I read Reddit stories with emotion and with funny voices. My most popular subreddits are r/Prorevenge, r/Entitledparents, and r/Choosingbeggars Subscribe to unlock bonus episodes: https://anchor.fm/rslash/subscribe
r/Prorevenge My Boss Fired Me, So I Destroyed H...
<p>r/Prorevenge In today's episode, OP is a high-ranking official at a company, but things take a turn for the worst when the company takes on a new CEO. OP realizes that the CEO is going to try to fire and replace him, so OP intentionally sabotages the company. Enjoy your multi-million dollar company while you can, because pretty soon you're going to be bankrupt! If you like this content, be sure to subscribe for more daily Reddit videos!</p>
14 min
r/Relationships My Young Nephew Keeps Trying To...
<p>r/Relationships_Advice In today's episode, OP is confronted with a real pickle (so to speak). Her young teenage nephew has suddenly developed a huge crush on her, and he's begun to act in really inappropriate ways around her. He makes flirty comments, takes opportunities to touch her, and tries to be around her as much as possible. OP wants to behavior to stop, but she doesn't want to ruin the kid's reputation in the family by bringing his parents into it. What should she do?</p>
16 min
r/AmITheA**hole My Parents Made Bets on When I'...
<p>r/AmITheA**hole In today's episode, OP has a confrontation with her bizarre parents. For some reason, her parents are absolutely obsessed with her love life and are terrified that she will become "easy" in college. They call her terribly sexist names, and they even make bets with other members of the family about when she will lose her virginity. OP is pretty sure that her parents are wrong here, but her whole family is against her in this. Is OP the butthole?</p>
14 min
r/Pettyrevenge My Mom Stole My Car, So I Hid De...
<p>r/Pettyrevenge In today's episode, OP's entitled mom decides to steal OP's car, even though OP is the one who made all the payments for it. OP was just a teenager when she first bought the car, so OP's mom was able to trick her by convincing OP to put the car in the mom's name, which enabled her to steal it after OP made the last payment. OP wasn't about to accept this without a fight, so she hid dead fish in the car's upholstery. Enjoy your stinky ride!</p>
16 min
r/AmITheA**hole For Suing My Cousin, Who Stole ...
<p>r/AmITheA**hole In today's episode, OP let's his college-age cousin move in with him. The problem? His cousin thinks that he's a hilarious prankster, when really he's just an annoying little turd. The cousin steals OP's prosthetic leg multiple times and hides it in the attic. Thing eventually hit a boiling point when the cousin accidentally breaks the leg, and then refuses to pay for it. So, OP decides to sue the cousin for the price of a replacement, but now all of his family members are saying he's a butthole. What do you think?</p>
<p>r/Maliciouscompliance In today's episode, OP boss quits, so he thinks that he's up for a new promotion and starts picking up the slack left by his absent boss. He waits, and he waits, but the promotion still hasn't come. When he asks the company owner about it, the owner says that OP isn't qualified for a promotion, but he should still keep doing the boss's work... just without the boss's pay. Yeah, fat chance! Less pay equals less work!</p>
16 min
r/Choosingbeggars Happy Birthday! NOW GIVE ME Y...
<p>r/Choosingbeggars In today's episode, this choosing beggar seems to think that everybody else operates on hobbit rules for birthday. When it's someone else's birthday, they should give you money. Makes sense, right? We've also got morons begging for free art and some jerkface who's upset about kids getting free meals instead of starting to death. If you like this video, subscribe for more daily Reddit content!</p>
15 min
r/Maliciouscompliance Teacher: "Write A 4000 Wo...
<p>r/Maliciouscompliance In today's episode, a stupid teacher tells her students to write a 4,000 word essay on just 1 page. The students are confused because that's basically impossible. After the teacher yells at one of the students, all of the students decide to give the teacher exactly what she asked for and write 4000 words in a super tiny 2-point font. Hope you like reading with a microscope!</p>
<p>r/Entitledparents They say you should never kick someone when they're down. Well, this entitled parent literally kicked a child while she was down. OP broke her ankle during a soccer game, and the entitled mom was so angry that her precious daughter would get red carded that she accused OP of faking the injury and kicked her ankle. That lady is lucky she didn't get clocked!</p>
15 min
r/Idontworkherelady Karen Trashes My Store and ...
<p>r/Idontworkherelady In today's episode, OP owns a tattoo parlor and has a rather unique encounter with a completely insane Karen. After a mild confrontation, the Karen returns to OP's parlor and trashes the store, causing thousands of dollars in damage. The funny thing? Karen gave her personal information to OP's friend right before trashing the parlor, so tracking her down was a piece of cake. Enjoy prison, Karen!</p>
16 min
r/Prorevenge They Took My Dog, So I Took Their ...
<p>r/Prorevenge In today's episode, OP lives next to the neighbor from hell. The trashy mom and her spoiled kids basically try to steal everything they can from OP's family: toys, food, even electricity! They literally run an extension cord from OP's house to theirs so they can enjoy a free electric bill. The trashy family finally takes things too far when they kidnap OP's family dog, so OP goes full John Wick and has CPS take the woman's kids away. Never mess with another person's dog!</p>
13 min
r/AmITheA**hole For Going Full Karen And Gettin...
<p>r/AmITheA**hole Look, I'll be the first to admit that sometimes it's important to go full-Karen to deal with an extremely rude employee. However, how can you tell if you're being a Karen for good or for evil? That's the question we need to address in today's video, where OP gets a hair stylist fired because the stylist called the cops on them. Was OP justified in complaining to get the stylist fired, or is OP just another self-entitled Karen?</p>
16 min
r/Maliciouscompliance How I Got My Boss Fired B...
<p>r/Maliciouscompliance haven't you ever wished that you could get your boss fired? In today's video, OP has an opportunity to do exactly that. OP's smug boss tells him, "Don't help me unless I ask for your help!" Of course, the boss is incredibly incompetent at her job and has no idea what she's doing, so OP happily sits back and watches her crash and burn even though he knows that he could save her. So long, boss! If you like this content, subscribe for more Reddit videos!</p>
16 min
r/Askreddit What's The Biggest Bullet You Dodged
<p>r/Askreddit 2020 has been an absolutely crazy year, but sometimes it's good to remember that things could always be worse... much worse. Listen to these stories of people who have dodged catastrophic mistakes. We have one story from a hitchhiker who was almost abducted, and a kid who discovers a live WWII munitions round in his grandmother's basement. If you like this video, be sure to subscribe for more daily Reddit content!</p>
17 min
r/AmITheA**hole For Making My Young Daughter Li...
<p>r/AmITheA**hole In today's episode, OP discovers her young daughter being incredibly rude to a homeless man. OP decides to show her daughter some tough love by forcing her to live outside in their yard in a tent for a night. This proves to be a very eye-opening experience, and the daughter does a 180 in how she treats homeless people. However, OP's family members believe that OP crossed the line. So, is OP the butthole here?</p>
<p>r/Maliciouscompliance In today's episode, an unbearable entitled mother yells at a babysitter because the babysitter had the audacity to discipline her child. She screamed, "Do NOT parent my kids! You're not their mother!" LOL, sure thing lady. I guess that means the babysitter should just let the kids do whatever they want, right? So don't come crying to the babysitter when the kids absolutely destroy the house with paint and markers!</p>
14 min
r/Choosingbeggars My Boss Fired Me, Then Begged...
<p>r/Choosingbeggars What kind of selfish, clueless jerk do you have to be to fire your employee, and then send that employee a Facebook message begging them to give you money? A choosing beggar, of course! And if you're wondering why the choosing beggar wants free money, it's because she's trying to save her failing business, LOL! Lady, your employees stop caring about your business the second you fire them!</p>
15 min
r/Askreddit What's Your "I Don't Get Paid Enoug...
<p>r/Askreddit Have you ever been at a job and thought to yourself, "These jerks aren't paying me enough to deal with this stuff," and considered quitting? The people in today's Askreddit post certainly have! Enjoy these stories of psychotic customers and unreasonable managers who push everyday workers past their breaking point. Screw this, I quit! If you like this content, be sure to subscribe for more daily Reddit content!</p>
16 min
r/Entitledparents Neighbor DEMANDS I Give Her S...
<p>r/Entitledparents In today's episode, OP was lucky enough to get his hands on a brand new Playstation 5. His neighbors find out about this, and ENTITLED PARENT MODE: ACTIVATE! They start demanding that OP gives his PS5 to their kid for Christmas. OP refuses, so then they tell OP that they promised their kid a PS5 for Christmas, so if he doesn't get one it will completely ruin his Christmas. When OP still refuses, they start trash talking about him to all the neighbors to try to guilt trip him even more. Stay strong, OP!</p>
15 min
r/Prorevenge My Family Tried To Scam Me Out of ...
<p>r/Prorevenge In today's story, OP is very close with his wealthy great aunt, who is getting close to the end. After she passes away, OP goes to the will reading and is surprised to discover that his aunt didn't leave his side of the family much of an inheritance. OP investigates and discovers that the other half of his family tried to scam his half of the family out of their rightful inheritance by illegally tampering with the will. But OP is a lawyer! They messed with the wrong lawyer!</p>
13 min
r/Askreddit What Is Your "F--- It! I'm Done Hel...
<p>r/Askreddit Have you ever been pushed to your breaking point and you lose all will to help other people? The Reddit users in today's video certainly have. These people told stories of times when others pushed them so far past their limit that they snapped and completely stopped providing any help, like a teacher that got scammed out of $2,000 from a lying family, or a woman who pretended to have cancer to get sympathy money. Disgusting!</p>
16 min
r/Tifu By Sucking My Waiter's Finger In A Resta...
<p>r/Tifu What do you get when you mix margaritas with a confusing birthday celebration? A truly awkward finger-sucking experience. The waiter was trying to put whipped cream on OP's nose as part of their happy birthday song, but drunk OP thought, "Oh, I know what to do! I'm supposed to suck whipped cream off his finger!" So, she gobbled this complete stranger's finger into her mouth in the middle of a crowded restaurant.</p>
14 min
r/Talesfromtechsupport "I Printed Out The Websi...
<p>r/Talesfromtechsupport In today's episode, OP has to deal with a real head-scratcher. A customer calls up complaining that website links don't work. OP checks out the website in question and the links seem to be working just fine for him. After investigating further, OP realizes that the customer printed out the website and was trying to click the links on the paper pages with her finger. Issue resolved: Customer is a complete idiot!</p>
13 min
r/AmITheA**hole For Mocking My Trans "Daughter?"
<p>r/AmITheA**hole In today's video, OP has a trans child who is trying to establish a new identity for herself. OP's ex-wife, however, refuses to accept her child's transition and keeps referring to her as "he/him." Things eventually boil over when OP's ex-wife tricks her daughter and cuts her long hair really short to be closer to a boy's haircut.</p>
17 min
r/Pettyrevenge "LET ME ROB YOU OR I'M CALLING T...
<p>r/Pettyrevenge The lady in today's story is a real nut job. This thief steals from her coworkers, and OP gets sick of it. So, OP comes up with a devious plan to catch the thief red-handed. OP creates a trap wallet filled with glitter and powdered food coloring, so when the thief opens the wallet, it explodes all over her hands! The thief becomes furious about this and demands that management call the cops on OP for not letting her steal in peace! WTF?</p>