I read Reddit stories with emotion and with funny voices. My most popular subreddits are r/Prorevenge, r/Entitledparents, and r/Choosingbeggars Subscribe to unlock bonus episodes: https://anchor.fm/rslash/subscribe
r/Prorevenge Punch Me In The Face? I'll Sue You...
<p>r/Prorevenge In today's episode, OP has a fender bender with an angry person who decides to punch OP in the face. OP decides to get revenge and sues the road rager in court. Let's just say that the court case goes very, very badly for the puncher, because the judge awards OP an $80,000 judgment! Not only does OP bankrupt this douchebag, the court case also gets the guy fired from his job! Oops!</p>
16 min
r/Tifu When My Girlfriend Caught Me Showering W...
<p>r/Tifu OP's girlfriend comes to visit, and the two get physical! After the deed is done, OP goes to take a shower, but his mom is already taking a bath in the same bathroom. OP has a casual relationship with his mom, so he doesn't think it's that big of a deal... until his girlfriend walks into the bathroom butt-naked. I'm not sure who was more shocked: OP, his girlfriend, or his mom!</p>
17 min
r/AmITheA**hole For Calling My White Girlfriend...
<p>r/AmITheA**hole In today's episode, OP is a black man in a relationship with a white woman. As a joke, he calls his girlfriend his "mayo momma" because she's white. He accidentally calls her this in front of her parents, and they completely flip out on him. They say that he's being racist and insensitive, but he thinks that it's perfectly fine because his girlfriend thinks its funny. What do you think?</p>
16 min
r/Maliciouscompliance I Quit By Squirting Ketch...
<p>r/Maliciouscompliance In today's episode, OP's worked at a fast food restaurant, and his horrible boss kept constantly yelling at OP to make more fries. "MAKE MORE FRIES! MAKE MORE FRIES!" When OP made too many, the boss screamed at him for being an idiot and making too many. So, he quit in the most epic way possible: he picked up a ketchup bottle and squirted it right into her face!</p>
16 min
r/Choosingbeggars BUY MY THONG FOR $1000!
<p>r/Choosingbeggars Gentlemen, are you ready for the deal of a lifetime! This bride wants you to pay for her expensive wedding, so she's created an exclusive donation tier package! For the low price of $1,000, you can purchase her bridal thong! And great news: there are even more expensive tiers than that! What other fantastic awards can this woman possibly offer? If you like this video, subscribe for more daily Reddit content.</p>
16 min
r/Askreddit What's The Creepiest Thing You've S...
<p>r/Askreddit In today's episode, we have stories of creepy encounters that people have had while working in scary, remote locations. Ever wonder what it's like to work on at an oil rig when the nearest human is dozens of miles away? And why did OP and his naval buddies encounter bizarre floating lights in the night sky? If you like this video, subscribe for more daily Reddit content!</p>
16 min
r/Storiesaboutkevin What It's Like To Live With...
<p>r/Storiesaboutkevin In today's episode, we have story after story of OP's absolutely moronic roommate. This Kevin likes to hide coffee beans around the house, bake entire oranges, spread toxic chemicals all over the house, and just generally act like a total moron. If you like this video, hit the follow button for more daily Reddit content!</p>
17 min
r/AmITheA**hole For Refusing To Be Friends With...
<p>r/AmITheA**hole OP practices Brazilia Jiu-Jitsu at a local gym. A new guy joins the gym, the the guy is absolutely covered with tattoos from a certain organization that I can't even say the name of on YouTube. Let's just say it starts with the letter "N." OP refuses to train with the guy, and other people in the gym say that OP is being a butthole by being disruptive. Is OP the butthole in this situation?</p>
15 min
r/Pettyrevenge Spoiled Brat Left His Toys All O...
<p>r/Pettyrevenge OP's neighbors are your typical nightmare neighbors. The kids are spoiled brats who treat OP's property as if it belongs to them, and they leave their toys scattered all over OP's yard. One day, the kids just to happen to leave their bike where OP normally leaves behind his trash. Should OP tell the kids that the sanitation workers might throw away their bike? Nah!</p>
15 min
r/Tifu By Asking A Waitress For Her Panties!
<p>r/Tifu In today's story, OP is visiting a foreign country and *thinks* that he has a strong grasp of the native language. Well, it turns out that the word he uses for "bill" is VERY different from the native's use of the word, so when he asks for the bill he accidentally asks the waitress for her panties. She's shocked and embarrassed, leaving OP to wonder why this lady won't just give him the bill!</p>
15 min
r/Maliciouscompliance "ANSWER THE PHONE!" "I'm ...
<p>r/Maliciouscompliance In today's story, OP is faced with a truly frustrating customer service experience. A company requires OP to call in to cancel her subscription service. The problem? OP is deaf! She literally can't communicate with the representative over the phone. Her husband tries to explain that, but it just doesn't matter. They continue to insist to speak to the deaf person on the phone. Idiots!</p>
18 min
r/Entitledparents Karen Gets The Most PAINFUL S...
<p>r/Entitledparents In today's episode, OP goes hiking and comes across a wild Karen in the woods. OP warns Karen about the gympie gympie plant, which has the most painful sting in the world. Karen ignores OP and (of course) gets stung! Don't say I didn't warn you, moron! It's said that the pain from the sting lasts for over a year, so she Karen has plenty of time to think about what she did!</p>
<p>r/Choosingbeggars Is this the single worst job opening in this history of the world? Imagine dedicating your entire life to earning a PhD, and then when you get out of school someone tries to get you to work at a $0/hour job. But don't worry! Once you invent a billion dollar patent that makes your employer rich, THEN they'll start paying you.</p>
16 min
r/Entitledparents My Kids Need A Place To Live,...
<p>r/Entitledparents This poor, struggling mom just wants a place for her babies to live comfortably. So does she go get a job and buy an apartment herself? NOPE! She pressures OP into literally just giving her a house for free. And as a show of gratitude, this entitled mother will *let* OP live in the house that she purchased (in the guestroom, of course). How very gracious of this entitled parent 🙄</p>
18 min
r/Askreddit What's The Pettiest Thing An Adult ...
<p>r/Askreddit Do you remember a time from when you were a child when an adult was a complete douchebag to you for no reason? Today's Askreddit thread is filled with stories of mean adults, terrible parents, and idiotic teachers. They say that you should respect your elders, but let's be honest: a lot of adults just aren't worthy of respect. If like this content, follow for more daily Reddit videos!</p>
17 min
r/Prorevenge How I Destroyed The Life Of My Roo...
<p>r/Prorevenge In today's episode, OP has an absolutely awful roommate who violates their agreement and gives the apartment key to strange men, which puts OP's safety at risk. OP figures that if her roommate is going to put OP's safety at risk, then OP might as well return the favor! She finds a replacement roommate who has a revolving door of strange men coming in every night to give the roommate a taste of her own medicine!</p>
16 min
r/Tifu By Buying a DNA Kit For My Boyfriend's F...
<p>r/Tifu In today's episode, OP thought it would be fun to buy a DNA test for her boyfriend. Well, it turns out that her boyfriend isn't related to his dad... which means that his mom cheated! This leads to the boyfriend looking for his real biological father and finding a lot more than he bargained for. If you enjoyed this episode, follow for more daily Reddit content!</p>
15 min
r/Relationships My Girlfriend is RICH RICH And ...
<p>r/Relationships_Advice OP starts dating this girl, and he can tell from the beginning of their relationship that she has a decent amount of money. She owns nice things and has a pretty nice apartment. But one day, OP discovers that she doesn't even live in that apartment -- she lives in a huge mansion! She's so rich that she pays for an apartment she doesn't live in so that she can appear normal. Are these huge red flags, or did OP hit the jackpot?</p>
<p>r/Talesfromretail In today's episode, a cashier accidentally overcharges a customer by 10 cents, realizes the mistake, and then immediately offers a refund. The customer demands the money be returned to her account, but the store says it will take a few days. So, what does this Karen do over a 10 cent mistake? She starts trashing the store, causing thousands of dollars in damages. The store then sues Karen and wins a $10,000 judgment. Woops!</p>
16 min
r/AmITheA**hole For Refusing To Name My Baby "K...
<p>r/AmITheA**hole OP's wife is about to give birth to a newborn baby girl. OP's wife wants to name the girl "Karen," because it's a family name. OP puts his foot down and refuses to name is daughter Karen. This leads to a blow-up fight between him and his wife, which leaves OP wondering if he's being too harsh about the name. Is growing up as a "Karen" really that bad? If you like this content, be sure to follow for more daily Reddit stories!</p>
16 min
r/Maliciouscompliance [Regret Intensifies]
<p>r/Maliciouscompliance In today's episode, we've got a telemarketer who won't take "no" for an answer, an entitled nurse who won't let OP call off sick, and a moronic teacher who asks his students to overshare in the classroom. What do they all have in common? INSTANT REGRET! If you like this content, follow for more funny Reddit stories!</p>
16 min
r/Choosingbeggars Do You Have Any More Drugs I ...
<p>r/Choosingbeggars In today's episode, OP attends a wedding and leaves her prescription drugs in her purse in a private room. That was apparently a stupid a mistake, because one of the wedding guests breaks into her room, steals her prescription drugs, and then approaches OP to ask if she has any other drugs that he can steal. Normally I'd think someone like this is a moron, but in this case he's probably just high as a kite. If you like this content, follow for more daily Reddit content!</p>
16 min
r/Prorevenge Karen Stole From My Child, So I Ru...
<p>r/Prorevenge The Karen from today's story is one of the worst of the worst. First, Karen's entitled daughter stole family jewelry from OP's daughter. Then, Karen lied and manipulated her friends to steal a wedding dress from them. OP decides that enough is enough and works with her friend to ruin Karen's special day! If you enjoyed today's episode, follow for more Reddit content!</p>
19 min
r/Idontworkherelady They Thought I Worked Here....
<p>r/Idontworkherelady Every once in a while, you come across a truly insane story on Reddit that leaves you wondering if it could possibly be true. Today, we've got one of those stories. OP encounters two absolutely disgusting people at a gas station and intentionally sabotages their car. They later end up in a fatal car crash, which means that OP might have inadvertently killed them. If you like this episode, follow my podcast for more daily Reddit content!</p>
16 min
r/Nuclearrevenge My Teacher Bullied My Family, ...
<p>r/Nuclearrevenge This is a tale of revenge that spans more than three generations, starting more than a hundred years ago. For as long as OP can remember, his entire family has been bullied by an incredibly nasty and cruel teacher and the local school. She started by bullying OP's father, then she bullied OP, and finally she bullied OP's younger brother. OP enacts revenge that leaves her without a job, money, health insurance, and family as she lies dying in her death bed.</p>