
I read Reddit stories with emotion and with funny voices. My most popular subreddits are r/Prorevenge, r/Entitledparents, and r/Choosingbeggars Subscribe to unlock bonus episodes:

r/Relationships My Priest Blackmailed Me To Sle...
<p>r/Relationships_Advice OP's fiancé is close friends with a priest. That priest gives OP some major creepy vibes. OP's fiancé convinces her to confide in the priest, so she does. Then, the priest turns around and uses the confessional to blackmail her into sleeping with him. "Either sleep with me, or I'll tell your fiancé what you confessed to me!"</p>
16 min
r/AmITheA**hole For Tattooing My Baby?
<p>r/AmITheA**hole In today's story, OP is the mother of twins. One of the twins has a medical condition that requires weekly medication. If the other twin takes this medication by mistake, it could result in severe health problems for both babies. So, at the recommendation of her doctor, OP decides to tattoo a tiny freckle on one of the boy's ears. OP's in-law freaks out when she found out, leaving OP to wonder if she was the butthole for doing this.</p>
16 min
r/Maliciouscompliance "I CHEATED ON YOU, SO GIV...
<p>r/Maliciouscompliance The lady in today's video cheats on her husband, and then expects her husband to just hand over his car while he continues to make payments on it! Their conflict come to a peak when the wife demands that OP comes to pick up all of his stuff. Malicious compliance activated! I guess that means the car too, sweetheart!</p>
15 min
r/Choosingbeggars "Your Baby Died? THEN GIVE ME...
<p>r/Choosingbeggars People on this subreddit have a reputation for being truly horrible people, but the woman in today's post is one of the worst of the worst. After a new mother tragically loses her child, this choosing beggar starts harassing the woman on the phone, demanding that the mother hand over her leftover baby clothes and toys. That's just pure evil! If you like this content, subscribe for more daily Reddit videos!</p>
15 min
r/Entitledparents I Gave My Wife $1,000,000... ...
<p>r/Entitledparents In today's episode, OP takes over his lazy wife's business and grows it from a $100k business into a $1 million business. So how does his selfish wife reward him? By calling the cops on him! She reports him to child protective services, accusing him of abusing their own daughter. This is a total lie, of course, and now OP has to prove it to the policy. And you know what the crazy thing is? Throughout all this, the wife still expects the husband to keep working at her business and keep making $1,000,000 for her!</p>
15 min
r/Prorevenge I Cost My Evil Landlord Over $100,000
<p>r/Prorevenge In today's episode, OP has an evil landlord who doesn't care at all about his health, safety, or happiness. The landlord doesn't follow the proper protocols, which results in OP being exposed to asbestos, and his house being damaged. The landlord and her construction worker try to sweep the abuse under the rug, but OP turns the tables on them and hits them with a bill for well over $100,000!</p>
14 min
r/Confession I Accidentally Murdered A Man In F...
<p>r/Confession In today's episode, OP was driving his car through a familiar neighborhood. He looked down at his radio for just a moment, and when he looked back up an old man was walking across the street. He couldn't stop in time, and he ended up killing the old man. Luckily for OP, the collision was ruled an accident, so he didn't have to spend any time in prison. He's never told another soul about this horrible event, but now he's confessing anonymously on the Internet to get it off his chest.</p>
14 min
r/Talesfromthefrontdesk I Told An Adult Custome...
<p>r/Talesfromthefrontdesk What happens when you tell a spoiled adult customer that she can't listen to loud music in the hotel lobby? She calls her mommy on you! Then her mommy drives all the way to your hotel to yell at your manager about how rude you were to her precious daughter. Can you imagine how insanely entitled you have to be call your mommy on a complete stranger?</p>
21 min
r/Tifu By Eating 8 Fiber Bars and Farting NONSTOP
<p>r/Tifu In today's episode, OP gets really hungry and decides to eat a fiber bar, and then another, and then another until he's eaten 8 fiber bars. The next day, he and his cousins go on a long road trip. That's when trouble strikes. Those 8 fiber bars have transformed OP into farting machine, generating the most putrid gas that has ever been experienced, with OP letting one rip about once every 30 seconds or so.</p>
16 min
r/AmITheA**hole For Refusing to Give My Wifi Pa...
<p>r/AmITheA**hole In today's episode, OP has an incredibly selfish neighbor who also has a very sweet young daughter. The neighbor is too poor for internet, which means that her daughter can't do her homework. OP gives his password to the neighbor's daughter on the condition that the daughter doesn't share it with anyone else, but his neighbor forces the daughter to cough it up. Then, the neighbor shared the password with the whole neighborhood!</p>
16 min
r/Choosingbeggars GIVE ME YOUR ONLYFANS FOR FRE...
<p>r/Choosingbeggars We've got a really bizarre choosing beggar in today's video. The guy starts by begging for discounts to a beautiful young lady's lewd pictures. When she turns him down, he calls her ugly, fat, and a long laundry list of insults. Dude, if you thought she was unattractive... then why on earth are you begging for her naughty pictures?!</p>
15 min
r/Entitledparents "GIVE MY SON YOUR PLAYSTATION...
<p>r/Entitledparents In today's episode, Karen goes out shopping for a PS5 to give to her precious little angel. Unfortunately, PS5s are in hot demand right now, so the store was all sold out. OP managed to buy the last one, so Karen does the only logical thing: she tries to buy OP's console for less than he just purchased it. When that doesn't work, she tries to steal it from him... twice!</p>
16 min
r/Maliciouscompliance I Got My Toxic Boss Fired...
<p>r/Maliciouscompliance What happens when a boss asks an employee to do something obviously unethical, and possibly illegal? Sure thing boss, but only after you sign the document to prove that you approved it! The idiotic and toxic boss in today's video basically signed his own death warrant by telling a worker to do something illegal, and the worker was more than happy to maliciously comply</p>
16 min
r/Prorevenge My Girlfriend Stole My Car And Bea...
<p>r/Prorevenge In today's episode, OP dated a pretty local girl before he got sent off for military deployment. While he was away, his girlfriend broke into his apartment and stole his car! Then, she repainted it hot pink and parked it at her family's house. When OP tried to get it back, her whole family beat him up! But OP is a military guy and isn't afraid of a fight, so he eventually got his sweet revenge!</p>
13 min
r/Askreddit What's The Craziest Butterfly Effec...
<p>r/Askreddit We've all heard of the butterfly effect, how one tiny little decision can snowball into a life-changing events. The people in this story describe the butterfly effects in their lives, like one person who avoided certain death just because he wanted to drink a cup of coffee, or another person who was born just because his mom pushed the wrong button at work. If you like this video, subscribe for more daily Reddit content!</p>
20 min
r/F***youkaren Racist Karen Thinks Only Asians ...
<p>r/F***youkaren There's stupid, and then there's Karen stupid. In today's episode, an incredibly stupid Karen gets angry at an Asian person for putting on a mask ask Karen approaches. The Karen is shocked to think that an Asian person would be scared of getting the virus from here, a white lady. Apparently, Karen thinks that the virus is as racist as she is!</p>
15 min
r/Idontworkherelady Karen Yells At Manager to F...
<p>r/Idontworkherelady In today's episode, OP is in a wheelchair and was out shopping. OP ends up in an unfortunate encounter with an entitled Karen, who thinks that OP works there. Things escalate when OP runs over Karen's foot with her wheelchair, resulting in the Karen completely flipping out and demanding that the store fire OP -- even though OP doesn't work there! For more daily Reddit content, subscribe to my channel!</p>
15 min
r/Askreddit Lawyers, What Was Your "HOLD IT!" M...
<p>r/Askreddit Are you ready for some intense court room drama? These lawyers of Reddit recount times when they absolutely knew they would instantly win the case. They catch liars on the stand, unveil dramatic evidence, and discover funny information that completely changes the case. Iff you like this video, be sure to subscribe for more daily Reddit content!</p>
20 min
r/AmITheA**hole My Spouse Wants Me To Throw Awa...
<p>r/AmITheA**hole In today's story, OP and her husband use a body pillow named DMZ-chan to keep the peace in the bedroom at night when they sleep. When her mother-in-law sees the body pillow, OP's husband immediately starts pressuring OP to get rid of the body pillow, but OP refuses! The body pillow saved their marriage! How could she betray DMZ-chan like that?</p>
17 min
r/Maliciouscompliance "YOU'RE IN AMERICA, SPEAK...
<p>r/Maliciouscompliance In today's episode, OP gets tired of entitled Karens telling him to speak American when he's in America. So, he visits the local Native American tribe and asks them to teach him how to respond in their native tongue. Turns out that those racists weren't prepared for that malicious compliance! If you like this video, subscribe for more daily Reddit posts!</p>
16 min
r/Prorevenge Karen Scammed My Family For $100,0...
<p>r/Prorevenge This epic tale of revenge puts a farm girl against a city-slicker scammer. The scammer fools OP's family once and steals over $100,000 from her family. Years pass, and OP stumbles upon a chance for truly epic revenge when she catches the scammer red-handed in one of her illegal schemes. This time, there's going to be a lot of angry people and cops involved!</p>
18 min
r/Relationships My Partner Won't Stop Farting A...
<p>r/Relationships_Advice WHY WON'T HE STOP FARTING?! In today's video, OP has a husband who just won't. stop. farting! It makes everything in her life smell terrible. The odor clings to him, his clothes, his bed, and every little thing in their house. She loves her husband, but the nonstop farting is tearing their relationship apart. What can she do to fix this stinky problem?</p>
17 min
r/Maliciouscompliance Be Careful What You Wish ...
<p>r/Maliciouscompliance In today's episode, a company implements a bizarre policy that requires employees to travel across the country to admit to tell their boss why they missed sales targets. The company pays for all of that travel and accommodation. So, OP buys train tickets and hotel rooms to travel hundreds of miles to tell his boss that he quits!</p>
15 min
r/Entitledparents Insane Woman Gets Caught Hitt...
<p>r/Entitledparents Why does it seem like every entitled Karen out there seems to think that the rules just don't apply to them? That they can just do whatever they want, to whomever they want with no consequences? Well this Karen realizes the hard way that you can't put your hands on minors and get away with it! If you like this video, subscribe for more daily Reddit stories!</p>
16 min
r/Choosingbeggars WHY WON'T ANYBODY BUY ME A NE...
<p>r/Choosingbeggars What is wrong with you people? Why won't anybody buy this entitled Karen a new iPhone? After all, she deserves it more than you since she has very important classes to attend, and she NEEDS a new iPhone! AND NO SAMSUNGS! Samsungs are for poor people (according to her), and begging on Facebook for free stuff doesn't make this choosing beggar poor at all!</p>
16 min