Bright Side

Whether you’re into useful tips for self-improvement, psychology, recent discoveries, mysterious stories, or just your day-to-day routine, there’s something for everyone! You can expect all that and more coming at you in five new episodes every day. If you’ve got a thirst for knowledge that never quits, then join our community! We have a good time, so take your shoes off, kick back, and make yourself at home here on the Bright Side of life!

18 Travel Secrets from a Frequent Flyer Few Peo...
Are the letters SSSS on your boarding pass a reason to worry? What is much more dangerous than turbulence? Should you really try to be the first to board the plane? Can airplanes operate with one engine? Find out the coolest facts about planes you've always wanted to know.
8 min
They Found a Treasure That Was Thought to Be Lo...
8 min
Scientists Reveal 13 Signs of Exceptional Intel...
How to understand you are smart? How to become a genius? Here are 13 traits of intelligent people that will help you recognize them without any tests. We usually take IQ tests to measure a person’s mental abilities, but as it’s not always necessary. It’s hard to argue with the fact that some of us are smarter than others (yes, there are so FEW of us). It might be offensive, but it is what it is, and there is no denying it. We usually take IQ tests to measure a person’s mental abilities, but as it turns out, it’s not always necessary! What does it mean if you are a messy person? Can someone lazy be smart? We've got 13 traits of intelligent people that will help you recognize them without any tests. You can use these signs for self-analysis!
10 min
Bizarre Signals from Voyager 1: What Are They?
Voyager 1, which has been traveling through interstellar space for more than 45 years, suddenly began to send strange signals to Earth. Even more bizarre, there are no signs that the probe has broken or anything. Scientists from NASA are desperately trying to find the reason. Thanks to Voyager, we discovered several new moons of Jupiter and a previously unknown system of its rings and learned that Jupiter's famous Red Spot is actually a giant, super-fast storm. So, what could be producing these mysterious signals?
9 min
Is You See a Colored Bag on a Car, Here's What ...
You take good care of your care, but sometimes unpleasant things can happen to it, not because of your fault. If it has become a target for stray animals, you can protect your vehicle with some essential oils, like peppermint, for example, or those made out of cloves and cayenne pepper. There are also little things you can do to keep your car safe in the winter. Its interior needs some extra love and care during the cold season, so a set of all-weather floor mats might be practical. Let's find out how to cope with different problems, from poor visibility to a draining battery.
8 min
What if All People Lost Their Jobs?
Okay - 6 A.M. Alarm. Shower. Coffee. Office. You answer emails, type a program, write, build, design, make calls. Finally – lunch! Do you have time today? Nope, gonna have to skip again – tight deadline on that report. It's already dark outside when you head home and fall into bed, exhausted. Work has become our existence – you’ll spend 1/3 of your life doing it. Though, that statistic is probably higher for many. But what if we take it all away? What if all the jobs just vanished one day?
9 min
12 Sure Ways to Sell Things Online
Have you ever tried to sell something online? And did you succeed at it? Or maybe you had a hard time selling the watch grandma gave you for the graduation that you put on sale because of a “personal financial crisis”? Don’t worry, you’ll be much better at e-commerce once you know the secrets of the trade. For example, there's a trick that marketers have long used to sell products that aren’t exactly the most popular. A free gift or a bonus increases the value of the purchase in the eyes of the buyer. For example, when you’re selling a laptop, offer a flash drive or headphones as a gift. And be sure to mention the bonus in the beginning of your ad!
9 min
Can Sharks Smell Blood from Miles Afar?
The chances that one day you will encounter a shark are minuscule, small, shall we say, teeny tiny. And still, there are dozens of frightening myths surrounding these creatures, even though most of them are misconceptions. For example, everybody knows that sharks have a very developed sense of smell that’s hundreds of times stronger than yours. It's probably no wonder that sharks can detect tiny amounts of different substances in the water, right? But what about the belief that sharks can smell a drop of blood from miles away? Is it true? And how much time will you need to get back to the safety of the beach and get a band-aid if you, say, cut your foot on a sharp stone while swimming in the ocean?
9 min
Scientists Are Drilling a Giant Hole in the Ear...
Scientists are embarking on a wild adventure that involves drilling a ginormous hole in the Earth's crust! It holds all sorts of juicy information about our planet's history. By drilling into it, scientists can uncover clues about ancient climates, the evolution of life, and even the formation of mountains. Imagine the excitement as they descend deeper and deeper, discovering hidden rock formations, unraveling Earth's secrets, and high-fiving each other like victorious explorers. It's like being on a roller coaster ride into the Earth's unknown depths, except instead of screaming in fear, they're screaming in scientific delight!
8 min
Mysterious Faces Keep Appearing on the Floor of...
Picture this: a small village in Spain, where something utterly bizarre starts happening. Mysterious faces begin to appear on the floor of a humble kitchen, as if the walls themselves have come alive! They're eerie, ghostly images that seem to taunt and surprise the villagers. People were both fascinated and freaked out, with theories ranging from supernatural spirits to mischievous ghosts having a laugh. The Belmez faces remain an unsolved enigma, a chilling reminder that sometimes reality can be stranger than fiction.
8 min
If You See This Creature, Never Touch It!
In the realm of wonders, behold the enigmatic dangerous Spider! Its appearance, akin to a mesmerizing fusion of coin and Oreo, lures unsuspecting souls. However, heed this cautionary tale: resist its beguiling charm! For within its delicate embrace lies a perilous enigma, forever tempting the curious. Tread lightly, dear adventurer, and let this mystic creature remain untouched, for its secrets are not for mortal hands to hold!
17 min
If You See This Cloud in the Sky, Be Careful
You're gazing up at the sky, and suddenly, you spot some seriously spooky clouds rolling in. Cue the eerie music! Now, these mysterious clouds can often be a sign that Mother Nature is up to some mischief. It's like she's putting on her favorite Halloween costume and ready to give us all a thrill. So, when you see those dark, ominous clouds lurking overhead, get ready for a wild weather ride! Sometimes, these eerie clouds can be a harbinger of a storm brewing. But it could also mean other spooky things.
2 min
I Asked AI to Control My Life, Here's What Happ...
Imagine waking up in the morning and your AI companion, has already brewed your perfect cup of coffee, chosen your outfit based on the weather, and planned your entire day to maximize productivity and fun. With AI in charge, decisions become a piece of cake! Techy knows your preferences, your quirks, and can make choices that perfectly align with your desires. However, there's a flip side to this AI-powered adventure. You might start to miss the spontaneity and surprises that come with human decision-making.
2 min
If You Find a Water Bottle on Your Car, Go to a...
Danger might await you anywhere, so you'd better be prepared for anything! Here are some easy but very important tips on how to recognize the red flags and know what to do when you see them. If you find a shirt wrapped around one of your windshield wipers in the supermarket parking lot, get into your car as quickly as possible and drive away. Find a well-lit spot and only then stop and toss the shirt out. It's just one out of many new tricks criminals use these days.
8 min
What If We Split Earth Into Water And Rock Planets
Let's imagine that our Earth has turned into two separate planets sharing one orbit. Could we survive on any of them? And what would our life be like? Let's call these hypothetical planets "Rock" and "Water." Since there would be no oceans on "Rock," all see creatures would disappear, and there would not be enough for us to survive. Would life be any better on "Water?" Let's see!
8 min
11 Сar Tricks That Can Save You from Big Troubl...
Are you a new driver, or do you already have some experience, but you still have uncomfortable situations on the road? There are some simple tips for car owners that will save you a lot of money and time. If you need to replace a wheel, but the wrench doesn’t seem long enough for that, you can extend it by using a tube. If your engine boils because of heat or some technical issue, turn on the stove at maximum temperature and let the heat from the engine move inside the car. In case there’s an air leak in your tire, and you don’t have a proper repair kit in your trunk, don’t remove the entire wheel to be able to move. You can use a screw to close up the leak.
7 min
Why People in Singapore Are So Rich These Days
What do you know about Singapore? This place is one of the three city-states that exist nowadays. It consists of 63 small islands in Southeast Asia, and it's one of the most progressive countries in the world. Singapore imports everything, from fresh water to sand, because it doesn't have its own natural resources. But that doesn't prevent the country from having an impressive number of rich people. Every sixth Singapore resident has more than $1 million in assets. This is the highest concentration of millionaires on the planet! At the same time, Singapore is the least corrupt country in Asia. Today, you'll find out the amazing story behind its incredible success!
9 min
30+ Unusual Cooking Tricks Even Pros Don't Know
For most people, cooking is a tedious task, and cooking well seems undoable and intimidating. But that's only unless you know several cooking tricks that can turn you into a real foodie! Did you know, for example, how to make potato chips easily, fast, and, more importantly, on your own, with the help of a microwave? Or how to save burgers from crumbling apart when they're on the grill? Or how to cook crystal clear chicken broth? Some of the tricks may seem bizarre or downright crazy at first, but once you try them, you won't believe you used to prepare your meals without them!
9 min
13 Ways to Show Cats Love In Their Language
Having a cat is awesome, and sometimes you just want them to know how much you love them. Luckily, there are tons of ways you can express your affection in their language. For example, you can blink slowly. I know it may seem strange but that's what cats do when they feel relaxed and at peace.
9 min
Why the Bermuda Triangle Is Never on a Map
The Bermuda Triangle is one of the most famous mysterious places on Earth. Scientists still can't estimate how many ships and airplanes were lost there. And it keeps us wondering if those disappearances resulted from human error or weather phenomena. The Bermuda Triangle does not appear on any world map or has exact boundaries. Legends about this area date back to the 15th century, and one of them has to do with Christopher Columbus himself!
9 min
Hidden Features in 34 Things You Use Every Day
Sometimes, after we’ve been using something for many years, we find out that it has some other useful features. For example, a hole in the center of a spaghetti spoon exists not only to strain water but also to measure a portion of spaghetti. That hole fits exactly one serving. From your coffee lid and a donut to black dots on car windows to the escalator grooves, there are many overlooked particulars about things surrounding you that actually serve a useful purpose you had no idea about. Get ready to discover the secrets of things and their decorative details that can actually be very useful!
10 min
Airborne Chronicles Epic Tales from the Skies
13 min
Not All Icebergs Are White: What Makes Them Rai...
The ocean covers 70 percent of the planet's surface, and we've only explored around 20% of it so far. Back in March 2019, scientists stumbled upon one of the most baffling phenomena ever: a small lake that was upside-down! If you ever check out the ocean surface during sunset and sunrise, you might get lucky enough to see green flashes. In the depths of the Pacific Ocean, there's a mysterious singing whale, which scientists have yet to fully understand. Let's travel into the depths together to try to uncover some of the world ocean's secrets.
8 min
The World Without Chicken Eggs, What Is It?
Have you ever thought about this eternal dilemma: what came first – a chicken or an egg? And what will disappear first? If all the chicken eggs on the planet disappeared, humanity would lose the omelet and delicious pastries. But the worst thing would be that the chickens would lose the ability to reproduce. Let's see what other scary things would happen to the world without chicken eggs!
9 min
A Huge Hole in the Lake Hides an Underwater Town
What are sinkholes? Are they dangerous? Sinkholes can turn a quiet pleasant canoe trip into a struggle for survival. It’s as if some great beast opens its mouth, wraps its watery tentacles around you, and pulls you deeper…and deeper… Wow! That’s too scary! Okay, what secrets do sinkholes hide? Are they as mysterious as they seem? One of the largest underwater holes in the world is the Great Blue Hole. For a long time, people believed it was created by an ancient civilization. The thing is that it's perfectly round. That's why some people still believe it has an artificial origin and once served as storage for something mysterious… By the way, in 1971, famous researcher and traveler Jacques Cousteau went down the sinkhole. Wanna know what he discovered?
7 min