I read Reddit stories with emotion and with funny voices. My most popular subreddits are r/Prorevenge, r/Entitledparents, and r/Choosingbeggars Subscribe to unlock bonus episodes: https://anchor.fm/rslash/subscribe
r/Maliciouscompliance I Cost My Boss $3,500,000...
<p>r/Maliciouscompliance In today's episode, OP's factory enacts an incredibly stupid new policy that requires them to lock down dozens of machines to do simple, 10-minute repair jobs. OP warns his boss that this will be a pointlessly expensive procedure, but his boss tells him to just do as he's told. OK, boss, sure thing! OP follows his orders and shuts down half the factory to fix one tiny little part, costing the company $3,500,000. Oops!</p>
16 min
r/Maliciouscompliance White Customer Screams at...
<p>r/Maliciouscompliance In today's episode, a southern boy walks into a tech store to get his computer serviced. The customer is shocked to see that a woman is behind the desk, so he demands to see the manager. The manager turns out to be a black man, which makes the customer even angrier, so he starts screaming at all of the employees. They call the cops, and this piece of trash gets arrested!</p>
<p>r/Choosingbeggars Are you ready for an exciting new career with CHOOSING BEGGARS INCORPORATED?! We've got a great new job opening for a qualified candidate who has a PhD and 20 years of work experience. The pay is only $0 to start, but if you work here you will be rewarded with a sense of pride and accomplishment!</p>
15 min
r/Entitledparents My Spoiled Step-Mom Expects M...
<p>r/Entitledparents OP's father married a random US citizen so that he could stay in America and operate his business. OP's father and his wife didn't love each other at all, but he paid her a yearly salary in exchange for the marriage so he could keep his green card. When OP's father passes away, the lady freaks out and starts demanding that OP pay her a salary because "it's what he would have wanted." No, lady, that's what YOU want. What OP wants is to cut you out of her life forever!</p>
14 min
r/Entitledparents Selfish Mother Gives Her Litt...
<p>r/Entitledparents In today's story, OP works at a house sitting / pet sitting business, and she gets hired to watch a dog for a week. When OP shows up at the house, she's shocked to discover that an actual human child is waiting for her in the house, and the parents have already left! The mother actually hired a pet sitting service to care for a little girl for several weeks. What kind of irresponsible parent do you have to be to just hand over your child to a complete stranger like that?</p>
11 min
r/Prorevenge My Brother Harassed Me, So I Took ...
<p>r/Prorevenge In today's story, OP inherits $300,000 from her grandparents with the directive that she splits it with her full siblings. The will wasn't written very clearly, which means that OP was under no obligation to give any money to her half-siblings. When her half-brothers start harassing her and become incredibly greedy, OP just laughs at them and keeps all the remaining inheritance for herself.</p>
13 min
r/Relationships My Boyfriend Is Turning Me Into...
<p>r/Relationships_Advice In today's story, OP is an Asian girl who's in a relationship with a white guy. OP's boyfriend starts buying anime cosplay outfits for OP to wear in the bedroom, and things just keep escalating. The thing that bothers OP so much is that she isn't even Japanese -- she's Taiwanese, so she finds it disrespectful that he's constantly trying to make her look like Japanese characters. What should she do?</p>
13 min
r/Askreddit What's The Strangest Thing That Hap...
<p>r/Askreddit What's the strangest thing that's happened to you that you can't explain? We've all had weird moments in our lives that seem to defy logic, but the Reddit users in this thread have some truly bizarre stories. One user followed a mysterious voice and ended up saving the life of a lost little girl. Another user got into a car crash, causing his car to do a full barrel-roll flip. The crazy thing is that both he and his car were fine -- he was only 30 minutes late to work!</p>
14 min
r/AmITheA**hole My Nephew Set My House On Fire ...
<p>r/AmITheA**hole In today's episode, OP allows his nephew and his family to stay with him in his house after they lose their jobs due to 2020 craziness. What does the teenage nephew do to show his gratitude? Immediately set OP's bathroom on fire for a TikTok! OP did the next logical thing: he kicked his nephew and his family out of his house because -- you know -- setting a person's house on fire is kind of a deal breaker.</p>
12 min
r/Pettyrevenge How A Waitress Got Revenge Again...
<p>r/Pettyrevenge In today's episode, a selfish Karen tries to scam a restaurant out of free drinks by claiming the drinks were made wrong -- after she finished drinking 95% of the drink. The bartender and waitress conspire to get some petty revenge by intentionally making her drink wrong this time around to see if the snobby customer would even notice. If you like this content, be sure to subscribe for more daily Reddit stories!</p>
14 min
r/AmITheA**hole My Abusive Foster Mom Wants My ...
<p>r/AmITheA**hole In today's episode, OP tragically lost his parents, so he gets put into the foster care system. He forms a close bond with a foster mom, who later dies and leaves OP $50,000. The next foster mom finds out about OP's money and starts pressuring OP to give her all of his money. OP thinks that maybe he should because the new foster mom is giving him a home, so he feels like he owes her. Is he the butthole for holding out?</p>
15 min
r/Maliciouscompliance My Horrible Boss Dared Me...
<p>r/Maliciouscompliance When will bosses ever learn that they need us more than we need them. The boss in today's story doesn't seem to understand that basic fact, because he tells OP to quit if he hates his job so much. OP happily agrees, and leaves the boss hanging during one of their busiest periods. In just a few hours, the boss calls OP back begging to him to come back to work. Too bad, so sad. See ya later!</p>
16 min
r/Choosingbeggars "You Want Me To PAY For The P...
<p>r/Choosingbeggars In today's episode, OP is trying to sell an old computer for a mere $2 bucks. What could possibly be wrong with such an incredible deal? Is the choosing beggar upset that the computer is too expensive? No -- the opposite! The choosing beggar expects OP to give the choosing beggar money to come take the computer. This choosing beggar literally believes that free is too expensive!</p>
14 min
r/Entitledparents Insane Mom Tries To Poison A ...
<p>r/Entitledparents In today's episode, OP is attending the wedding of a woman who has an absolutely nutso mother. The mom constantly wants to make the wedding about her instead of the bride, and goes behind the bride's back to change flowers, seating arrangements, etc. Things eventually go too far when the mother adds coconut icing to the wedding cake when the bride is extremely allergic to coconut! Luckily, OP and his friends were able to foil the mom and make her miss the wedding entirely.</p>
13 min
r/Prorevenge How I Destroyed A Karen's Illegal ...
<p>r/Prorevenge OP runs a salon out of her house, but she has to temporarily shut down her business once the quarantine hits. A nasty Karen on Facebook decides that OP is still operating her business illegally, so Karen reports OP to the authorities. This pisses off OP, so she does some digging of her own and finds out that Karen also runs an in-house salon service, and she's operating it illegally! OP reports the business to the cops and watches as Karen's business crumbles.</p>
14 min
r/Askreddit What's The Craziest Crime Someone I...
<p>r/Askreddit In today's Ask Reddit question, Reddit users reveal the craziest crimes committed by their family members. One guy found out that his wife was cheating on him with his best friend, so he barricaded the doors to the house and set it on fire, burning the two lovers alive. Another person stole a two-story-tall inflatable cow from her work. If you like this content, be sure to subscribe for more Reddit stories!</p>
17 min
r/Idontworkherelady Power Tripping Security Gua...
<p>r/Idontworkherelady In today's episode, OP endures an ongoing power struggle with an absolutely insane security guard. For some reason, the security guard gets it in his head that OP is a hospital employee and is parking in an area where hospital employees can't park. The guard takes extreme steps to try to thwart OP, including chaining a cinder block to OP's car to prevent her from leaving. OP just picks up the cinder block, puts it in her car, and drives off, LOL!</p>
15 min
r/Storiesaboutkevin Idiotic Kevin Thinks All Do...
<p>r/Storiesaboutkevin I've read a lot of stories about some incredibly dumb people, but this Kevin is pretty far out there. For some strange reason, this Kevin thinks that all big dogs such as pit bulls, retrievers, and Rottweilers are boy dogs. He also thinks that all small dogs like poodles and yorkies are girl dogs. Dude, you need to go back to biology class. If you like this content, hit the subscribe button for more daily Reddit videos!</p>
15 min
r/AmITheA**hole For Firing My Spoiled Son After...
<p>r/AmITheA**hole In today's episode, OP hires his teenage son at his wife's suggestion. OP owns a warehouse where clients pay him to store and safeguard their property. When OP moves in a shipment of computers to guard, one computer mysteriously goes missing. OP's son claims that another coworker stole the computer, but after checking the security footage OP realizes that his own son was the thief. He fired his son on the spot, but now OP's family thinks that he's the butthole.</p>
16 min
r/Maliciouscompliance How A Stupid Karen Got He...
<p>r/Maliciouscompliance In today's episode, a high-ranking executive at a large company decides that she doesn't need mandatory training because she's just too important and has too many things to do! OP is happy to accommodate her, even though it was Karen's boss who specifically required Karen to take the training. I'm sure this won't come back to bite you in the butt, Karen!</p>
14 min
r/AmITheA**hole For Making My Roommate Wet Hers...
<p>r/AmITheA**hole In today's episode, OP's roommate has a girlfriend who keeps asking to use OP's bathroom in their shared apartment. The problem is that she keeps coming in an annoying times, like when he's trying to sleep. OP eventually gets sick of the constant invasions of privacy and decides to add a lock to the door to keep her out. The problem? His roommate's girlfriend didn't know about the lock, and ends up wetting herself trying to get into OP's bathroom. Now everyone is mad at OP, so is he the butthole?</p>
15 min
r/Maliciouscompliance "I Want Cold, Hard Cash F...
<p>r/Maliciouscompliance In today's episode, OP's grandma has a habit of giving out crazy gifts. Eventually, one young family member gets sick of his grandma's antics and demands that she gives him cold, hard cash for Christmas. Good ol' grandma is happy to comply and gives him $1,000 frozen into a gigantic block of solid ice. You should know by now that you should never mess with grandma!</p>
13 min
r/Choosingbeggars I Got An Iphone 11 For X-Mas....
<p>r/Choosingbeggars It's January, which means Christmases all over the worlds have been ruined by mean, evil parents who refused to buy their parents an Xbox, and a PS5, and the newest iPhone. We even have one poor, innocent child whose parents had the audacity to buy him an iPhone 11 instead of an iPhone 12. Shouldn't this be considered child abuse? If you like this content and want to see more, subscribe for more daily Reddit videos!</p>
14 min
r/Entitledparents "LET ME PET YOUR DOG OR I'M C...
<p>r/Entitledparents OP is minding his own business, walking his dog when an entitled mother and her spoiled kid spot the dog. The kid immediately rushes over to the dog and tries to enter OP's house, but OP stops the child because the dog can be a little aggressive. Naturally, the mother flips out and threatens to call the cops on OP for having an aggressive dog if he doesn't let her child pet it. Later, OP finds the child trying to harass the dog in his own backyard.</p>
15 min
r/Askreddit What's Your Night Shift Horror Story?
<p>r/Askreddit On today's episode we have two askreddit questions: What's the best joke you know? and What are your night shift horror stories? I wanted to include the jokes to lighten the mood at a bit, because some of the horror stories are downright horrifying, disgusting, and creepy. For example, one user who worked at a morgue told a story about a guy who tried to pay them money to let him spend a few hours alone with the freshest corpses. What do you think he wanted to do with them?</p>