Woops! OP and the cops get the final laugh when they tow away the Karen's car!</p>
17 min
r/Choosingbeggars I Don't Want To Catch "The Gay!"
<p>r/Choosingbeggars The woman in today's video has a very unusual fear. She doesn't want to get knee replacement surgery because she's afraid that she might catch something from the knee donor. What is she so afraid of catching? Well, its not a bacteria or a virus, it's... "the gay." Yes, she's afraid that evil, lying doctors will trick her into receiving a knee transplant that will completely change who she's attracted to. If you like this content, follow my podcast for more daily Reddit content!</p>
15 min
r/Askreddit Fast Food Workers, What Is Your "Si...
<p>r/Askreddit On today's episode we have two questions. The first is, "What story do you really want to tell but no one has asked the right question yet?" The second question is, "What is your best, 'Sir, this is a Wendy's' Moment?" So if you're ready for wild stories with insane Karen encounters, then today's Askreddit video is for you! Subscribe to my channel for more daily Reddit videos!</p>
16 min